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The Balance: Darkness Unchained (The Chaotic. Order Book 1)

Page 19

by Richardson, James

  "Listen," Catherine said reaching across the table. "I didn't tell them this because well I don't really trust them enough. Their to intent on Contliss to see pass what he is to really know the man beneath. While I know what I did may never heal between Contliss and I. I want you to know I believe what he is doing what he thinks needs to be done."

  "What's that suppose to mean," Sarah said accusingly.

  "Here," Catherine said placing the orb on the table. "Watch it for yourself," she said tapping the top of the orb. Leaning back in the chair as they watched the three inch recording of Contliss. Catherine watched their reactions to his words watching their faces going from curiosity of the ord, to fear as the recording came to an end. Quickly shouting it off Catherine had no wish for them to know about what was left on it, that was something personal she wasn't about to give up. "Well that's interesting and a little frightening," Mike said leaning on the table. "What's this balance he refers to," he said looking over to Catherine.

  "From what he told me it's the foundation of our plane of reality," Catherine said in all seriousness. "From the time since his imprisonment the balance has been growing out of sync. I think he's trying to restore it so everything we know won't end in two weeks," they looked at her in stun shock at the revaluation.

  "What do you mean in two weeks," Sarah said her hands slamming down on to the table.

  "That's how long we have," Catherine said somberly. "Now the question is how will this end for us and what can we do," her finger's tapped on the wood surface of the table trying to answer her own question.

  "Isn't it obvious we help him," Sarah said her voice rising. "I don't care what they think," pointing to the other side of the house. "About him I've known him longer then anyone has. I say we ditch these people and find John," she couldn't say the name they gave him. To her he would always be John Adams and nothing could ever change that. "Wherever he is and offer what help we can to save our world!"

  "What of those that committed those terrible murders, for surely he is with them as we speak," Catherine said sternly. "Would you have me side with those people just to save the world." "Yes!"

  "At what cost Sarah!" Catherine said getting to her feet. The table shaking violently as her fist pounded onto the wooden surface. "If we are to die in two weeks time I will not have my soul tainted. By aligning myself with these people however much I want to be at his side." Her chestnut hair falling before her shielding her own frayed emotions from those around her. "Listen I don't know how we are going to do this," her sky blue eyes peering through the strand's of her hair. "We must find away to stop Contliss and his follower's, however much it pains us to stand against him," Catherine said looking around the table.

  "Then loss those," Sarah said crossing her arms. "If you say your truly sorry for what you did, then it wouldn't be a problem to ditch the very people that want John dead."

  "We can't do that Sarah," Catherine said meeting her eye to eye. "What we face is far beyond me, we need their help if they raise whatever evil against us."

  "Then I suggest," Susan said breaking the strained silence. As their eyes fell upon her squirming in her set underneath their intense stares. "That we head back to the shop," she said biting her lip as she watched their eyes twitched. "If you say Lucifer is rising then I'm sure we can find something in that shop to help us. Surely he had already knew what they we're planning, and maybe just maybe he is secretly trying to help us."

  "I don't know Susan," Catherine said thinking Contliss had set traps around his former home. Joan watched the group as Norman went to procured them a vehicle. Joan kept it to herself that she had overheard their conversation in the kitchen even from Norman. She was beginning to have her own doubt's about Contliss. The two encounters she had with the being had left her confused. She knew if Contliss wanted he could have easily destroyed them, given how easily they were tossed aside at the Parthenon.

  If they were to meet the dark god once again Joan doubted they would be met with success. As she climbed into the back of the van Norman had borrowed from one of the home's down the street. Joan watched the people who fought to prove their friend innocent. As the street light's flew by as they raced down the interstate. Joan could feel their resentment at Catherine as the minute's passed. While she could never understand the modern world she did understand this. She to had felt this when she was burnt at the stake for her crusade against the English.

