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Holdin' On for a Hero

Page 41

by Ciana Stone

  “Then let’s just say that I’m sitting out this dance.”

  “I don’t think you get it, Chance. This is not just some nuke we’re talking about. This is something that could permanently sway the balance of power of the entire world. We have part of the puzzle, but so does the other side. There’s a chunk missing and whoever figures it out wins the whole enchilada. We have to win.”

  Konnor didn’t want to listen, he didn’t want to have to admit that Slater was right, but he could not deny it. They could not afford to lose. “Why me? he asked, giving in without admitting it.

  “’Cause you’re the best. And we can’t afford to use anything less.”

  “Where do I start?”

  “Right here.”

  Konnor was shocked. “Here? In Charlotte?”

  Slater nodded and gestured toward the kitchen. “Think you can find me a drink while I brief you?”

  “Might as well.” Konnor led the way. Like it or not, he was back in.

  Myers Park, Charlotte NC

  Senna rolled over and blinked as the persistent buzz of the phone filtered through to her. She looked at the clock. “Oh shit!” She sat straight up, only to find that she was fully dressed, in the outfit she had worn yesterday, lying on top of the made bed.

  “Damn! She grabbed the phone.

  “Good afternoon.” Minora’s voice, as always, was warm and cheerful. “You missed breakfast.”

  “Oh, Min, I’m sorry.” Senna kicked off her shoes and started peeling off her clothes, the phone clutched between her ear and shoulder. “I can’t believe I slept so long. I don’t know what to say. I fell in a black hole or something.”

  “That’s all right, dear. I remember how it is to be young. I was once myself, you know. And you did get in very late.”

  Senna grinned at the remark. Minora considered ten o’clock to be late. She had always been one of those people who went to bed early and rose at the crack of dawn. Senna wondered what Minora had been doing up when she got home. She’d left Ryan’s a little after eleven, so it had to be close to midnight when she got home.

  “So, do you have plans?” Minora asked.

  “Tonight, yes. I’m going to a party at one of Ryan’s friends. But I’m free this afternoon. Want to do something?”

  “Actually, I would. How would you feel about taking an old lady shopping?”

  “An old lady? No, I don’t think so,” Senna teased. “But I’d love to take you. How about I meet you at the house in an hour?”

  “That would be lovely, dear. I’ll be ready.”

  Senna tossed the cordless phone on the bed and went into the bathroom to shower. She couldn’t believe she had fallen asleep fully dressed, shoes and all. Then she remembered. She’d had a slight headache when she got home. She lay down on the bed, thinking she would get up and take a shower in a few minutes. She must have drifted off to sleep. Even now she felt like she could go back to bed and be asleep in a wink.

  Thinking that a good hot shower would wake her up, she stepped under the water.

  Ballantyne, Charlotte

  Paige walked into the kitchen where Aaron was busy chopping chives for his special vegetable dip. She leaned against the doorframe and watched. Getting involved with Aaron had been a wise move. He was smart, ambitious, well connected, and above all, wealthy. The only son of a prominent family, he would inherit the entire fortune when the old man died.

  The one irritating failing Aaron had was his own overinflated opinion of himself. He considered himself quite a catch. The idea that Paige didn’t really love him had never entered his vain mind. That suited her fine. While she would never love Aaron, she had no intention of cutting him loose. At least until she was sure she didn’t need him. But the lack of passion in their relationship was proving to be a big problem for her. She was a very physical person and found it difficult to curb her natural inclinations and passions.

  As much as she hated to admit it, the real fly in the ointment was her attraction to Ryan. Before she and Ryan became partners she had pretty much accepted that she and Aaron would never have one of those relationships in which the sexual aspects were the most exciting parts. She had never let Aaron know how dissatisfied she was with their sex life. That might spell the end of them and she was smart enough not to upset the apple cart until it was to her advantage.

