Book Read Free

Where You Are

Page 4

by Alla Kar

  I start to pace, not sure what to do. I can’t walk out of here because everyone would see me. I frantically check the bathroom, there is only one small window.

  My phone rings just as I get to the window. “What are you doing?” Bethany yells.

  Shit, I forgot. The damn camera thingy. “Look—I can’t. I just need to come home now. I promise I’ll explain this to you then.”

  Bethany huffs. “You’re backing out on me, aren’t you?”

  “No,” I throw my hands in the air, “I’m not. Just—please. I’ll be home in a bit.” I press the END button before she can protest. Glancing back at the door, I reach up and grab the windowsill, lifting myself up with a grunt. I wish I would have worked out with Heather, but who knew I would be climbing out of a church window.

  I slide onto the ledge and pull at the window until I feel the air from outside. It doesn’t open all of the way, but I have to try. Placing my hands underneath me, I push myself, only to stop abruptly.

  Oh, no. My dress, Heather’s dress, is snagged on the wood of the window. “No, no, no,” I say over and over again, like a prayer.

  But being stuck in the girls’ bathroom window is a situation that isn’t easily fixed. Not when your ex-boyfriend and your pretend boyfriend are both outside the door. I tug and tug until I’m completely exhausted.

  The bathroom door opens a few minutes later and I hear a loud gasp. Yeah, I know, my ass is showing in the church’s bathroom. We get it.

  “Laney,” Savannah says. “Are you okay—I mean, do you need some help?”

  I glance out at the squirrel running up a tree in front of me. I would do anything to be that squirrel. “Actually, yes, I’m a little stuck.”

  “Is she okay?” I hear, then the sound of footsteps echoing against the bathroom walls. No, everyone just get the hell out!

  “Yes, I’m fine—”

  “Laney, what the hell?” Aiden yells. I feel his hands wrap around my waist and he pulls. Wood digs into my stomach and I let out a murderous screech.

  “You’re bloody hurting her, stop it.”

  Goddamn it. My body freezes when I feel Aiden release me. Only to be touched with wider, stronger hands. “I’m going to help you down; let me know if I hurt you, luv.”

  Luv. I swear my insides just melted. I’m not ready for this, but it seems I have no other choice. I’m stuck in a bathroom window with my ass in my ex-boyfriend’s face.

  Lachlan grabs my hips, pushes me upwards, and unsnags my dress with no problem at all. His fingertips slide down my sides as he sets me on the floor. It’s like a fire is consuming me in every single crevice. I don’t look up, I can’t. “Are you alright?”

  I nod. I’m not sure what to say. What can I say? I left you when we were seniors, and you’re the only one that knows the real reason.

  “God, Laney, are you okay?” Aiden says, bringing me back to the fucked-up reality.

  I glance up at him and nod. “Yeah, I think so.”

  “Well, can I ask what the hell you were doing? Why were you trying to get out of the window?”

  I didn’t think this through obviously. I have no idea what to say. So, I shrug. Savannah is staring at me like I’m an elf from Lord of The Rings.

  Aiden blows his blond hair from his eyes and offers Lachlan his hand. “Thanks a lot, buddy. She was really stuck in there, weren’t you?” His fingertip touches the bare skin of my side where my dress in torn. I retract from his touch.

  “You’re bleeding,” Savannah says. “Let me go get the first-aid kit from the kitchen.” She disappears, her heels clacking against the tile.

  “Let’s get that dress off of you, so we can clean you up,” Aiden says.

  My eyes widen and I glance up, losing my composure seeing Lachlan so close to me. He is studying my face, my neck, my breasts, my thighs, every single inch of me. A fire lights in the middle of my stomach, traveling down between my legs. Jesus Christ, I don’t know what to do. “I don’t want to take my dress off,” I say.

  Aiden scoffs. “Laney. I promise I’m not going to molest you. We just need to get your cut looked at.”

  I bite my lip, hard. I’m not taking my clothes off in front of Aiden, or Lachlan, for that matter. “No.”

  Aiden growls underneath his breath. “Please, Laney. It could get infected.”

