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Void's Psionics

Page 33

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  Soon Renee was sitting with her ankles around his waist as he powered into her with wild abandon and she loved it. Psionic increased orgasms were shared together again and again.

  After the shower they made love under the freshly laundered bed sheets and didn’t stop till after midnight.

  Tangled together in the darkness, the constant heat she had felt suddenly grew rapidly and she sat up with a jerk, hand on her lower belly. Her frightened look had Oliver sitting up and worried. “Red?”

  “We’re pregnant… and it’s… a girl?”

  “What?” he asked as she spoke in a whisper not even he could hear so close. But he smelled her and rumbled “You smell like Andrea.”

  “Olly…” She turned and smiled with tears running down her cheeks. “We’re pregnant and I already know I’m going to have a girl.”


  “I don’t know, but I know we are having a baby girl. And feel me.” She touched his face.

  “You burn. You’ve never felt this warm even when we ran to get here.”

  Renee lifted her wrist and the bracelet released enough material to glove her hand and turned it to scan herself. “Forty six Celcius!” she exclaimed… “But I’m just a little hot. Humans would die running this hot… now I see why your semen samples burned out other pregnancy simulations… my hypothalamus is working to cool me but my body is metabolizing to create the heat. My temp has stabilized, but I’ll need to keep an eye on it.”

  “Is it bad feeling? Being hot?” He asked as she put the medical scanner away and rubbed her belly with a great big smile.

  “No, I was prepared. The diary let me know this was completely normal, but said nothing about knowing the sex of our child right at conception. Then again, I haven’t read it all. It is a bitch of a long read. But the increased temp is proof I’m pregnant.” She quivered a laugh. “Hello, Little one.”

  Sparky must have told as Rose came barging in the room aglow in the darkness, her scales a lively dark pink. “My mate tells me it is done. I want names for the new hatchling. Now!”

  Renee didn’t hide her nakedness as she said “Isabella… after Ma. I swore if I ever had a girl, I’d name her for Ma’s memory. Had she been a boy I’d call him Felix, but I just know I’ve got a little girl in me.”

  Rose came up close, Oliver noticing Sparky’s head curved around the doorway, but not entering. Sparky entered his mind. “Let the females be. Come, we will drink.”

  “Not now. I’m not letting her out of my sight. She is in danger and I cannot leave.” The overprotective male instinct had kicked in, in overdrive. Oliver now understood what it meant and Sparky made a hiss as half the Liger females came without needing to be called. Nova had sensed his master’s change and knew what it meant. The females would never let anything bad near Renee, that much was crystal clear.

  It was true, what little scent that already left carried on the breeze the flavor of a pregnant Solarian. Salamanders would soon come for the chance to eat as well as all other Beasts who catch her new fragrance. Tonight though the storm made the night safe.

  At first light Renee was on the com with Jessica, unable to fall asleep with the excitement. They talked for hours after the sun seemingly had arisen off the horizon, she sitting on Oliver’s lap as he kept inhaling her sent and sounding very pleased she smelled so good. She repeatedly emphasized she was fine and being so close let Oliver hear her com and Jessica being worried mainly about her body temperature. But he was happy by how much she was. She carried his first child in her womb and it filled him with potent feelings that he would fight for them even after death. These feelings translated into the Pride and though they still lounged when inside, their ears twitched at the faintest sounds showing they were alert. Only their connection was two way and they were protective too.

  “Oh alright. You just have fun and we’ll talk again tonight… yes I promise to call you if anything changes. Again yes…” Renee laughed. “My temp is still holding. It hasn’t changed since he officially knocked me up with our little Izzy… oh shut up you whore.”

  Dimly he heard. “Love you too, Queen Bitch!”

