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Duty Bound: Bound and Tied, Book 2

Page 4

by Myla Jackson

KC sighed. “Learn.”

  Rosalyn smiled. “That’s better. Now, watch and learn.” Her hands went to the tie at the front of her robe. “It’s all in the presentation. Make your movements slow, deliberate, dragging out the anticipation.” She untied the bow, letting the strings drop one by one. Her hands trailed along the open edges of the flimsy garment, down over her breasts to her belly and back up again, and then she pulled one side over her arm, exposing the nightgown. Her breast peaked, poking against the fabric that barely concealed the rosy-brown nipple.

  KC’s body tensed and she found herself willing the other side to fall away so that all that stood between her and Rosalyn was the thin nightgown. Her tongue slid across her dry lips.

  “Feel the anticipation?” Rosalyn said, her voice low and gravelly. “You can heighten the anticipation by touching yourself. Men love it when the lady touches parts of her body. They can imagine their own hands there.”

  KC’s hand rose to touch her left nipple. “Mmmm. Yes. I see what you mean.” Her belly tightened, an ache spreading through her nether regions, warm wetness dribbling down her leg. “What should I do next?”

  A flush spread over Rosalyn’s neck into her cheeks. “You fondle him, run your hands over his chest. Like this.” Rosalyn trailed a finger along KC’s neck and down the curve of her throat, skimming over her collarbone. As her fingers moved lower to the hardened nubs of KC’s nipples, KC tensed.

  All this touching was so foreign to her as to rob her of her breath. But it did feel good. She reached out tentatively and plucked at one of Rosalyn’s breasts through the fabric.

  “That’s right. Touch me as if I was him.” Rosalyn’s head dropped back as KC’s hand closed over her right breast and she pressed closer.

  KC’s heart pounded, blood rushing up into her ears. “What next?”

  “Even a man’s breasts are sensitive. Pinch the nipple softly until it forms a peak.”

  “But you aren’t naked. I am.”

  “Remember that. Are you not aroused by what you can barely see through the fabric?”

  Ashamed yet mesmerized by the beautiful Rosalyn, KC didn’t have the words to respond. She nodded instead. “Isn’t this wrong for a woman to be attracted to another woman?”

  “Only if you think it is. Pinch my nipples until they form hard little nubs. Make me want you as badly as you want me.”

  “But I like you. How can I touch a man like this when I loathe the very sight of him?”

  Rosalyn’s lips curled up in a very provocative smile. “You can close your eyes and think of me.”

  KC tried closing her eyes and letting herself picture Rosalyn. Her hands cupped Rosalyn’s breasts, and she tweaked the nipples. They quickly formed into tight little peaks. Unable to resist, KC opened her eyes and stared at them. “Does that mean you’re enjoying this?”

  “Oh, darlin’, yes.” Rosalyn drew in a deep breath and moved even closer. She wrapped her hands around KC’s neck. “Now, let’s talk about kissing.”

  “Oh, I know about that. He kissed me tonight.”

  “He did?” Rosalyn leaned back to stare into KC’s eyes. They were almost equal in height, with KC being perhaps an inch taller. “Was it like this?” Rosalyn touched her lips to KC’s, soft at first, then harder as her breast pressed into KC’s hand.

  When Rosalyn backed away, KC shook her head. “No, more like this.” KC’s hands left Rosalyn’s breasts and cupped her face. Not certain how exactly to initiate the kiss, as it had been rather sudden to her, KC dove in, crushing her lips against Rosalyn’s full, sensuous mouth. She skimmed her tongue over the line between Rosalyn’s lips, pushing through until Rosalyn’s teeth opened and KC was able to poke her tongue into the other woman’s mouth.

  She tasted different than the miner. Where he’d tasted of coffee and tobacco, Rosalyn tasted of tea and sugar. KC twisted her tongue around Rosalyn’s for the full effect she’d gotten from Jake. The actions were the same, but the effects completely different, although both kisses increased her level of desire.

  Rosalyn’s pointed nipples rubbed against hers, the fabric softly abrading KC’s naked skin. That ache in her belly grew stronger, making her throb in that place between her legs. She wanted Rosalyn naked like her, to touch her bare skin and feel her warmth and the dampness between her legs. Shocked at her rising passion, she pulled away, wiping a hand over her pulsing lips.

