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Blissfully Hers: Bliss Series, Book Seven

Page 18

by Hall, Deanndra

  “It’s me, Mistress!”

  “I’ll be right there. I’m just grabbing my jewelry.” I watch as she comes around the doorway into the hallway, head tipped as she puts in an earring. I’m standing there, flowers in hand, grinning so hard my cheeks hurt. As soon as she reaches me, she takes my face in her hands, pulls it downward, and kisses me. When she presses me back, she smiles up at me. “It’s really sweet of you, and they’re beautiful. Let me get a vase for them.” She takes them from me, carries them away, and in seconds, she’s back with a crystal vase half full of water. “They’re very pretty.”

  “They’re not as pretty as you, but they’re nice. Very colorful.”

  Her arms wrap around my neck and I get another one of those blinding smiles. “I’m prettier?”

  “You’re much, much prettier,” I tell her and give her a sweet little kiss. “You’re the prettiest woman in the whole world.”

  “Oh, boy, I wish that were true!” she says, laughing.

  “It is. For me, anyway. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known.” I hope she can hear the sincerity in my voice, because I mean that. Beautiful doesn’t even begin to describe her. There aren’t words that will do her justice.

  Rising on her tiptoes, she presses her lips to mine and murmurs against them, “My sweet, sweet Panther. You’re the most amazing man I’ve ever known.” My lips tingle where hers touch them, and I want to taste all of her.

  About that time, I realize something. “I have to say, you’ve done a miracle job with your makeup. If I didn’t know your face was bruised up, I could never tell.”

  “Thanks! I don’t usually wear foundation this thick, but I don’t want anybody recoiling in horror when they see me.”

  “Nobody’s going to recoil in horror when they see you. They’re all going to want to be me because I’m with you.” I stroke a strand of hair back from her face and return the kiss. Fuck food. I don’t want to eat. I just want to stand here and kiss her.

  She’s the one who breaks the kiss. “We need to go get something to eat, and then head to the club. Brian’s got our room waiting, and I want to do some serious work in there tonight.”

  “Sounds a bit scary.”

  “It just might be.” A little giggle slips from her lips. “You never know what I’m going to do next.”

  “Yes, Mistress, that’s sure true.” My hand grips the doorknob and I turn it to swing the door wide. “After you, m’lady.”

  “Thank you, kind sir.” Before she can reach for hers, I grab my keys, pull the door closed, and lock it with my key. As she sashays toward the car, I watch the cheeks of her ass as they rise and fall with her stride. Damn, the woman’s got a fine backside.

  The food is unremarkable―it’s just a sub shop near the club―and yet the company is anything but. We talk and laugh, and I almost forget her warning to me. Almost.

  There’s a lot of noise coming from the front when we step in the back door of the club, and I can hear somebody through the wall of our room when I close the door behind us. They’re really going at it too. Maybe that will be us in thirty minutes. There’s not even a chance to say anything before Dani says, “Dress out. Five minutes. Back out here and in presentation pose.”

  “I can be quicker than five minutes, Mistress,” I assure her.

  “Good. Get on it.” She sweeps her hands toward the little bathroom and I head that way. Two minutes. That’s all it takes me. It would’ve taken me longer if I’d tidied up my clothes before I left the bathroom, but I didn’t even take time to do that.

  When I come out, she’s on the bed in a robe, so I drop to my knees beside the bed. “Very nice. Spine a little straighter.” I straighten my back even more. “That’s better.” I expect her to tell me what to do next, but she doesn’t, just presses a cheek to the pillow and sighs.

  So I wait. A minute becomes two, and that becomes five. Now I’m confused. What is the purpose of this? That five becomes ten, and my lower legs are starting to go numb when she says, “Submissive, up here on the bed.” It takes me a bit to get up and straighten my legs before I climb up beside her. I try to slide under the sheet, but she stops me. “No.” Rolling to her stomach, she folds her arms and rests her face on them. “Give me a massage. A really good one. Especially my shoulders and neck. I’ll tell you when to stop.”

  “Yes, Mistress.” Ah, foreplay. I can do a good job of this. On my knees and straddling her ass, I start with her shoulder blades. I work down her spine with my thumbs and knuckles, then back up to her neck, where I start my real work.

