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Mated to a Monster

Page 3

by Diana Sheridan

  When they had somewhere around a dozen clams in the bag with the birds, Moob stood up and motioned for Evan to do the same. Then he took Evan by the hand and led him toward the trees and away from the shore. Evan took one last look at his stone-and-shell cry for help and followed his new companion back toward the village.

  There were fires in the fire pits in front of three of the other huts when they arrived back at Moob’s home. Moob greeted his neighbors with a raised hand and a grunt, and they returned the greeting in the same manner. Moob deposited the bag of birds and clams on the ground adjacent to the fire pit, then stepped into the hut for a moment. When he emerged, Evan saw that Moob was carrying a crude axe in his hand. Moob turned to Evan and gestured for him to follow him.

  Into the forest they went, and Evan soon saw that Moob was collecting wood. He surmised that it was for the fire pit. Moob shinnied up trees to chop off branches, then carefully lowered himself back to the ground and either broke or chopped the branches into lengths short enough to fit into the fire pit. Evan’s job apparently was to carry the bag and follow Moob from tree to tree as Moob found and chopped dead or dying branches. The green ones, Evan knew, would not burn as well.

  When the bag was full of wood—more wood than they needed to roast the birds, for sure—Moob and Evan returned to the village. Moob rooted around in the fire pit, throwing out all the burnt wood and saving the pieces that hadn’t fully burned. To these he added some of what they had collected in the forest, bringing the rest inside the hut.

  Then he came back out and pointed to the fire pit. Evan shook his head for no. He was not yet ready to eat the roast birds. Moob reached into the pile of clams and held one up, raising one eyebrow questioningly at Evan. Deciding he certainly had room for a few clams, Evan nodded his head in assent.

  Moob went back into the hut for a minute, emerging with two half-shells, one of which he gave to Evan and the other of which he held onto for himself. Then he took two of the giant clams off the pile, handed one to Evan, and held on to the other one himself. He used the half shell to pry open this clam, scooped the meat out with his fingers, and greedily devoured it. Evan followed suit.

  They chomped on clams with great gusto till the whole dozen were gone, although Evan ate only four while Moob devoured eight. When the clams were all dispatched, Moob pointed to the birds and raised a questioning eyebrow, but Evan shook his head no and once again used his two hands over his belly to pantomime a full stomach.

  Moob got up and sat beside Evan, putting his arm around him. They snuggled together. Some things, it seemed, were the same in any language—or the absence of one.

  Chapter Four

  As Evan snuggled within Moob’s embrace, he reflected on his short time here on the island. These creatures, though closer to humans than to animals, were an unknown, undiscovered species. If he was rescued—or, thinking more positively, when he was rescued—he would surely want to tell others of his discovery. For that matter, his rescuers might encounter Moob or one of his fellow tribe members when the boat arrived to pick him up.

  Evan had misgivings about all this. Surely world civilization had advanced enough that Moob or his fellow whatever-they-were would not be put on display in the manner of the freak shows of the past, but wouldn’t the world try to civilize them, educate them, Americanize them?

  From what Evan had seen so far, it appeared that Moob and his kind lived a quiet, peaceful, harmonious life, which was more than he could say about the so-called “civilized” world. Here there seemed to be no infighting, no acrimony, no petty jealousies—and apparently no stealing, either. The village’s huts, although they had rudimentary curtains of palm fronds or other leaves blocking the doorways, had no proper doors let alone locks, yet no one seemed to be concerned about his or her neighbors stealing from them.

  Judging by his earlier experience, sex was not a private matter, and he had also had occasion to observe one of Moob’s fellow tribe members taking a dump in the jungle just behind the huts, unabashed when Evan came upon him. So obviously bodily functions were not a private matter either.

  It was all so different from Evan’s civilized life up till now—but did that make it any less good than what Evan was accustomed to? And wouldn’t it be a shame for the civilized world to intrude and spoil the villagers’ ways?