  “She said she doesn’t want to,” Lachlan says, his voice smooth and calm. How much I missed the sound of his voice.

  Aiden narrows his eyes. “How about I give you my shirt to wear. Will that help?”

  No, you dummy. Can’t you tell that Lachlan is standing here, watching me like he has laser vision? Savannah comes back in and motions me over to the sink. Shit, I grab my side as I take the last step. I’m bleeding pretty badly, and my side fucking hurts.

  “Come on, take that dress off, missy. Aiden, give her your shirt.”

  Holy shit. This isn’t happening. Aiden gives me an I told you so look and starts to undress. I glance down at the floor. I don’t look back up until he shoves the shirt in front of me.

  “Wait,” Savannah says. “Lachlan can you give us some privacy? I mean—she’s trying to undress here.”

  I sigh. Thank you, baby Jesus. Unable to help it, I glance up at Lachlan. He doesn’t seem like he wants to leave as he stares directly at me, not hiding his aggravation. Aiden clears his throat and draws my attention back to him. He gives Lachlan a get the heck out look and raises an eyebrow at me.

  I snatch the shirt and limp over to a stall. I pull the dress over my head and toss it down hard. I slip Aiden’s crisp white button down over me. Being pretty short has its advantages, but since my legs are so long compared to my body, his shirt barely touches the middle of my thighs. “Come on out, Laney. We need to get you cleaned up.”

  Closing my eyes, I open the door and walk out. My eyes bug out when I see Lachlan is still in the room. Wasn’t he just asked to leave? The tension feels like weights pressing down on my chest. I can’t even glance at Aiden, my eyes haven’t left Lachlan. He is breathing harder now, a look I can’t pinpoint on his face. I can feel the heat rising to my cheeks. I pray no one can tell.

  “Lachlan!” Savannah says.

  He clenches his jaw. “I’m fine. It’s not like I haven’t seen her naked—it’s not like she has something any other girl doesn’t have. And put more pressure on that wound, it will stop the bleeding, luv.”

  We stare at each other until Savannah scoffs and shrugs her shoulders.

  “Oh, Aiden. Your friend has the nicest legs. Can I have them?” Savannah asks, trying to lighten the mood. It’s not helping.

  Aiden grins like he’s proud of himself. “She sure does.”

  Am I standing in this room? “Can we get this over with? I want to go home.” I can feel Lachlan’s eyes on the side of my face but I don’t dare look his way. I don’t want him to know how much his presence is affecting me.

  Savannah frowns, but dips a cloth in some ointment. “Lift up your shirt. We’ll get it all cleaned up for you.” I want to turn around and demand both of them leave. But what would that look like?

  Slowly, I pull up my shirt, revealing my underwear to Aiden. I hear an intake of breath but I’m not sure that was anyone other than myself. I thank Heather for making me wear these stupid lace panties. They are better than the granny panties I normally wear.

  “It’s not too deep, it should heal quickly,” Savannah says.

  My blood is boiling. I can’t wait to get this over with. Savannah looks up when someone walks through the door. Lucas. Mother of God, who did I kill to be punished so badly? “Hey Savannah—Laney? Is that you?”

  “Hi, Lucas.”

  “I—” he scratches the back of his neck and looks at Lachlan over his shoulder. I look away. “Um, nice to see you, Laney. Ummm…are you here with Aiden?”

  I nod. Unfortunately.

  He stares blankly between all of us for a few moments. “Okay well, Savannah, we need you outside. The wedding planner wants to talk to y
ou about the fish at the wedding.”

  “Damn it,” she says, tossing her cloth onto the counter. “I told her it’s supposed to be chicken. Aiden, can you take over? I need to figure this out.”

  Aiden all but jumps over to the counter. I look up at him, wishing I was anywhere else. Savannah and Lucas both leave at the same time but Lachlan is leaning against the back of the closed bathroom door. I can feel his eyes rolling over me. I blush harder, thinking about him wanting me. Would he? Would he still want me? I try to find my words to tell him to get the hell out but my mouth won’t open. I don’t want him knowing him seeing me is affecting me this much.

