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Duty Bound: Bound and Tied, Book 2

Page 8

by Myla Jackson

  Feeling lower than a snake’s belly, Jake bent to give Rosalyn a boost up into her saddle, helping her to arrange her skirts to cover her legs.

  He stowed the coffeepot and kicked dirt over the fire.

  By the time he looked up, KC had already mounted and was settling gently into the saddle, her face pinching into a grimace as she lowered her crotch to the hard leather.

  Jake winced along with her, imagining her pain. When she glanced his way, he turned his back to her so that she wouldn’t have to suffer further embarrassment at his hand. He handed her a piece of the jerky.

  “No thank you,” she said, refusing to take it.

  “Take it and eat it. It’s a long way to the camp. I won’t have you passing out from hunger.”

  She took the jerky, her blue eyes flashing beneath the brim of her cowboy hat. “I wouldn’t dare pass out. I know my limitations, thank you very much.”

  “Apparently you don’t know when to tell others of those limitations. Eat the damned jerky.” He stomped away, cursing beneath his breath. “Damned woman. Doesn’t know what’s best for her.”

  “I heard that. And I do know what’s best for me.” She jerked up straight in her saddle and winced.

  “Horsefeathers. You don’t know what’s best for you or you wouldn’t be in this situation to begin with.”

  She turned her face away. “I’m not arguing with a gambling miner.”

  Rosalyn chuckled. “Then what do you call that little display?” She nudged her horse’s sides, sending her between KC and Jake. “If I knew the way, I’d head out on my own and leave you two to the fight.”

  “We’re not fighting.” Jake swung up into his saddle and kicked his horse in the side a little too hard. The stallion reared and almost unseated Jake.

  KC laughed out loud, clapping a hand over her mouth when Jake glared at her.

  He left the clearing at a trot, quickly angling up a barely noticeable trail, climbing ever higher into the Rocky Mountains.

  KC let her horse set her own pace, keeping up with the other two, the swaying motion beneath her calming her jagged nerves. She ached between her legs, but that couldn’t be helped. Unless she wanted to stay in the clearing by the pool for several days, she had only one choice—follow the aggravating miner up into the mountains.

  Riding through the mountains was grueling work for both horse and riders with long stretches of silence between stops to rest the horses.

  It gave KC too much time to think. About her, Jake and Rosalyn. Last night had started out as part of a bargain she was beginning to hate and almost ended up magical. Until Jake had gotten all upset about the fact that she had been a virgin.

  Well, hell, when had she had time to make love to anyone? Since her father hadn’t bothered to beget sons, the chores and ranching had fallen on her. Not that she minded. She liked to be out riding and herding. It beat the hell out of washing, mending and baking.

  Her gaze went to Jake. She sure as hell hoped he didn’t expect her to be his house slave. He would almost certainly die of food poisoning at her hand. Not only had she not had time to roll in the hay with the cowhands, she hadn’t made time to learn the finer art of making a house a home. She’d left that to her mother and little sisters who seemed quite willing to let her go out the door each morning to spend the day in the saddle.

  No, she wasn’t a proper housewife.

  Wife? Who said anything about being a wife? She was too coarse and unschooled in the ways of men and women to be good wife material. Not that Jake was asking. Once he tired of her, he’d toss her out the door. Of that KC was certain. A man as handsome as Jake could have any woman he wanted. Look at Rosalyn. He’d been more than happy to oblige her even while KC sucked his cock. The experience had been beyond exciting. Watching the man do to Rosalyn what he’d done to KC…

  Her pussy flexed, moisture dripping out to stain the crotch of her trousers. “Sweet Jesus. I need to quit thinking that way.” Her sinful thoughts continued to threaten her peace of mind as the hours crept by and the trio only seemed to go deeper into the mountains.

  By the time KC was ready to fall out of her saddle and crawl the rest of the way, they crossed a pretty stream and climbed another hill to a small valley with a hill pushing up behind it. Nestled in a clearing were two cozy cabins not far from each other. Smoke puffed from one chimney. The entire scene was idyllic, something KC remembered seeing in a painting once in a hotel in Denver.

