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Void's Psionics

Page 27

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  “The world of life and earth.” Vladamin gestured to Zerika. “Of life sustaining water. Freedom of wind. Frozen resistance and lastly of primordial change. The location of the castles to the best of my abilities are located deep within. These are the precision based locations.”

  The planets zoomed in further, showing real-time images somehow. Drakken Prime zoomed through the mountain they were beneath. The ice one was deep in an underground glacier. The one of fire was showing a floating city inside a gigantic geode among other enormous floating landmasses. The water world sunk deep beneath the surface, all the way to the black core of it. And Zerika’s nearly made Oliver slap his own forehead when he looked upon the ruins he was curious about when hunting the Fire Wyrm.

  “That definitely helped. Now about the message left behind. I’m ready.”

  “Then the room must be clear.” The AI said adamantly.

  “Nova, please send them back to the hall and return when I’m finished here.” There was a grunt and another flash and Oliver was left alone and Renee was pissed. Pissed, but understood why he diverted the subject after hearing his people truly had vanished. It was a serious blow.

  He truly was the last Solarian.

  “I’m ready, Vladamin.”

  “Accessing data. Compiling part three of five. Transfer successful. Access to temporary security clearance upgrade, granted. Showing data.”

  Fragments of floating golden words etched itself into Oliver’s mind. It was like the time he spent aiding Captain Dorgen in translating all known words that could be into English. The words made no sense as they floated numbering millions of fragments. His mind absorbed the flashing, broken symbols. Everything was disjointed and entirely confusing. Being a fragment, he didn’t pay much mind. The image sped across quickly, but he kept up. For a piece of a puzzle there was an enormous quantity of information.

  “Completed. What else may I do for you?”

  Oliver rubbed his chin and a side thought slipped out. “Is it within your capabilities to clean the air? It is toxic for humans. They are a curious race, but their own laws will protect against misuse of ancient relics.”

  “Venting the atmosphere is within my programming, but many technologies the humans have are too advanced to be studied. They must not advance too quickly. If you wish for them to come then I must irreparably destroy all superior technologies they are not prepared for. Especially weapon and teleportation. Is this acceptable? Your clearance permission cannot override standard law two twenty eight on technology advancement for new species.”

  Oliver knew he needed to discuss it, but this was a time he had no alternative. “Then please lockdown the city so toxic air doesn’t return after you clean it. And disable the technologies you see fit.”

  “Closing primary tunnel and exchanging surface atmosphere from the city for human safety. Time to full atmospheric completion, ten minutes. Advanced technologies will be disabled in five seconds.”

  Before Oliver could leave via the ability to teleport, it was destroyed, but thankfully there was a nano-wall to leave by. A single hand was access enough to let him out. When he turned to look back, the wall was perfectly disguised. Looked precisely the same in artfully designed walls as the rest of the hallway he found himself in. He dropped a transmitter so he could find it again. To make sure, he cut a chip out of the opposite wall.

  Back in the grand hall Stone read his atmosphere detector and said “We can breathe clean air again.” His helmet retracted and so did Steven’s. “Who would have thought Oliver invented the Multi-tool.”

  “Not me. And it’s a Valek remember.” Steven admitted to stop his head from spinning. “Between his ideas for the Gravity Forge and what he did to the Flare exceeds anything a single person can think up. Besides, he was a big shot among the Solarian people and was old even when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. He had plenty of time on his hands to make things. He does things with his Valek not even Emperor Coleson is known to use. It doesn’t surprise me. What did though is hearing they were all wiped out. Plus we just teleported. Seems it isn’t just a Creelin trick to show up out of nowhere.”

  “Look at the Ligers.” Sparky broke up the talking and the twelve cats were slowly pacing. “Oliver’s emotional state flows through them. He is distraught. He has just received the worst conformation. In over fifteen thousand entire galaxies there is not a single remaining living individual to tell him anything. Even worse, that AI didn’t give me the feeling he knew Oliver. Just holding a list of records, but not about who he was or why he had his memory wiped. And just when he finds an answer there becomes more confusing questions. Seems like his usual calm visage merely hides how troubled and wearying all this is for him. The Ligers sense it and are uneasy.”

