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Aethon Arises (Endless Fire Book 2)

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by R E Kearney

  Negocio is too intense to consider Robert’s jest. “Well become a robot if you wish, but I plan to remain human, thanks to Shengwu. Earlier this week, she told me that she has perfected her epigenetics…her fountain of youth.”

  Negocio jerks his thumb toward the statue. “So tonight, as the first president of Puerto Rico, I will officially announce that the fountain of youth has arrived in Puerto Rico and found Ponce de Leon.”

  “Well as comedian Red Buttons once joked about Ponce de Leon, who said when he discovered the Fountain of Youth, ‘Where the hell are the paper cups? Never got a dinner!’” Robert chuckles at his witticism.

  Ignoring Robert’s poor joke and smiling broadly, Negocio spreads his arms as if embracing the city. “She’s also providing the best genomic medical care available for Puerto Ricans. Imagine a nation of super-healthy, super-human, long-living Puerto Ricans. Just think, with Shengwu’s epigenetic engineering, I may live to be one hundred and twenty or thirty or possibly, even one hundred and fifty. I’m excited about that. I just hope I’m still able to surf sixty or seventy years from now. I don’t want to be just a doddering, one hundred and thirty year old man.”

  Robert smirks. “Hah, you remind me of the late Andy Rooney when he wrote that it's paradoxical that the idea of living a long life appeals to everyone, but the idea of getting old doesn't appeal to anyone.”

  Growling a harrumph, Negocio acknowledges Robert’s remark before turning away and gesturing toward the ocean. “You can’t see her research ships from here, but she also has crews of Puerto Ricans operating underwater drones searching for cone snails and other sea creatures for sources of conotoxins. So far, they haven’t been too successful because climate change heat has killed so many of our coral reefs. But still, that’s employment Puerto Rico didn’t have six months ago. In addition, she’s supplying major funding to our Instituto de Neurobiologia for additional research. Built the institute a new, highly-advanced, biotechnology lab.”

  Robert nods his head in approval. “I must say you and she are an impressive development team. You appear to be driving Puerto Rico forward at a record pace.”

  “On Puerto Rico’s past I am building Puerto Rico’s future.” Negocio raises his right index finger to emphasize his point. “So yes, Puerto Rico is improving. But, it’s requiring that I simultaneously introduce new paradigms of disruptive innovation, technological turmoil and change, which is difficult for some tradition bound Puerto Ricans to understand and accept. A few of my own people are resisting. They are not yet prepared to brave a new world.”

  Negocio turns and points north. “But our biggest problem is with our former territorial masters in the US. The idea of Puerto Rico actually becoming something really scares some powerful people and businesses in America. Creates immediate opposition.”

  “Well, I’ve noticed that American’s don’t like to lose money or control.” Robert interjects. “Especially when they are losing it to the Chinese.”

  “Oh, you’re so right about that, Robert. So, when Shengwu approached me with her plan to transform San Juan into a center for genetic medicine two years ago, I realized we could only do it as an independent nation with our own laws. Otherwise, the Righteous Rightists in Washington would have shut us down with their anti-genetics laws. They did that before with our pharmaceutical companies. Then, when the federal government collapsed…well it made separating much easier. Declaring our independence became logical.”

  “Logical or convenient?” Robert’s questions.

  “Both…” Negocio attempts to wave away a dragonfly biobot flying uncomfortably close. “…it’s the intrigue and sabotage occurring now that’s my real problem. What they can no longer do legally, they’re attempting to accomplish through treachery and violent intimidation. Some of my fellow Puerto Rican patriots have been threatened. Others have unexplainably disappeared.”

  Robert motions toward the crowd surrounding them. “But, with the majority of these people wild for you, I don’t understand your concern.”

  Negocio waves toward the crowd. “Don’t be fooled Robert. There are probably just as many people jeering me as cheering me in this crowd. You had to notice that one man that the police restrained. One reason is that many rich Americans invested money in Puerto Rico’s failure. Money they will lose, if I succeed. Money I’m going to take from them, just like they always took it from us. So they send in disruptors to create problems.”