  Since her death Joan never once thought about how she came into this life. Sure at the time she thought it was the right thing to do. Yet now Joan's mind was in a state of flux. Should she side with the one she served, or those that was on the front line of this battle. Looking over to Norman his mind was to set on the evil they had fought for the past five hundred years. Joan contemplated on how they both came into this life. Her war with England, his time during the first crusades was this why they were chosen. So that even in death they would continue to fight against the evil in the world.

  Shaking her head to rid herself of those distracting thoughts. Joan knew the enemy before them and it would only hinder them if her mind was distracted. As the van slowed to a crawl in front of Rare occult books and artifacts. Joan watched as they filed out of the van, normally she would have destroyed the items within that store. However now it would seem their only lead would rest on the very texts she herself deemed heretical.

  Joan cocked an eyebrow as she watched the teenage girl entered the side room. The ignition of the candle's made her skin crawl. Joan knew what magic felt like and found it revolting. She noticed that Norman himself had noticed it to from the scowl he was wearing.

  "You should stop using magic," Joan said from the doorway as she watch Susan scanning through the tomes.

  "Oh so it's fine for you but the rest of us mortals it's taboo," Susan said picking up a book before setting it back down.

  "Surely you know it will lead you astray," Joan said trying to save the young girl from it's perils.

  "Then maybe you should strip yourself of all the magic laden gear your wearing before you think to lecture me," Susan said finally looking over at the woman.

  "These were given to me by Michael himself that is far different then what your using your gift's for," Joan said stepping into the room.

  "So do as I say not as I do," Susan said placing her hand on her hip. "No wonder you can't see past anything that doesn't conform to your standards."

  "I'm only trying to help you it's not right," Joan said pleading with the girl.

  "That is your opinion which I didn't ask for," Susan said returning to her task. "Now if your done preaching to me I have work to do." Joan just stood there flabbergasted that the young woman, could not see that it would lead her into darkness.

  "Joan we can't save those that don't wished to be saved," Norman said from behind Joan.

  "Again who said I need saving," Susan said over the rustling of the pages of the old book she was skimming through. "I didn't see one of your order there when I was nearly made into a sacrifice. There was no holy light that came down from the havens to save me. No there was only one man that cared enough that I a sacred teenage girl lived," she said looking up from from the text she was reading. "So you'll forgive me when I say you can go sell that to someone else. I'm not buying it not when that man has shown more of himself to me then you have. Now leave me your disrupting my work," Susan said turning her back to them.

  Catherine's fingers ran along the walls of the stairwell as she climbed the stairs. Her heart was lodged in her throat as she drew near to his bedroom. Catherine tried to hold back the emotions that were swirling in her mind as she gently pushed opened the door. Taking a dry swallow as she stepped into his room. Knowing just a few days ago Contliss had stood here offering his help. Moving up to the dresser looking at the photo's that lined the mirror that was attached to the dresser.

  Peeling the photo off the mirrored surface. Catherine's held the photo tenderly as her finger's traced along Contliss jaw line. A single tea
r rolled down her left cheek dripping onto the picture. Quickly wiping it off so it wouldn't ruin the image. How she wanted to be with him yet his determination to aid these people for what purpose she only wished she knew.

  "Ah so this is where he has been hiding himself," Catherine spun around her hand going to her weapon on her hip. "Now why would Contliss wish to live among you I fail to fathom," the male figure said ignoring Catherine. At first her first notion he had somehow changed his appearance. Yet as Catherine looked into those emerald eyes she knew it wasn't Contliss.

  "Who the hell are you," Catherine said drawing her weapon. An unseen force ripped the gun from her hands finding itself in his tan hands. "No this wasn't Contliss," her mind raced as she backed away.

  "Interesting," Catherine heard him say before tossing her service weapon over his shoulder. Moving past her ignoring Catherine once again which was fine with her. Silently backing towards the door to make her escape only to hear it closed behind her. "Going somewhere," he said finally taking notice of Catherine. "That would be very rude given I have come all this way," he said looking over at Catherine.

