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Void's Psionics

Page 23

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

A spiraling granite ramp was used to wind the pathway down to lower areas. Passing Drakes kindly greeted new guests and had the kindness returned. This was one of three mountains that hold councils, but this one was quite populated. It was also the same mountain both Sparky and Rose were born and lived for most of their lives. On they went down the tunnel till reaching a large open greeting area filled with an underground glowing forest. Some Drakes were glowing too, especially a huge group over a ways by an underground lake. Long arched necks lifted arrow shaped reptilian heads grew more like curved stalks of multicolored arches.

  Rose picked up her pace as the other group approached. She said “I missed you, My Younglings.”

  “Mother.” “Grandmother.” And so on was common thoughts as loving caresses of face and neck rubbings were given by male and females to Rose. Sparky joined in being called “Father.” And so on as well. Females rubbed against him, but males didn’t touch one another in this society, they lower their heads in respect to him. Like Rose, most females were close to half the size of their large and more bulky male counterparts. The love they had for the pair showed as their scales began to illuminate outward from within. Females were much more brightly colored than darker males. Most being yellow, pink, red, baby blue, orange and so on. Males tended to be varying dark shades of green, blue, brown and black.

  Oliver began to notice only half the group came and took in different features and attributes. Not having direct relation to Sparky and Rose except through their mates. It was a Drake tradition to be greeted in such a way.

  When all of their children and descendants, more than two hundred in all, had been greeted Sparky loudly slapped his wings against his side to gain attention and asked in a fatherly way “Where are the hatchlings I’ve yet to meet?”

  “One moment, Father. They are timid and have heard of the countless stories and were afraid of the patriarch of our clan.” A lovely female, a shade darker than her mother, turned and made a reptilian grunt. From the other group, ten timid and tiny baby Drakes not even a half meter to two meters long came crawling over. The group moved away and Sparky, to not seem frightening, he laid down in the cool luminescent azure grass. Rose’s talons dug into the ground to not bounce with joy at them although she sent her emotions out as how she was already in love at how cute they were.

  “What stories?” Oliver asked as quietly as he could beside the others.

  Renee chuckled. “Sparky was once one of the best warriors of the Drake people before he retired as an Elder and humans arrived. He led packs of other warriors which defended homes from the Tarantulas that live in the deep, dark valleys. I’ve still yet to hear all the stories. Especially whenever Keptl dropped in. Sparky was always the first to dive headfirst into battle. Drakes hate Keptl, but fear the overgrown spider Beasts, but not him. He’s renowned as a cocoon breaker. Only the bravest go so deep into the webs just to reach the nests where Tarantulas’ lay their eggs. It proved how fearsome he is to a peaceful society. They might be aggressive predators like us, but they usually tend to defend, not go on the attack. Most times their people must be conditioned to lose the fear to hunt Beasts. Sparky is among the rare few who has a special condition that he was born with. He has no fear. And I mean that literally. He never felt it till he bonded to me and my alien mind influenced him just enough that the only thing he fears is losing me. He has no other fear.”

  “But if he has no fear…”

  “Yeah, those few born like him don’t tend to live long.” Renee nodded as she knew where his thoughts were leading. “It just goes to show you just how much he’s looked up to and feared in a respectable way. Him being so old and alive has never happened in their history.”

  “Greetings, Little Ones. Come forward so I may know you belong to me.” Sparky’s mental touch made the ten little Drakes pause till their parents gave them a nudge to their rears with a snout. They stopped and made adorable squeaks before going silent as Sparky came down to take in their scent. “You are indeed of my line.” Rose followed after, doing the same, but licked them each in a gentle way that had some shy and other think it was a game to jump on her head, their little wings beating hard to stay on. When the first few pounced, it was like others took it as their cue to do the same on the matriarch when she barely made her version of a cheerful laugh.