  The dragonfly drone buzzes across the top of Negocio’s head. “With drones and with people, I must watch my back and my front. Just because someone looks friendly, doesn’t mean they are. They may be smiling saboteurs or, worse yet, assassins.”

  “Well, on the trip here…” Robert begins to tell him about the auto-auto drone attack.

  Negocio turns his head toward Robert and points at a dark scar on his temple. “This is a laser burn. Last week a drone shot a visual of me. Seconds later, it shot its laser at me. We’re still searching for the drone’s pilot.”

  “But, I don’t guard people!” Alarmed, Robert interrupts him. “I can’t guarantee your safety. I can give you some advice, but that’s all. I do cyber security not human security.”

  Negocio chuckles as he raises his hand to wave away Robert’s concern, “You’re not here for me. I have my own security. I brought you here at the request of my Chinese partners to assist them with their cyber security problems.”

  Robert is skeptical. “You’re joking. The Chinese have the best cyber security and the best hackers in the world. I don’t think they need me.”

  “Ah, but they do Robert. Actually, Shengwu personally requested you. They want you to do what you do best. Track down the hacker, or hackers, that are already probing their systems…searching for weaknesses. They want you to eliminate them before they can successfully break through and input a virus or worm or hack in or whatever. The Chinese can’t send their own people running around Puerto Rico and I can’t either. But, you can go wherever you need to go.”

  Searching the enthusiastic crowd, once again Robert sees only Negocio’s adoring fans waving Puerto Rican freedom flags. “Why do you think the hackers are in Puerto Rico? They could be anywhere in the world. Hacking can originate a mile or ten thousand miles from here.”

  “Actually, I not only think they are in Puerto Rico, I believe I know exactly where they are in Puerto Rico…Fort Buchannan. My people and the Chinese have been analyzing their pattern of life, IP addresses and digital footprint, and they all point there.”

  “They didn’t use an anonymous remailer or attempt to cover their tracks by routing through multiple devices…a botnet?”

  “No, it was almost too easy. Too direct. It’s as if they want us to know they are here…or there, actually.” Negocio waves toward a woman calling his name.”

  “If you’re so certain they’re there, then go get them. Just look for the palest people there. They should be them.”

  “We would love to, but Fort Buchannan is still US federal territory. We don’t want to antagonize the US any more than necessary until we grow stronger or the mainland government weakens more and completely collapses. And they know it too. They’re teasing us…testing us. They’re telling us that they know we can’t touch them. So, that’s why you’re here.”

  Negocio squeezes Robert’s shoulder. “You’re the cheese in my rat trap.”

  “I beg your pardon.” Robert frowns at Negocio’s description of him as rat bait.

  “We’re hoping to use your achievements and fame to pull some of them out of their holes. Your reputation has preceded you, Robert. Especially since we publicized that you were coming. As soon as you arrived it was all over the hackers’ social media sites of Internet Relay Chat, Cult of the Dead Cow and L0pht. Word spread faster than the six gigabites per second of KISS that you…the renowned Robert Goodfellow…the foremost trainer at the Black Hat anti-hacker conference…is in San Juan. You’re a superstar hacker catcher and we want everybod
y to know that you are here. We want them to sneak out of their shady holes to gaze upon the sun - you.”

  “Well, I’m honored, certainly, but it sounds more like I’m the sacrificial goat tied to a post to attract tigers. And, as I recall, the goat is usually killed and eaten.” Now nervous, Robert cautiously eyes an approaching woman. “You know, they may just decide that it’s easier to waste me in the real world than to battle me in cyberspace. Nobody ever said hackers can’t be killers. Digitals can be dangerous too.”

  “Oh come now, Rita didn’t allow you to be killed and eaten by either of the two men tracking you last night. Did she? And now, we know exactly who those two are and where they are. So, without even trying, you gave us our first clue to finding these rats’ nest. They came out. We spiked their Pina Coladas with nano-tracking particles and now…”

  “You’re far more certain your trap will work than I am.” Robert searches the crowd for potential threats. “Me, I’m more inclined to believe John Steinbeck who wrote that man is the only kind of varmint that sets his own trap, baits it, and then steps in it. Personally, I’ve seen too many traps trap trappers.”