  “And don’t you forget it. Bye, Auntie.” And Renee tapped her ear, spun to sit side saddle on strong thighs and threw arms around his neck as they sat downstairs beside the hearth. “Well at least she is happy for me. Steph is busy with Andrea having little orgasms about the different artistic styles compared to the wind city’s. Papa is happy knowing he’s going to have a granddaughter soon. At least Jessica was smart enough to use the tranquilizer I gave her on his ass because, as I guessed, he was Gathering for flight as soon as we stopped talking. He’ll be mad, but Jess is with me on being alone. He’ll just have to wait till it’s all over.” She suddenly shivered.

  “What was that about?” Her sudden change was hardly lost on his unblinking gaze at her flushed skin that was aglow with the start of pregnancy.

  Her smile faltered a little. “Seems like I am pregnant and Solarian. I just thought about killing Jessica knowing after she hugged me she would hug you had she been allowed over… I’ve never thought about killing her. Never. She and Stephanie were the only mothers I had ever known.” She laid her head on his shoulder, her tone softening. “I’m glad I was forewarned and we didn’t get pregnant onboard. It would be a disaster. Just the thought about another woman brushing against you in passing makes me as mad as when I was raped… no… more so. I don’t think I would be in control.”

  “You hungry yet? There is a little left over.”

  “Nice deflection, Idiot.” She leaned back and gave him a kiss. “Glad you know me so well. And yes I’m hungry. All this heat is burning through calories thirty percent faster than my body usually does and this altitude is making my heart pump harder.”

  “Then you enjoy the fire. I’ll go cut up some thick steaks.” In a slick move Renee sat in the sturdy chair and he was in the icebox digging out Beast meat. A good two kilos under standard gravity, twelve kilograms on Zerika.

  As he cut up some steaks with his beige bowie style dagger she stroked a large body of fur. “Olly, I think you should let the other girls here have some cubs.” Her intent had the females’ all lifting their heads. “You know, bring them back from extinction.”

  “I don’t know. I know they want cubs, but we know so little how they’ll react.”

  “Yet I do.” Came a new mind as the front door suddenly slid open.

  The cutlass was already singing through the air as the Pride was on their feet and armored, surrounding Renee with their massive bodies in an instant.

  The arching blade paused midair as a slender female Creelin stood in front of a male. He said in confusion. “Callier? Netul?”

  The former lowered her Psi blade and made it disappear up in the gold attachment on her arm. “Yes, it is us. May we come in? And stay away from me. Renee will attack me if you get closer.”

  Proof came as scarlet hair was already straight up and her green glowing eyes were somehow showing angry shocks of red. Even from behind the armored Pride covered in razor sharp spines and blades she was by far the most fearsome. Oliver stepped away and the further he got the more his pregnant wife’s hackles lowered till she blinked in confusion. When her eyes settled to normal she asked “Wha… what just happened?”

  “Not to fear, Renee. Such is normal when the anger overwhelms your sense of self. Now may we enter?” Callier asked again.

  The cutlass went ‘shhkt’ as it slid back into the sheathe. “Of course.” He turned around and went back to the kitchenette to finish preparing breakfast. “They are friends.” The Pride was wary, but they put their armor into their collar and mentally got a feel for the newcomers who allowed it.

  “Greetings, young Renee. This is the first time we have met in person. I’m Bezlin Callier.” She said and extended a four digit hand with fingernails finely filed and delicately shaped into claws.

  Warily Renee took it and they shook. “It is good to finally meet you, but
I thought we wouldn’t meet until Olly and I came to your colony.”

  “And I too assumed we would raise our young together, but now you are ahead.” Callier thought, her eyes turning a soft peach that smoked.

  “So why did you come?” Oliver got to the point.

  “No humans in the area to know we were ever here and because my Match is a foremost guardian of rare and endangered species. And she is the foremost expert on Zeramndillieq villip… your Pride.” Netul said as he knelt by the fire and warmed up his hands.

  “And we were granted access to stay as long as you will have us, so long as no humans know we are here to influence them.” Callier said as she leaned her shield down, reached back to hold the pointed braid and her Cultio unraveled to releas her sensitive antennae more like thick and segmented black hair that fell down to her waist with a slight rattle.