  I know I’ve been doing this for thirty minutes when she says, “Stop. Move to the side.” I do as she says and wait while she rolls to her back. “Okay. Massage my feet and calves until I tell you to stop.”

  “Yes, Mistress.” It takes me a few tries to get in the right position, but I finally settle on sitting on the bed cross-legged, her feet straight in front of me, and work on them that way.

  And I work on them, and work on them, and work on them. I swear, at one point I think she’s asleep. My hands are getting tired, and so are my legs from being folded that way, but I don’t dare change positions. I think about forty-five minutes goes by before she says, “Okay, you can stop.” Thank god. I’m not sure how much longer I could’ve done that.

  “The bag in the corner has a snack for me. Bring it here and serve me.” The bag isn’t heavy, so I bring it over, set it in the chair beside the bed, and open it. Sure enough, there’s a cookie bar and a drink. Removing the bottle, I turn and smile. “Mistress, would you like this in a cup? I think there’s a stack of them in the bathroom.”

  “Yes. That would be nice. Thank you.” I retrieve one, and about half the drink fits in the cup. I set it on the chair and open the cookie bar. “Kneel beside the bed as you serve me, submissive.” I do as she instructs, and she smiles. “Very good. I want you to break off small pieces of the bar and feed them to me.”

  I get it. I see what she’s doing, and I understand. This evening isn’t about me, and it’s not about sex. It’s about me serving her, and my heart swells with pride. I’m serving My mistress, feeding her, making sure she has a drink, making sure her needs are met, and I love this. It’s what I was born to do, and I feel completely comfortable in this role. “Mistress, a drink?” I ask, holding the cup.

  “Yes, please.” I move it toward her lips, but she takes it from my hand, takes two swallows, and hands it back. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Thank you for allowing me to serve you, Mistress.”

  “I’m very proud of you, Panther. You seem to be enjoying this.”

  “I am, Mistress, very much.” I’ve fed her almost all of the bar and the drink is dwindling. In a minute or two, it’s all gone. “Mistress, would you like more to drink?”

  “No, thank you. Please clean this up and put everything away.” I do as she orders, and do it as quickly as possible. When I return, she’s still lying on the bed. “Presentation pose. Sit and watch.” I’m barely settled when she opens her robe.

  I’m expecting her to tell me what she wants me to do when her hands drift up her belly to her tits and she starts twisting and pulling her nipples. Oh, god, I hope she’s not going to do what I think she’s going to do. I watch, my cock hardening, as she keeps going, moaning occasionally, and when her hands start to drift downward, I know I’m in trouble.

  I don’t know what I expected, but it wasn’t this. She starts a sensuous assault on herself, stroking gently and slowly, then trailing her fingers upward to her nipples, followed by a return to her slit. I really can’t see anything, just her mound, but I can visualize her clit, swollen and hard, and those glorious, luminous juices seeping from her lower lips. The scent of her arousal is thick in the air, and I want desperately to stroke myself, but I don’t even have to ask―I know that’s not allowed. God, I’m so fucking hard, and the noises she’s making aren’t helping matters any. Once she gets off, will she ask me to fuck her? Maybe she’ll suck me.
That would be awesome. But somewhere deep down, I know what she’s going to do.

  She hisses slowly before she asks, “Panther, is this making you hard?”

  “Yes, Mistress.” My voice is strangled and thin.

  “You’d love to be up here with me, wouldn’t you?”

  “Yes, Mistress.” I almost add, More than anything, but I decide not to.

  “Do you want to watch me come?”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “I want you to slip two fingers inside me and stroke my G-spot.”

  She’s got to be kidding. I rise and then sit down on the bed, one of her feet in my lap. Leaning in, I slide two fingers into her wetness and feel myself coming undone. Oh, god help me, I need to stroke myself. I need it so badly. My cock is aching, burning, begging for release, and all I get to do is feel the softness, tightness, and wetness where my hardness wants to be. This is torture. Cane me, flog me, zap me with that electroshock thing, but this is painful as fuck. Her hips are churning and it’s all I can do to keep my fingers in place and hit the right spot.

