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The Dom with a Safeword

Page 8

by Cari Silverwood

  “And single tail?” Oh this was too fun.

  She snapped her gaze to Sabrina and narrowed her eyes. “Read your selections out loud.”

  Shaking her head adamantly, she pulled the paper back and looked down. “I’m not done. I still have to fill out the bondage part.”

  “Read what you have so far,” she ordered.

  “No thanks. But you can see it when I’m done.”

  “I don’t want to see it,” she said more firmly. “I want to hear you read each one.”

  Sabrina flicked her gaze to her friend, feeling her eyes widen. “But –”

  “You wanna play games with me, little girl? You should know better. Read each selection out loud and let’s see how you like being watched when you’re aroused.”

  “You’re so mean!”

  “You started it. Now go.”

  Sabrina gulped then looked down at her list. “Um.” Her voice squeaked and she cleared it. Come on, Sabrina. Man up. Or woman up, rather. “Okay. Well. Vibrators, begging, following orders, hair pulling, floggers, biting.” She rushed through the list then stopped at the words “over-the-knee spanking.”

  “Um. The other one I showed you.”

  “Say it.”


  Q studied her for a moment then sighed. “Alright. We’ll work on that later. Keep going.”

  Grateful to be off the hook, for now, she read the last few things on the list. “Belts, punishment, flogging.” She finished with an exhale. Torture. That was nothing short of torture. Maybe she should add that to Q’s list. She built up the courage to look at her friend. Would she laugh at her?

  Q’s eyes glittered and her lips parted as her breaths came out shallow. “That was hot.”

  Sabrina laughed hard. “You’re seriously disturbed, you know that?”

  She gave her a sly smile. “And yet you’re going to come over here and kiss me.”

  And suddenly, there wasn’t anything else in the world she’d rather do. As if Q had strings attached to her body, Sabrina rose from the chair and walked to the couch. Q crooked a finger and Sabrina leaned over.

  “Kiss me,” Q ordered.

  “You know I’m not good at this,” Sabrina breathed, her gaze transfixed on Q’s mouth.

  She grabbed onto Sabrina’s t-shirt and tugged her down. Their lips almost touched. Sabrina waited for it, but Q didn’t make the first move. She kept Sabrina hovering with a firm grip on her shirt.

  “Kiss me,” she whispered again.

  “I can’t.” But god did she want to. The urge to kiss was mixed up with that stupid feeling that it was somehow wrong.

  Q narrowed her eyes. “I dare you.”

  Sabrina’s resistance snapped. She sucked in a sharp breath and planted one knee on the couch at the same time as she lunged for Q’s mouth. Self-preservation made her slow just before they touched. So soft and so light Q’s lips seemed, that the air stopped still and jammed up in her chest.

  Mmm. She didn’t shut her eyes, though she always had before, with boys. She didn’t because seeing Q’s eyes there, right in front of her, all big and beautiful and watching…just did something awesome.

  Then Sabrina overbalanced and fell, landing sideways on Q’s lap. Their mouths crushed together. She groped for something to take the weight and found one hand on the armrest and the other on Q’s breast. A giggle erupted, and she drew back an inch.

  “Ouch,” Q whispered.

  “Sorry,” she whispered back. “About my hand, I mean.” Their voices sounded cozy, the moment turning even more intimate.

  “Keep it there.”

  She hesitated then complied. “Okay.”

  “Now kiss me again.”

  Right. Girl Kiss, take two.

  This time she started out gentle, pressing in and taking little holds of Q’s lips with hers. But the stunned quietness radiating from Q made her pause. Not good. She remembered how the heroes did it in movies and books. No point in going at this half-assed. So she used her weight and crushed her lips harder onto Q’s, then shoved her tongue in and out, turning her head for a better angle.

  A hand slapped against her ass. Q pulled back, panting. “Not so rough!”

  Sabrina sat back, a little dazed, staring at Q’s red freshly kissed lips. “Sorry. I copied the books you gave me. I was plundering.”


  She nodded.

  Q chuckled. “Be gentle, little girl. I’m not a conquest.” She reached up and pecked her lips then smiled. “You already won me.”

