The Balance: Darkness Unchained (The Chaotic. Order Book 1)

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The Balance: Darkness Unchained (The Chaotic. Order Book 1) Page 9

by Richardson, James

  "Why its empty," Nicky said perplexed.

  "It may seem that way to you but there's a sleeping gobfin in there."

  "And we like to keep it that way," John finished for her as he stepped through the curtain. Nicky's eyed the man surly this wasn't the man Garzela had sent her to grow close to. Her eyes roamed from his honey blonde hair, to his dark blue eyes, his fine chiseled face. Fighting herself from biting her lip as her eyes roamed lower. To his tight midnight blue T-shirt, with an logo of some ancient symbol she couldn't place. Nicky drank in his form hungrily sending silent prayers of thanks to Garzela. "Who's this," John said looking over his shoulder.

  "My new partner," Catherine said from behind him.

  "Oh so they seem to stamp you Detectives out like toy soldiers," John joked. "John Adams," he said holding out his hand.

  "Nicky Marsh," she said shaking his hand. There was something about him that she could not put her finger on, yet her senses told her to be weary. "I'm told that it was you that sent that thing back to wherever it was."

  "Yes," John said arching an eyebrow. "You must really have some interesting stories to tell," Nicky smiled sweety.

  "That I do, Cat tell why your here," John said ignoring Nicky. Catherine fought to keep her smile from showing.

  "I was wondering if you wouldn't mind coming with us," Catherine said stepping closer to him. How his scent seem to flow over her like a warm blanket.

  "Sure let me grab my coat," John said as he stepped into the kitchen. "Susan mind watching the store," he said as his coat slid onto his shoulders.

  "Not a problem boss," Susan said with more exhilaration then needed.

  "Oh and pack a bag seems that we will be heading to Italy in a day, or two depending on if Sarah will loan me her jet. I hope your up to facing a ghost," John said taking a notepad from behind the counter.

  "Really do you mean it," Susan said in awe.

  "Of course how else can you learn if you don't go out into the field," John said smiling at her. Leaving the young woman eager and overjoyed, the newly fallen snow crunched under their feet as they approached Catherine's car. "My offer still stands Cat," chuckling as Catherine quickly ducked into the car.

  "What offer," Nicky asked sliding into her seat. "Oh I just offered to take her to Italy with me," John said leaning over the seat. His breath was hot on her neck, her skin tingled with electricity. Her hazel eyes lingering on his striking lips, then to those blue eyes that held devilish glee within. "So what do you say," he said looking over at Catherine brushing her hair behind her ear. "You know I can't not until the case is solved," Catherine said hastily putting the key into the ignition.

  "Shame," John sighed. "And here I was looking forward to seeing you in a little black number. Oh well cause we can't always get what we want," he said leaning back in his seat.

  "Well I doubt you would want to see me in one," Catherine said averting her gaze in the rear view mirror.

  "Is that so you sure know how to shatter a man's dream. How about you surely the shores of the Mediterranean appeals to you more then the snow covered streets of Chicago," John said tapping Nicky on the shoulder. Before she could answer Catherine slammed on the brakes sending John flying into Nicky's headrest.

  "Damn Cat what was that for," John said rubbing his forehead.

  "There was a cat in the road and I simply didn't want to run over it," Catherine said smiling wickedly into the mirror.

  "Right and monkeys can fly," John growled. "Well Toto you better click your heels together and say there's no place like home," Catherine grinned as they sped down the streets of downtown.

  "Well Tinman better hope you don't rust when I relieve myself on you," John said strapping himself in.

  "Tin doesn't rust it oxides genius," Catherine said sticking her tongue out.

  "Surly the wizard must have been mad when he gave you that tongue," John teased.

  "Is this what you two are always like," Nicky whispered to Catherine.

  "No he mostly tends to hit on every woman he sees, or they hit on him. You have no idea how annoying that is when your trying solve a case," Catherine said rolling her eyes.

  "If you think that then you can let my little tan butt out," John said pulling on the handle. "Damn child proof lock's," he huffed.