  “Okay, babe, hold onto my sides. This may sting.” I don’t reach for his sides, I can’t think about it. I don’t want to touch him. I want to leave. Now.

  He presses the cloth onto me and I moan. Unable to stop myself, I grab his sides and squeeze. “That’s right. Squeeze. It’s okay.”

  An uncomfortable noise comes from behind me. I want to look but I don’t dare. I take my punishment like a man. A few minutes later, Aiden finishes. He presses his lips to the side of my cheek. “Feel better?”

  Shaking, I nod. “Now, let’s get my shirt off of you. Although, you look fantastic with it on.” He isn’t whispering anymore, and I burn hotter. If that’s even possible.

  “I—I can do it by myself.” I almost run into the stall and change as quickly as I can. When I get out, Aiden is the only one standing in the bathroom. “I want to go home. I’m hurting.”

  Aiden wipes the corner of his lip with his thumb. “Okay, I’ll run you home really quick. You sure you don’t want to hang around?”

  I shake my head. “Absolutely not.”

  Chapter Five


  “Look in my eyes, you’re killing me,

  Killing me

  All I wanted was you.” – 30 Seconds to Mars

  I cup my hands and bring a handful of water up to my face. I need to breathe, I need to relax. I can’t believe this happened like this. I thought I may see her, but not like this. Not with someone else. His hands…goddamn it, he was touching all over her. All over her panty-covered ass. Her barely there panties. Christ.

  What the fuck am I saying? She doesn’t belong to me anymore, not since senior year. Not since she tore my heart out and stomped on it. I gargle with the water and spit it back into the sink. I stand against the bathroom wall and close my eyes. I have got to get a hold of myself. But her skin had been so smooth, tight. Her ass…God, I wanted to rip the rest of her dress off and take her against the bathroom counter.

  “That rough, huh?”

  I don’t even have to open my eyes to know it’s Lucas. “I can’t believe she was here. Right in front of me. I—I wanted to kill that bloody twit with her.”

  Lucas pats my shoulder. “Let’s get this out of the way, then we can go home.”

  I’ve never wanted anything more.


  The rehearsal lasts two hours too long.

  I tug my shirt off as soon as I reach Lucas’s apartment. My heart is still racing from seeing her. I wasn’t expecting it. She had looked so grown up…so sexy, so fucking beautiful.

  “Gah,” I groan, slipping out of my pants. She can’t be into that guy. He is a major douchebag. I thought I saw her snarl at him. But, why? Why would she even be out with him?

  Sighing, I turn on the hot shower and slip inside. I lather up my hair until it hurts from the pressure of my fingers. I keep replaying the arsehole grabbing Laney’s waist and pulling. Her soft groan making me want to beat the bloody fuck out of him. Jesus, but her ass, in that dress. I could see the soft curve of her bum barely covered by her lacey knickers.

  “Fuck,” I groan. Screw it. I grab myself, moving my hand up and down my cock. It feels so good. I envision ripping Laney’s dress off her dainty body, and pressing her curves against me. Sliding into her soft wetness. I pump my hand harder, feeling the urge coming. A few minutes later, I come into the shower. All my want and need rushing down the drain.



  Just like I expected, Heather and Bethany are both sitting in my dorm room when I get home. Bethany jumps up and her hands land on her hips.

  “Jesus, what in the hell was that?”

  I frown. “It’s good to see you, too.”

  “Oh, no. I forgot you wore my dress today.” Heather jumps up and starts to examine the rip in her dress.

  “I’m sorry, I just—I had to get out of there. I couldn’t be there anymore.”

  “Why?” Bethany yells, twisting her strawberry blond hair out of her face. “Everything was going great. He was being a gentleman, which is something he never does for any other girl.”

  I debate telling them. It’s not like I’ll see Lachlan again. I don’t plan on attending this wedding. “The best man, I dated him in high school. I mean—he is the last guy I dated.”

  Heather stops her examination and gawks at me. “The sexy guy behind the groom? The one with the accent, that helped you out of the window? Holy shit, now I feel really bad for you.”

  “Tell me about it. I really just want to get out of this dress—I’m sorry about the dress by the way—and then go to bed. I feel like shit. We can plan our attack tomorrow, is that okay?”

