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The Balance: Darkness Unchained (The Chaotic. Order Book 1)

Page 13

by Richardson, James

  "Shall I take a look," John asked feigning interest in her peril.

  Joan crouched behind the boxwood shrub arcoss from the entrance of the manor. Norman had gone to check the perimeter of the property. Eyeing the house from across the street Joan felt something strange about this place. She could sense the lingering evil that plagued the land. Yet what she felt was something far different. From the numerous demons and other vile things she had encountered throughout her years. This was older more primal then anything she has felt before. Her body grew tense as she felt someone closing in from behind her. Her hand inched towards the hidden dagger she kept over her heart. With catlike reflexes the glint of metal flashed through the air. Norman's rough hand caught her by the wrist only a inch away from his throat. "Sorry Norman," Joan said returning the dagger to its compartment. Rubbing his throat if he wasn't already dead he would have berated her for her hastiness. "So what does it look like." "There's three others within the home, two women a man," Norman said looking back to the manor. "It would appear the man was trying to

  cleanse the house."

  "What about the woman that we followed

  here," Joan asked peering over at him.

  "She's in there, however there is something

  that doesn't feel right."

  "I know I felt it to," Joan said sitting down on

  the damp grass.

  "I called Michael," Norman said noting the

  frown on her face.

  "And what did he say," Joan asked looking

  over at the stairs of the manor.

  "That to stay where you were until I arrived,"

  Michael said appearing behind them.

  John stepped out onto the marble stairs, his

  dark blue eyes scanning the night. Nicky hovered

  behind him cowering in the shadows of the columns. John could feel Catherine's presence long

  before she joined his side. The way her scent was

  carried on the wind, the way her soft voice

  brought warmth to his weary soul. How could a

  man not love those sky blue eyes ushering him to

  wade into their calming waters.

  "What do you see John," Catherine asked in a

  low whisper. Her body was suffused with heat

  being that close to him. Catherine had to fight herself from taking his hand into her's.

  "Let's get back inside," John said narrowing

  his eyes as he stared at the boxwood shrub. "If

  they are out there they will show themselves soon

  enough," he said his hand brushing against her's.

  "Let us focus on what we can do and bring closure to this family," he whispered into her ear. Her skin tingled with electricity as his hot breath danced

  along her skin. "That man was looking right at us," Joan said

  in disbelief. "Impossible!" Norman growled at Joan. "The

  only ones that could possibly see us are other's

  like us."

  "That's not entirely true," Michael said darkly.

  He knew that face his father had taught him about

  the imprisoned god. To think that Contliss was

  here walking amongst the humans never occurred

  to him. Though his powers were limited due to the

  binding, Contliss was still a treat to the harmony

  of the world. Even he could not stand against the

  man without an army at his back. "We need to

  capture that man," he said peering into the manor. "My lord are you sure," Joan asked skeptical

  of the order.

  "Of course I am," Michael said glaring at her.

  "But come we shall prepare for our assault," he

  said resting his hands on their shoulders before

  disappearing in a blinding flash.

  John's jaw muscle twitched as he felt his

  brother's servants return to their pearly towers. He

  knew it would be only a matter of time before

  they came for him. While he wasn't overly worried about himself, it was Susan's and Catherine's

  safety that had him on edge. Looking into the

  empty rooms the coldness of the air chilled him to

  the marrow of his bones. Not that he worried

  about his death there were few things that could

  kill him. It was those that he held in confidence

  that had him worried for.

  "Susan," John called for her over his shoulder.

  "Yes boss," her sandy blonde hair floated in

  the air as she approached his back.

  "Grab the chalk from my bag," John said his

  blue eyes peering into the gloom of the manor.

  Susan's hands frantically dug through the duffel

  bag coming upon a square leather satchel. It's

  leather strap wrapped around the container. Unwinding the leather strap from around the deer

  antler button. Four sticks of pure white chalk sat

  nestled in a neat row undisturbed from their long

  journey. Pulling one out handing it to John his index finger tapped on the chalk pondering what the

  future held for them. Poking his head into the

  empty living room the hardwood floor, shone in

  the moonlight that filtered through the window's.

  Resting on his knees John began to draw a circle

  wide enough for the three of them to sit comfortably. The chalk groaned as he drew a larger one

  encasing the first one. Drawing tantalizing symbols between the two to protect them from what

  haunts the manor. Ancient evil looking runes

  ringed the edge protecting his friends from the

  evil he knew all to well. Rising to his full height

  his blue eyes studying his work, nodding to himself when all was to his liking. "Let's finish this,"

  John said sticking his head into the drawing room. "John," Catherine whispered her hand running down his arm as she eyed the protection


  "Everything will be fine Catherine," John said patting her hand. "As long as you stay within the circle nothing will harm you," he said smiling warmly at her. Nicky eyed the circle never before had she seen anything like it. True she it's only been four years since she began her magical journey. Yet with the help of Garzela she had become one of the most powerful witch's in Chicago. Nicky peered at John through the corner of her eye curious to the man's limit and hoped never to

  be on the receiving end of it.

