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Aethon Arises (Endless Fire Book 2)

Page 14

by R E Kearney

  “In the people from the tent or in those houses?”

  “Hunh? What?” The officer is distracted, watching a green hummingbird hover above them. He points past Robert. “Look over your head. That’s the prettiest bird, I’ve ever seen.”

  A quick glance skyward and Robert realizes he is being watched by a biomimetic drone, but he chooses to ignore it. He does not want to have to explain that it is a bionic bird to the officer. “Yes, it is pretty. Now, tell me where they found the Aethon.”

  “Oh yes. Both. They found Aethon in both. But only a few cases in that neighborhood. Nowhere else, so far. Why?”

  Not wanting to alarm him about the possibility of an epidemic, Robert assumes nonchalance. “Oh, just interested. It’s part of my work here. Which, by the way, I need to start doing. So, may I proceed now?”

  With his eyes still riveted to the hummingbird drone, the officer waves Robert toward his auto-auto. “Yes sir, of course. Just remember to always wear your detection patch.”

  As Robert is boarding his auto-auto, another glider carrying four frantic Americans arrives. His body blocking the street, the officer forces them to halt. Immediately, they assault him with threats and curses. The nearest glider rider throws a bottle at him. Jumping to the side, so the bottle misses him, clears their way. The glider rolls past the officer and Robert toward Stamina Vitae.

  “They’re all bullies. Don’t care about anybody, but themselves.” The officer complains to Robert while watching them disappear around a curve. “I don’t think anybody can cure them of all that ails them. They’re just sick.”

  Robert energizes the glider, waves to the officer and advances. Just beyond the officer’s sight, a couple step from the shrubs into the street forcing Robert’s auto-auto to a sudden halt. Are they lost Aethon sufferers? No mistake. It is a planned disruption. The man and woman march toward his vehicle. As they near, Robert recognizes them as the couple from the coffee café - Lew and Lee Voleur.

  “Lower the front left window.” Robert commands the auto-auto.

  Before Robert can speak, Lew Voleur steps to the opened window and leans inside pointing toward him what Robert immediately identifies as an Nsep stun gun. In a deep, threatening hiss, he issues a menacing recommendation. “Mister Goodfellow, I suggest Lee and I be allowed to join you. We have important business to discuss.”

  Recoiling from the pain his last encounter with an Nsep caused, Robert quickly complies. Lee slides into the seat next to him while Lew climbs into the other seat. Lee is also sporting an Nsep.

  “I really don’t think you need those.” Robert nervously grins toward Lee. “Why…why don’t you put them away? I’m quite willing to discuss whatever you would like to discuss.”

  “Change your destination to Area de Descanso one, Robert. It’s not far and the three of us will enjoy a private walk-talk on the beach.” Lew orders while continuing to point his Nsep toward the side of Robert’s head.

  Ten minutes later, Robert is standing between Lee and Lew watching the waters of Ensenada de Boca Vieja. The beach is scarcely populated with nobody in their area. They are hiding in plain sight. Above them the biomimetic hummingbird is again circling.

  “So how are you two? You’re both looking much better today than the last time we saw each other.” Robert attempts humor to relieve the tension. Simultaneously, he is also talking to stall until Negocio’s promised physical protection arrives. At least, he thinks he remembers Negocio indicating he would provide him with protection.

  As he fingers his Nsep, it is clear that Lew is not amused by his jest. “You may consider poisoning us funny, but we didn’t enjoy it. I am still not eating…or drinking…especially not drinking coffee…and I loved coffee. Ruined it for me. Thank you very much.”

  “Well that is unfortunate, but a little bionic bird tells me we’re not out here to discuss your health or enjoy the sea breeze. What is it you want?” Robert continues his effort to keep the situation peaceful.

  “We’re here to discuss your continuation of good health.” Lew waves his Nsep in front of Robert’s nose. Lee reaches across Robert and pulls the Nsep from Lew’s hand.

  “Well thank you Lee. I appreciate your concern for my health. But, I especially value you assuming possession of those.” He points at the two Nseps she is now holding, but aiming away from him. “Don’t know how many Nsep shots my brain can bear. Stunned once already. One brain baking is too many. Perhaps that’s why I’m not aware as to how I can help you. So, how can I help you?”