  New mates were greeted and Sparky made introductions to the bipedal company he had brought. Rose moved off with the three mothers responsible for the hatchlings to play and dote on them as much as she could in a little time. Many were extra kind to Renee as her being the rider of one of their most well known people was a great honor. Many Drakes can only hope to find a human rider to bond with. Some asked why Oliver kept his helmet on and were politely told to leave the subject lay. It was.

  Much of the night was spent at the reunion. Raw meat was provided to everyone, but both Renee and Oliver declined, making Piranha Beast into a dozen pill size pieces that will feed them for a good month. Only Stone, Satellite, Visor and Steven made a fire to cook by the underground lake. Sometimes they would all go swimming, enjoying the algae that lit up the lake bottom.

  Eventually though it turned out to be a long day and the reunion ended for the night. Sparky had contacted someone and led them to a set of doors where they all got some sleep. Four rooms were supplied. Each were gratefully accepted.

  “The council is ready for you now.” A black Drake in silver armor announced several minutes after another pair was seen about something early the very next morning.

  Oliver and the others stood and moved to a set of guards who entered their minds to check for any threats. They found none and let the eight of them passed through a soundproof door that closed behind them. It was clearly manmade like most doors here, but the chamber they entered was untouched.

  A flat shelf of rock stood three meters off the ground that had been rubbed smooth over countless years of daily use. Being in the upper part of the mountain made it chilly so there burned a hearth. The ceiling was blackened with soot, but regularly swept to not catch fire on built up creosote. The room was etched in ancient Drake writing that had been changed to English as it was more accurate than their own. Their writing was based off the mind of the past Elders who guided their race fairly and justly. In the platform that was Spartan were the eldest living Drakes. The only comfort was fire for warmth. And the Elders didn’t lay on padding or sheets, but on granite as their predecessors had for as far back as they knew. It was to not allow time to waste when others had need of council. Since it was the windy season is why they were able to be seen so soon.

  It was slow days in comparison.

  The council numbered nineteen, led by the eldest living Drake on the planet. A true and rather larger than average ruby red female who’s scales were so shiny they were nearly polished. Each were well over two millennia old. Since humans found a way for making Drakes immortal, new council Elders were no longer named till another dies by accident or in combat. Judging by the sharp stare of the council, it didn’t look like any of them planned to go out by accident any time soon. Each male and female looked ready and able to die fighting.

  Sparky, as eldest among the group dipped his chin in respect as did others who bowed. “Greetings, Wise Ones.”

  The ruby female’s mental voice was soft, but clear and strong as the most unbending steel. “Well met, Elder Sparky. It has been ten human years since you came to us with your young rider who I see here. It has been a long time, Old Friend. Even for us ten years is long.”

  “So it has, but time passes quickly with humans who cannot sit still for two seconds. It is not easy to be far from my people for so long either, but I have loved seeing the many worlds with my rider.”

  “I hope you would share some of it with us should your needing a full council be swiftly heard and decided on. Over a nice hot drink that warms the belly and eases the mind like old times after we defeated our enemies of old. I have truly missed your sense of humor.”

  Steven barel
y managed to hide his laugh in a cough. Sadly it echoed, but no one other than Renee paid attention and shot him a warning look.

  “So too have I missed our native drink.” Sparky offered a crinkling around the eyes.

  The leader looked over the others to think “Greeting to the rest of you. If you need to name me, I am called Alandra or Wise One. To whom will this group be needing our judgment?”

  “That would be me, but I defer to Sparky to speak on my behalf.”

  “Your name please.” She looked towards the tallest and most intimidating figure in the room with slit reptilian rusty eyes.

  “My name is Oliver Void, Wise One.” Oliver bowed curtly again.

  “Very well. Sparky, please tell me what you require.”

  The emerald Drake took a deep, steadying breath before slowly letting it out. “We come seeking for ancient knowledge you may have to aid our quest in searching for the ones who make it possible for both Humans and our people to evolve into free thinking entities.”