  "And just who are you suppose to be," Catherine asked reaching behind her back twisting the doorknob. While the handle would twist the door seem to be stuck in place.

  "Balanlt who else would come down to this place of existence," he said examining the black lace that was tied to the bed post. "Hmm to think at my brother would depict us on a headboard," Balanlt said shaking his head.

  "Right sure you are," Catherine said inching her way back over to her gun.

  "You do realize that hunk of iron won't harm me," Balanlt said tracing the engravings on the walnut headboard. "However if it makes feel more at ease," he said flicking his wrist Catherine's nine millimeter pistol materialized into her holster. "What an odd sensation," Balanlt said stretching out on the bed.

  "So why would Contliss brother come down here," Catherine asked wishing Contliss was there by her side.

  "You know he can hear you," Balanlt said rolling off the bed. "All you have to do is simply call to him," he said rummaging through the closet. "However we both know he won't show," he said looking over shoulder. "Least not before I send your soul back where it belongs," Balanlt said disappearing in a blinding flash. Catherine was tossed aside crashing into the dresser, as that same unseen force sought to choke the life out of her.

  Catherine fought frantically against it as she felt her body growing weak. In her hypoxic brain her hand reaching instinctively to her service weapon. Firing off four rapid shots yet it only proved to her that her trusted weapon was useless. As her grip on her weapon loosened falling to the floor in her eye's rolled into the back of her head feeling her life slip away. "Contliss!" Her mind screamed as Catherine was only a hair's breath away from oblivion.

  Chapter Ten

  Contliss fought himself from rushing to Catherine's aid as he lounged on his black throne. His grip tighten around the arm rest as he felt her life force slipping away. The onyx stone began to crack as the seconds passed. However much he wanted to rush to her side and save her from his brother. Contliss could not do that not without revealing her to his enemies. Then just as he felt her life was on the edge of death someone or something interfered.

  Contliss knew only of one being that could stand against his brother other then himself. Which was odd she was never one to take direct action, her moves were more indirect, more subtle then what Contliss had just felt at that moment. Which was intriguing was it because of his brother's foolishness, or was it because it was she was Catherine's patron.

  Contliss felt the shadows stirring as the she demon walk through his realm. Since the basement of the townhouse he knew why they had used the nun's. One was only needed to free Lucifer, the other four was for the counter spell to his bindings. While he would morn the lost of life however the lost of a few outweighed billions of life's that were at stake.

  "My lord Day Star sends his greeting's," Grazela said exiting the shadow's. Within her hands two glass bottle's red swirling liquid jostled in the containers. Contliss eyed the bottles knowing the cost that was required to restore him. "Shall I," she asked coming up to his side. With a nod kneeling at his feet very carefully sprinkling the red liquid over the corresponding shackle. As the last drop hit the silver gray metal Grazela backed away as the godly metal crumbled before her. Bringing up her arms shielding her face as Contliss's power's surged forth. Grazela felt herself being pushed back her talons sinking into the tile floor trying to anchor herself in place.

  However as his power's continue to pour from his body, Elizabeth fell against the wall as the building heaved. Ceiling tiles crashed onto the floor from their metal supports. Office desk hopped along the floor as they migrated around their stagnant space. Elevator's car's clashed in their battle for dominance. Grazela tried to maintain her hold of the floor as a pillar of black energy shot skyward. Striking the stratosphere spreading outwards coating the Chicago skyline. Red lighting arced across the sky, bolts rained down on to the unsuspecting city. Melting car's, truck's, street lamp's that were unfortunate to be struck by the red lighting bolt's. Those that were brave enough to venture outside, a pair of red eyes gazed down upon the denizens of the city.