  Lee rejects Lew’s intimidation tactics attempting calm persuasion of Robert. “Our needs are actually very simple Robert. We want you to continue doing what you’re doing, but enable access for us. Just us.”

  Perplexed, Robert silently stares out into the sea watching a passenger ship approach San Juan’s docks. “Sorry, I’m not certain I understand. You want me to continue intercepting and stopping hacking attacks on Shengwu, except for you? That’s impossible. Not only can’t I do it, I won’t do it. Shengwu convinced me that any error when using her genome editing algorithms can be catastrophic.”

  Adamant, Robert locks eyes with Lew. “No. I will not help you steal her genome editing information. Far too dangerous. Could be a disaster. A world-wide disaster.”

  Unexpectedly Lew agrees, surprising Robert. “You’re absolutely correct. We arrived at the same conclusion after studying some of her algorithms. Besides, we do not favor human genetic tampering. We believe man making man is wrong. So, we were quite happy when you crashed our competitor’s hacking system…”

  “Competitors?” Robert snickers. “They’re very amateurish competitors.”

  Bursting in, Lee interrupts. “Don’t underestimate them. They’re dangerous, Robert. They’re mercenary contractors working for big pharma, and they’re not at all happy with your destruction of their equipment and your interference. You’re doing the one thing they never allow. You’re costing them money and they don’t like to lose money…a lot of money. So, their plan is to eliminate you, which will eliminate your block.”

  “Big pharma? Which big pharma?” Robert doubts Lee’s wild warnings.

  “It’s a cabal…several international companies.” Lew expounds, “Big pharma is funding both those religious fanatics protesting outside Shengwu’s facility, as well as those mercenary contractors. It’s all about revenue and profits. Big pharma needs Shengwu and all genomics to fail, actually kill somebody, so genomics are illegal internationally. They can’t afford for genomics to eradicate diseases, because then nobody will need to buy their medicines and the entire health care system will collapse. They are deadly serious about stopping Shengwu…and now…you. The two of you are threats that they are quite eager to eradicate.”

  Warily, Robert slides backward away from Lew.

  Lew pauses, steps forward, leans in close to Robert and lowers his voice, as if sharing a secret. “And you wouldn’t be the first person they’ve made disappear…not by a long shot, especially now that big pharma and the US government are depending on each other for Economic survival. We’re talking billions of dollars, Robert. So, Abaddon allows them to do whatever they want as long as they continue funneling funds to his government. Anything…to anybody.”

  “Yes, that’s not new knowledge. Economics rules the world and the US is in a financial crisis. But, you’re sounding a bit overly dramatic to me. Are you actually telling me that big pharma sent somebody here to kill me and Shengwu?” Robert smirks.

  “Big pharma or the government or both working together. Yes.” Lew continues his shielded warning. “We’ve heard that there are people…sent here…down here now…professionals…so…”

  “…so, be careful Robert. Be on guard. Expect their attack.” Lee cautions, “Be prepared for them. According to social media, they’re coming after you. Now, you help us and we’ll help you with them. Help you’ll need, because they’re not planning to be nearly as pleasant and courteous as we are my friend.

  Robert sneers. “Oh yes, definitely, I count you two as my best buddies. Can’t have enough friends like you two.”

  Lew grabs back the conversation. “Anyway, genome engineering is too difficult and too tricky and too specialized. We abandoned that idea. It’s just not possible for us and definitely not profitable.”

  “Ahem.” Lee frowns at Lew as soon as he mentions profits. “Lew misspoke, Robert. Now we’re far more interested in your work with Zhou, not Shengwu. Her work is now extremely important and, for several reasons, our primary interest. See, we represent an independent pharmaceutical organization. We know medicines. We don’t know human genomes. Have you ever heard of Terra Sigillata?”

  Robert’s lip curls in contempt. “Oh yes, I’ve heard of Terra Sigillata. You’re pharmaceutical counterfeiters.”

  “We are not!” Lew indignantly roars. “Counterfeiters sell fake drugs…dangerous drugs…killing drugs. Terra Sigillata is no counterfeiter. Terra Sigillata sells real pharmaceuticals, true pharmaceuticals, desperately-needed pharmaceuticals on the gray market. You’re from Canada, so I know you’ve heard of the pharmaceutical gray market. Haven’t you?”