  Bethany sighs, but says her goodbyes. I’m thrilled to be away from her. Heather waits until the door clicks before she pushes me toward the bed.

  “What in the hell was that? I’ve never seen you act like…such a girl. You were stumbling over your words, nervous as hell. What the hell happened?”

  Tears sting my eyes and for once, I can’t keep them in. A sob breaks from my throat. Heather doesn’t say anything. She climbs into my bed and holds me until I fall into a deep, dark sleep.

  Chapter Six


  “I’m falling apart

  I’m barely breathing

  With a broken heart

  That’s still beating” – Lifehouse

  My eyes are still swollen the next morning. I blot make-up under them until I’m happy with the outcome. Heather has gone home for church today and I’m happy to be by myself. I never told Heather the truth. Not the real truth, at least. I’m not ready, not for the pitying glances. For the judgment.

  Slamming my mascara down onto the table, I answer my phone that keeps ringing. “Hello,” I snap. My side pulls as I twist in my seat. It’s still a little sore from yesterday’s incident.

  “Damn, girl. Remind me to always text you from now on,” Jacks says.

  “Sorry, I just had a really bad weekend. What’s up?”

  “Uh, the Cook Off, it’s today. Tell me you didn’t drink that much last night. Come on, you know, the extra credit for Dr. Phillips.”

  Shit. “Damn, I forgot. When is it?”

  “In thirty minutes. I’m coming over.” I hear the click of his phone and then some ruffling around next door. Jacks walks into my room, without knocking, two minutes later. He jerks his head back. “What happened to you?”

  I want to throw something against the wall. I pull out some Advil and dry swallow two pills. “Is there any good news you can bring me today, Jacks?”

  Smiling, he leans against my make-up desk and ruffles my hair. “Come on, kid. Let’s get this over with, then I’ll take you out for some ice cream.”

  The YMCA is packed when we get there. A sea of people are cluttered inside the building’s community room. Jacks says all we have to do is look for Dr. Phillips and he’ll show us where to go. But, I’m not sure I want to go where he points. He is pissed off at us, so there’s no telling what he has in store.

  “I see his bald head,” Jacks points, “over there.”

  Dr. Phillips is hunched over a table, scribbling things down. He doesn’t look up once we get in front of him, so Jacks knocks his fingers against the table.

  He jumps, frowning when he sees us. I knew it. He gives us a small smirk, and pushes his glasses up his nose. “Great, how wonderful
for you two to actually show up. I guess you do care about your grades.”

  Hilarious. Jacks laughs sarcastically, making it unreadable whether he is being a smartass or genuine. “That’s too funny, Dr. Phillips.”

  Grumbling under his breath, Dr. Phillips pulls out a clipboard. “You two need to go around to the tables and make sure all of the contestants are here. Can. You. Do. That?” What a douche.

  Jacks salutes him and takes the clipboard. “You won’t have any problems out of us, sir.”

  He points for us to leave him alone. Gladly. Jacks pulls me to the side and glances at the clipboard. “Damn, there are like thirty people signed up. Who cooks nowadays?”

  I laugh. “I guess the people that are good at it. Because God knows I’m not.”

  “That’s the truth. I remember when you tried to make that cake in Home-Ec. Damn, that was pretty bad, all mushy in the middle—”

  “Okay,” I say, grabbing his elbow and squeezing, “no need to kick me while I’m down.”

  Jacks smiles, then focuses on the clipboard. “Okay, let’s get this done.”

  We go around the room, making sure every contestant has signed in. Heather texts me, asking what happened last night. I ignore it. I was not going there, not today. I’d tell her when she gets back. Then Aiden texts me. Three times. I was sure the window incident would run him off, but obviously not.

  Aiden: How are you? What are you doing? You looked so sexy in that dress last night. Want to get together later?


  I send him a quick text telling him I’m doing some extra credit and that I’ll text him later. I’m not going to, it’s not part of the plan. Never text a guy first. Sounds bitchy, but guys always fall for the girls that act like they don’t give a damn. Well, he hit the motherload, because I certainly don’t give a damn.


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