  But Ryan made her blood race. She had no doubt that sex with him would be hot and exciting. The problem was, he never seemed to get the hints she dropped. And she had dropped quite a few. Either he was exceedingly dense, or that Laserian woman had a very tight leash on him.

  Thoughts of Senna brought a frown to her face. She didn’t care for Senna’s highbrow, intellectual superiority, and she didn’t think Senna was half as hot as all the men she knew did. Even Aaron thought she was fantastic—beautiful, a great body, and brains to spare.

  Paige had to admit that the way men looked at Senna made her jealous. She was accustomed to being the center of attention and she didn’t like anyone stealing her thunder. An idea occurred to her, bringing a brilliant smile to her face.

  “Hey, handsome.” She moved up behind Aaron and nipped his earlobe.

  “Hey, yourself.” He smiled and turned his head to give her a quick kiss on the cheek.

  “Need any help?” she asked, knowing full well that he hated to have her in his kitchen.

  “No, thanks, I’ve got it under control. I’m just throwing together a few favorites to go along with what the caterers are bringing.”

  “Okay, well, I think I’m going to take a run over to the mall.” She stuck her finger in the sour cream on the counter, and then popped it in her mouth. “I feel the need for something fabulous.”

  Aaron smiled. “Something to wow the congregation, no doubt.”

  “Umm, you know me too well,” she laughed flirtatiously. “Have any preferences? Silk, satin, sequins? Red, black?”

  “Let’s see…” He stopped in his preparations and turned to her. “How about a nice sedate black sheath with a single strand of pearls and—”

  “And how about not.” She cut him off. “I said fabulous, not frumpy.”

  He shrugged and turned away. “Whatever.”

  She knew she had struck a nerve but at the moment didn’t care. Besides, it was her bitchiness and unpredictability that kept Aaron in line. She was not going to give up a useful tool just to soothe his hurt feelings.

  “Okay, I’ll see you later. Have fun.”

  He didn’t turn as she left the room but did look up and stare thoughtfully out of the window.

  Jackson Township

  Konnor walked into the kitchen to find company sitting at the table. “I didn’t expect you,” he said as he put on a kettle of water to boil.

  “And does that make me unwelcome?”

  “No.” He took a seat across from his guest.

  Shen tilted his head to one side. “No questions?”

  “What purpose would it serve?” Konnor asked in return. “You’ll tell me what you want me to know when you’re ready.”

  Shen gave a half nod. “You are learning.”

  “Thank you.”

  “And yet you allow yourself to fall victim to the same demons from which you have fought so long to escape.”

  “You know?”

  “About Slater. Yes.”

  “How much do you know?”

  “As much as there is to be known.”

  “And that’s why you’re here.”


  Konnor stood and got cups from the cabinet then set about making tea. When it was done, he brought the cups to the table. Shen sampled his and grimaced. “You still have not mastered the art of making a decent cup of tea.”

  Konnor didn’t comment but waited patiently. After a few minutes of silence, Shen spoke again. “You will proceed with your new assignment. Slater is on the right track. Using the resources he can provide, we will locate the gongiu. Then we will destroy all evidence of its existence and the
balance will not be broken.”

  “Are you so sure he’s right about this?” Konnor asked. “I can’t see how the information could have been hidden in this way for so long and not have been discovered. Surely someone would have considered—”

  “Our adversary is both cunning and resourceful. Do not make the mistake of underestimating the opponent.”

  “Then let me tell you what I told Slater. If the top scientists can’t figure out how to retrieve the information, how am I supposed to?”

  “Unless I have miscalculated, he would have provided a key, something unique and yet not so rare that it would not be uncovered in time. Our task is to find the key and unlock the storehouse of information. And the only way we will succeed in this is if you are successful in winning trust.”

  Konnor’s face wore a tight frown as he rose from his seat. “This is all well and good in theory, but application is another matter. Besides, I don’t know that I’m the man for this particular job.”

  “Do I detect fear?”

  “No!” Konnor turned quickly. “It’s not that.”