  Evan’s thoughts circled around and centered on Moob himself. The creature was ugly, even monstrous, by the standards of Evan’s world, but was it fair to judge Moob and his kind by the outside world’s values? Evan remembered how carefully Moob had scooped him up off the beach, how tenderly he had carried him back to his village, how caring he had been overall. He hadn’t rejected Evan because Evan was different from him and his kind. Neither had he placed Evan in a cage to observe him the way the world’s scientists likely would with some new species. The only thing he had done was stake a claim on Evan when the villagers tried to advance toward him—and that was clearly because Moob wanted Evan for his mate.

  Just then, Evan heard the unmistakable droning of an approaching plane. Rescue! Salvation! Were they looking for him or simply passing through the airspace overhead by coincidence? Either way, would they see his SOS message on the beach?

  Jumping up from his comfortably relaxed pose in Moob’s embrace, he tried to send Moob a mental message that there was a plane approaching and he was going to run down to the beach and try to signal it. But it was apparently a concept beyond Moob’s comprehension. The telepathic message he got back was one of total confusion and lack of comprehension. As he tried to make a run for the beach, Moob held him back, restraining him from leaving.

  Evan pulled away sharply, causing Moob to frown, puzzled and unhappy. Evan smiled at him, trying to show that this was not a case of his wanting to get away from Moob, but Moob continued frowning. Evan tried to send the message, “I’ll be right back,” as he hurried toward the beach.

  The plane was almost overhead when Evan emerged from the trees and reached the beach. Positioning himself right next to his “SOS” message, he waved his arms wildly at the plane, hoping the pilot, or anyone else who might be aboard, would see him. He hoped to see the pilot dip his wing in acknowledgment, or circle around to get a better look, but neither of these things happened. The plane kept on going and soon was out of sight. Evan had no reason to think the pilot or anyone else aboard had seen him or his spelled-out message.

  He still hoped that maybe the pilot would realize he had seen something that bore further investigation and circle back. But after waiting a few minutes without seeing any sign of the plane or hearing the familiar drone of its engine, Evan gave up and headed back to the village. Eager to reassure Moob that all was well, he trotted briskly.

  When he got back to Moob’s hut, the creature was nowhere to be seen. From force of habit, Evan called out, “Moob?” Then he tried using telepathy. That worked better. Moob emerged from the jungle, broke into a wide grin on seeing Evan, and hurried over to him. Throwing both arms around Evan, Moob nearly crushed him in his enthusiastic embrace. Then he picked him up and carried him into his hut.

  Evan had not yet been inside Moob’s hut. He looked around now. Some daylight filtered through the cracks, but overall it was fairly dark inside. The hut was one large room. A large mat, woven of grasses, lay on the floor. Evan surmised it was a sleeping mat. There were no bathroom facilities evident, not even a piss-pot. Moob’s various possessions were stowed in the center of the room, probably to get them as far away as possible from the small gaps in the walls that now admitted daylight but in inclement weather would allow rain to enter.

  Moob deposited Evan gently on the sleeping mat, then sat down beside him. He began licking Evan’s chest, then worked his way up to his face, licking both cheeks and his nose. But then, departing from the routine he had displayed earlier, he suddenly moved down to Evan’s groin and began to lick his balls and dick.

  Evan’s dick responded immediately, and with alacrity. Springing up into an almost instant woody
, it began gently bobbing up and down under Moob’s caring ministrations. As Evan’s dick swelled and stiffened, he reached for Moob’s dick to return the favor, but Moob shook his head No and pushed Evan’s hand away.

  Evan’s dick began to leak crystalline pre-cum, and in an inspired moment he scooped some of it up with his fingers and used it decorate Moob’s furry chest with swoops and swirls. Moob smiled, although his expression was a tad difficult for Evan to discern in the darkened hut.

  Now Moob began stroking Evan’s body with the furry back of his hand. The sensation was unfamiliar but very exciting, and Evan’s body began to rise and fall on the mat as it responded to Moob’s touch. Evan let out a series of moans as his feverish need rose higher. Moob, evidently encouraged, stroked him faster.

  Next Moob pushed Evan’s legs up into the air, exposing his quivering rosebud. The monster licked three fingers of one hand and thrust one up Evan’s nether opening. As the finger intruded up Evan’s ass, the fur on the back of Moob’s finger touched all the nerves that ringed Evan’s asshole, stimulating them into riot. “Yes! Yes! Take me!” Evan blurted out, even though he knew Moob couldn’t understand a word he was saying.