  Rosalyn’s eyes were glazed. “He kissed you like that?”

  KC nodded. “Is that a bad thing?”

  “Oh, no, not at all. It was quite good.” Rosalyn’s hand smoothed down over her breasts to rest on her belly. “We can move on to the next lesson.”

  “When does the lady remove all of her clothing? This all seems to take such a long time.”

  “The longer a man waits, the more satisfied he will be with the outcome. If you let him jump on you like a bull on a heifer, it will be over in seconds and though he’ll be satisfied, he may not be entertained.”

  “Oh. I see.” KC really didn’t see at all. “Show me.”

  “Very well.” Rosalyn stood away from KC. “Let the man undress you. Men take great pleasure in undressing a woman.” She nodded to KC. “Go ahead, undress me and see what I mean.”

  Anxious now to see Rosalyn’s body and touch her as she’d touched KC, KC grabbed the hem of her gown and yanked it upward.

  Rosalyn’s hands stopped her halfway up. “Slowly. Remember it heightens the anticipation.”

  KC continued, raising the gown little by little, revealing an inch at a time of Rosalyn’s smooth, pearly white skin. The higher she lifted the gown, the harder she fought to breathe. “I see what you mean.”

  Rosalyn’s delicate arms rose above her head as the gown slipped up and over.

  KC tossed it to the floor and stood staring at the other woman’s body, comparing it to her own. “We are the same, but different. My breasts are smaller.” She lifted them, staring from hers to Rosalyn’s.

  “They are quite adequate. It’s what you do with your body that keeps a man’s interest.”

  “How so?”

  “Remember I said that a man likes to see a woman touch herself? Do it now.”

  KC ran her hands over her breasts and plumped them. “Like this?”

  “No, like this.” Rosalyn’s fingers took a slower, meandering path over her breasts, tweaking the nipples as she went. Her hips swayed gently as if to a music neither could hear. As her hands extended over her belly, they splayed wide, then arrowed downward to the thatch of curly dark hair at the apex of her thighs. But she didn’t stop there.

  KC’s mouth grew dry. She licked her lips and stared, transfixed by what the other woman was doing to herself.

  Rosalyn’s fingers parted the hairs over her pussy, sliding down into the folds of skin, gently rubbing and circling the center. “Not only will the man be entertained by a woman touching herself, but a woman can find pleasure in the act.” Her words were breathy, every other one catching on a gasp. “This can feel very nice if you let yourself enjoy it.” Her head fell back, one hand going up to cup her own breast, the other continuing to stroke that place between her thighs.

  KC didn’t understand. She felt achy and unsure as she watched Rosalyn pleasuring herself. Her own hands skimmed down over her breasts, liking the feel of her skin beneath her fingertips. But when she came to the mound of hair over her mons, her fingers dug in and nothing happened.

  Meanwhile, Rosalyn’s body tensed, her fingers working feverishly over that spot. She reached lower, her finger dipping into moisture and coming up to lubricate between her folds.

  KC moved closer. She wanted to see what was so magical about rubbing her mons. What made Rosalyn moan, her body undulate as though she were bewitched? At last the woman cried out, pressing her whole hand against her pussy, her hips rocking forward in short, swift thrusts. As her body slowed, her eyes opened and a smile curved across her lips. “See? You can pleasure yourself.”

  Frustrated beyond belief,
KC shook her head. “No, I don’t see.”

  Rosalyn pulled in a shaky breath and laughed. “I suppose you’ve never pleasured yourself.” She marched up to KC, placed her hands on her chest and maneuvered her backward until the backs of her legs bumped into the bed. “Then let me show you what it’s like when a man pleasures a woman. You’ll see what I’m talking about then.”

  Rosalyn pushed her back until she lay on the bed, her legs draped over the side. When KC tried to scoot the rest of the way up onto the mattress, Rosalyn held onto her thigh. “No, stay here.”


  “Trust me.” Rosalyn leaned over KC and pressed her lips to KC’s, her tongue diving in to thrust, twist and tangle. She pulled back until her lips hovered over KC’s. “He might start with a kiss.” Then her lips skimmed along the line of KC’s jaw and down the long line of her neck.

  “Oh, yes. He did do that,” KC said, her breathing coming in shallow pants. “Only he went lower still.”