  “Isn’t it too dangerous with me in my condition?” She asked as Oliver sat down and gestured Renee to sit on his lap while holding out the cleanly cut steaks that had her stomach growling. She sped over, plopped down in her favorite seat and popped a raw piece of meat in her mouth.

  “I know and fully understand the risks. And I have been on more than one receiving end of a pregnant female and am still very much alive.” Callier said as Netul had gone over to the table and brought over two more chairs for them. They arranged themselves on the other side of the fire to have clear line of sight as well as distance.

  “Did you kill them before they killed you?” Renee blurted and went redder from embarrassment.

  “No. I’m a born telepath with few equal among my people… like yourself. When I was threatened on those accounts I merely forced them to sleep deeply. Not to worry, I will keep distance from your Match. And if you do attack, I hold no ill will. The anger is uncontrollable. The one true weakness in your species.”

  “Kind of like the hunger lust you saved me from when I caught scent of that Cerberus?” Oliver asked.

  “Not precisely. You still had awareness when your body moved on its own. She remembers nothing when it takes over. Not till competition is removed will it retract so her personality reasserts itself as the dominant force over the body. She has no memory of the event so powerful is the instinct against other females who near their Match. During Solarian evolution it was a means for pairs to leave and not fear separation. Since females tend to be normally aggressive, when pregnant that is blocked off in their minds to preserve positive hormones during pregnancy, but when threatened the sealed part is basically released all at once and is too much to handle. Think of it like a sprint over long distance. She keeps the anger at bay normally, but bursts the hormones of anger and stress to limit the exposure to the fetus.” Informed Callier as calm and collected as ever. “It is a remarkable and unique survival evolutionary instinct to keep their mate as close as possible during their vulnerable state.”

  “Are you one hundred percent positive I won’t kill you?” Renee took a drink of water.

  Callier slowly shook her head. “Quantifying probable risk to death is folly for logical creatures who know nothing in the universe can keep them safe forever. All I will say is I have a better chance than most should the worst in you be unleashed.”

  When there was a break Oliver asked “So you two got permission to be with us? Under what pretense did the Archivers grant it?”

  Netul answered. “Because we can openly communicate so long as no humans are near. And because we are friends. Your mind has exceeded humanity in mathematics and reasoning. As has Renee’s in biology. She can understand forms of biology that exceed all published material humanity has discovered. And since neither of you have shown indication to advance them beyond their proper rate of progression the Archivers see you as Solarian with minor human influence. As such, neither of you will be corrupted by our knowledge. Your reasoning skills” Netul took his Culito off as well while looking between Oliver and Renee. “will not be altered. All you miss are basic understandings that won’t change how you view the universe.”

  “But then you know I’m attempting to turn humans into Solarians.” Renee voiced and took another bite.

  “And you think it hasn’t been attempted before? You are a living example it is possible, but there is an issue… as I know you’ve found.” Callier removed her forearm protectors and laid them down.

  Renee pursed her lips. “You’ve been keeping a closer watch on me than I expected. I’ve already figured a way to splice in the gene for the DNA to combine with Beast essence, but preliminary results indicate that aside from a greatly boosted immune system and stronger Psionic abilities, the human brain won’t wire like ours.”

  “Correct.” She thought, dipping her grey pointed chin once.

  “But then Ma, made me. I’ve went over her research she uncovered on the Geo Record… and the worst part is that tests show even if a woman has the gene therapy, she’ll still die to have a child born near completely Solarian.”

  “Run through the misconception you made for yourself and see why the mother always dies. When you find it you’ll see why it was dangerous to consider making more near pure Solarian fetuses. And forget about making artificial wombs. It will not work for your species. Humans yes, you cannot.”

  “Before I get upset… what about my children? If I have sons one day, they’ll likely kill any woman they mate with.”

  “Fear not. When Oliver was Mantiv, he was subjected to a minor genetic shift. He could and can only let you conceive daughters.”

  “Seriously, Callier?” He asked. “Why?”