  Renee made up her mind. “Guys, go explore the place and sweep for clues. I’m going to find my moronic husband. Nova,” the largest of them turned to her, accepting his name. “Please take me to Olly.” The Liger sent a confusing question tilt of his head accompanied with an image of his master. “Yes. Oliver. I call him many names. Can you walk me to him?”

  Nova gave a growl and impressed upon her his master’s last orders to wait and be called when ready. Not before.

  “He’s not feeling good and I’m going to find him with or without you. If you want him better, show me.”

  Nova stood still for few moments with indecision before grunting and padding over to the nearest support column with her needing to fly to keep up and not run. Sparky had read her intent and didn’t follow. The overgrown cat lithely trotted up the stairs and she followed.

  It took approximately fifteen minutes and each level was more beautiful than the next, even with settled dust, it was beautiful. The air indeed had lost its stale scent too.

  But at the topmost level was a long hallway and she saw the flash of a transmitter on the ground and large footsteps that disturbed the floor going in one direction. The hallway was etched with blue and white to signify the way wind curls and blows the clouds all along the walls. Nova led her to a gilded golden door ornately holding precious gemstones both tiny and large showing the Queen and her beloved mate in an intimately sexual coupling embrace. A large pink nose pushed and on silent hinges let it open.

  Right away was the royal bedchambers and she saw Oliver sitting at the foot of the four posted bed, head in his hands. He was so inwardly focused he didn’t respond till Renee knelt between his spread legs and ran her fingers through his hair.

  Slowly he came out of the revere looking a little hollow and blinked before taking in a little air. Renee smiled softly. “Thought this might get your attention.”

  Wearing thin, nearly translucent ivory wisps of cloth over her breasts spread over her shoulders in delicate lace. Around her waist was thinner lengths of cloth that was provocatively sensual to emphasize toned, milky long legs bent and kneeling. Red hair, ruby lips, cute sprinkling of freckles throughout her face, shoulder and cleavage made it all come seamlessly together. Little high heels covered her feet while her hands left tingling lines across his scalp as her hands left in his hair. “You look beautiful.”

  “I know.” She said in a confident, self-assured way that was a little funny. “You did choose me to wear this earlier.” She touched a breast lightly and smiled as his nose flared in knowing just how aroused she always was around him.

  “Red, thank you for this.”

  “Hey, I decided that if I’m the last Solarian woman, I might as well mimic those I come from. Especially when they did have excellent sensual tastes in clothing. I’m hardly conservative so you better expect me to look like this for awhile. Only when I’m on duty am I stuffy.”

  “I know you’re trying to cheer me up, and I love you for it, but can I be alone for a little while.”

  “I won’t go, not till I tell you a secret I’ve been thinking about. If after you hear it and want me to go, I will. Deal?”

  “Deal.” He knew that firm and loving tone and there was no other answer she would let hi
m make. Not without dire consequences.

  She got to her feet and slapped the dusty mattress that was so well made the fibers didn’t disintegrate at all. When she made a breeze to remove the dust she sat beside him and crossed her naked long legs and then the ankle as she usually did. “Olly, you take too much on yourself. You’re burning out and it scares me because one day it’ll be too much and too late. I love your drive and many could learn a few things, but don’t forget I’m here. Don’t shut me out. Or else.” She gently punched his jaw with the other hand she didn’t dislocate earlier. “You’re not alone. I’m also like you. I have just traces of human in me from Papa so I know how bad it is not to have your own kind. I too had felt left out, but humans aren’t so bad overall. Your people made it possible for humans to grow and they are basically our young cousins. We have similar genetic blueprints. Since Papa gave me the protein to unlock and realize my own potential, I can’t see myself as human anymore. My thoughts are too different, but I love humanity regardless. Your amnesia may be a blessing.”