  "What of you," Nicky asked coming up to

  him. Running her hands down his chest trying to

  ascertain the depth of his power. Nicky fought to

  keep the shock from her face as she reached into

  the depths of his power. It seemed to her it was a

  vast ocean so deep it had no end. Biting her lip

  she savored the possibilities he could bring her

  once John was her's.

  "Doing what I came here for," John said ushering them into the circle.

  "You can't!" Catherine said reaching out taking hold of his arms fearful of the very thing that

  had attacked them.

  "Don't worry," John said his smile was warm

  and soothing to her. Yet an inkling of dread still

  held sway over her heart.

  John approached the rear of the manor as the

  hairs on the back of his neck began to stand on

  end. Turning on the desk lamp of the newly renovated bedroom that belonged to the owners daughter. The faint light casting the pink comforter in

  ghastly shadows as it crept along the bed. The

  small desk chair sat awry from the desk, John could picture the girl happily playing at the desk. Drawing things that brought joy to the young girl's heart. Yet as he looked upon the sheets of paper, his eyes darkened as he viewed the crayon drawings that plagued the girls mind. A chill ran up his spine as h
e felt a presence that shadow walked through the room.

  "You can come out now," John said as he flipped through the drawings. John could feel the hesitation of the being sighing as his patience was growing thin. Rising his arm pulling the being from the depths of the shadows. John was at a lost as he stared down at the twelve year old boy. His silver blonde hair teased the tops of his eye lashes. His stunning green eyes reminded him of who he had inherited them from. His tailored black suit sat snugly to his ancient shoulders. His pale skin heated under John's gaze, his cheeks burn crimson as his tiny hands fidgeted behind his back. "Hades what are you doing here," he asked crossing his


  "Don't be angry Contliss," Hades said his

  eyes downcast. "With the balance tipping I could

  not resist visiting this world again," he said fidgeting from foot to foot.

  "Was it you that pushed the boy down the


  "No," Hades said weakly.

  "Tell me," John said lowering himself to the

  floor. "How have you been," he asked smiling at

  his nephew.

  "Lonely until I meet Persephone," Hades said

  smiling at him.

  "I'm sorry that I could not be there," Contliss

  said sadness filling his eyes. "I know how hard it

  was for you to be alone in that place with no one

  to drive away your woes."

  "No father if you had not found me in the

  dead forest of Uspure," Hades said coming up to

  him. "I would still be lost to this day," he said

  wrapping his arms around his neck.

  "How could your father just simply abandon

  you," Contliss said shaking his head.

  "Balanlt is not my father you are," Hades said

  taking hold of Contliss face. "When my brother's

  tricked me it wasn't Balanlt that came for me it

  was you. It was you that made it easier for me and

  my brother's and sister's that came into your

  realm. You took us in taught us how to live within

  your realm. Gave us love and attention when our

  own father did not, even when the war raged on

  you made sure we were taken care of. Even when

  we knew the toll of the war with Balanlt was

  weighing on you. You never allowed it to touch

  your face when we were around. How I have

  missed you, but you will return with me won't


  "Soon, very soon the balance will be restored," Contliss said ruffling Hades blonde hair.

  "Now go tell the others to prepare for a war that

  may or may not come upon my return," he said

  rising from the floor. "Now return to your realm

  we don't want my brother finding you here," he

  said smiling down at Hades.

  "What about you why don't you return with

  me," Hades said grasping his hand.

  "In time we will see each other again, now I

  need you to reassure your siblings," Contliss said

  as he watched Hades fading into the shadows. As the manor fell into an eerie silence, John

  moved from room to room cleansing the house

  once again. Catherine watched as the smoke of the

  sage drifted over his shoulders. Biting her nails as

  she paced around the circle. Fear crept into her

  heart praying that whatever it was would just

  leave peacefully. As the minutes passed the room

  began to steadily grow colder. Her breath came

  out in clouds of mist as it hung in the air. Susan

  rose to her feet ready to aid John should he need


  "Good," John said nodding his approval at the

  sight of the open bag. "Susan pass around the talisman of Socar. It will protect you from the life

  stealing kiss of the banshee." Wails filled the

  house as the hour passed, furniture was flung

  against the walls as it was forced from it's hiding

  place. Eight opaque candles sat around John as he

  chanted under his breath. Words long since forgotten by the world of man escaped his lips, as his

  hand made delicate signs as the chant grew louder.

  Catherine felt a sudden surge of fear as the banshee crashed through the wall. Wood paneling

  splintered in its flight through the air. It's translucent body was dressed in ghostly white rag's, rotten to the point if it was real it would have fallen

  apart. It's wispy white hair floated aimlessly in the

  air, it's long cold dead eyes glared at them with

  scorn and contempt for trespassing in it's domain.