  She lagged behind, pausing at the edge of the woods, appreciating the view when the cabin door opened and a man and a very pregnant woman spilled out into the clearing.

  “Jake!” The pregnant woman waddled forward, her face wreathed in smiles. “I’m so glad you’re back. And you’ve brought her.” The woman’s face lit up and she clapped her hands.

  The tall dark-haired man behind her hurried around to help Rosalyn down from her horse. “You must be Rosalyn.”

  Rosalyn smiled and leaned over for the man to lift her down from the saddle, like it was perfectly natural for a woman to let a man help her as if she couldn’t do for herself.

  KC reined in her horse, staying at the edge of the trees in the shadows, feeling like she didn’t belong in this scene.

  The pregnant woman hugged Rosalyn and shook her hand then hugged her again like an old friend. “I’m so happy you came. I get really lonely for another woman to talk to. All I’ve had is these two big men around for the past ten months. We will have so much to talk about. You’ll have to tell me all about the latest fashions. Oh, Jake, don’t you think she’s lovely? I know you two will get on famously.”

  Jake dropped down from his horse, his gaze going to KC. “Er, Honor, we have another guest.”

  “Really?” She looked around the two horses, at first not seeing KC near the tree line. “Where?”

  “KC, come meet Mr. and Mrs. Braun,” Rosalyn called out, motioning for her to join them.

  Honor’s brow furrowed.

  KC rode forward. “Pleased to meet you, ma’am.”

  “You brought us a boy?” Honor glanced from Jake to Zach. “I don’t recall you two talking about getting more help for the mine.”

  “Not a boy.” Jake motioned KC to lean over in the saddle. When she did, he knocked her hat from her head, and her long blonde braid fell down her back.

  She blushed, feeling more naked than she had the night before with Jake and Rosalyn.

  Honor’s eyes rounded. “Oh my. This does complicate things.”

  “She’ll only be staying a few days until I can take her back down to Idaho Springs,” Jake announced.

  Both KC and Rosalyn gasped.

  KC stared at Jake. “What do you mean?”

  “I’m taking you back to Idaho Springs, and as soon as I can find suitable transportation, I’ll send you back to your father.”

  “You can’t do that. He can’t afford to lose the ranch. What will my family do?”

  “They can keep the damned ranch. I don’t want it.”

  And I don’t want you.

  The unspoken words filled KC’s head.

  Jake didn’t want her. He’d had her, taken her virginity and now he was done with her.

  Tears welled in her eyes. “You don’t have to wait. I can get there myself.”

  “Don’t be a fool.” When Jake reached up to help her down from her horse, she yanked back on the reins.

  Spooked, her horse reared and spun in the direction from which they’d come, racing toward the trees.

  “KC!” Jake roared behind her.

  Her horse was scared but tired and slowed as soon as they entered the woods. When they came to the stream they’d crossed, the mare came to a halt so fast, she caught KC unprepared. KC flew over her head, landing in the water.

  Footsteps thundered through the underbrush, and Jake emerged at the edge of the stream, breathing hard.

  KC sat in the freezing water, soaked to the skin and wishing she could just die. “You’re a jackass, Jake Thompson. I want not
hing to do with you.”

  “Until I say this bargain is over, it ain’t over. You’ll do as I say or I’ll demand your father repay every penny he owes me.” He slogged into the stream and stood over her. “Do you understand?”

  She pursed her lips mutinously, ignoring how cold her body was getting. Maybe if she caught her death, this would all be over and her heart wouldn’t be breaking into a million pieces.

  After one night with this pigheaded man, KC’s mixed-up body wanted more. Even after he’d rejected her the next morning. The passion he’d awakened in her left her longing for a repeat performance and she didn’t know how to tell him. Not when he was glaring down at her like she was something nasty stuck to the bottom of his boots.

  The flare in his eyes softened and he held out his hand. “Give me your hand.” When she didn’t, his brows rose. “We have a bargain. Give me your hand or…”

  “Or what? You’ll throw me over your shoulder and haul me up the hill? I’m leaving.” She pushed to her feet and walked around him to her horse. “I can’t live this way. I’m leaving now. You’ll have to take up repayment with my father.” She crossed her fingers that he wouldn’t do that. It was a risk she had to take.