  “Like this?” Rosalyn licked, nipped and kissed a meandering path down over KC’s collarbone to the rounded mounds of her breasts. She took one breast into her mouth, tonguing the nipple.

  “Yes, like that.” KC’s back arched off the bed, pressing the breast more fully into Rosalyn’s mouth.

  Rosalyn sucked hard on the nipple, laving it with her tongue, nipping at the tip playfully. Her hand moved across to the other breast, teasing it to a tightened nub.

  KC writhed against the mattress, her body on fire with a need she’d never known before today. “I want…”

  “What do you want?” Rosalyn spoke against her nipple, her breath warm, intoxicating.

  “I don’t know, but I want more.”

  “Oh, honey, you’ll be screaming with need before I’m done with this lesson.” Her hands and mouth slipped down over KC’s belly, inching a path lower and lower until they stopped at the mound of hair.

  KC bucked, wanting the hands and mouth to go lower. Not that she had any idea as to what it would feel like, but every part of her body told her she wanted them lower.

  Rosalyn slipped off the bed and KC almost cried as her warmth went with her.

  She spread KC’s thighs wide and stepped in between them. “If I were a man, I’d be tempted to ram my dick into you at this point. But a real man would want to pleasure his woman first. Make her hot and moist so that when he slides into her, he’s surrounded by the juices he’s inspired.”

  “Juices?” KC squeaked, completely out of her element now, splayed out like a calf for branding. “I’m lost here. I can rope, ride and herd cattle. But this is all new and bewildering to me.”

  “Not for long. Feel and learn, sweeting.” Rosalyn parted the hairs over KC’s mons and slipped her fingers between the folds, tickling the nubbin.

  A shock of awareness made KC’s hips jerk upward.

  “Feel that?”

  KC’s breath caught in her throat and she had to swallow twice before she could answer. “Y-yes.”

  “That is your clit, the source of pleasure for all women. A man who has ever loved a woman would know this and seek this little button of desire to bring her to the same level of satisfaction as he can obtain by simply ramming his dick into her cunt.”

  Rosalyn stroked the nubbin, her finger drawing a line down to the entrance to KC’s womanhood. She swirled her finger around and around the hole, dipping into the moisture seeping out. “You must be feeling something. You’re all hot and wet.” Her finger traveled upward to coat the nubbin with the newfound moisture.

  KC’s fingers dug into the blanket, her body tensing as Rosalyn’s finger continued the steady stroking. “Will it hurt?” she gasped out.

  “In the most delightful way.” Rosalyn leaned closer.

  The dark-haired seductress kissed KC’s mons, and her tongue snaked out and replaced her fingers in the tender stroking of KC’s clit.

  KC’s head spun with the sensations roaring through her body. Her hips bucked, thrusting her pussy into Rosalyn’s mouth.

  Rosalyn sucked the nubbin between her lips and nibbled, then tongued it. Her mouth moved lower, abandoning the swollen nub.

  KC cried out, her hand reaching for Rosalyn’s hair.

  “Patience, sweeting.” The dark-haired teacher blew a gentle breath of air over KC’s heated center and then Rosalyn’s tongue swept into her channel, swirling around the juices.

  Shock made KC rise to her elbows. “A man will do that?”

  “If he’s set on making his woman happy. I know this is a deal made under duress, but it doesn’t have to be unpleasant. You can teach a man that by pleasuring you, he can gain greater pleasure for himself. Lie back and let yourself feel.”

  KC fell back against the bed, every muscle tense, her body feverish, the throbbing in her core so strong she thought perhaps she would die. But Rosalyn was not finished with her lesson.

  Her tongue returned to that nubbin of such intense sensations. She rolled it around and stroked it, laving in a steadily increasing rhythm until KC’s fingers wrapped around Rosalyn’s hair, pulling her closer still.

  “Stop, please stop,” KC gasped. “Surely I will die.”

  “Then you’re almost there. Ride it to the end, you won’t regret it.” Rosalyn sucked KC’s clit into her mouth and pulled hard, then resumed the strokes, thrusting, teasing and drawing KC to the edge.

  Rosalyn’s attentions catapulted KC into an explosion of sensation of which she’d never felt before in her nineteen years of life.

  “Oh, sweet Jesus. I’m on fire.”

