The Billionaire's Legacy: A Billionaire Romance (The Hampton Billionaires Book 5)

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The Billionaire's Legacy: A Billionaire Romance (The Hampton Billionaires Book 5) Page 7

by Erika Rose

  He grabbed his phone off the table and squinted to make the double vision singular again. Finding Sasha’s number, he typed a short text. After hitting the send button, he stumbled to his room to sleep off the alcohol and the feeling of failure.


  I might have a bad reputation but you weren’t complaining when your hips were riding mine.

  Sasha gasped at the text on her phone and excused herself. “Night mom, dad. I’m going to go lie down; hopefully this bug will be gone in the morning.”

  Tisha narrowed her eyes briefly before smiling. “Alright Sasha, I hope you feel better.”

  “Night honey, and thank you for today.” JB said squeezing his little girl’s hand.

  Sasha moved past the tables in the restaurant and headed straight to her room upstairs. To say thank you, her father had surprised Sasha and her mother with a sailboat cruise after the fundraiser, followed by checking into the country club for the night. Sasha had barely spoken five words all afternoon and when her mother had asked what was wrong Sasha had claimed she wasn’t feeling well.

  She brushed away the look her mother had just given her; Tisha Morris was a human lie detector. A lie detector that knew something was up but kept quiet for JB’s sake.

  Sasha didn’t have time to worry about that now, she just wanted to cuddle up in her bed and cry for a man she wanted but didn’t need in her life. She shrugged off her clothes and shoes and climbed into bed naked bringing up the text again.

  He was right; she should’ve never let it go that far. But how could she regret something that had been so amazing? She couldn’t, she admitted. She just needed to find a way to let him down easy without hurting him anymore. Was that even possible if she was hurting just as much?

  As tears drenched her pillow she fell asleep, wondering what it would be like if she wasn’t JB Morris’s daughter and if Stefan actually cared about what he did with his life.

  The following morning Sasha dressed in a bright yellow dress, celebrating the warm spring morning and disguising the fact that her eyes were swollen. She dabbed more make-up around her eyes before assessing her appearance.

  Hopefully the human lie detector didn’t detect anything out of order. Sasha would just claim whatever had gotten her down yesterday had vanished during the night and Sasha would put on a performance that didn’t leave any doubt.

  If she didn’t pull herself together this morning her mother would start sniffing and soon realize what was going on. Besides the lecture that would be imminent Sasha was certain her father would force her to move home until after the election.

  She joined her parents in the breakfast room of the Country Club overlooking the green.

  “Good morning Senator and Mrs. Morris. I hope you had a wonderful evening.” Sasha said gaily as she sat down.

  “Well you look bright as a ray of sunshine.” JB said buttering his toast. “Doesn’t she Tisha?”

  Tisha surveyed Sasha with narrowed eyes as JB spoke. Sasha felt her mother’s probing gaze almost burn through her skin and see into her soul before her mother smiled. “You do Sasha. Feeling better this morning?” Tisha asked without any hint of undercurrent in her voice.

  Sasha mentally did a victory lap before sitting down. “I am. I don’t know what it was yesterday? But I’m feeling much better now and famished.” Sasha grabbed a slice of toast and began slathering it with butter and jelly.

  “So, do you know how much you raised yesterday dad?” Sasha asked before biting into her toast.

  Her parents shared a conspiratory grin before JB answered. “Enough to make sure this is going to be the best campaign ever.”

  “That’s wonderful, dad!”

  “I know, and I would not have achieved it without you and your mother. I don’t think I thank the both of you often enough for everything you do.”

  “Nonsense, JB. You would’ve done the same for us.” Tisha said waiving the gratitude away.

  “Still, I appreciate it that you do it for me. The sacrifices, the reporters, all of it. I know our lives were simpler without it.”

  Sasha laid a hand over her father’s. “New York is a better city because of you, so we’ll take it.”