  Disheartened, she asked timidly, “Let me try again?”

  “Go for it, beautiful.”

  Another deep breath. Third go. The curve of Q’s full lips were as tempting as any man’s. More so, maybe. Being gentle was easy, wasn’t it? Instead of crushing, she brought her mouth right up close until the first barest feather-soft sensation flowered into being. Then she moved along, sideways, breathing on Q, letting the skin on their lower lips slide. Again, Q seemed stunned or… maybe just rapt in what she was doing.

  “Is this okay?” she asked quietly.

  “Yes,” Q murmured.

  She smiled then teased Q with petite kisses. Kiss…and draw away. Nibble with teeth and lift away. Stick the tip of her tongue between Q’s lips and lick slow as honey over that plump sweet curve…and kiss.

  The contentment on Q’s face vanished. She growled, and grabbed the back of Sabrina’s head.

  Sabrina’s squeal was cut off as Q yanked her in right up front and center. This time they met with mouth on mouth and stayed that way, sighing and making little noises of appreciation, toying with each other’s tongues, and tasting. Q was fresh and yummy and hot. Their breasts compressed together and Sabrina noticed the hard bead of Q’s nipples near her own.

  Their kissing fell into a rhythm that seemed to carry them both away. Heat rippled in waves through Sabrina.

  Gasping, licking her lips, she raised her head. Uh-oh. She’d been grinding her crotch into Q’s. She froze. Q’s face went from shocked arousal to a more composed calm.

  “Well.” Q cleared her throat. “That was good. I didn’t know you had it in you.”

  A wicked giggle escaped her. It felt good throwing Q off balance. It reminded her she wasn’t entirely powerless in their dynamic.

  Q pinched her thigh, giving her a stern look. “Don’t get cocky. Remember your place.”

  Reckless with lust, she sassed, “And what’s that, Miss Bossy Pants?”

  In one move, Q dumped her off her lap and she landed on her ass on the floor. Sabrina grunted and moved to get up, but Q pointed to the ground by her feet and ordered, “Kneel.”

  A soft growl grew in Sabrina’s chest as she fought with herself whether to obey.

  “Did you check kneeling on your list?” Q asked, brows arched.

  “Yes,” she grumbled. But to Q? Like this? She stared at the floor.

  “And between me and you, who did you picture doing the kneeling?”

  She opened her mouth to tell her neither but that wasn’t quite the truth. With a sigh, she answered honestly. “Me.”

  “So that makes you what in our relationship?”

  “The sub,” she answered with an eye roll. What kind of monster had she unleashed in her best friend?

  Q ignored the attitude. “Then kneel.”

  With a glare, she obeyed, sitting up on her knees and waiting for approval.

  “Good girl.” Q nodded, maybe a little proud. “Now sit with me and we’ll fill out the bondage part together.”

  Oh goody. She sighed but shimmied to the couch and climbed on next to Q. The list continued with a dozen types of bondage and restraint play. Most of them caused the same stirring as the damn spanking.

  She chuckled at mummification. “Hey, Q. Want to mummify me? Then I can haunt you in your sleep.” Opening her eyes wide, she put her arms out and rocked back and forth like a mummy. “Kinky best friend mummy…raaaaa…”

  Q shook her head and mumbled,
“No, but the gags are looking pretty enticing.”

  She snapped her mouth shut instinctively then cursed herself for the wussy reaction. Q chuckled beside her. With a pout, she went back to the list. Handcuffs, rope bondage, blindfolds…mmmm….

  “Plastic wrap?” she said out loud with a face. “Ugh. Soooo unflattering.”

  Q laughed. “Leave it to you to think of fashion when it comes to bondage.”

  “I’m just stating the obvious. Cling wrap does nothing for your figure.”

  Q grinned.


  “I’m just imagining picking out a pretty collar for you.” Q tucked a piece of hair behind Sabrina’s ear. “Maybe purple.”

  A collar? Her heart fluttered in her chest. If it were anyone else, she’d have been insulted. But for Q…. A smile tugged at her lips. “But Q, I didn’t mark collars on my list.”