  Confusion had the other leaders looking to one another. Alandra said “We know less than you I’m sure about them. I’m still not through listening to the computer one called Alleia you uncovered has spoken of.”

  “But we have private new knowledge the Tower of Loke was actually a Solarian nursery. A place of birthing. But below it we uncovered proof of five planets that was told to have stored information in castles upon those planets. I too concur with the visuals… that one of the castles was established upon Drakken Prime, this very world.”

  The council went still, especially Alandra. Eventually the silence aside from the crackling fire was broken. “Do you know where?”

  “No, Wise One. Our home has been scanned by the humans too many times and we have looked over every mountain yet I know not of any dwelling, but Solarians were a very advanced people and already on two occasions we discovered human technology cannot locate certain things. I was hoping the eldest council might know of any stories no other knows that may help in our search. The only option left is to search are the valleys and ravines, but without any help you may have we will be forced to search each and every crack… which shall take many, many years.”

  “Even if we did know where to narrow the search, you could potentially be sent too deep into danger, danger we won’t permit even one such as you to undertake. Even should Solarians have a nest here, it has been twenty five thousand years. Surely nothing would be left behind.”

  “Maybe, but we have stories of them being our friends during our hatching of remembered history. We know they made life possible here for us. Anything you…”

  “They are anxious, Sparky. They do know something.” Oliver said.

  Eyes all turned to Oliver. Especially Alandra who’s lids narrowed. “Be silent. You gave Sparky the right to… how are you doing that?”

  “Doing...” a thin male three on her left suddenly had his eyes flying open. “Desist your intrusion at one, Human.”

  Oliver had taken all Sparky’s telepathic lessons to heart, especially in how to disguise intrusion by matching his own emotion to another’s so that they think their feelings are normal. Camouflaging telepathy was near impossible to master, especially doing nineteen at once since Fracturing allowed for psionic multitasking. “But I’m not human.” He admitted matter-of-factly while pulling away from feeling their emotions. “What are you hiding?”

  “You have violated protocol, Oliver Void. Leave now.” Alandra coldly and firmly ordered.

  Instead, he uncovered his face and nineteen necks leaned back in sheer surprise. He didn’t raise his voice, but he made it clear they held no power over him. At the moment his brown hair was gold and alight. “I am not human. I am the last male Solarian. Renee is the last female. Please tell us what you know.”

  “A ploy. The eyes and hair must be a trick.” One said suspiciously, seeing the mist.

  “No tricks. If you want proof, I permit each of you to read all about me. I will not resist.” He lowered his defenses and they all knew it.

  Alandra raised a talon to stop the tangle of voices and they all quieted. “Know this, Oliver Void, for this grave breach of etiquette, should your claims be false I will destroy your mind.”

  “You can certainly try, but if you do attempt it you better be quick or I’ll kill all of you first.”

  Enough was said as nineteen minds delved deep into his being, reliving and experiencing all he has in nearly a year since discovery. The others were quiet and tense, but before long the council members extracted themselves one at a time staring back at him with open maws. Only Alandra retained her poise upon returning last. When only a thread to speak was left, the mental walls went back up.

  “Fellow members, it seems the oldest pact has indeed been met.” Stone and Steven glanced at each other, but no one spoke. One at a time eighteen others each dipped their scaly head like a single nod. Then the eldest of them said “Only the eldest nineteen Elders are privy to certain things, one being the oldest that has survived by word and thought only. It was said long ago, Solarians visited us and told us not to ever go to one place on all of Drakken Prime or face sure death. We were to speak not of it except to pass it down to the next Elder upon the council. It was to ensure life of the ignorant. Should the young and foolish attempt to go, they would surely be lost to us.

  “Twice have there been a council which sent the finest warriors out of curiosity or foolishness. The warriors were never heard from again. Accounts of both times say one who watched through the warriors’ eyes of those few brave and strong enough to make it down saw something truly frightening with large teeth killed them all. Teeth able to pierce our hardest and thickest armor, tear through it better than the Beasts which control the deepest valleys. Something terrible has taken residence in that area which we were told never to go without a Solarian pair. The natural danger has kept us from needing to speak and we forbade travel.”