  “Yes, of course, I have. The gray pharmaceutical market is basically the market created by selling legal goods outside of a manufacturer’s authorized trading channels. Canadians have been selling drugs on the gray market for decades. But, just because you claim Terra Sigillata is legitimate and operates in the gray market, doesn’t mean that I believe you…” Robert indignantly responds. “…because, I don’t!

  Again Lee attempts to calm the situation. “True, Mister Goodfellow. You’re correct. Terra Sigillata has sold what you might call counterfeit drugs. We prefer to say they’re duplications. They’re just not the same as the pharmaceuticals sold by the big pharma companies. But, they are drugs that the public demands. They are drugs that the public can afford. And, our drugs still help people…still make them feel better.”

  “Or are you profiteering by pushing placebos that fool them into thinking they are getting better instead of dying?” Robert argues.

  Lew pounds his finger against Robert’s chest. “Listen to me you smug bug. You really have no choice. This is do or die. Either you cooperate with us to do something about this Aethon bug or many more people are going to die. And as far as I’m concerned, if you don’t help us, you will be one of them.”

  “Back off Lew!” Lee barks at him with a scolding scowl.

  Insulted, Lew glares at Lee for several seconds before turning and stalking away from the pair. Robert exhales loudly, relieved to watch him march away. He enjoys a few seconds of silence.

  “Please excuse Lew, Robert.” Lee apologizes. “Three members of his family living outside Horse Cave Kentucky suddenly died last year. All of their horses died, too. Strange thing is, it was right after the Bureau of Land Management injected their horses with an experimental sterilization drug. Actually, the Bureau injected horses all around that part of Kentucky.”

  Lee rubs her index finger and thumb together. “Paid everybody good money for their horses, too. Money those people desperately needed. Told them that the drug wouldn’t hurt their horses, just sterilize them. Said, if the drug worked there, then they’d use it to humanely get control of the thousands of abandoned and wild horses running loose all over America. Too many discarded horses is a big problem, I hear. I also hear that the Bureau is injecting the drug into Mustangs and wild horses in the west, now.”

  With tears welling in her eyes, Lee chokes. “Nobody knew why they died then, but Lew now is certain it was from this new, virus-super-bug you’re calling Aethon.”

  “Well now, his rage is beginning to make a little more sense.” Robert glances toward Lew. “He’s still crazy, but at least…”

  Lee lovingly gazes toward Lew. “He’s not a bad man, Robert, and Terra Sigillata is actually not an evil company. He’s simply being ripped apart by what he sees happening with his kinfolk. In the US now, nobody cares about poor country folk or anybody that’s poor, anymore. They just call them Sists and neglect them. No money. No doctors. No medicine. Big pharma and doctors can’t make enough money serving poor people out in the country, so they’ve just abandoned them. Now they’re dying. Like his family. Thousands just dying.”

  Robert watches Lew pacing a tight circle on the beach a short distance from them. Head down, staring at the sand, he paces compulsively, carefully stepping into his own shoe prints. “Well that’s terrible, but I don’t understand what he expects me to do about it. Their deaths certainly aren’t my fault.”

  “Yes, he knows that, but he also knows you. He’s absorbed everything he can find about you. You’re almost a hero to him or at least you were until the coffee shop incident. Then…”

  “Whoa, wait a second,” Protests Robert. “I had nothing to do with the coffee shop events. That was Rita and her friends of the Independent Puerto Rico movement.”

  “That’s good to know, Robert. Well, at least, it’s good for you. It’s not so good for Rita, now. Learning that little bit of information will just make him angrier and more determined.”

  “Determined to…?”

  “Not certain, but…” Lee motions with her eyes toward Lew. “…just understand that he may not look it, but he is prepared and very capable of fatally harming Rita, Shengwu, Zhou or anybody else, if you don’t cooperate and give him what he needs…and soon.”

  Now, petulantly kicking at trash and flotsam washed up onto the beach, the short, round, bald Lew does not impress Robert as being a killer. He remains uncertain if he should seriously fear Lee’s warnings about him. After all, with Rita working and living inside Shengwu’s facility in the cottage next to his, she should be beyond Lew’s reach. He is also dubious of their warnings about a bunch of sinister, vengeful big pharma contract killers threatening him. At this moment, neither Lee’s nor Lew’s threats nor their dire warnings of death are convincing Robert. But he also recognizes that desperate people will do desperate things. He just cannot gauge how desperate these two really are.