  "Nope your stuck with me so stow the attitude buster," Catherine said winking at him. "Oh goody," John said sarcastically.

  As the car rolled to a stop at the 1800 block of Clover avenue. John's breath clouded the window as he looked upon the three story townhouse. Stepping out of the car moving to the rear, Nicky's raven hair fluttered in the chilly wind. Her slender hand running down the door. Pulling on the latch his scent assaulted her as the winter's chill mingled with the warm air of the interior. Holding out her hand her body stirred as his enclosed around hers. Sucking in a breath as she felt the vast well of magic the man housed within his body as he passed.

  "This is the first place these people started their horrid practice," Catherine said as she come up beside John. Wrapping herself deeper into her coat trying to block out, the images of the slain women but it was to no avail.

  "No this is where they begun to strengthen their pack," John said darkly. His dark eyes looking upon the house feeling the waning energies. "The warehouse is where they made contact with whatever demon they serve."

  "But why would someone do that," Nicky asked coming up from behind him.

  "Power, wealth, lost of a love one, or maybe they are just evil and thought to a line themselves with that force," John said walking up the stairs. "To do something like that I can't fathom why anyone would," Nicky said shaking her head.

  "The mind of man is never easy to understand our job is not to understand why they do this. It's to stop them from ever doing this again," John said holding the door open.

  "The crime scene should as it was when we were here minus the bodies," Catherine said leading the way to the basement. John eyed the dried blood spattered concrete floor. Footprints of the mass of police officers were still stamped on it's surface. Pulling his coat around him to fight off the chill, knelling down John searched for signs that the police had overlooked.

  "Wait here and don't move," John said moving off into the darkness of the basement. Catherine yearned to follow after him yet after what they had been through. She would heed his order even if her mind said otherwise. Catherine could hear the scuffing of his footsteps as he moved around in the darkness. "Thought so," Catherine heard him say.

  "What do you mean," Catherine asked from the bottom of the stairs.

  "I really don't think you want to know Cat," John said taking out a small glass orb from his pocket. Whispering a few words as he walked along the far wall.

  "John just tell me," Catherine said in a huff. As the pale light highlighted his face she could see the indecision that was etched on his face.

  "Then you might want to see this," John said turning back to the wall. Taking out a small flashlight from her coat pocket with Nicky behind her. Skirting around the ring of blood as they made their slow way towards him. "Put that away," he said as they came up to him.

  "Ok so what now," Nicky asked eyeing John wondering if he found out the purpose of the room.

  "Watch," John said sending the orb running along the wall. Catherine gasped as strange reddish brown writing was revealed along the wall. Nicky clenched her fist wondering how, he could have known about the spell she so painstakingly performed.

  "What does it mean John," Catherine asked moving closer to him.

  "The spell is incomplete hard to tell," John said his thumb running along his chin. "However what puzzles me is how they were able to blend two different religions together."

  "What do you mean," Nicky asked moving to his right side. Her arm brushing against him allowing him to think she needed support.

  "This is Zoroastrian," John said pointing at the writing. Waving the orb over to the symbol that was just as ancient. "This," he said pointing at the symbol. "Is
from the Necronomicon." "Wait like the book from those Evil Dead movie's," Nicky asked John simply smiled and shook his head.

  "No but they were good movies, however it did deal with the dead. It also dealt with life as well, but the seal is not one of the gods of light. In the book there are thirteen gods, that can bring about anyone's death in increasing degrees of violence. Only twelve were written down the last thought to horrid to ever mentioned by name. It was never placed within the translated book," John said looking over at Catherine giving her a small smile. "I so happen to have one of the few remaining Sumerian text, and I happen to be able to read ancient Sumerian."

  "So then this seal as you call it belongs to this thirteenth death god," Nicky asked pressing her body up against him as he nodded his answer.

  "Then why and for what purpose would these people do this," Catherine asked eyeing Nicky evilly.

