The Billionaire's Legacy: A Billionaire Romance (The Hampton Billionaires Book 5)

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The Billionaire's Legacy: A Billionaire Romance (The Hampton Billionaires Book 5) Page 8

by Erika Rose

  “Sasha…” Stefan said hoping he didn’t go too far.

  “Just get the hell out of my apartment!” Sasha turned around and sat back down. She placed her headset on her head and Stefan could hear the muffled music start to blast into his ears.

  Fuck! Who needed this shit, Stefan thought. “My pleasure!” he shouted and headed for the door, but not before grabbing the set of keys that were in the little blue dish beside the door.


  Sasha didn’t hear the door slam but when she glanced around a few minutes later she noticed Stefan had left. She didn’t know whether she was infuriated even more because of it or mad because he didn’t stay.

  Picking up her pen she glanced at her textbook; it only took her a few minutes to realize that she wasn’t going to get anything into her head while Stefan still demanded the most brain power. She needed to get him out of her mind and her system but didn’t know how, so instead she decided on the one remedy that always worked; a long, hot bath.

  She climbed into the scalding hot water cursing slightly, but as soon as her body adjusted to the heat she succumbed to its enveloping warmth. The small bathroom was clouded in steam and the fragrance of wild flowers. Sasha closed her eyes and ran over the argument in her head again. Although Stefan might think she was angry because he came to see her, that wasn’t the case.

  No, she was angry because she had missed him. Because every day she had to stop herself from phoning him, from asking him to see her again. Every cell in her body ached for him the whole week, so much so that she had earned a B- on a flash test yesterday. A grade Sasha had never received before. As her hand lathered her body with moisturizing soap Sasha realized she was angry because she wanted to see him again, and more because she knew she couldn’t.

  As the water turned tepid Sasha still hadn’t come to a conclusion. Not about Stefan or how she was going to shake the anger that still clung to her like the remnants of foam. She pushed up and stepped out of the bath wrapping a soft fluffy towel around her; the one luxury she refused to live without when she moved out. Tucking her hair into a second towel Sasha cinched the first around her chest when the bathroom door opened.

  “Kris, I’m in here.” Sasha said resigned. One day Kris would hopefully start respecting her privacy.

  “It’s not Kris. It’s me, and you were wrong.” Stefan leaned against the doorjamb, her brow furrowed as he spoke.

  “How did you get in here? Kris isn’t back yet.” Sasha said trying to look past him into the apartment.

  He held up his hand and her set of keys jangled from his fingers. “I borrowed these.”

  “You stole my keys?” Sasha said feeling anger snap back to attention.

  “No, I simply borrowed it so you could calm down enough that I could talk to you. I had a feeling you wouldn’t let me in.”

  “No shit Sherlock!” Sasha snapped back as she pushed past him and headed for her bedroom.

  “So as I was saying,” Stefan said following her to her bedroom as if it was the most natural thing in the world. “You were wrong. I do know you.”

  Sasha held the towel where it was cinched making sure it didn’t drop; she was prepared for a fight, but not in the nude. “You don’t know me.” She stood in front of her bed glaring at him.

  “But I do. I know you can be elegant and smart one moment and sharp and sassy the next moment. I know you believe in happy ever afters, although you like it when I’m a little rough when we’re making love. I also know that right know you’re so mad you could spit lightning bolts but if I were to touch you you’d succumb.”

  “You’re wrong!” Sasha exclaimed although she knew he had everything right. “I wouldn’t succumb.”

  Stefan took a step closer his voice low as he spoke. “I also know that if I had my own business or even a job my dad didn’t give me, and if I didn’t have a tainted reputation as you call it, you would’ve already jumped me by now.”

  Sasha wanted to argue, but she knew she couldn’t. If it wasn’t for his reputation, her father’s campaign… Too many ifs in that sentence…

  Before she could find a point to argue Stefan’s mouth closed over hers. Instinctively her hands reached for him, weaving through his hair until she reached his nape to pull him closer.

  She felt the towel drop around her ankles and couldn’t stop the laugh that gurgled from her throat. Stefan’s mouth smiled against hers as he pulled the towel from her hair, letting it join the other one on the floor.