  With one hand stroking, Rosalyn slipped the other hand down between KC’s legs and pressed two fingers into her channel.

  KC bucked, wanting more. “Is this what it feels like to have a man fuck you?”

  “No, it’s even better.” Rosalyn slid her fingers out and added a third before pushing in. “He’ll fill you so full, you won’t know where he ends and you begin.”

  “Will I like it?”

  “Oh my, yes.” Rosalyn pulled her fingers out. “If he’s really blessed, he’ll be hung like a horse.” She pressed four fingers into KC, her other hand stroking KC’s clit all the while.

  KC rode wave after wave of molten hot desire until she fell against the mattress spent, her body as limp as a dishrag.

  Rosalyn licked KC’s clit one last time and crawled up beside her on the bed. “Do you see how you can train your man to pleasure you?”

  “Yes, but how will I pleasure him?”

  “By touching him.” Rosalyn’s fingers skimmed over KC’s belly, her palm flattening as she angled toward KC’s mound. “Men love it when you touch their dicks.” She swirled her fingers through the hairs covering KC’s mons. “They like it even better when you take their dicks in your mouth.”

  KC’s eyes popped open. “What?”

  Rosalyn smiled. “You heard me right. You take his dick into your mouth and suck on it. Kind of like how I sucked on your clit. It works the same for a man.”

  KC’s eyes narrowed. “Are you sure?”

  Rosalyn laughed, helping KC scoot up onto the mattress. “Positive.”

  Her body heat cooling, KC slipped beneath the covers.

  Rosalyn slid in next to her, draping a slim, silky leg over hers, pressing her breasts into KC’s side.

  If anyone had told KC she’d be lying naked next to another woman that night, she’d have called them crazy. But she curled into Rosalyn’s body, enjoying her exotic scent and the softness of her skin.

  “I wish you were coming with me. I don’t know if I can do this alone.”

  “I wish I could, sweeting.” Rosalyn pushed KC’s hair back from her face and kissed her lips. “But I have to meet my employer tomorrow. I’ll be leaving.”

  KC lay in Rosalyn’s arms, the terror of the morrow sweeping in to consume her. What did she know about a man’s wants and desires? Would he be as gentle as Rosalyn? Would he care to make her first experience with a man a good one? Or would he rut with her like a dog after a
bitch in heat?

  Jake wasn’t an ugly man. A thrill of excitement rippled across her skin. His hands had made her body burn.

  Despite her fears, KC slipped into a troubled sleep. Gone was the dust and grime of the cattle drive. Gone were her boots, hat and dungarees. She lay naked with both Jake’s and Rosalyn’s hands roaming over her virgin body, making her cry out in a fever of unfamiliar passion.

  It beat the hell out of pokin’ cows.

  Chapter Four

  Jake stepped off the porch of the Golden Nugget Hotel, his pockets lighter, anticipating the prize he’d claim later that morning.

  The deal with Mr. Matheson had gone down with barely a hitch. The old man knew Jake had him with his back against a wall. He could sacrifice one daughter or all of his family. When Jake insisted he and Katherine were in love and planned to marry, Matheson agreed, taking the money and the IOU for the ranch.

  Jake clapped his hands together, eager to get on with the game at hand. All he had to do was collect Honor’s companion and he could head back to the mine.

  How far would Katherine go before she cried uncle? Would she make it all the way to the mine, or would she beg him to take her back before they cleared the outskirts of the mining town?

  The devil on Jake’s other shoulder was whooping and hollerin’ that he finally had a woman of his own to warm his bed and slake his desires. Bought and paid for. The best kind. If he got tired of her, he wasn’t stuck with her. He could send her back to her daddy.

  Though his groin tightened in anticipation and his blood rushed throughout his body, warming him in places that had no business being warm, Jake reminded himself he was an honorable man. He wouldn’t take advantage of a woman in that way.

  Unless she was willin’ and insisted.

  Either way, wouldn’t Zach and Honor be surprised? Zach had left too early in the morning for Jake to apprise him of the change in plans.

  Jake headed for the livery stables, shaking off the guilt weighing down on his shoulders. He needed to ask when the next stage would arrive in Idaho Springs. Surely Honor’s companion would be on it. Already three days late, if she was coming at all, she’d be in today.


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