  “Is it not?” Shen stood to face him. “Or are you lying to yourself? Could it be that you are afraid to admit to the feelings that have been awakened?”

  Konnor looked away. He could not face Shen with a lie, but he could still try and lie to himself.

  Later that evening

  Ballantyne, Charlotte

  Aaron answered the door and smiled at Ryan and Senna. “Come in.” He took Senna’s hand. “You look lovely.”

  “Thank you,” she smiled in return. “It’s been a while. How’ve you been, Aaron?”

  “Never better,” he replied and shook Ryan’s hand. “I understand you and Paige have been handed a big one this time. Making any progress?”

  “Not yet,” Ryan said.

  “Well, I’m sure you will.” Aaron led the way into the house where a number of guests were gathered in the formal living room.

  Senna spotted Kendal Baldwin, her best friend, and Justin, Kendal’s husband. They were talking with a couple Senna was vaguely acquainted with. Kendal noticed and excused herself.

  “Wow!” Kendal looked her over. “You look fantastic! Where did you get that dress?”

  “Min helped me pick it out. She showed me this little shop over on Seventh Street that has some really unique clothes. We’ll have to go there sometime. And by the way, you look great.”

  “Thanks.” Kendal’s smile was genuine. “All the work’s finally starting to pay off. Just told me he was getting to the point that he was nervous about me going out alone, I look so good.”

  “And who said romance was dead?” Senna quipped.

  “Who’s dead?” Ryan asked from behind her.

  Kendal rolled her eyes and Senna laughed. “An inside joke.”

  “Oh yeah, girl stuff. Okay. Want something to drink?”

  “Something light, thanks,” she answered.

  “Champagne?” Kendal handed him her empty glass.

  “At your service, ladies.” He gave them a mock bow. They wandered over to where Kendal’s husband Justin was. He introduced them to another couple, Patty and Rick Tremont. Ryan joined them a minute later and for a short time they made small talk.

  Rick Tremont had just asked Senna to comment on a book he had been reading on quantum mechanics when Paige entered the room. Kendal nudged Senna and they both looked around.

  Paige was wearing a skin-tight red dress that was cut low in the front, high at the hem and was scattered with sequins. Her long legs were well displayed in the short dress as were her ample breasts.

  “Hi, guys!” She made a production of crossing the room. She gave Justin a big hug. “How are you?”

  “Fine.” He gave a nervous look in Kendal’s direction. Paige turned and gave Kendal a smile that would have been right at home in a freezer. Then she turned to Ryan.

  “Hi there, partner.” Her voice was low and intimate as she leaned forward and have him a kiss on the cheek. “I’m so glad you could come.”

  Kendal rolled her eyes but Senna merely watched as Paige turned and gestured around. “All of you. I’m so glad to see you. Ah…” She focused a laser sharp look at Senna. “Dr. Laserian. How good of you to honor us with your presence. Alas, I fear we have no one of your intellectual stature to discuss matters of cosmic importance. I’m afraid you’ll just have to make do with us intellectual inferiors tonight.”

  Without missing a beat or taking a breath she turned her barbs to Kendal. “Kendal, my goodness! Have you put on weight? Better watch it, honey. Some gal will be trying to grab this good-looking man of yours.”

  Senna took Kendal’s arm as her friend started forward. “Let it go,” Senna whispered. “She’s trying to goad you.”

  Kendal stopped but her eyes were shooting daggers at Paige. She gulped down her glass of champagne in one swallow. “I need another drink. Come on.”

  She and Senna went to the bar where Aaron was holding court with some of the people he worked with at the District Attorney’s office. Kendal got a scotch on the rocks and Senna got a refill of Perrier. Just as they started to leave, Aaron asked Senna’s opinion on a book on physics another of the group had mentioned.

  “I think I’ll go protect my honey,” Kendal whispered and made her exit.