  "Ah it's been so long," Contliss said as his energy arced between his fingertips. A smile spread across his face knowing soon very soon he would be made whole. Inhaling as he felt the fabric of reality quake in his presence. "Yes soon this would be all over," Contliss muttered to himself as he rose.

  "My lord," Grazela said throwing herself at his feet. "My will is yours to use as you see fit." "Of course it is," Contliss said looking down at the demon. "But come with that display our enemies will learn of this location. It is time I meet this pet of yours," he said his thumb and index finger tilting her chin.

  "Yes my lord," Grazela shuddered as she saw the well of power saturate his dark blue eyes. "What about her," she looking over her shoulder at Elizabeth.

  "Bring her the spell can't be complete with only two now can it," Contliss said as Grazela rose. "Come Elizabeth time for us to see the sunny hill's of Las Angeles," he said holding out his hand to her. Walking towards him on unsteady legs Elizabeth's hand slipped into his. Yelping as Contliss pulled her into him, her body trembled as his arm wrapped around her waist. "Sleep," Contliss said passing his hand over her face. Lifting her unconscious body onto his shoulder turning to Grazela who noted his hand on the woman's arse. "We need to finish this quickly Balanlt will be searching for us if he hasn't begun already," Contliss said entering the shadow gate.

  The sun was at it's zenith as Contliss and Grazela exited the shadow gate. Into the foyer of the Sowden home that the Black Dahlia once visited. Contliss eyed the 1940's furnishings wondering if the owner's were still alive. Kept the place as a shrine to Elizabeth Short in hopes to find the killer after seventy years. To his and Grazela's eyes if she so chose to could witness the murder once again with a wave of a hand. However Contliss doubted the demon cared enough to do that. Yet to Contliss he enjoyed the cases that went unsolved. While true he already knew who the killer was it peaked his interest to see if the authorities were even close.

  Contliss wondered if this was why they had set up shop in the Sowden home. The residual echo's of the murders that happened within the house. Danced before his blue eyes as he moved through the house. Depositing Elizabeth in the nearest bedroom all Contliss wanted was to be done with this. Where he could be finally be rid of these fools once and for all. Yet he knew that as long as mortals lived his attribute would be used for their vile ways.

  Then again Contliss wondered if this was how his brother felt when priest broke their oath. Did his brother feel the burning rage at those that would use their faith to prey upon the weak. Did he not feel the urge to lay waste to those that would besmirch his name. Sitting on the edge of the bed Contliss contemplated on if giving mortals free will such a bright idea. That was the every reason why the war started in the first place. Shak
ing his head at the notion Contliss knew his choice was the right one. Mortals were not meant to be led by their faith, it was meant to be used as a guide along which path they chosen to follow.

  Contliss heard the front door open the smell of perform filling the home. The sounds of shopping bags hitting the wooden floor. The mumbled curse's of a male's voice peaked his interest. Contliss had no trouble sensing the evil within the man's soul. The sheer volume of it would delight any demon within his realm. A sinister smile spread across his lips knowing exactly who he was going to trap Day Star in. Contliss had a feeling that was why Grazela dealt with the man. The smell of the taint that flowed through the man's vein's.

  "Ah so he is one step closer to fulfilling Morning Star's plan's," Contliss said to himself. Looking over at Elizabeth soon she to will pay for the sins she has committed. Contliss had no use for a coven that killed so brutally, if he didn't need them at the moment. Contliss would have released Hades Furies upon their hides. Yet as it was as much as it pained him Contliss needed these people.

  "Grazela we weren't expecting you," Mark said with restraint. Grazela paid no heed to either of them as she waited outside the door of the bedroom Contliss had placed Elizabeth into. Jealousy rose within the demon knowing he was doing things to that woman. That she herself would be more then happy to provide to her lord. If Dollson hadn't tried to bind Contliss Elizabeth would be nothing more then ash. Sighing knowing she would have to deal with the mortal woman for a few more days. "Grazela!" Mark was struck across the face sending him crashing through the coffee table.


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