  “Look Lee, I’m having difficulty believing all of your ominous warnings and deathly threats. I’ve been combatting hackers for some time now and surviving. So unless you or Lew have more persuasive information, I’m returning to Shengwu’s.” Robert turns on his heel to leave the beach.

  “Wait!” Lee grabs his arm yanking him to a halt. “Robert, I know that you may not believe me, but this is not about stopping hackers anymore. Working with us may be the only way for you to protect Puerto Rico and save three million innocent Puerto Ricans from the ravages of Aethon. It’s up to you. You can cooperate with us or you can be responsible for the excruciating deaths of thousands of children. Do you actually want their innocent deaths on your conscience?”

  “What!” Robert wrestles free of Lee. “What ridiculous tale of terror are you attempting to force feed me now?”

  Lew’s voice rises from behind them. He has rejoined them. “You may call us unbelievable and our claims, nonsense. But whether you choose to trust us or not, a boat loaded with Aethon infected Sists will arrive in Puerto Rico soon. In fact, that ship we just watched pass may have been it…and there are more coming.”

  “And just how do you know this Lew?” Robert’s doubts continue.

  Insulted by Robert doubting him, Lew emphatically jabs his finger at him. “We know because we’re there, Robert! My relatives and our Terra Sigillata workers are there. Big Pharma and the federal government were willing to just ignore the Aethon victims until they started stumbling into the sovereign cities and Metrostates…threatening the Urbanites and creating a panic. Immediately, the Urbanites’ panic caused big pharma’s drug sales to skyrocket. Scared Urbanites are paying big money for anything big pharma promises will prevent Aethon. People are paying thousands of dollars for useless cold medicines and rioting when they can’t get it. But, as you know, right now, there is nothing, no medicine that will stop Aethon.”

  Lee interrupts Lew, attempting to calm him. “Life in the wastedlands of West Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee is cheap…medicine is not. So, our people working in those territories are reporting government round-ups of anyone suspected of Aethon infection or considered at risk of infection. Then they’re hiding them and reporting that they’ve been healed by big pharma’s newest, high-priced medicine. They’re selling billions of dollars of worthless medications, not by healing anybody, but by making the people disappear. Meanwhile Aethon is still out there infecting and killing entire families.”

  “Oh Lee! Tell him what Abaddon’s Society Security Deacons are actually doing,” Lew growls. “Here’s what’s really happening, Robert. After months of burying the thousands of Sists who have died from Aethon, South Carolina, Arkansas, Tennessee and Kentucky are bankrupt. So, under Abaddon’s guidance, recently established state medical militias are cleansing the countryside. Sick or not, if one of these medical militias capture you in a contaminated sector, you and everybody in your family are hauled to a quarantine camp.”

  “Pardon me?” Robert asks, “What’s a quarantine camp?”

  Squeezing her eyes shut, Lee grimaces and shakes her head. “A quarantine camp is a filthy, crowded, poisonous, hell-on-earth. If you don’t have Aethon or some other disease when they hurl you into one, you’ll probably catch it there. Forcing people into the camps is just spreading Aethon and making it more resistant to medication.”

  “How can you do that to your own people?” Robert declares outraged. “It’s inhumane. Criminal.”

  Lee nods in agreement. “You’re correct Robert. It is an atrocity. It’s also the new US policy of exterminism…eliminating their problems through death. In America, humans no longer matter, money is all that matters. The Righteous Rightists leaders tried benign neglect…just letting Aethon victims die out in the rural wastedlands. They’re also encouraging suicide. They call it decency dying.”

  Lew interrupts. “But, those programs aren’t working fast enough. When some Aethon carriers escaped the camps and fled to the cities they decided to get rid of them. That’s why the Deacons and militias are beginning to ship them to Puerto Rico. Not only are they clearing them out of the states, simultaneously they’re hoping to devastate your disloyal, independent Puerto Rico. Turning Puerto Rico into an island of the damned. They see it as a win-win situation. Abaddon crushes rebellious Puerto Rico by cleansing America. Big pharma supports the action too, because they’re still raking in billions from scared Urbanites who don’t know about the camps.”


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