  Conversation easily flowed from the campaign to Sasha’s studies and back to the plans for the next fundraiser. Sasha had just pushed her empty plate aside when her phone buzzed in her lap.

  I’ll give you five minutes to meet in the storeroom from yesterday or I’ll be introducing myself to daddy.

  Sasha gasped as she read the message.

  “Something wrong Sasha?” Her mother asked eyes narrowed again.

  “No, I just forgot I had to make a call this morning. Would you excuse me for a few minutes?”

  “Sure honey, we’ll order some coffee and meet you out on the deck.”

  Sasha nodded before hurrying towards the storage room. She flung open the door planning to tell Stefan exactly what she thought of his blackmail tactics.

  Before she could utter a word he slammed the door shut, turned the lock and pegged her back against it.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Sasha asked with her hands pinned over her head.

  “I was coming to apologize for the message I sent last night. Then you whipped open the door with murder shining in your eyes…it turned me on.” Stefan grinned down at her as if that explained everything.

  Sasha’s heart leaped, dampness and heat already pooling between her thighs. “Stefan, we can’t do this.”

  “You know what I was trying to figure out?” Stefan’s voice whispered over her collar bone as a kiss followed every word. “If you’re avoiding me because of my reputation or because you’re afraid of losing control of your perfect little life.”

  His mouth tugged her dress over her naked breasts and closed over her nipple. A jolt of ecstasy shot straight down to her clit. “Stefan…” Sasha said breathlessly.

  “I think,” his teeth closed on her nipple, tugging lightly. “You’re afraid to have some fun, because if you like it you won’t like your perfect controlled little world with all the perfect men in it anymore.”

  Sasha felt her eyes roll back from pleasure. “I’m not afraid to lose control,” Sasha gasped and tugged her hands free. Within seconds she had undone his trousers and pulled them down to his knees. She sank down on her knees and took him into her mouth, sucking hard.

  Stefan moaned surprised. Sasha smiled and stood up letting her tongue glide over her lips. “So are you going to take control of this, or should I?” Sasha asked grabbing his dick in her hand.

  She had never been bold, demanding or even used foul language, but right then she didn’t give damn. She wanted Stefan Kelson to screw her in the storage room of a Country Club.

  Stefan grinned smugly as he hitched up her dress and dragged down her panties. He grabbed her one leg and held it around his waist as he plunged into her.

  Sasha gasped at the delicious feeling of him filling her every inch. Keeping her eyes on his she watched as he plunged again.

  Jolts of desire slammed through her system. She reached for his butt and squeezed the firm muscle urging him closer.

  With a cocky grin Stefan slammed into her again. “You’re not thinking about my reputation now, are you?”

  Sasha giggled as her orgasm started building. “Fuck your reputation!”

  “’Atta girl.” Stefan said and started pumping harder.

  Sasha’s muscles started bunching, preparing for the onslaught when Stefan’s thumb found her clit. With deft flicks of his thumb over her sensitive nerves she quickly crested the wave and was plunged under as spasms shook her body.

  Stefan stiffened as his own release pumped into her.

  She just had amazing sex with a hot guy in a storage room. If only the press knew…

  Panting Stefan whispered into her ear. “I don’t want to hurt your reputation, I just wanted to say goodbye.”

  Sasha smiled se
ductively. “That felt more like a hello.”

  “It’s your choice; it can be whatever you want it to be.” Stefan trailed a finger along her jaw and traced her lips. “Your parents are waiting for you.”

  “Shit!” Sasha shrieked and started straightening her clothes. She barged out of the storage room leaving a laughing Stefan to compose himself.

  She found her parents outside on the deck sipping coffee overlooking the green. “Did you manage to make your phone call?” Tisha asked as Sasha joined them.

  “Yes.” Sasha said calmly, ignoring the pheromones that were still coursing through her body from the mind-numbing orgasm.

  “Oh good, I was starting to think the phone call was a cock and bull story.” Tisha said turning back to enjoy the view.