  “You’re not going anywhere. I paid for you fair and square.”

  “I’m a human, not an animal to be bought or traded.” She put her foot in the stirrup and clutched the saddle horn.

  Before she hoisted herself up, hands grabbed her around her waist and she was flung over Jake’s shoulder.

  He marched up the bank and out of the woods.

  The man named Zach met him halfway, carrying a length of rope. “Have need of this?”

  “You do not,” KC said. “I told you, I’m not an animal. You can’t treat me as such.”

  “Until I can trust you not to run out into the woods in the dark, I’m gonna do whatever it takes to make sure you can’t.” He took the rope from Zach. “Thanks, buddy. I owe you one.”

  Zach smiled. “No problem. Here, let me get the door.” He raced ahead of Jake and flung the door open to the cabin that didn’t have the smoke puffing from the chimney.

  Once inside, Jake tossed KC on the bed.

  When she rolled to the other side, he grasped her ankle, looped the rope around it and tied it to the bedpost.

  “Oooo! Let me go.” She reached for the rope, which only gave him the opportunity to grab her wrists. Too late, she realized her mistake. Jake had her hands tied to the headboard before she could scream for Rosalyn.

  He left the cabin and returned with a stack of wood and kindling.

  “You can’t leave me tied up like this.” KC tugged against the ropes. “Jake, please.”

  He didn’t answer, his concentration centered on building a fire.

  “Rosalyn,” KC yelled, but Rosalyn didn’t come.

  Jake got the flames burning then moved for the door where his partner, Zach, stood grinning from ear to ear.

  “Gotcha a live one there, Jake.” Zach clapped him on the back. “Reminds me of when Honor tried to steal our gold.”

  Jake didn’t smile, his face set in grim lines. “Nothing like Honor. This one’s going back to her father as soon as I can arrange it.”

  Zach shook his head. “I think you should reconsider. I like her.”

  KC fumed. “How dare you talk about me as though I’m not in the same room with you.”

  “We can fix that.”

  “Good, when you untie me I can—” She didn’t get the opportunity to finish her sentence because Jake and Zach left, closing the door behind them, leaving her in the dark.


  Chapter Seven

  Honor sat beside Rosalyn at the table in the other cabin, a frown pinching her brows together. “This isn’t how I planned it.”

  Zach sat across from her holding her hand.

  Jake paced the floor, wishing he knew what the hell to do. “What do you mean this isn’t how you planned? Do you think I planned on winning a man’s ranch and cattle-sale earnings in a poker game?” Jake snorted. “And to think I was counting myself pretty lucky. Until some kid punched me in the jaw and then a pretty blonde made an offer I couldn’t refuse.”

  “She is pretty, isn’t she,” Rosalyn said.

  Jake nodded, flinging out an arm. “Yeah, sure. Beneath the men’s trousers, the hat and the right hook.” He rubbed his jaw, a smile sneaking up on his lips as he recalled that night when KC pushed her way through that crowded bar and punched him in the face. Had he known then what he knew now, he wouldn’t have been so angry. Heck, he might have kissed her.

  What the hell was he thinking? The woman had no business putting herself up as collateral for her father’s mistake. If he’d had even a clue that she was a virgin, he wouldn’t have been so forceful. Wouldn’t have taken her like some two-bit whore. Wouldn’t have discovered how wonderful he felt inside her, how soft her skin was beneath the rough clothing.

  KC might dress like a man, but she was all woman. Fightin’, spitting-mad, drive-ya-crazy woman.

  He ran a hand through his hair. Thinking was getting him nowhere. What was he supposed to do with her? Her daddy had to be halfway back to his ranch. And what would he do with a tarnished daughter? What kind of life would she lead without prospects of a decent husband? A man who’d cherish her and treat her like the lady she was?

  “You ruined my plans, Jake.” Honor buried her face in her hands and sobbed. “I’m sorry.” She patted Rosalyn’s hand beside her. “It’s just that I’ve been so emotional. You know, the baby and all. And then you arrive and I finally have a woman who’ll be around even after the baby arrives only to discover Jake’s brought back two women.” Honor flung her hands in the air and sobbed again. “What now? Will you stay after the baby comes? Will this blonde woman?”