  He said nothing as he tilted his head.

  “A blessing in that when you were Mantiv, you had responsibilities that went up and above what his wants were. Reten was his Match, but is as dead as he is. And I’m here with you. Neither of us know anything about who Mantiv and Reten were. All we know is each other here right now at this moment… so we cannot miss what we do not know.”

  “I suppose.” He admitted and her words were helping.

  “But because I am me and you are you, do not dwell on the past. I learned that when I was held prisoner. I had time to see the past is just that, the past. It isn’t bad to uncover it and learn, but only so long as it doesn’t jeopardize the future… And I plan on living long after this universe comes to an end and share it with you and Sparky.” She smiled and touched her firm abdomen with just the right amount of athletic fat that makes a thick bodied woman so perfect. “Which brings me to my secret. I want a baby. I want a baby with you.”

  His non-comprehending blink made her laugh and slowly it sunk in till he smiled. A smile of a proud person fining a gift he never expected to receive. “A baby?”

  Renee tucked a few loose strawberry strands behind an ear. “Did I stutter? Yes, I want to have a baby. Bun in the oven. Turn this filly into a mare. Knock me up. When I was prisoner it was one of the things I wanted to see. Our child. You head into dangerous situations and if you die I know I will follow. It’s wired into my DNA and didn’t really solidify till you filled my womb with your baby batter. Since you head into deadly situations constantly, I worry I’ll die and not have a chance to be a mother. Rose was right, she always is and is infuriating. My womb is always throbbing and ready to carry our child. But when I saw her with the baby Drakes jumping all over her a few nights back, I wanted that to be me with my grandchildren and so on. So when things get too much, we are going to back off from the search, take a break and start up our family. Besides, my baby brother needs some competition. And I know Chloe really loves babysitting Vanessa’s little Taylor. She would be good for our little hellion once it grows a little.”

  “Renee, thank you.” He leaned over and kissed her softly.

  “You can thank me by sending Nova away and fuck my brains out.”

  Oliver simply looked over and the feline left, also looking much better now that his master was content again. “Slow or fast?”

  “Rough. Definitely rough.” She grinned a second before his heated cock slid to the hilt and their bodies wrinkled her attire as she screamed in bliss. Thoughts of babies shared between them, but not just yet did she drop an egg.

  Chapter 9

  Hand in hand Oliver and Renee returned following Nova who knew the castle completely, not forgetting much after so long. Their arrival found Steven lounging in the large gilded throne stroking Visor’s soft plumage. Stone was over by a sculpture, admiring it as Satellite played in the wind, careful not to get splashed by the many squirting fountains. The other Ligers were lounging all around, three females to a male. Nova emphasized the three by themselves belonged to him. And he was rather proud of it. They had given him many cubs in the past and they told him he was still in for more.

  Seems Renee isn’t the only one wanting children.

  “Better believe it.” She spoke after hearing that stray thought. “We got to revive the species’.”

  “Now I can at least understand how deep the connection is between you and Sparky. I can’t shut them out and strangely, I don’t want to.”

  “Drakes believe bonds that cannot be undone are a result of a missing part of our minds if the parties are synchronized. They believe bonding completes the other to fill the void of being truly alone. Being social creatures, we strive to be recognized by others. Having a telepathic link makes for no secrets between each other. Sometimes you don’t want it, but most of the time you are happy for it. Sometimes I don’t like his thoughts and same goes for him, but we can’t hide our affection. That trumps all the bad that can result of something so intimate. Too few know just how good it is. But to fix it for those without telepathic capabilities they engineer animals and use the person’s genetic material to form a bridge. All Hunters are a product after it was first discovered Drakes bond with one person if their minds are identical on wavelength.”

  “Thanks for the explanation.” He commented dryly.

  “Hot damn! You look great, Mrs. Void.” Steven said sitting up. “But you, Brother, need to put on some more. You’re liable to poke someone’s eye out in pants that thin.”