  Sasha bit her cheek at the old idiom her mother loved to use. If only she knew there was quite a big cock involved.


  Stefan drove home later that afternoon with a stupid grin still stuck on his face. Sasha’s fiery personality and hot little body had surprised him this morning. He really didn’t expect what had happened, but enjoyed it all the more since it was unexpected.

  He had gone to the country club wanting to apologize for his drunken text and instead she had screwed him senseless before walking back all prim and proper to her parents.

  He laughed and shook his head. No one would’ve believed him if he’d told them what a firecracker Sasha Morris was. Then again, he loved the fact that he was the only one that knew.

  The familiar signs and landmarks of Brooklyn came into sight and Stefan smiled at his plan of action. Knowing he won the battle he planned on how he was going to win the war. He would do the one thing that drove any girl crazy…he would play hard to get. Switch his phone off for a day or two, no contact from his side and then when he finally answered her calls or her texts she’d be begging to see him again.

  Satisfied and excited with the challenge ahead he switched off his phone and drove into Manhattan, still smiling like an idiot.

  When he switched on his phone Tuesday afternoon there were no messages or missed calls from Sasha. Wednesday Stefan convinced himself she was busy and would call or text him during the day. When he still hadn’t heard from her by Thursday everybody around him avoided him. Friday morning Roman had all but asked him to leave because he was a pain to have around. He snapped at anyone and everyone and deep down knew the reason for it, but refused to accept it. Instead of going home like Roman suggested, he headed up to the studio where they were shooting the fashion layout for the Spring Edition.

  Stefan kept to the back of the room avoiding another tussle with the photographer, imagining what he would’ve done differently. He wondered if Sasha had thought about him at all as the make-up artist added another layer of dark eye shadow to the model’s hazelnut shaped eyes. If he was the photographer he would’ve kept the make-up to a minimum to allow the clothes to stand out more, but since he wasn’t, he checked his phone again for messages.

  By the time the lunch rolled by and the caterers set out platters layered with healthy snacks and finger foods Stefan considered phoning Sasha. He pulled up her number but just as he was about to phone he decided against it. Stefan Kelson didn’t chase after girls, they came to him. He had chased after Sasha Morris enough.

  He tucked his phone away and observed the afternoon session. He had so many ideas on how to create a better backdrop for the clothing range they were featuring but knew his suggestions wouldn’t go down well. He frowned as the photographer stationed the model with a wisp of spring blooms knowing the shot wouldn’t work when the photographer bellowed, “Kelson!”

  Stefan looked around for his father but couldn’t seem to find him. The photographer looked straight at Stefan. “You’ve been standing in the back the whole day, don’t think I didn’t notice.”

  “It’s a free country.” Stefan snapped back arrogantly.

  “Well since you got so cocky last week, why don’t you come up here and tell me why this shot isn’t working?”

  Stefan frowned confused. Why would he want his opinion if he all but shitted on him for it last week?

  “Now!” The photographer bellowed again.

  Stefan moved forward not knowing if this was a trap to provoke him, if it was it wasn’t a good idea. Stefan was already irritable; he wasn’t going to allow the photographer to screw around with him today. “What?”

  “This shot isn’t working. Marketing wants us to have blooms in it but I can’t seem to get it to work with the girl and the clothes.”

  “It’s not working.” Stefan confirmed.

  “So how do we make it work?”

  Stefan looked from the girl wearing a wispy cotton candy pink dress to the sprig of blooms she held in her hand and back to the photographer.

  “Your background is wrong. There’s nothing wrong with the model or the blooms but they’re fading into the background.”

  The photographer frowned and looked at his stark white background before turning back to Stefan. “What do you mean it’s wrong? White always works best.”

  “Not with this. You need something dark, or use the green screen and we can make it black later. The black will make the dress stand out and the flowers will appear softer.”