  Robert’s quoting of John Steinbeck receives a derisive sneer from Negocio, so he attempts to explain again. “I don’t think you understand sir. I’m more of a cerebral cyber-soldier and less of a fighting soldier. So, instead of this possibly becoming a physical confrontation, why don’t you allow me to employ my newest hackback software. With my software, I can instantly initiate a counterstrike at the hacking source that wipes out their hardware and software and puts them out of business. A little deterrence by denial. Clean and quick and nonviolent.”

  “Well that’s one way, but when I heard you speak at Black Hat you said the only and most effective way to stop a virus or hack attack is at the source. I remember you told the audience to just think of the cyber world as their own bodies and if they prevent the cold virus from entering their bodies, they won’t get sick…”

  “Yes, yes, I recognize my own lecture. I also say that once the cold virus is inside, you will be ill, and you will be ill for a while. So, prevent the insertion. Stop it before it starts. Close the entry point. It only requires one person to insert a deadly cyber virus capable of shutting down a nation and it only requires one capable cyberwarrior to stop them once they find them.”

  “Exactly! And that’s why you’re the man for this job.” Reassuringly, Negocio pats Robert’s arm. “Me saca (Getting on my nerves). Don’t be so fofo (weak).”

  “What? I’m getting on your nerves?” Robert is insulted.

  Negocio’s mouth drops open in shock. “You speak Puerto Rican slang?”

  “Oh no, not at all…” Robert lightly taps his right ear. “…but I am wearing a multi-language translator implant. I’ve understood everything you’ve said. So please, control your slurs.”

  “Well, then in English, yes I’m finding you annoying and don’t be so weak.”

  Despite Negocio’s insult, he continues feeling increasingly uneasy about his assignment of being the rat trap bait. Keeping an uneasy, vigilant watch on the surging crowd he continues his debate with Negocio. “I think it’s important for you to know that I abhor violence…especially violence involving me. I see no gain from pain. But, on the other hand, I know many other methods for stopping the insertor and closing the entry point.”

  “Yes Robert, I expect you to use all your skills and your tools. But, I also understand that my Chinese associates desire that these hackers not only be stopped, but that they be eliminated. It’s their belief that if you want to change an adversary’s state of mind, then credible threats against cyberattack need to go beyond the cyber realm.”

  “Eliminate?” The term startles Robert. “Eliminate as in permanently erase? That seems a little harsh to me. Not actually in my job description.”

  “Acho, deja el gufeo! (Dude, stop goofing around!)” Exclaims Negocio, then he hesitates, as he remembers Robert’s ability to understand his slang. He lightly pats Robert’s arm again and apologizes. “Relax, I really don’t mean that you should stop goofing around! You’re just my bait. Remember? You worry about ending the cyber threats and leave ending the human threats to me.”


  After several long minutes, a second BTI auto-auto silently glides to a stop behind Negocio’s. Two Chinese men and three Chinese women exit into the square. As the police form a corridor through the curious throng, Negocio hurries to greet them. Warily, still watching the crowd, Robert follows a few steps behind him.

  Impatiently, Negocio urges him to match his pace. “Stay with me Robert. I asked them to come here this morning just to meet you.”

  Excitedly, Negocio greets the group. “Welcome ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to Robert Goodfellow. As you requested, he is here to help you with your cyber security problems.”

  With a slight grimace, he continues, “I hope my pronunciation of your names does not offend you.”

  Smiling and nodding, a slim, Chinese woman in her mid-thirties steps forward to shake Robert’s hand. She is bent to her left, limps and drags her right foot, as she advances. When she extends her right hand, Robert notices that her two middle fingers are the same length as her small finger - much shorter than her index finger. She is missing finger knuckles.

  “Robert, allow me to introduce Shengwu Kexuejia. As I told you earlier, she’s established a major medical and genome research facility here. Her clinic is already growing and expanding. Isn’t that correct Shengwu?”