  “Her name’s KC,” Jake interjected.

  “Will KC?” Honor stood, her belly bumping the table. She waddled over to Jake and poked him in the chest. “You were supposed to fall in love with Rosalyn so she’d decide to stay after the baby arrives.”

  Jake stared at Honor as though she’d grown two horns. “What did you say?”

  Zach rose so fast from the table, the bench he’d been sitting on toppled over and he had to jump over it to keep from tripping. “Honor’s pregnant, she doesn’t know what she’s talking about.”

  Jake stared from Honor to Zach and back again, realization dawning on him. “You didn’t bring Rosalyn here for Honor, you brought her here for me.” His gaze went to Rosalyn. “Did you understand that when you replied to her advertisement?”

  Rosalyn shrugged. “I knew Mrs. Braun wanted a companion.”


  Her mouth twisted wryly. “And the chance that a suitable suitor might be a consolation prize if things worked out.”

  Jake shook his head. He couldn’t believe he’d been duped by all three of them. “And you went along with it?”

  Rosalyn nodded. “I was at a place in my life I thought that I wanted to get married. As long as the man was good to me and not a hideous ogre, I was willing to consider the possibility.”

  “I can’t believe this. My best friends and a complete stranger plotting to marry me off without even asking me what I wanted.”

  Rosalyn stood. “Look, things have changed. I can see that although you and I could be quite compatible in bed, I’m not so certain I want to live the rest of my life so far from civilization.” Rosalyn nodded to Honor. “Sorry, honey. I’m a city girl. I wanted to get away from a bad relationship and thought the farther the better.”

  Honor leaned into Zach’s arms. “I don’t blame you. It does get lonely out here. If I didn’t have Zach and Jake, I’d go stark raving mad.”

  “To play my cards straight, I’ll stay until the baby is born and Honor is on her feet, but after that, I’ll be shovin’ off for the nearest city with fine tailors and a decent haberdashery.” Rosalyn reached out and held Honor’s hands. “I haven’t had much experience birthin’
babies, which I told you in the letter, but I’ll help in any way I can.”

  “Thank you.” Honor pressed a hankie to her eyes. “I will feel much better with another woman around.”

  Rosalyn released Honor’s hands and turned to Jake. “Now, what are you going to do about that poor girl over there tied to your bed?”

  “Why don’t you all make plans for me? Seems you’ve done a lot of that lately.” Jake crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Really, miner, she’s not some piece of skirt to be flung aside. She’s young, separated from her family and all that she’s known, and she has a heart that you’re no doubt breaking.”

  Jake snorted. “She shouldn’t have made that deal with me. None of this would have happened if she hadn’t made that deal.”

  “She did what she had to do to save her family from starvation.”

  “Excuse me. Are we missing something?” Honor laid a hand on Jake’s arm. “What is it about this girl that has you all tied in knots, Jake?”

  “She’s a goddamn virgin,” Jake blurted out.

  “Was,” Rosalyn corrected.

  “Tell me you didn’t…” Honor’s hand tightened on Jake’s arm. “Tell me you didn’t dishonor her.”

  His jaw clenched so tight he was surprised he didn’t break half his teeth. Jake nodded.

  “Oh, Jake.” Honor shook her head. “That was probably the only asset she had of value to a man.”

  “Holy hell!” Jake flung himself away. “Don’t you think I thought of that?”

  “Then why did you do it?”

  “I didn’t think of that until after I’d already deflowered her.” He flipped the fallen bench over and slumped onto it. “I can’t give it back to her.”

  Honor smiled. “Then you have to do right by her.”

  “Huh?” Jake looked up. “What do you mean?”

  “You have to marry the girl and make an honest woman of her.”

  “Have you lost your cotton-pickin’ mind?” Jake thundered, standing so fast the bench toppled over for the second time that evening.

  Honor raised her hands, palms upward. “Do you have a better suggestion? She can’t go back to her father soiled. You can’t dump her in Idaho Springs. She’ll just become another whore for the miners to abuse.”


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