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The Balance: Darkness Unchained (The Chaotic. Order Book 1)

Page 24

by Richardson, James

  Catherine felt strange as she strolled down the brightly lit tunnel. She knew well enough that she was dead, her hand rubbing along her stomach noting the lack of her mortal wound. The image's of her childhood self ran beside her as she continued down the tunnel. Her awkward teenage year's played along the walls made Catherine, a little apprehensive about seeing her life play out before her. Then the year's of her adult life from her failed relationships, to her year's as Maricus partner. The friends she was leaving behind wondering just what happened to her. Looking back she hoped Contliss could find someone that understands what he is. She knew even if she had sided with him there was bound to be something that would stand between them.

  "Then let me worry about that," Contliss said stepping out of her shadow. Catherine's soul quivered as she felt his hand on her shoulder. "All that matters Catherine is that you're happy with the choices you make," he said stepping beside her. His finger's trailed down her arm, skimming along the skin of her wrist before they interlocked with hers. "Come back with me you don't belong here," fighting back her tears as she stared deeply into his eye's.

  "That might be but I've hurt you so much," Catherine said taking a step closer to him. Resting her left hand on his chest she couldn't deny what she felt when he was near. Yet was that enough to right the wrongs she had committed against him. "Why not just let me go Contliss would that not be better for us."

  "Because," pulling her close his hand resting on the small of her back. "Catherine sometimes just sometimes the darkness reaches out to touch the light," he said bending down his lips capturing hers. Disappearing in a blinding flash taking Catherine's soul back to were it belonged.


  Sheets rustled as Catherine tossed and turned in her bed feeling the wave of longing wash over her. Bolting upright her chestnut hair spilling out before her, as she tried to cope with what her fogged mind was trying to tell her. Her nose wrinkled at the foul odor that filled her apartment. Walking lethargically into the kitchen following the smell that permeated the very air. Fighting back her bile as the rotten food in her refrigerator nearly choked her to death.

  Shaking her head knowing this couldn't be right, not when she knew the food was fresh went she bought it a day ago. Yet what she was met with was something she just couldn't comprehend. Pinching her lower lip as she leaned against the counter trying to discern what was happening to her. Flashes of memory flared in the forefront of her mind. Her cheeks heated, her heart raced as an image of a man filled her with emotions she couldn't name.

  "John," the name escaped her lips in a whisper. Catherine hand's pressed against her head as the throbbing grew painful as she searched for the meaning of the name. Those dark blue eye's willing her to find out where he had gone. Rushing into her bedroom throwing on a par of pants that felt soiled and damp. Ignoring the sensation against her skin grabbing her key's. Catherine had no clue on where she was going, yet she knew she had to find him. It seem so odd to her as she raced down the interstate unsure if she was heading in the right direction.

  After hour's of wrong turn's, lot's of back tracking Catherine sat in front of a store that felt so familiar to her. In a zombie like state approaching the establishment front door, her hand hovered over the doorknob pondering how wise this course of action was. Swallowing her fear poking her head into the front room of the store. Smells assaulted her bring more repressed memories to the surface. The groaning of the basement door as it slowly opened, an invisible force pulled at her to explore the basement.

  Her hands glided smoothly along the hand rail's as she silently tiptoed down the stair's. While she knew it was wrong to break in yet it seemed to her she belonged in that home. Confusion washed over her as the taped lines marred the concrete floor. Walking aimlessly around the dark basement running her finger's through the inch thick dust that had settled on the wooden shelves. Coming to a stop in front of a immense jar that seemed so out of place stuck down in the basement. Tentatively lifting the lid of the jar Catherine was tossed backwards as the porcelain jar exploded. Winching as she held her ribs watching as seven wraith's flew around the room. Taunting her, demeaning her, twisting her mind as the specters pulled at her fragile mind.

  "What have you done Catherine," a deep sinful voice bellowed shaking the very foundation of the home.




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