  Before Shengwu can answer, Negocio quickly shifts Robert’s attention to the taller, younger Chinese woman next to Shengwu. “Robert may I introduce Taiyang Neng. She is constructing our newest and largest solar power generation system in partnership with Fengli Fadianji here, who is building our connecting offshore wave and wind generator farms. With their help we’ll finally be totally renewable energy self-sufficient and able to demolish our obsolete oil-fueled, electrical power plants.”

  Robert does not have a chance to speak before Negocio is introducing the remaining Chinese executives. “Diandong Qiche is the gentleman who provided us with our beautiful auto-auto glider and he is seeking a site to 3d print more BTI auto-auto ground gliders, as well as BTI autonomous aero carriages…”

  “Yes, I consider BTI a mobility technologistic organization. We…” Diandong attempts to interrupt Negocio, but is silenced.

  “…and Zhou Caoyao is researching our indigenous plants to produce natural medicines. She is coordinating her research with Shengwu and our Instituto.” Negocio continues, ignoring Diandong.

  Instead of attempting to shake all of their hands, Robert nods toward the group. They smile and return his nod. They are now associates.

  Like Negocio and Robert earlier, they and the Chinese rapidly become the center of much public attention and interest. Visual recording and security aerodrones continually intermingle and hover above and around them while other personal aerodrones and biobots circle and disappear. But, two aerodrones persistently hover just outside the group. They are being watched intently by somebody. Robert wonders who.

  Rather than be intimidated, Robert decides to hunt the hunters. With a prolonged blink of his left eye, he activates the piezoelectric sensors of his visual recording contact lens. Locking his eyes on the closest aerodrone, he rapidly advances toward it searching it for identifying symbols or marks. Except that this drone resembles the drone he spied outside Negocio’s auto-auto, he notes nothing unusual. But, as he nears it, the drone emits an eardrum shattering, high-pitched squeal. He backs away covering his ears. Employing its sense-and-avoid technology, the drone also retreats.

  “That was painful,” Shengwu comments standing close behind him. “I’ve seen those types of aerodrones hovering around my facility. We chased them off using our anti-UAV Defense System and then followed them with some of our own drones. They loitered for a long time, but eventually we tracked them to Fort Buchann

  “So they’re Army?”

  “Not certain. Could be. Could be some US Society Security goons.” Shengwu eyes the drone hovering just beyond their reach. “Could be a private organization, too. Everybody operates drones.”

  “True.” Robert turns to face Shengwu. “I must say that your English is perfect. Where did you learn?”

  “California. I was born there and grew up outside of San Francisco.” She proudly announces. “My father worked in Silicon Valley until Abaddon and his Society Security Deacons chased us out. He was the leading genome engineer on a US Department of Defense genetic engineering project called Experimental Life Forms or ELF. ELF was a super top secret US military genetics project synthesizing novel organisms to benefit mankind.”

  Hearing the words, super top secret, Robert steps between Shengwu and the drone to block it with his back. Although, he recognizes that he is probably too late. Every word, Shengwu tells him is being heard by someone somewhere.

  Peeking around Robert at the hovering drone, Shengwu lowers her voice and steps closer to him. “Some SS Deacons arrested and tortured my father when he refused to use ELF to genetically engineer and create the army of mind-controlled monsters they wanted…an evil, mutant military. They called their program Christian Soldiers and demanded that my father genetically preprogram their minds to respond only to the orders of some royal Master.”

  “Wait.” Robert raises his index finger to stop Shengwu. Now, he lowers his voice. “So, it’s true. I saw rumors on the dark Internet about their so-called Christian soldier army. Army of God…at least their god...only their god, actually. But, I didn’t believe it was possible. According to the rumors, they wanted it, as they say - marching as to war - against all other religions. What did your father do?”

  Shengwu shakes her head. “After several brutal beatings, he agreed to return to his lab and work for them. Basically, they enslaved him to do what they could not do...had no ability to do. But, he never created anything for them, he just convinced them he was. Since they refuse to accept science, they had no understanding of his work. Righteous Rightists and SS Deacons are extremely ignorant people, you know... very naive. So, when they began to trust him and relaxed, he escaped to China. They’ve been desperately hunting for him, since. He is the key and holds the key to them staying in control of America.”


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