  The banshee's crooked, mangled finger's clawed at the air. To rip the flesh from the foolish mortals

  that dared to disturbed her.

  "Come to Lady Zanstly," the banshee cooed

  seductively. Moving closer to John, Catherine

  fought the urge to leap from the circle. Shaking

  the foolish thought from her head knowing it was

  the only thing keeping her alive. Soft mummering

  drifted up from behind her, peering over her

  shoulder Susan was on her knees whispering into

  her folded hands. Catherine looked over towards

  Nicky who wore a smirk as she stared at the creature. Her attention was once again centered on

  John as the banshee hovered only inches away

  from John. Jumping as his hands slammed onto

  the floor, golden light spread from his palms. Encircling the banshee in delicate runes of golden

  light. Her wails became shrieks as the light leaped

  from the floor. Wrapping her limps in the light,

  gray mist filled the air, as her body slowly began

  to be consumed by the gold rays. Catherine

  watched in horror as she witnessed the fear in the

  banshee eyes as it's undead life ceased to exist. John let out a sigh as he felt the last of her essence leave the home. Casting out his mind scouring every inch of the manor looking for anything

  unnatural, or anyplace her fading essence could

  hide. If she did manage to escape his trap which

  he doubted. It could be years before she could reform her body. It was better to reassure himself

  and the owners that all was clear. Blowing out the

  candles once he was sure the house was clean.

  Stretching his cramped muscle's he felt Catherine's eyes on him.

  "John are you sure that was the best thing to

  do," Catherine asked. Nicky released a huffed

  thinking it nothing more then getting rid of an unwanted pest.

  "Yes, a fine job Susan were did you learn that

  warding spell," John said blushing Susan hid her

  rosy cheeks.

  "But could you not see that she was afraid,"

  Catherine pleaded stepping out of the circle. "Of course I could it does not mean I could allow it to continue to steal the life of its victims,"

  John said sternly.

  "But," his hand shot up sealing her words. "Catherine banshee's are made when virginal

  women are sacrificed to dark powers. Their souls

  are set to wander the land feeding life to those that

  created it. What you witnessed was that very fear

  the woman experienced when she was casted into

  the darkness," John said darkly. "There was nothing you could do Catherine the woman has been

  dead for centuries," he said placing a hand on her

  shoulder. "Susan you can call Mr. Bruham tell him

  he may return any time he likes. Also leave the

  bill by the door."

  "John you're not serious going to charge him,

  with everything he's gone thro
ugh don't you think

  that's enough," Catherine asked in disbelief. "Do you stop working because you have no

  new leads in a case. No you go onto the next hoping that someday you'll find answers. Plus sympathy doesn't put food on the table or money in Susan's pocket," John said packing the candles into

  the bag.

  "Well I agree with you John, and I understand how you feel Catherine," Nicky said knelling by John aiding to his packing. "Though in truth it was a cruel thing that had befallen that poor woman and this family. But as John said the woman has been dead for years. No telling how many that creature has taken throughout the years," she said smiling up at Catherine.

  Michael peered at the manor in which his prey hid, his strong green eyes held confusion within their depths. He could feel the lingering evil vanish from the manor, yet what he couldn't comprehend was why he would do such a thing. A thousand warrior's stood at his back waiting for his order to assault the manor. His hand ran rough his beard contemplating on the plan of attack. He knew in order to capture the fallen god he would need everyone of his warrior's. Even then that may not be enough to subdue the dark god. The fate of the other two women within the manor weighed on his mind.

  "My lord we await your orders," Joan said coming up to his side.

  "Hold our prey will come to us," Michael said while his voice was calm she could hear the worry within it. "Once they are well enough away from the dwelling we shall attack. Make sure no harm comes to the women he travels with."

  "Yes sir," Joan said saluting as she turned to relay his orders.

  "What is it Norman," Michael said rubbing the hilt of his mace.

  "Is it wise for you to be here Michael," Norman said from behind him. "Surely this man doesn't pose that big of a threat for an archangel to come down to earth."

  "Norman even I don't know if I be any kind of a threat to that man then a gnat would be," Michael said sternly.

  "Well then it's a good day to met oblivion," Norman said looking up to the heavens. Michael said nothing as old memories flashed before his eyes. Cries of the dying, the screams of his brother's and sister's. His hand tightened around the hilt of his mace as he felt his presence drawing near. As Susan began to pack the car a strange sweet scent drifted in the air. John's strong hands pulled her away as two darts bounced of the trunk of the car. John had figured they would strike when he was alone, yet he wasn't surprise they chose this moment to do so. Pushing Susan into the front seat of the car for the moment she was safe. However John had no clue if they would go after her or were they only interested in him. Looking back towards the entrance of the manor, as it's hinges groaned as Catherine and Nicky stepped out onto the landing. His eyes darted back and forth between them and the mass of bodies camped outside the gates.


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