  “Oh, oh, oh, fuck! Oh, yeah,” she murmurs as I feel her tighten around me. There’s another gush of wetness before she finally mumbles, “Stop, submissive. Stop.” Inside my head I hear it over and over, Please let me fuck you, please let me fuck you, but I have this feeling that’s not on the table. “Down. Presentation pose.”

  Sure enough, in a couple of minutes she closes her robe, sits up, throws her legs over the side of the bed, and then disappears into the bathroom. Jesus, I’m throbbing, and I won’t be able to sleep all night, I just know it. When she comes out, she points to the bathroom. “Go get dressed and get ready to go.”

  It occurs to me to be a bit embarrassed about my engorged―or perhaps I should say enraged―cock almost sticking out the top of that thong pouch, but that’s ridiculous. She knows how hard I am without even looking. I just rise and head to the bathroom. Getting dressed with a full-blown erection isn’t easy, but I do it. It takes me a little longer this time than it did to undress, and I suppose that’s because I have absolutely nothing to look forward to.

  We roll along on the way to her place, making small talk about this or that, until she says, “Up here on the right is a bank. Just pull into their front lot.”

  That makes no sense, but I see it coming up, so I wheel into the lot. “Now what?” I say, stopping in the drive.

  “Pull into a parking spot over there,” she says, pointing to some spaces at the side of the lot, so I angle my car into one. “Now, slide your seat back as far as it will go.”

  Fuck, yeah! my brain screams as the seat goes back and I hit the release on my seat belt. Fingers working fast, she unbuckles my belt, unhooks the waistband of my slacks, and unzips my fly. Determined hands dip into my briefs and in seconds, that hardness is exposed to the air, making it harder than ever. The second her lips wrap around my shaft I hear myself say, “Oh, god, babe.” It’s still confusing to me that this was supposed to be about me serving her, but hey, I’ll take what I can get. God knows I’m hurting for it. “That’s, oh, yeah, just like that,” I mumble when she sucks harder and takes me deeper. No matter what I had to do earlier, this is more than worth it.

  She lets go with a pop and smiles up at me, still stroking my dick. “You taste so good, baby,” she whispers.

  “Oh, god, you’re killin’ me here,” I groan, toss my head back, and close my eyes as she sucks me in again. Even though I’m fairly certain she’s going to quit before I come, it’ll be good while it lasts. “Shit, Dani, for a Dominant, you’re really good at that.” That comment is met with a lot more tongue action which, I have to say, is worth whatever it costs me later.

  This goes on for another five minutes, during which time I’m pretty sure the top of my head is going to blow off, and I don’t mean my little head. Holy fuck, the woman’s mouth is magic. If I didn’t know better I’d say she’s trying to suck cum out through my cock like it’s a straw. At this point, I think that might actually work. “Oh, Jesus, girl, I’m gonna blow.” Fuck―now she’s fondling my balls. I’m not sure I’m going to survive this. “Oh, god, god, god, Dani, please―I’m coming. Seriously. It’s, oh my gawd, yeah,” I cry out, my hips thrusting. I’d been sure she was going to stop short of letting me come.

  I think this is the first time I’m happy about being wrong.

  That beautiful mouth keeps working until I whimper, “Please, Mistress, stop. Please?” There’s that wicked grin again. “What got into you? I thought tonight was all about you.”

  “It was, but I’m still responsible for your health and wellbeing. And I really don’t think it’s healthy to have all that ejaculate built up and nowhere for it to go, right? Feel better?” she says with a laugh as she tucks my noodly appendage back into my briefs.

  “Uh, yeah. Feel better? I feel great. That was … Baby, you really know how to do that right.”

  “Eh. I do okay, I suppose.”

  “No, Mistress. You do great.”

  “You have no measuring stick, so how would you know?” she says and chuckles.

  “Don’t have to have a measuring stick to know that. That’s the only measuring stick I need,” I answer and point to my crotch. “And my little limp willy tells me you’re a pro at that.”

  “Well, then, thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed it and it burned some energy for you.” That statement is followed by a kiss, possibly the most erotic kiss I’ve ever had in my life. I can taste myself in it, and I want to melt into her and never let her get away from me.