  Moob thrust another wet and furry finger up Evan’s bung, then a third. As he did, he rhythmically squeezed Evan’s ballsac. Throughout this pleasurable assault he was grunting in time with the in-and-out motions of his fingers. Evan’s body arced up off the mat as his pleasure nerves responded to Moob’s actions.

  Then Moob positioned his dick at the now-primed entrance to Evan’s bunghole. Remembering how big and round the bulbous tip was, Evan shuddered in fearful anticipation. Would he be able to take it? He wanted it. He definitely wanted it. But could he handle it?

  With a loud, fierce, animalistic grunt, Moob thrust forward, but he was unable to breach the tight strictures of Evan’s rectal sphincter. He tried again. And again. And again…and finally broke through.

  Evan yelped as he felt the large, round dicktip enter his private space and spread his anal walls wide. Then he reached up, grabbed Moob’s shoulders, and pulled him down and farther into him. Moob’s forehead furrowed in a frown of concentration. He pushed in harder, went deeper, and plunged in to the depth of Evan’s ass.

  Although Moob’s dicktip was so remarkably large, the rest of his dick was thin, and he had no trouble working his way into Evan’s sanctum. Evan gripped his shoulders and urged him back and forth, in and out. Moob plunged in to the hilt, withdrew till his dicktip was just inside Evan’s sphincter, then swiftly speared his way in again.

  That large, rounded dickknob clipped Evan’s prostate with every lunge. Evan yelped with delight, while Moob continued grunting. Soon Moob began panting, breathing quickly and irregularly. “Yes! Do it! Do it!” Evan urged, not caring that Moob couldn’t understand the words. “Give it to me!”

  And give it to him he did. With a feral growl, Moob suddenly bit Evan’s shoulder and plunged to the depths one last time, holding the position. Evan could feel Moob’s dick quivering and pulsing inside of him. He knew that Moob was discharging his sperm within him, and the mere thought was enough to propel him over the edge, so that Evan’s dick, too, began squirting its thick, slippery white stuff.

  It wet both Evan’s own belly and Moob’s also. Moob grinned, pulled out of Evan’s ass, pushed Evan’s legs back down, and spurted his last few drop of jizz onto Evan’s belly. Then he flopped down on top of Evan and wriggled back and forth, blending their commingled sperm and rubbing it into both their bellies.

  Moob settled down on top of Evan but pulled up his knees and put some of his weight on his legs so Evan wouldn’t have to bear the full brunt of it. Evan put his arms around Moob and held him tightly to him. He twined his fingers through the thick fur of his new lover’s back and softly rubbed. Moob made a purring noise that surely signaled contentment and licked Evan’s cheeks and nose. Evan was all but ready to fall asleep beneath his furry lover.

  But after a few minutes of snuggling, the large creature rose up from Evan and walked to the door of the one-room hut. As he did, he sent a mental picture to Evan of Moob skinning and cooking the birds he had caught earlier. Evan sent back a mental picture of himself helping, and Moob smiled, grunted, and nodded his head.

  Evan had never de-feathered or eviscerated a bird before, but Moob happily showed him how, and soon the two were working companionably to get their next meal ready. The birds, being small, cooked quickly, although once again there was food left over when the two had eaten their fill. Moob apparently expected Evan to have an appetite equal to his own, but the hulking creature had a prodigious appetite while Evan’s capacity was that of an ordinary human. Once again they ate from leaf mats, using their hands, and Evan found that he took a great childlike pleasure from the messiness of it.

  Evan’s hands weren’t the only thing messy after the meal. The mats had drippings on them, too. Moob tossed them into the fire pit, sending Evan a mental picture of a stack of mats inside the hut. Evan had not seen those in the semi-darkened interior of Moob’s home, but he understood the message that they were there—an ample supply of mats for future meals.

  The sun was growing low on the horizon. Most of the other villagers were eating or had recently eaten. Evan saw that some of them were eating fish, and he wondered how the tribe caught their fish. He supposed he would find out in the days ahead. He knew it was foolish to imagine he would be rescued with any immediacy. Yet somehow that thought didn’t disturb him. He was already growing quite fond of Moob, and he even enjoyed the tribe’s way of life.