  “I’m naked,” Sasha said against his mouth.

  “I prefer it that way.” Stefan picked her up and set her down on the bed.

  “I thought we were fighting?” Sasha heard the breathlessness of her own voice and realized how she missed him over the past week.

  “We can fight later.” Stefan kissed her temple before cruising his lips over her neck, her breasts and finally dropping a kiss in her belly button. Sasha felt the responding bolt of desire shoot to her clit.

  “Stefan, I’m serious… we need to talk.”

  “About what?” Stefan asked moved back to her mouth. “About the fact that you’re intimidated by me? That you envy me because I live my life one day at a time and you’re stuck dancing to your father’s pipes?”

  Her hand flew out so fast she didn’t even realize it until she heard loud snap of her palm against his cheek. He grabbed both her wrists and pegged them above her head. “If you’ve got something to say, you say it. You don’t fight dirty.” Stefan said as his pale gaze turned cloudy with anger.

  Sasha felt her chest rise and drop, whether from anger or desire she wasn’t sure. Suddenly turned on by his anger she drew on her own. “I don’t envy you! You haven’t done anything with your life. Nothing! You live off your father’s fortune and blame other people because you don’t even want to do the job you’re given. And I don’t dance to my father’s pipes, I simply respect him. Maybe you should try it sometime.”

  Stefan’s eyes flashed into hers, Sasha knew she had hit a sore point but before she could continue making it, he secured both her hands with one hand and slipped the other inside her.

  “Even while we’re fighting you’re wet for me.” Stefan whispered into her ear as his fingers flicked inside in her.

  Sasha’s world started spinning, like water funneling into a drain. She was stuck in the current, pulling her in faster and faster. She tried to fight against it but it was useless, he knew exactly how to drive her senseless. His thumb flicked over the bundle of nerves between her folds making the current draw her in faster and deeper.

  Her muscles tensed readying for the release when Stefan’s hot mouth closed over her nipple, he tugged it between his teeth and Sasha felt herself go under the current of ecstasy. She surfaced with his pale green eyes watching her, her whole body lax from his assault. “That’s not playing fair either.”

  “No it isn’t, but I needed to get you to shut up.” Stefan trailed his fingers lazily over her ribcage as he watched her. “I understand what you said but I can’t just walk out on this.”

  “There is no this, Stefan.” Sasha sat up and drew the sheet around her body. “There can’t be.”

  “There is and your father’s campaign manager or whoever the hell needs to deal with it, because I’m not staying away until after the election. The press will still be around then.”

  The embers of desire flared even as the flames of anger exploded. “There you go again, thinking of no one but yourself. It must be nice not to consider other people, just to think of yourself the whole fucking time.” She tugged the sheet trying to stand up but he pulled her back onto the bed.

  “I’m thinking of you, of us.” Stefan said as he kicked off his shoes.

  Need, as strong and basic as instinct rushed through her. How could she want him if he couldn’t take her feelings into consideration? Even as her mind fought against it, her hands fought off his clothes. As soon as he was naked Stefan flipped onto his back pullin
g Sasha on top of him.

  Sasha felt his erection press against her moist heat, trailing her gaze up his torso she was met with a broad smile. Needing more, of what she wasn’t sure; control, Stefan or both? Sasha rose above him and sank down until he was sheathed to the hilt.

  She watched his eyes glaze over with desire and relished having control over him for a change. Riding him slowly Sasha spoke, “If you hadn’t fucked around and rode on your father’s coat tails I could ride you like this every day of the week, but you did.” On the last words she increased her pace, not only for his pleasure but for hers. She felt the storm build and build until she was in the center, surrounded by desire, lust and flickers of something unfamiliar, a feeling that tugged at her heart even as she felt her muscles clench around his sheath and pulse with release.

  Sasha watched as Stefan’s eyes glazed over, felt his hands stiffen on her thighs and his body pumping into hers.

  With a smug grin he focused on her. “See? It’s rewarding thinking of only yourself. You did pretty good considering I just went along with the ride.”