  Maybe this is the time. “Dani, I …” I stop as she tips her head in curiosity. “I want you to know that …” Why can’t I just say it? I love you. It’s three words. It’s not that hard.


  “I … I feel lucky to have you as my Mistress. You’re incredible.” Fucker! Tell her! Tell her you love her, you coward! What’s the worst that can happen?

  The worst that can happen is that she leaves. She tells me she can’t work with me anymore, that this was never supposed to be anything but fun, and that, once again, I can’t separate sex and love. I got that lecture on the very first night, and apparently I didn’t learn it well enough. That’s what she’ll say.

  I can’t lose her. If I can just hang onto her, maybe she’ll eventually fall in love with me. That’s all I really want.

  Well, that and another blow job.

  Chapter Nine

  It’s beautiful out here. Boone is the luckiest sumbitch I’ve ever known. Of course, that’s not true. Everything he has, he worked hard for. But still, this area, the mountains, the woods, it’s amazing.

  Dani agreed to come with me, and she and Melina are at the house talking about god knows what. When I picked her up, I begged her to keep my secret, and she told me not to worry. I know she won’t spill the beans, but I have to make sure for my own peace of mind.

  Baker goes into the woods with us, and I’m surprised at how adept he is. He walks quietly, and he’s very respectful of the things he sees there. In the first ten minutes we’re out, he’s found two lizards, a turtle, a nest of baby rabbits, and at least three bird nests in trees. I have no idea what kind of birds, but they’re pretty big.

  By the time we get to the creek, I can really use a drink. When I asked her to come, Dani told me not to pack any snacks because she’d do it for me, so I have zero idea what’s in my day pack. Boone and Baker have some things Melina packed for them, plus Baker put other things in there too. “What is this? I know Melina didn’t put that in here,” I hear Boone say, pretending to be cross.

  “It’s cupcakes! Look how I did it!” I turn to see what he’s talking about, and I have to say, the kid’s pretty damn smart. He took clear plastic cups and turned them upside down to cover the tops of the cupcakes. The only frosting disturbed is right around the edges, because the rest of it is protected.

  “That’s really smart, Baker.”

  “Thanks, Uncle Brandt. Dad, don’t you think it’s

  “It is, even though you already had one today and you weren’t supposed to have another one.” Baker looks like he might cry when Boone adds, “But we won’t tell Melina. We’ll just say we don’t know what happened to them.” I know Boone―he’ll tell her later when Baker’s not around, but for this moment in time, Baker thinks his dad is the greatest guy in the world, and his self-esteem and self-confidence get a boost too. All is well in Baker’s world. And I have to say, he looks perfectly healthy, and happier than I’ve ever seen him. He’s a little boy getting to be a little boy. For him, that’s new, and I know it has to be wonderful.

  We don’t get back until almost five o’clock, and I’m pretty damn worn out, unlike my two hiking companions. Boone and Baker are still going strong but, of course, they get to do this anytime they want. I don’t have that luxury, although I know I could come out here anytime I like, whether they’re home or not. Honestly, though, I’d be afraid I’d get lost out here. We went out one way and came back another, and I’m surprised when I see the house. I’m at a completely different viewing angle of it, so we must’ve gone some distance.

  Surprise! When we get back, Melina and Dani have made dinner, and it’s delicious. Boone’s been teaching Melina how to grill and she did orange roughy, sweet potatoes, and asparagus. “Not spears again!” Baker grouses.

  “Yes. Spears again. Oh, come on. You know you love how it makes stinky pee,” Boone says, laughing loudly.

  He’s laughing too. “It is funny, Dad! You know it is!”

  Twenty minutes later, Boone pushes back from the table. “Babe, this dinner was delicious.”

  “Yes, it was,” I add in agreement.

  Melina beams. “Thank you! I did the bass, but Dani did the sweet potatoes and the asparagus.”

  “Then they were especially delicious,” I say with a nod toward my Mistress and watch her blush.

  “Thank you. It was fun. Although Melina says there are two cupcakes missing,” Dani says, her voice semi-stern.


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