  Q laughed. “Smart ass.” She took Sabrina’s questionnaire from her hand and placed it with hers on the table. “Alright, missy. Time to apologize to Jude for deceiving him.” She held her cell phone out to Sabrina.

  Sabrina looked back and forth from the phone to Q’s face. “Seriously?”

  Q arched a brow in a look of stubborn determination.

  “Fine.” She rolled her eyes and took the phone from Q. “You already have his number programmed in your phone?” she asked. “How often do you guys talk anyway?”

  “Often. And you should too. You’re part of this.”

  “Not by choice,” she mumbled under her breath.

  Q plopped back on the couch and ran her fingers through Sabrina’s hair lazily. “Still pretending to be the innocent victim?”

  She kept her gaze down on the phone, scrolling to find Jude’s name. “Shh! I’m following your orders, oh Domly one.” She smothered a giggle.

  Q swatted her thigh with her other hand, making Sabrina laugh. “Ow! Stop. You’re distracting me.”

  “Oh, am I?” Her expression changed and she shifted her body to face Sabrina.

  Uh-oh. What ideas had she just unintentionally put in Q’s head? “Hey Jude, it’s Sabrina,” she said out loud as she typed a text. “Q is making me apolog –” She cut off with a yelp when Q’s hand tightened in her hair.

  A second later, Q’s lips were at her ear. “Do it right, little girl,” she growled then nipped her ear lobe, causing her to squeak in surprise.

  “Okay,” she whispered, unable to move with her hair pulled tight in Q’s fist. The prickles on her scalp sent a wave of lust straight to her clit. Every time Q called her “little girl” her stomach dropped and a throb started between her legs.

  “Good girl.” Q released her hold and went back to combing through it gently with her fingers. Just having Q’s hands on her did…something she couldn’t explain. Like, the way she played with her hair now made her so relaxed she wanted to strip down and beg Q to touch her whole body. Then that thought led to more dangerous ones – images that questionnaire put in her mind.

  “You done yet?” Q’s voice startled her back to composing her message.

  “I’m sorry I deceived you on online chat,” she read out loud then clicked send. “There. Sent it.” She tried to hand the phone back but the text alert beeped. She looked down. It was Jude.

  “What did he say?” Q asked.

  “‘I forgive you. Next time just ask upfront if you have questions.’” Sabrina smiled. “He’s sweet, isn’t he?”

  Q gave a mysterious chuckle. “I wouldn’t be too sure about that.”

  She looked at her friend. “He’s sweet to me cause I’m not a brat like you are.”

  “Oh, you’re a brat,” she replied, taking the phone back. “You just haven’t paid for it yet.” She began typing a message.

  “What are you writing now?”

  “I’m telling him that we filled out the questionnaires.”

  The phone rang, the familiar metal riff startling her.

  “It’s Jude,” Q said then thrust the phone at her. “Answer it.”

  She leaned away. “You answer it! It’s your phone.”

  “He wants to talk to you.” Q shook it at her.

  Sabrina sighed dramatically then took the phone. “Hello?”

  “Who’s this?” Jude’s sexy voice chimed on the other end. “Brat one or brat two?”

  “Uhh…no hablo ingles.” A strangled laugh escaped her as a snort.

  “Ah,” Jude said. “Brat two then. Tell Q I said hi.”

  “He says hi,” she said to Q.

  She gave Sabrina a mysterious smile then gestured with her hands to keep talking.

  “Uh…” She stammered, grasping for topics. “We filled out that questionnaire.” She cringed as soon as the words left her mouth. Why on earth did she bring that up?

  “Good,” he said. “You can email them to me tonight.”

  Panic started in her chest and she blurted, “No.”

  A pause then, “Excuse me?”

  The Dom voice. This was dangerous territory. “Ghost to you seeing my answers,” she said, forcing her voice to sound firm.

  Another pause then he burst out laughing. “You’re safewording a questionnaire?”

  Q sighed. “I got a good idea of what she likes, Jude,” she yelled at the phone. “I’ll sum it up for you when I send mine.”

  Sabrina waited for Jude to protest. Would he push her despite her safewording?

  “That works,” he said and she exhaled a breath. “For now.”

  Q nudged her and whispered, “I’m getting a drink. You want anything?”