  “Fine,” the photographer snapped at Stefan before he started shouting orders at anyone within hearing distance. “Green screen now, lighten the model’s make-up, remove the shoes!”

  Stefan knew he was dismissed and move back to his spot against the wall, still baffled that the photographer asked for his opinion.

  By the time the shoot was finished Stefan headed towards the elevator when the photographer called him back again.

  Stefan grunted but went to him. “What now?”

  “I don’t like you. You’re an arrogant shit that’s had everything handed to him his whole life. I don’t like the way you try throwing your weight around and I sure as hell don’t like your smug grin.”

  Stefan clenched his teeth. “Great! Glad you got that off your chest.” He turned to leave but the photographer grabbed his arm.

  “I’m not done yet.”

  “Then finish.” Stefan snapped.

  “I’m the best at what I do, but then again so thinks every other photographer in New York City. That doesn’t mean I don’t recognize a good eye when I see it. You’ve got a good eye and you’re wasting your time pushing paper in an office.”

  Stefan didn’t know if he should feel flattered or apprehended so he just shrugged.

  “Think about it Kelson, you’ll never be as good as I am but you’ll be better than most.”

  With that he picked up his camera case and walked out leaving Stefan staring after him confused.

  What the hell was that, Stefan thought? He mulled over the words and considered them, maybe he was right. Stefan actually enjoyed being in the studio and today was the second time his instinct had proved right with a photo.

  As the studio emptied Stefan checked his phone again, still nothing. Fuck that, he thought, heading to elevator. If she won’t call him, he’ll go see her.

  Shortly before six pm, Stefan buzzed her apartment. A few seconds later he was on his way upstairs.

  The door opened and Stefan expected to find an excited Sasha behind it. Instead it was perky blonde with curly hair. “Hi, I’m Kris.” She held out her hand.

  Stefan shook it briefly. “Stefan Kelson. Is Sasha around?”

  “Yeah, she’s holed up at her desk studying.” Kris said baffled. “Only that girl would spend a Friday night studying.”

  She led him inside to where he noticed Sasha sitting in the corner behind a battered old desk with headphones twitching her foot to the beat. Stefan heard the door close as Kris left the apartment.

  He moved towards Sasha and stood behind her. The textbook that lay open beside her held a bunch of legal mumbo jumbo Stefan didn’t understand. Her hair smelled of coconuts and summer and Stef
an couldn’t help but bend closer to inhale.

  Sasha all but jumped out of her chair, ripping off the headset and glared at him. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “It’s good to see you to.” Stefan smiled charmingly. God, it was good to see her.

  “How did you get in?” She demanded glaring at him.

  “Kris let me in, but I think she headed out at the same time.”

  Sasha sighed heavily. “What do you want, Stefan?”

  Confusion and disappointment washed through Stefan. She was supposed to be exhilarated, jumping his bones by this time. Why didn’t she ever react the way he expected?

  “Why didn’t you phone me?” Stefan asked stuffing his hands in his pockets feeling out of his depth.

  “What? You came all the way here to ask me that?” Sasha’s perfectly plucked eyebrows drew together.

  “Yes! You screwed me senseless and I haven’t heard a word from you since.”

  “You told me you came to say sorry and goodbye?”

  “Then you said it felt like hello?” Stefan heard his own voice growing louder and hated the fact that her careless words affected him so much.

  “I told you I can’t see you. I explained to you that it wouldn’t be good my father’s campaign.”

  “Screw your father’s campaign.”

  “You arrogant, self-centered, spoilt asshole! I think you should leave!” Sasha eyes flashed with flecks of gold as she cursed him.

  Stefan wanted to grab her and kiss her until she calmed down but knew it wouldn’t be a good time, so instead he fought back. “You think you’re better than me, than everyone around you, but I know the real you.”

  “You know nothing about me.” Sasha said her voice threateningly soft. “You don’t even know what you want to do with your own life but you’re judging mine?”


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