  "I don't know with only the first two lines of the spell it be hard to tell," John said holding out his hand willing the orb to return. With two quick tap's the three were enclosed in the darkness. As Catherine's flashlight flickered on her anger flared as Nicky had wrapped herself around John. "Sorry," Nicky said slyly pushing herself away from him. "This is all so overwhelming to me. The moment the light went out I thought I felt something brush against my leg," she said her cheeks flushing in embarrassment.

  "It's alright you should have seen this one when she first saw a gobfin," John joked.

  "The only thing strange in that shop of yours. Is YOU!" Pushing passed them Catherine couldn't fathom why she was so angry, yet there was something not right with that woman. The way she seemed so drawn to John, the very thought of her hands on John made her blood boil. What was wrong with her this was so out of character for her. Sure they had sex, very hot, body numbing sex but that was all. "Then way are you acting like this," she asked herself as she banged her against the wall.

  "Catherine you ok," John asked placing a hand on her shoulder.

  "No I'm not John," Catherine said brushing off his hand. "I don't know what is wrong with me it's not like me to be this way," she said slumping to the floor pulling her knees to her chest. "I can't stop thinking about you," shaking her head her chestnut hair flying wildly.

  "Is everything ok," Nicky asked rounding the corner.

  "Give us a minute," John said over his shoulder as he knelt at Catherine's side.

  "I'll wait in the car," Nicky said her hand trailing his shoulder. Catherine's sky blue eyes were filled with scorn as they burnt holes in Nicky's back.

  "My, my Catherine such jealousy is unwarranted," John said softly.

  "Don't say that," Catherine said her voice filled with venom. "I saw how you pounce on her," she seethed in anger.

  "Well," John said scratching his chin. "Well what John! Surely you want her I can see it, why don't you take her back to her place!" "Listen here there's no reason for you to be so angry. Now as to what little I know about relationships. You and I can see whomever we want, isn't that what you told me on our way back from Michigan. However if you insist on heaping your misplaced anger onto me then I'll see myself out. As I should have the moment I met you, however I can not do that now," John said the back of his hands trailed along her cheek pushing himself up walking passed her. Catherine bit her lip she couldn't go back to the days of coming home to an empty apartment. To the long cold nights when there was a warm body just inches away. Yet she was not strong enough to take that leap. Not when her mind was so jumbled, her emotions so in chaos when he was near. Her hand darted out catching him by the wrist.

  "John your right," Catherine sighed heavily. "It's wrong of me to get so worked up when it was me that put us on this path," tears reamed her eyes. Lifting her up bring Catherine into his arms offering her their strength. Resting her head against his chest her arms wrapped around him. "Please don't fall for her," she whispered.

  "As if, that is only vanity I've found something much more," John said tilting her chin up. Bending down his lips brushing against her's, her arms found their way around his neck. Her tongue mingling with his warmth, her body churning in the ragging storm that was brewing within. How her body seemed to be engulfed by the need to claim this man as her own. However she knew better that a man like him deserved a better woman then she was. Yet she couldn't help but feel that he belonged to her.

  "You know if keep that up I may just have to break our little deal," Catherine said tugging on his lower lip.

  "Well then I'll just have to try harder next time," John said smiling down at her. "But first," taking her arms in hand placing them behind her head.

  "John what are....." placing a finger on her lips as her stepped back. His dark blue eyes running down her body, her cheeks flushed with heat underneath his gaze.

  "Now shall we get going," John said extending his arm as he bowed.

  "Tell me what were you doing just now," Catherine asked she walked past.

  "Why picturing you naked," her body went ridged, her skin flushed with heat, moisture began to gather with her channel. Her body trembled as his delicate touch ran down the back of her arm. "Got to have something to keep the boredom at bay," John teased as moved he passed her. "Well I hope you have a hard on all day that will teach you," Catherine called out to him. "To late," John said as he turned her eyes fell upon the bulge in his denim jeans. Hanging her head when it was affecting her more then it appeared to bother him. Nicky eyed the two as they exited the townhouse. Smirking as she closed her phone as plans were set in motion for them to join John on his trip to Italy. Nicky watched closely as the two approached, she saw the weakness in the woman. She would just have to find away to use it against her. Nicky watched out of side view mirror as John repositioned himself before he entered the car. Nicky could have sworn that she could see the size of the man. Shaking it off as a trick of the light that played across his jeans.

