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The Dom with a Safeword

Page 28

by Cari Silverwood

  Q’s jaw clenched and she wiped tears away with a gesture of annoyance. Sabrina waited. Jude sucked in a breath. Finally, she nodded. “If you break Sabrina’s heart again, I’ll do worse than knee you in the balls.”

  His joyful grin made Sabrina laugh, even while tears rolled down her cheeks. He was back! In a startling move, he yanked them both closer then dipped, pushed forward, and threw each of them over a shoulder. Sabrina screeched.

  “Jude!” Q yelled and smacked his back.

  He lumbered into the first bedroom on the right – Q’s room though they’d both been sleeping there since she had the queen-size bed. He lowered them onto the mattress then followed them down, landing half on top of them.

  “Ow!” Sabrina rubbed her arm where someone’s knee had landed. They settled, wriggling, untangling their bodies. “That was not so graceful,” she said with a scowl.

  Jude maneuvered them, one on each side, until they were tucked under his arms. “Quiet, brat two. I’m in my happy place.” He closed his eyes, inhaled a breath of each of their hair then did a double take at Q. “What on earth did you do to your hair?”

  She glanced up at him then mumbled, “Long story.”

  “She left in the tongue piercing.” Sabrina sighed happily. “I bugged her to take out the other rings in her face, though.” She rested her head against his warm chest, smiling blissfully at his rumbling laugh.

  “Mm,” he purred, kissing Q’s head. “I want to hear every detail of your lives while I was gone. But first…”

  He kissed each of them long and deep, reminding Sabrina exactly why things hadn’t been the same without him.

  Now she had her right and her left – and she was whole again.

  “We’re going to make this work.” She sat up and wrapped her arms around him, just below the shoulder. Then she laid her cheek on his shirt sleeve and said softly, but with determination, “We will. Or I’ll send my ghost after you.”


  3 months later

  Q officially loved February. Not that she liked winter – snow was the mortal enemy of a woman who was perpetually cold. But this one was the best. It had proven so cold that none of them strayed far from home unless they had to. Instead of dragging Q out skating and skiing, they spent time goofing around in bed – not just having mind-blowing sex, but cuddling, talking, and watching old movies. There was nothing worse than company showing up, because everyone had to get decent. However, their landlord, Fredrick, had told Jude that he was welcome to keep the girls as naked as he liked when he was over to collect the rent. Jude had yet to take him up on the offer.

  They’d been lucky to get the house back. Fredrick had managed to rent it out to a young couple the week Jude had moved out, but their friendly neighborhood ghost had shown up one night. The couple had not only moved out, they’d demanded all of their money back.

  By the time Jude had asked to rent it again, Fred was just happy to have it taken off of his hands. He’d set up a rent-to-own agreement with Jude then added Sabrina and Q when they’d moved in at the end of December. With recommendations from Fredrick, Jude had started a small home renovation company, and had a few contracts already. Between the three of them, they were doing well for themselves.

  The worst, though, was waiting for him to get home from work. He’d been at their disposal over the summer, and they weren’t used to sharing him with a j-o-b. Juggling schedules around the three of them working full-time was tricky, but they were getting the hang of it.

  In bed, they waited for him with a monster movie cued up and a bowl of popcorn at the ready. For now they were snuggling. Q was having trouble warming up – grocery shopping in the slush today had been the worst. Her only hope was that cuddling under the duvet with her best girl might thaw her out before spring.

  They’d showered together when they’d gotten home, and had played a little, but they were under orders that things weren’t to get too involved in Jude’s absence. He’d also ordered them to dress in matching lingerie. Since it was freezing in the old, still mostly empty house, she was hoping he meant the matching flannel PJ bottoms they’d gotten from him for Christmas. She’d bossed Sabrina into going along with the idea. If she was wrong, they’d be in for it when Jude got home.