  “Because you were an anomaly. Your power was too great and it was determined that any sons you would have had would not be able to withstand the Psionic strain after he and Reten had a son that died just thirteen Earth years from the strain where his energy exploded from his body at the peak of puberty, but daughters were able to regulate. It took over a hundred and sixteen thousand years for Mantiv to wait for his match Reten to be born, one strong enough to not burn up and die from the heat. When she had a son, he died thirteen years after and was determined only daughters were allowed.”

  “So you can tell me about myself now?”

  “Unfortunately no.” Netul said carefully. “You must uncover your own path. If you fail, it will be on you. But speaking of who you are now allows us to explain just enough to help you understand you can only give Renee daughters. Because of your strength, at that time, none knew there was a limit to how much Psionic energy the mortal body could contain. Since females typically are less powerful, there was less chance bearing a daughter with the future risk of death because their power was unsustainable. Yet do not get me wrong, what they lack in strength they make up for in mental acuity superior to ours.”

  “Nice save.” Renee laughed a little and Callier winked at Renee to privately hear from the other woman. “I trained him well. Males, no matter the species, are simple minded creatures.” Renee winked back, liking her more now.

  “So what is it that makes me an anomaly?” Oliver asked, not knowing Callier and his woman were staring up a friendship that could survive through the ages.

  “Sorry, my friend, but that too is against my oaths.”

  “Fine. So you two want to stay here. Why?” he asked.

  Callier touched her golden armored breastplate that didn’t hide how inhumanly slender she was. “To offer support to Renee and be close should there be complications and also to get pregnant so I do not feel left behind, but also to offer assistance to the Pride. You likely won’t need help, but I’ve taken oaths to ensure as few species go extinct do. I’m requesting you allow them to breed for the sake of their survival. In exchange I’ll teach you how to properly care for their needs as they do for you.”

  “So you want to turn this into a breeding zone?”

  “Why the hell not? I could use a pair of skilled hands in my research and you won’t smother me since Netul can kick your ass for me if you get in my way.”

  Netul and Callier turned to e
ach other and made that funny sound in their chests with bright green eyes of mirth. A Creelin’s laugh.

  “Fine already. We can have the company. Besides, I know them both to be deadly. If it means keeping you safe I’ll do anything.”

  “Wise decision. Where is the control area? I will make this building grow us a new room so we may sleep.” Asked Netul.

  Sparky answered. “Over there.” He gestured with his arrow shaped head.

  “Shouldn’t you know if you’ve been watching?” Humorously inquired Oliver as Netul stood.

  “We personally have not. An Archiver has and we were given a detailed report. We were just arriving when Callier heard Renee speaking of letting the Pride repopulate.” He walked into maintenance.

  “Olly, Callier and I are going to set up my lab. Let the kittens get frisky already.” She said, standing up.

  “You heard her. Go have fun making babies over just mating for fun.”

  Excitedly all the females roughly licked his hand, arms or face as they bounced. Nova gave Oliver a look of gratitude, his three mates rubbing against him as they all released pheromones saying they too controlled their fertility and were ready. Soon all Ligers ran outside intent to breed after so very long. The space opened up without so many felines taking up a fair share of the room. Now the large ones were the Drakes who were content to enjoy resting the day away by the cheery fire.

  Oliver went about repairing the vents to warm the rest of the outpost, chop firewood with the cutlass, stacked them.

  By noon there was a shriek in the distance and a deathly look crossed Oliver’s features as he felt overprotective rage and took off to kill an incoming swarm of Salamanders. Ten in all coming for his woman and unborn baby. They didn’t stand a chance as he ripped them apart before the Ligers could react. Renee feasted well when he returned.

  When nothing happened and he had nothing else to do except sit in a corner as Renee and Callier sanitized the spare room for her research, he began working on collecting passing neutrinos, modifying them and figuring out how to make them better for his micro-drone idea. He would be getting plenty of time to think and create all the while watching his woman gradually shed her rough demeanor, but he grew aggressive instead. She was now the calm and perky one and so giggly.


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