  Five of the tribe members had formed a circle, sitting tailor-fashion, cross-legged, and they now began to engage in what Evan supposed was a childish game of some sort. It involved a lot of grunts and intricate palm-slaps. The creatures slapped their palms together, slapped their thighs, slapped their neighbors’ palms, and slapped their neighbors’ shoulders. Every now and then, everyone would point to one of the tribespeople and laugh, and he or she would sheepishly back out of the circle while the circle closed ranks. Evan took it that the creature in question had messed up in some way and failed to slap in the right place at the right time and now was out of the game.

  He watched, fascinated, till all but one of the creatures had been eliminated and only that one was left. The other four now hoisted him in the air and made a congratulatory procession around the nine huts that made up the village.

  When Evan looked back at Moob, he was yawning mightily, and Evan began to think he wouldn’t mind sacking out for the night himself. Moob stood up, took Evan by the hand, pulled him to his feet, and pointed to the hut. Evan pointed to the nearby jungle. He had need of using the “bathroom” before he went to bed, and since he’d already discovered that bodily functions apparently were attended to within the trees, that’s where he was headed. Moob seemed to have the same need and took himself a short distance away from Evan to do the same.

  Evan emerged from the trees before Moob did. After a quick peek inside the hut to make sure Moob wasn’t in there already, he waited near the door. Very shortly Moob plodded out from the trees and, once again taking Evan by the hand, led him inside the hut and pointed to the mat. The couple sank to the mat in unison, and Moob lay spooned to Evan’s back with one great furry arm draped across his body.

  Evan found Moob’s hulk and warmth and furriness very comforting, and he drifted off to sleep in no time, despite the unfamiliar surroundings, wondering what tomorrow would bring.

  Chapter Five

  Evan woke up first. Moob was still encircling him with his arm while lightly snoring. Evan tried not to move and disturb his new lover, but he was muscle-cramped from having lain in the same position all night. As he stirred, Moob snorted and came awake.

  Moob rolled Evan over and licked his cheeks and nose in what Evan surmised was a good-morning kiss. He returned the gesture, licking Moob in the same manner. Then Moob got to his feet and beckoned Evan to get up as well. A trip to the trees to drain their bladders was i
n order, and then Moob took Evan by the hand and led him to a running stream. Moob got into the stream and proceeded to bathe himself. Evan followed suit. Next Moob picked up two small pine cones nearby and used one to brush his teeth, proffering the other one to Evan.

  With their mouths refreshed, they drank from the stream, using cupped hands, and then they set out to pick fruit for their first meal of the day. Moob had brought a rudimentary leaf-woven bag such as the one he had used the previous day, and he plucked pineapples, mangos, avocados, and papayas—way more food than Evan thought even Moob could eat.

  On their way back to the hut, they passed a couple of other pairs of villagers making their morning rounds to the stream and the fruit trees, and Moob greeted them by clapping their shoulders with his large palm. One of these males he licked in the usual manner, and Evan wondered why that one deserved licks while the others all got shoulder-claps. But the communication barrier made getting an answer to that question difficult if not impossible.

  After enjoying as much of the fruit as they could—and indeed Evan had been right in his appraisal that there was too much for them to eat at one sitting—Moob broadcast a picture of the two of them weaving more bags out of leaves and grasses. Evan nodded his head in assent. They headed back into the jungle together, where they gathered suitable materials, then returned to the village and, seated outside Moob’s hut, they began their work.

  Evan first watched Moob to learn how to go about this endeavor, then set about mimicking the monster’s method. Soon they had a pile of eight bags, which seemed to satisfy Moob, for he carried the bags into the hut and returned to pick up a papaya and cut it open so he could eat it. He offered some to Evan, who raised his hand palm-out toward Moob in a “stop” gesture he hoped was universal, then pantomimed “full stomach.”

  The next activity of the day was a swim. Joined by five others of Moob’s fellow tribal members, they went down to the shore once again and frolicked in the ocean. Playfully splashing and carrying on, they cavorted like carefree children in the gentle surf.


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