  Knowing he was right, shame and guilt washed over her leaving her feeling cheap and revengeful. “Get out.”

  “Are we really going to do that again?” Stefan asked with a cocky tone before glancing at his watch. “Should I be back in about an hour for a rerun?”

  Sasha pulled on a robe and glared at him. No one had ever made her that mad, or made her feel that bad. “Get out Stefan and this time don’t come back. Ever.”

  Stefan dragged on his clothes and turned to leave but not before turning around and looking her straight in the eye. “Don’t think this is over, Sasha Morris.”

  This time Sasha heard the door slam and couldn’t help the tears that started to roll down her cheeks.


  Saturday afternoon Stefan sat – or, rather, slouched - on his parent’s couch watching TV. He wasn’t there because he missed them; he tried to convince himself he was only there for the food. They always had great food, whether it was left over’s in the fridge from a meal their cook had made or frozen dinners stored in the freezer. Since he didn’t have any comfort food in his apartment he headed to Park Avenue, knowing his parents wouldn’t be home. His father mentioned they were going to visit his uncle in Brooklyn today.

  He heard the front door open and sat up cursing himself for not leaving sooner.

  “Oh Tommy, stop complaining. You only visit your brother once a month and then you spend the next month complaining about him. He’ll never be you so stop expecting it from him.”

  Stefan sat up as he heard his mother’s voice move closer. This was interesting, Stefan thought. He never knew his dad didn’t like his uncle Bob.

  “I don’t expect him to be like me, but he could at least try and set an example. You know Stefan is headed the same way.” Tommy Kelson’s voice sounded resigned as he answered his wife.

  Stefan thought of his uncle in his flat in Brooklyn with the dozen of empty beers always standing around; his father thought he was heading towards that? He had never needed their approval but for the first time Stefan felt their strong disapproval.

  “Stefan will get better, just you wait Tommy. He just needs some…”

  “A kick in the ass if you ask…” Tommy’s voice broke off immediately as he stepped into the living room and saw Stefan on the couch. “Stefan…”

  “Don’t worry dad, I won’t take it personally. Hi mom.” Stefan said as he stood up. He had enough insults thrown his way last night he didn’t need any more.

  “Stefan, please don’t go. We didn’t know you were here.” Ruth Kelson pleaded.

  “So that makes it alright to say I’m going to end up a no-good drunk like Uncle Bobby?”

  “No, it doesn’t. It’s still wrong of me to say that and I’m sorry, Stefan.” Tommy said walking to Stefan with his hand held out.

  Stefan wanted to shake his father’s hand but something held him back. Wasn’t his father maybe right?

  “Dad, I…you’re right. If I keep going the way I have been I might up the same.”

  For the first time in his life Stefan saw his father’s face go pale. Not when his father had learned a business partner was a fraud, not when the markets crashed, never had Stefan seen his father look so shocked.

  His mother pressed a hand to her dear old southern heart. “Tommy, I’m going to get you boys something to drink.”

  “Thanks Ruthie.” Tommy said his eyes still on Stefan. “Sit down, son. I think it’s time we had a man to man talk.”

  The last time his father said that he told him about the birds and the bees and Stefan had a feeling this conversation wasn’t going to be any better. Resigned he sat down and waited for his father to start.

  Tommy sat down on a wingback chair and glanced out the window at the trees starting to bloom in Central Park. “When I was growing up I wanted so many things I couldn’t have. A new bike, new clothes and of course more sweets. But my parents couldn’t provide it, so I made do with what I had. Then when I had you I wanted to give you everything, and I did. I gave you everything you wanted, you just had to ask. No saving your money, no doing chores, you just got it. I see now that I might’ve been wrong, I’ve been a bad father to you.”

  Stefan felt shame rush through him. As an adult, he knew his father indulged his only child because he was never home. Always at work, making sure he could indulge his family. “You were never a bad father. Whatever I’ve become is on me, not you.”

  “At least I knocked the sense into you to take a bit of responsibility.” Tommy laughed. Ruth walked in, carrying two beers and bag of nachos. She sat down after handing out the beers and folded her hands in her lap, making it clear she wasn’t going to leave them alone.