  She pulled the phone away from her ear. “Uh, no. But what about him?” She pointed emphatically at the phone.

  “Talk,” Q answered with a grin. She got up and headed for the kitchen. “Get to know each other.”

  Talk? On the phone to a guy? It had been ages since she’d done something so simple. Why was she so nervous? Shit, even her palms were sweaty. This wasn’t junior high school for christsake! “Um,” she said into the phone. “So how are you?”

  “Better now that I’ve heard your voice.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Oh my god. Do you ever turn it off?”

  “Turn what off?” He sounded honestly confused.

  “The smooth-talking arrogant male complex,” she answered boldly. Thank goodness for his chuckle or she’d have worried she put her foot in her mouth again. “You don’t have to compliment me to win me over. I prefer honesty.”

  “You want honesty? Alright.” He exhaled into the receiver.

  Was it so difficult for him to just be himself?

  “I wish you would chat with me on online,” he said, a hopeful lilt in his voice.

  “I hate online chat.”

  “Text then. I feel like I know Q. I’d like to know you too. Obviously you’re someone worth knowing if Q likes you so much.”

  She should set him straight – tell him Q was one of her only real friends for a reason. And they fit together only because of their shared oddness. If she were a good person, she’d warn him like she’d warned Q when they’d first become friends – though she’d ignored her and stuck around anyway. Sabrina wasn’t worth getting to know. Not with her big mouth, confused sexuality, and quirky habits.

  But today…today she just wasn’t in the mood to play fair. This was temporary anyway, wasn’t it? A summer fling to try out some wild, kinky sex. He wasn’t sticking around so she’d let him think he liked her for a few months – at least enough for him to want to have sex with her. Her confidence could use it. Finally she cleared her throat and answered, “Q will sum up the questionnaire.”

  “I don’t mean I want to know you in bed, Sabrina. Well, I do. But I also want to know you. As a person. What are your favorite things? What’s your family like? What are your hopes and dreams?”

  She chuckled nervously. “Well you get right down to it, don’t you?”

  “You wanted honesty,” he answered.

  Well now she’d screwed herself good. “I did. I mean, I do
.” She inhaled a breath then released it slowly. Okay, she could give him this. “Um, well, I’m addicted to diet cola. I love watching dance shows though I couldn’t dance to save my life.”

  His soft chuckle made her smile.

  “The way into my heart is through humor and chocolate,” she said, shifting her body into a more comfortable position on the couch.

  “Mental note,” Jude said. “Buy giant box of chocolate.”

  She laughed then noticed Q standing just outside the living, watching her with a grin. Sabrina waved her over but she motioned she was going to bed. Sabrina blew her a kiss with a wink and Q walked away, smiling and shaking her head. She turned her attention to Jude.

  For the next hour, they talked. About her big Italian family that made The Sopranos look sane, the best places in town to get seafood, their shared passion for cheesy B-movies on the sci-fi channel. She didn’t get to her hopes and dreams before Jude had to go, but she felt as if she knew him – on a deeper level than just a sexy potential Dom. And for the first time in a long time, she had an inkling of hope for her love life.

  Chapter 7


  Sabrina ran her hands over her long, flowy black dress, smoothing out a few crinkles. The top swooped low and the straps tied on her shoulders – which she’d double knotted – but she was hoping the length would save her.

  Tonight was séance night. She’d been waiting for it for days with an equal sense of excitement and foreboding. She could, potentially, reach a spirit tonight – one who she’d know the name and history for.

  It was also just as likely she’d be ravished tonight. No, wait. More likely. Hence the long dress. When she wore sundresses and short skirts, she could practically see the wheels turning in Q’s head. It would be so easy for her to reach a hand under the short fabric and…

  She forced those thoughts away before she needed a date with her B.O.B. Again. Ever since that afternoon at Jude’s house, she’d needed her purple friend far more than usual. The memory of her forced against Jude’s body, wrists wrapped tight in the cuffs, Q’s soft lips against her skin… She shivered.

  And that closet. It both terrified and titillated. Some of Q’s sexual habits must’ve rubbed off on her since living together. Q should have mentioned that before they signed the lease – not that it would have changed her mind.


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