  Her chest was currently Sabrina’s pillow. The faint floral scent of her girlfriend’s freshly-washed hair drifted up to her. Running her fingers through her blonde mane was heavenly. Sabrina didn’t seem to mind either – but her sighs of enjoyment were making Q think of more naughty pursuits. She snaked her hand down and stroked Sabrina’s collar bone, pleased when the simple act made her lover’s breath hitch. As she slid her hand farther toward her breast, Sabrina stayed very still.

  “Do you want me to stop?” Which would she choose? Sabrina hated being frustrated, and she was probably still horny after their shower activities.

  “Mmm... no. But when’s Jude getting home? I can’t handle this much longer.”

  Q chuckled. “Such a spoiled girl! Do you think Jude would like it if he knew you were just waiting for him to get home so you could have some cock?”

  A sulky whine escaped Sabrina as Q tugged gently at her hardened nipple. She looked up at Q, giving her the pitiful big brown eyes. “Nooooo, Q. I’m ready enough. Please?”

  Q ignored her pleas, eventually succeeding in making her writhe under her hands. “What’s the matter, my girl? Do you want something?”

  “Yes, but Jude told us no.”

  “I won’t tell if you don’t.” Q flashed her a wicked smile.

  Her forehead wrinkled in consternation.

  “Hmm, sounds like my little brat needs a spanking,” Jude drawled from the doorway.

  She gasped and yanked her hands from Sabrina as if she’d burst into flames. “I was just messing with her. I wouldn’t have done it.”

  “Mm-hm.” He sauntered into the room, and arched a brow at them. “That doesn’t look like what I told you to wear, either.”

  “You don’t think we look sexy in tank tops? We’re braless and everything.” She’d guessed wrong and scrambled for more excuses but came up with nothing.

  “You did buy us these pajamas, Sir. It’s a waste of money if we never wear them. And poor Q! I thought she was going to die from hypothermia. She was blue and everything! Sir.” Sabrina – the girl thought up escape routes faster than a ninja did back flips. “Oh, and she made me do it.”

  Jude pinched the bridge of his nose, as if he was battling a two-brat-sized headache. “Passport.”

  They both gaped at him for a moment, and then burst into peals of laughter.

  Sabrina scoffed. “You can’t safeword flannel! That’s ridiculous!”

  “No. My two naughty little subs are ridiculous,” he growled, trying to keep the amusement out of his voice. His shoulders started to shake, then Sabrina giggled and all was lost. Laughing, Jude toppled onto the bed and gathered them to him. After an evil chuckle he leaped on them – one, then the other, tickling them until they were screeching and shaking, and batting away his hands.

  When they’d finally all calmed, he slipped off the bed and folded his arms. “Kneel where you are.”

  The two women knelt, being at least that well-trained – or at least faking it for the moment. Q hoped he didn’t have any intention of following through with the spanking threat, because if he did she’d need to make a run for it with legs that were quickly falling asleep.

  Jude cleared his throat, and stared at the ground. Was big bad Dom nervous? “We’ve been living together for awhile now, and I’ve been thinking.”

  In her chest, Q’s heart tripped over itself. Oh, bad. No, no, no... things had been going so well!

  “Sabrina,” he looked at her as she eyed him curiously, “Q and I have discussed this.” Her heart slowed to an even beat as she let out a breath in relief. “As much as it could have been confusing to all of us to share you as a submissive, it seems to be working really well.” He stopped, and drew Q to her feet to stan
d with him. “Are you enjoying having two Doms?”

  She lowered her eyes shyly, and Q admired the line of her body and the submission in her posture. Lately she’d had the overwhelming desire to mark this woman as hers. Although she and Jude had talked about this, they hadn’t decided when to do it. It seemed Jude had made that decision. Being the uber Dom in this relationship was definitely making him cockier.

  He went on. “You’ve told us that you weren’t against the idea of being collared. Do you still feel that way?”

  Sabrina’s gaze flashed up to them then back down. Her face turned a lovely pink. “Yes,” she breathed.

  “To Q and me, collaring is as serious a commitment as marriage. We don’t want you to make this decision lightly. If you need time to think, we understand completely.”

  Q glanced at Jude – from the tension in his stance, he seemed to be anxious too.

  Sabrina worried at her lip, looking uncertain but adorable.