  Senna chatted with Aaron and his associate for only a few minutes then turned and looked for Ryan. She didn’t spot him, Kendal, Justin or Paige. Wandering through the house, she spoke with a couple of people in the dining room, and a man she had met at Kendal’s who was coming down the hall. She passed by several small groups scattered throughout the house. Finally she came to the den. Ryan and Paige were inside with Justin and Kendal and a few other people from the police department. She didn’t have to listen long to figure out they were discussing police matters.

  Having no interest in that topic, she walked back the way she had come. As she passed Aaron’s study she noticed the door was open. The room was dark except for dim light that came from the tall window dominating the outside wall. The quiet suddenly seemed very inviting. She had no desire to deal with Paige’s sarcasm. Maybe she would just spend a few minutes alone while she could.

  She entered the room, closed the door behind her, and crossed over to the window. Even in winter, Aaron’s yard was neat and manicured. She could see the sparkle of garden lights on the surface of the small koi pond that was located just beyond the inlaid stone patio. As she watched the light dance on the water, and ripples drift across the water’s surface, she found herself wondering what it would be like to be so attuned to nature that you were one with it, accepting and passive, without struggle or resistance.

  A slight sound made her turn and look around. As she did, a tall form rose from the chair in front of the desk. “Oh, I’m sorry,” she apologized without thinking. “I didn’t know anyone was in here.”

  The form took on features as Konnor Chase walked toward her. Just as before when she saw him at the martial arts school, she was seized by an uncontrollable sense of excitement, arousal and anxiety.

  “I didn’t mean to disturb you.” She immediately started for the door but before she could take a step he was in front of her, blocking her way. “Excuse me.”

  “What are you afraid of?” His voice was low, almost a whisper, yet it cut through her like a swift blade, leaving an open wound of longing she didn’t understand.

  “Nothing,” she lied. “I just didn’t want to intrude.” She couldn’t bring herself to look up at him.

  “What makes you think you were?”

  She moved one hand in a slight sweeping gesture. “Most people sit in a dark room alone when they want solitude.”

  “Is that why you’re here?”

  She looked up and when their eyes met she felt the most peculiar sensation. It was like falling a very long way, yet knowing that your feet were still on the floor. His eyes seemed to suck her in, and she almost thought he could read her mind, could know that his presence fi
lled her with something she had never felt before. It scared her to feel that way, and embarrassed her to think that he might sense it.

  “I…I just wanted…to get away from the crowd for a minute,” she stammered.

  He moved closer and looked out of the window at the koi pond. “What did you see?”

  “What?” She didn’t understand the question.

  “When you looked at the water.”

  She turned and looked at the pond again but didn’t answer. After a few moments she dared to look up at him to find him watching her. “I was wondering what it would feel like to be as passive and accepting as water. To be able to incorporate everything that touched me within myself and yet not be changed by it.”

  His eyes narrowed for a moment then he nodded and looked out at sparkling water. “Yes, perfect calm, sensitive to all impressions, as water is sensitive to the slightest breath of air. To be in harmony with all things. A spirit like water.”

  “Mizu-no-Kokoru.” Senna was shocked to hear the words come from her lips.

  So, apparently, was Konnor. He looked at her sharply. “Where did you learn that?”

  “I honestly don’t know.” She lifted her shoulders in a shrug. “It just popped out of my mouth.”

  “Are you a student of the arts?”

  “Oh no,” she replied. “That sort of thing definitely isn’t for me. I don’t care for fighting and macho things like that.”

  “What makes you think it’s only about fighting?”

  “Isn’t it?” She was clearly surprised. “I thought that’s why all of you did it.”

  He seemed offended by her words. “Excuse me.” His voice took on a cold edge. “I’ll leave you to your solitude.”

  Senna was taken aback by his sudden hostile tone and manner. She had not meant to offend him, but she honestly didn’t think she had said anything so terrible. Part of her wanted to call him back and apologize. That made her humiliated and angry. She didn’t owe him anything and she certainly was not going to give him the satisfaction of knowing that she was attracted to him.


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