  “Where is this place?” Rose asked when it was silent for longer than her liking.

  “Evernight Valley.”

  “Not that fucking place again.” Renee sighed and looked to Sparky who was sending excitement through the link. “Seems like we are going back to where you and I met ten years ago.”

  “So it seems… Wise One, Evernight Valley is over four hundred kilometers long and deeper than anyone, myself included, has reached.

  “The specific area is said to be in the Deathly Vortex… where more than Beasts must be fought. Wind, snow and deadly rocks will be the enemy. To fly is death. It is the forbidden zone only fools dare tread to meet death. Not even the greatest flyers go there.”

  “Then that is our destination.” Steven said, leaning on his spear. “Sounds like fun to me.”

  “Take not this lightly, Human Hunter. I can tell you will follow should I declare only Oliver Void and Sparky’s rider Renee Dorgen… I mean Void.” She corrected herself before the redhead spoke up, seeing the marital change in Oliver’s mind. “No human has ever gone there and memories of the older councilors still reside in this council. We only have this image of the creature which dwells.” She shared the long ivory fangs on top and bottom of a maw which was wider than the head of the one who looked into the jaws of death itself.

  “Never seen teeth like that before in a Beast.” Visor commented. “Each one must be as long as half of me is tall. And the span of the jaw is… wow, I can’t even compare it. Is that the only memory, Wise One?”

  “It is much the same of the only other able to glimpse it. It seemed to come out of nowhere. When will you go?”

  “No time like the present.” Steven smiled.

  “Then I must give you heavy armor so none get captured in the gales of the vortex. Any benefit no matter how small may separate your return from not.”

  “No need. A windstorm, no matter how strong, is nothing to me.” Oliver said. “Besides, heavy armor is not always good. It’ll slow you down. If you wish to watch, see through Rose. Only she will remain as watcher of us
. How far away is this Evernight Valley?”

  “Seven hundred kilometers south southwest. Sparky knows the way.”

  “Thank you, Councilors.” Oliver bowed once more as a sign of respect and gratitude. “You have helped me a great deal and stayed true to the word. And I promise not to destroy the landscape. If we don’t make it out it’ll ensure no one tries again. If I can’t survive, no one can.”

  “Safe journeys, Oliver Void. Rose, please return here before they arrive at the vortex.”

  “Yes, Wise One.” The other’s bowed and left.

  “Time for fun and excitement.” Laughed Steven.

  “Fuck me…” Joy changed in Steven’s tune as the four ships looked at a massive tornado that didn’t move and stretched out over twelve kilometers across and howled nearly up to the very edge of the atmosphere, darkening the land as if covered by cloud rather than dust.

  Debris spun in the dirty wind as deadly projectiles spinning one revolution every ten seconds. How it could spin so fast boggled the mind. The vortex was even worse due to the season and was so thick it could not be peered through. The way the mountains were shaped didn’t let go, but focused it and made the air restricted and tightened it to spin faster. Oliver’s chip calculated speeds, but also that even if he cut the additional wind from feeding the monstrous form of nature, it would sustain itself for months. They sat in Oliver’s barrier to keep from being sucked in and destroyed being overly astounded and afraid put together.

  “Well, Brother, what are you waiting on?” Steven prompted.

  “Everyone, hover behind me.” Ships glided to rear of the Flare. He looked on the other side of the mountain and cut out hundreds of thousands of tons opposite of the most dangerous side in the mountain, making a deep hollow they followed him down to land. They got out and Oliver plugged and sealed their ships from any Wind Quakes that might come around with a boulder. Sparky was already in his armor with Renee tied in the saddle, also in her sensually kick ass armor, mask and clear helmet on.


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