  “You need some time?” Q smiled.

  She smiled. “No. I love you both. I want this as much as you do. But…” Q’s chest tightened – she hated the word but. “I just wish you would have told me ahead of time. I feel terribly underdressed.”

  They grinned at her.

  “Do you want to get changed first?” Jude asked.

  “No, I suppose pajama bottoms with bunnies on them will do.”

  “I told Q that both of you were supposed to be in something sexy, so don’t blame me.”

  “It’s easy enough to fix.” Q tackled Sabrina to the bed and the girl protested as she stripped off her pyjamas. As the line of the waistband slid past her hips, she soaked up the lovely image. Stripping Sabrina was one of her favourite hobbies – it didn’t matter whether it was PJs or fancy lingerie. Her naked girl. Mmm. “There. Now she’s perfect.”

  “Not exactly what I had in mind,” Sabrina grumbled, but she knelt on the bed again.

  Jude smiled at Q then fished in his jeans pocket, pulling out a shiny palm full of gold. He picked up the necklace and untangled it. “It came in a box, but that didn’t fit in my pocket.”

  It was the collar they’d picked out together at the jeweler’s – with a heart-shaped lock that held the ends of a pretty chain together. Each half of the heart lock was a different tone of gold.

  Jude let Sabrina see the lock. “The two colors are to remind you that you have more responsibility than most submissives, Sabrina. Think you can handle us?”

  “Yes, Sir. Yes, Q. It’s beautiful. I’ll try to be good, but you’ll have to keep being patient with me. Sometimes my mouth runs off on me, and I don’t mean to be bratty, it just kind of happens.” She trailed off, tears forming in her eyes. “I just can’t believe you both still want me.”

  When she paused for a breath, as if lining up more words to say, Jude silenced her with a look. His expression warmed. “I love you, Sabrina. Just as you are.”

  Sabrina’s mouth fell open a little and she blushed a deep red. She dropped her gaze and stared at her knees.

  He loved Sabrina! Q wanted to clap her hands and jump around the room, but that’d be kind of a mood-kill. After Jude handed her one end of the chain, they looped it around Sabrina’s neck and clicked the lock shut at the front. The necklace looked elegant against the bare skin of her neck. Q grinned, almost dizzy with satisfaction. A portion of her inner caveman escaped. This was her woman. Well... hers and Jude’s.

  “And you know I love you, little girl.” Q’s voice quavered a little, and she leaned in to place a chaste kiss on her Sabrina’s lips. “I have for a long time, even when you weren’t ready to hear it.”

  Sabrina squealed and threw her arms around Q’s neck then dragged her down onto the bed in an enthusiastic hug. She kissed Q hard, only releasing her when they were both sniffling. As they wiped the tears from their eyes, Jude stroked their hair, running his fingers gently through the tangles.

  After giving them both a last pat, Jude caught Sabrina’s eye. “I’m now going to give you your first order as my collared submissive, Sabrina. You up for it?”

  Her eyes narrowed. “If your first order is to tell me to make you a sammich, I’m going to make Dom-fondue out of you.”

  “Strip Q.” He crossed his arms, waiting.

  The girls stared at each other, and an evil grin spread across Sabrina’s face. Q didn’t argue. As her girl slid her PJ bottoms down, Q caught her by the hair. “Don’t forget what end of the crop you’re on, beautiful.” Sabrina gave her the doe eyes, and Q had to fight off going into predator mode. What a pity it was sub-time and not Dom-time. She released her grip on her hair.

  When she was naked, Sabrina’s hands hovered over her skin, only alighting when she reached Q’s nipple rings. She toyed with them for a minute and Q was gasping for breath before Jude stopped her.

  “Sabrina, bed. Q, floor.”

  They eyed him curiously, but followed orders. The kneel that Sir preferred them to use was different from the one Nico had taught her, so she was still working on making it smooth. At least it was starting to feel familiar – even comforting. She loved knowing how to please him. Waiting, she wondered what his devious plans might be.