  "I have some interesting news," Nicky said as they got under way. "The captain got a call from Interpol, they just stumbled onto an apartment that may be connected to our case. He thinks it would be best if you and I went there."

  "Really seems odd all a sudden that this would happen," John said looking out the window.

  "Even so we still have to check it out even if leads us nowhere," Catherine said eyeing him out of the rear view mirror.

  "Does that mean I get to see you lovely ladies on the beach with me," John said wiggling his eyebrows.

  "Don't think we will have time John," Catherine said trying not to picture his tan body laying upon those pale sandy shores.

  "The captain said we be there for a week or more. We're just going there to fill in the gaps if their case is connected to ours," Nicky said turning towards Catherine. "Interpol has jurisdiction and the captain doesn't want to get into a fight over this. So if it turns out to be a dead end I see no reason no reason not to join John," she giggled.

  "What's the point of life if you overwork yourself, live a little I've been meaning to put that little red number to use," Nicky said glancing at John in the vanity mirror.

  "Well that will be a treat after the work I'm going to do," John said leaning across the seat. "So might I asked what size you are," John said with wicked glee in his eyes.

  "Your despicable," Catherine said pushing him back to the rear of the car. "Ah Cat you love it," John said grinning at her.

  "36C," Nicky said reaching for her phone. John's hand covered her's their eyes locked for a moment deep within their blue depths, she saw something yet could not make it out.

  "Interesting," John said peering down her open blouse. Nicky felt her cheeks heat, her body responded in a way that she had cut out of her life. "How about you," he said tugging on Catherine's sleeve. Nicky fought herself from reaching out to caress him.

  "Knock it of John we will be there soon, and I don't feel like filing the paper work. For a dead consultant that refused to wear a seat belt," Catherine said eyeing him out of the corner of her eye.

  "Fine I know when I'm beaten you won
't hear another peep out of me," John said hold up his hands in surrender. Nicky took this change as he moved back her fingers trailing through his blonde locks.

  "Thank God," Catherine said smiling to herself. Turning into the parking structure adjacent to the department morgue. Pulling into the closest parking spot so they wouldn't have brave the cold for long. Nicky waited until John exited the car before moving in behind him.

  "So tell me John where do you come from," Nicky asked savoring his backside.

  "Can't really remember much of my childhood not that I would want to."

  "Why's that," Nicky said holding the door open.

  "Well me and my family never really got along all that well. To much bad blood between us to let old wounds heal," John said waiting for Catherine to catch up.

  "I'm sorry," Nicky said sincerely. Her slender hand caressing his face gauging his reaction to her false compassion. "It sounds like most families don't you think."

  "I guess but I'm not into family reunions," John said leaning against the wall.

  "Why's that?"

  "Let's just say if me and my brother ever sees each other we're liable to kill each other. My sister on the other hand she tends to live in a world of gray she does have her moments," John said looking over at her. Nicky felt a push on her back falling into him. John's hands held her gently yet Nicky could tell they were more fitted to wielding a blade. As her hands pressed against his chest how she loved the feel of his taut muscle's. Compared to that blow hard bastard that had bound her to his lard filled ass. Nicky moved closer pressing her body against his. Their gaze was even yet she felt like a mouse trapped under the lion's gaze ready to be snatched up at a moments notice. Clearing her throat John just smiled as Catherine stood in the doorway.

  "It seems I can't let the two of you out of my sight for a moment," Catherine sighed.

  "It wasn't like that," Nicky said coming up to Catherine's side. Catherine didn't believe a word of it, nor could she openly berate the woman without opening herself up to ridicule. "If it wasn't for John I would have fallen on my face."


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