  Stefan took a long pull of beer before meeting his father’s gaze again. “I know I’ve been spoilt, I know I grew up without responsibility and expectations dad. But somewhere along the line I became an adult and still I never picked up either, and that’s on me.”

  “Fair enough. So, what do we do?” Tommy asked looking at Stefan before glancing at his wife.

  “I think that’s up to Stefan Tommy, not you.” Ruth said before turning to her son.

  Stefan sighed, feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders. His parents expected a clear-cut answer here and he didn’t have one. The only one he did have, they weren’t going to like. He cleared his throat and summoned his courage. “I hate my job at FACE; I hate Roman although hating him is more on me than on him, and I hate that you hold my trust fund over my head like a goddamn axe.”

  Tommy laughed, shocking Stefan. “Finally the boy speaks his mind Ruthie.”

  “You’re not mad?” Stefan asked confused.

  “Why would I be mad? It’s your right to like something or not, and I do hold the trust fund over your head like an axe. It’s the only axe I’ve had since you left school.”

  Stefan shrugged. “Fair enough. So what now?” He looked at both his parents, hoping they had the answer.

  “Tommy, tell him about the call you had yesterday.” Ruth nodded encouragingly at Tommy.

  “Oh, right. Yesterday that photographer from FACE called me. Where he got my number I don’t know, heads are going to roll for that…”

  “Tommy!” Ruth admonished.

  “Well anyhow. He told me you were on set again yesterday.”

  “I didn’t do anything dad! He asked my opinion.” Stefan defended knowing where this was going.

  “He didn’t say you did. He told me you had a keen eye and needed to take it more seriously. He also told me that you spend most of your time in the studio so he thinks you might enjoy doing something about it. Is that true?”

  Stefan thought about fencing it but decided since they were talking straight he would too. “Dad, I hate my job. The paper pushing, playing police man and bidding to Roman’s whims. I hate it. Probably more because Roman keeps reminding me I only have a
job because of you. And before you go firing Roman, that’s partially my fault. I can’t say I’ve ever actually done my job, so his anger was justified. And the photographer’s right. I do enjoy it in the studio. The angles, the backdrops, the lightning… I never thought anything of it until he spoke to me yesterday.”

  “So do you plan on doing anything about it?” Tommy probed.

  “I don’t know. I don’t even know exactly what part of it I like best. All I do know at this stage of my life is that I want to start taking responsibility and decide what I want to do with my life.”

  Ruth clapped her hands together with the same joy she had years ago when Stefan had taken his first step. “See Tommy, I told you! Our boy just needed to grow up.”

  Stefan glanced at his father. His expression gave nothing away and Stefan didn’t know what to expect.

  Tommy finished his beer and placed it on the table, taking his time before turning to Stefan. “I think you’re done at FACE. I think you need to take a couple of days and decide what you want to do. Your mother and I want you happy, whether or not that includes working for us. If you do decide to head into photography there will always be a place for you at FACE if you want it.”

  Stefan felt a wave of relief wash over him. “Thanks dad, you’ve given me a lot to think about.”

  He stood up and shook his father’s hand before hugging his mother. Just as he turned to leave his father touched his shoulder. “I’m proud of you, son.”

  Stefan nodded and briskly left. Emotion clogged his throat as he stepped into the elevator. Five words. Five words that almost brought him to his knees. Five words he had never wanted but couldn’t appreciate more. If anything, he was going to make sure his father used those five words more often.

  He stepped out of the apartment building and saw the large orange dome peek out from behind the trees of Central Park. The sky was dashed with broad strokes of violet, turmeric, and butter yellow colors. Without thinking, Stefan pulled out his phone and aimed its camera. Before his finger touched the capture button Stefan realized that this was what he wanted to do after all. He walked through the park, sat down on a bench and started to scroll through the pictures in his gallery. Pictures of sunsets, sun rises, flowers, trees, snow, buildings, people. Thousands and thousands of pictures he had taken impulsively because he liked the way they looked.


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