  Renee busted out laughing. “Or bash someone’s brains in with that meat club. Olly, we’ll save yours for the bedroom. Slide into jeans. I’ll keep this on to make Steven jealous.”

  “I’ll pass. You’re not my type, Mrs. Void.” Steven got up, Visor standing on his arm.

  “Oh, and what is yours?” she raised an eyebrow.

  “Slender and petite. Not someone who is eye level with me and has a fetish for kicking my ass. Plus I like women who can’t flip me upside down and throw me up against the wall like a ragdoll I give my kids.” He said with all the tact of a blunt hammer.

  “Seems like I need to tell Gemma what you think.”

  “How did you know she and I…” Steven scowled. “DAMN LIZARD! I’m going to kick your scaly ass!” Steven set Visor down and charged Sparky to which they began brawling.

  “Easy.” Oliver said to the Ligers who started growling and watching the two roll around pummeling, scratching and beating on each other. “This is almost a daily occurrence.” The felines settled back down and watched the two armored combatants fight, but not seriously injure each other.

  “Did Sparky really tell you this Gemma…” Oliver whispered.

  Renee’s expression was tensed to hold back bubbly laughter. “No… Steven assumed wrong. Gemma came to me two or three weeks back for a pelvic exam as Steven is a bit too large for her, but she really likes him. Apparently she never had a man capable of making her sex go numb before as he is the first Hunter she has ever slept with. It was a new experience and she is very shy. She’s not much bigger than Jacob’s mate since they are sisters after all. She’s actually adorable and I was surprised she and him got together.”

  Everyone watched as Steven got a rare upper hand and kicked Sparky under the jaw and got away before a tail tangled his legs. It was over and they brushed themselves off. “Stay out of my head.”

  “I do not care who you nest with. I commend whoever can stand the sight of you without coverings.”

  “Alright, break it up boys. We got work to do.” Oliver clapped to gain attention. “Sparky, tell Rose I’ll be making that hole soon. The rest of us will get our ships and return to the courtyard.”

  “You should know that since you had the defenses lowered, the nano-wall seems to have disappeared. I carefully patrolled the area and found nothing dangerous.” Called Stone.

  True enough no door barred their path. So they all went out and Oliver activated his chip with th
e purpose of connecting with his crystal he had downloaded about Drakken Prime’s unique geography and combined it with recordings his eyes and shoulder camera recorded of this mountain range. Through his eyes green lines built grids to see through the billions of tons of rock above his head. He saw crevasses, streams, underground lakes and areas his mind compiled of dangerous and unstable ground. He flew up and looked for a place, seeing beyond the ceiling from data. He ran simulations on how best to excavate and eventually came up with a solution.

  Oliver opened the internal valve to begin Gathering, no longer did the vibrations alter what he felt as they had gotten so fast they stabilized. It was a simple matter as he used the chip’s features to accurately imagine a perfect circle a half kilometer wide and cut a visible barrier through heavily reinforced granite in the safest area and let it cut deep before turning the tunnel away from an unstable lake, went around it and up vertically for three kilometers before turning forty-five degrees and punched out the mountain’s side where a unique rock formation made a natural wind break.

  With the tunnel complete and held, Oliver made a squeezing motion with his hand. Below, Renee and the others watched tons of the ceiling suddenly crack and crumble into little more than scree and dust before being sucked into the darkness.

  From outside the mountain suddenly belched a thick cloud of dust so hard it could be seen from space. Those waiting on the Dorgenox saw it and knew it was unnatural as not even a plume from an erupting volcano could throw out so much that parts of that range was rendered invisible like cloud cover. It was nearly as bad as the vortex.

  Oliver tapped his ear, looking up the gaping maw of darkness. “Jessica, can you read me?”

  “I can now… Stars! Whatever you just did lets me see the city Rose told us about! We’ve got your bio-readings. How long till you give us the all clear?”

  “Half hour. We’re going to make sure it’s stable and pick up our ships.”


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