  Jude walked back to the doorway and picked up a bag that had been on the floor around the corner. He put it on the antique dresser they used for both their lingerie and his t-shirts. The pliers he pulled from the bag shocked her. Q shot a glance at Sabrina, who looked like she too was on the verge of safewording.

  Her stomach dropped as a second pair of pliers joined the first, followed by something metal. He walked slowly to her, his expression ominous.

  “I’ve been thinking, Q.” One of the pairs of pliers opened and clicked closed in his hand, like a tiny snapping alligator.

  “Y-yes, Sir?” Why was she worrying? Jude wouldn’t really hurt her. Not more than she could handle. If he wanted to play with pliers, she’d be brave. She felt the soles of her feet break out in a sweat. Now that was attractive.

  “Are you more of a sub or a Domme?” He raised a brow.

  The change of subject startled her but she made herself think. Did he want the truth, or a comforting lie? She opted for truth. “I’m not sure, Sir. I used to think I was a Domme. Eventually, I realized that I’m also a high-maintenance submissive. It seems to depend on the person I’m with, more than anything. Like I love being Sabrina’s Domme, but I don’t think I could be yours.”

  His eyebrows shot up. He barked a laugh. “Yes, I doubt very much that you could dom me, Q. Which do you prefer?”

  She shrugged. “I love both. I know I’m too much work for most Doms, but there’s this guy I met that gets it just right.” Would he accept that answer? She glanced at the pliers, then away, trying to ignore them. In her mouth she played with her tongue ring, trying to distract herself.

  “Every time you play with that piercing it makes me want to fuck your mouth.” He groaned.

  “She always had that kind of mouth, Sir. The tongue ring just makes it worse,” Sabrina pointed out.

  “Fair enough. I’m sure men on the street fantasize about that mouth. But I’m trying to have a serious conversation here, beautiful.”

  Trying to hide her blush, Q, the owner of the mouth in question, ducked her head.

  “As I was saying,” Jude continued. “Do you consider me your Dom, Q, or just a Dom that you play with?”

  “My Dom, Sir.” She was shocked that he had to ask. Had he honestly wondered about her answer, or was he just making her say it aloud?

  “Good.” From his closed hand he pulled a thick metal chain that looked like a stylized dog choker. “I’m not giving you a choice Q. You’re mine. You will wear this mark of my ownership because it pleases me.” He put the chain around her neck. Ice cold metal against her skin stiffened her nipples. Maybe it wasn’t just the cold. Pliers fiddled at her throat, metal scraped on metal, and it was done.

  Hooking a finger through the small O-ring at the front, he pulled her to her feet. He lowered his face until
it was inches from hers. “Mine,” he growled. “Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. Hot and cold, she shivered, stroking his collar with trembling fingers. She loved this man. The last of her internal defenses collapsed. A quiet peace stole over her, and she felt both safe and free. “I’m yours.”

  He took her mouth in a fierce kiss. Her legs trembled. Just as her knees buckled, he caught her around the waist. “What’s your real first name, Q?”

  “It’s Q?” she said hopefully. Sabrina snickered and she shot her a dirty look.

  He laughed, brushing his lips against hers. “No. What did your parents call you?”

  She paused, looking pained. “I suppose it’s about time I told you.” She sighed. “It’s my mother’s maiden name.”

  “Yes?” prompted Jude.

  “It’s... Quimby.”

  He paused, looking thoughtful. “That’s not so bad. I don’t know what the big deal is.”

  “Think of possible short forms.”

  The last penny dropped into place and he winced. “Yeah... I hadn’t thought of that.”

  She rolled her eyes. “So you understand why I don’t make fun of your name. But why ask now?”

  He gazed down at her. “Because I wanted to say this right. I love you, Quimby.”

  Did he just...? She lit up inside, as though someone had detonated a fireworks factory. He loved her? She grinned at him like a silly idiot, all pretense of reserve dropped.

  “I love you, Sir. But please, just Q?”

  “Okay. I love you, Q.”

  “Woooo-hoooo!” Sabrina crowed, jumping around on the mattress in her enthusiasm. Q had the urge to join her.


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