Torrents of Destruction
Page 24
A tension-filled haze lingered over the area, appearing to consume all the oxygen on the pathway.
Katie hauled in a deep breath. “I’m going after Hunter.”
“No, you aren’t.” Ariel finished addressing Orson’s splint and stood.
“Yes, I am.” Katie wouldn’t back down . . . couldn’t. She had to make sure Hunter stayed safe and sound.
“You heard his orders—we’re to stay here until help arrives.”
“No, he gave you the order.” Katie pulled her spine tight, drawing herself up to her full height.
“You can’t go, Katie.” Ariel’s voice softened. “Look, I know you care about him and all, but by getting involved, you’re putting him at risk.”
“I don’t care what you think is best, Ariel. I’m going.” Katie turned from the woman’s glare and squatted in front of her brother. “Christian, I need you to keep Shadow here. He shouldn’t be running around on a broken leg.” Her hands sought Shadow’s collar as she pet her best friend.
“You either.”
Katie stood and faced Ariel again. “Come again?”
“You said the dog shouldn’t be running around on a hurt leg.” Ariel nodded toward Katie’s ankle. “You either.”
“Shadow has a broken leg. I just have a twisted ankle. Big difference.”
“Not enough. I’m telling you, stay put.” Ariel took a step toward Katie. “If I have to, I’ll arrest you for obstruction of justice and handcuff you.”
“Like you handcuffed Paul?” The sarcasm burned Katie’s tongue, but she had no choice. “We saw how well that worked out.”
Ariel’s face washed white. Katie hated being mean and cruel, but she had to make sure Hunter was safe—she couldn’t risk losing him. “You can’t stop me unless you shoot me, and that would really ruin your chances with my brother, now wouldn’t it?”
“Just let her go, Ariel.” Christian spoke with a soft resignation. “If she’s determined, you aren’t going to stop her anyway.”
Ariel glanced at him, then lifted her stare back to Katie. “You’ll distract Hunter. You would just get in the way.”
“I’m going.” Katie set her feet in a tough stance.
The two women stood face-to-face, an imaginary line drawn in the mud between them. Sun glaring down on them, neither moved a muscle.
“Come on, girl … let Katie go get her man.” Orson’s gruff words tugged a smile out of Katie.
Sighing, Ariel gave a slow nod. Under her breath she mumbled, “Hunter’s gonna write me up for sure now.”
Katie dropped to her knees, hugged Shadow, and planted a soft kiss on her brother’s cheek. “Thank you,” she whispered in his ear before she stood.
“Just be careful,” he said.
“Here, take this.” Ariel pulled the gun from her waistband and offered it to Katie.
Fear and revulsion sparred in her heart. Katie looked at Ariel and shook her head. “Thanks, but I don’t do guns.”
“You’ll need some protection.”
Again, Katie shook her head. “No, thanks.” She turned to her brother, then stopped and met Ariel’s eyes. She gave a shaky smile. “Thank you.”
Ariel nodded, but her smile lifted.
Katie winked at her brother. “I’ll radio for help as soon as I get up there. Are the keys under the seats?”
He flashed her a weak grin. “Yeah.”
“I’ll be back soon.” She swallowed back the tears. “I promise.”
Sniffing, Katie turned and headed up the path as quickly as her throbbing ankle would allow her.
Hunter crouched in the bushes lining the parking lot. His clasp tightened on his gun. He didn’t move a muscle.
Large puddles of water sat on the concrete, reflecting the sun and casting glares dancing on the asphalt. Hunter squinted as he scoped out the area. No sign of anyone.
At the far end of the lot, two oversized Polaris four-wheelers sat parked, side-by-side. Nothing near them.
Like a lion tracking its prey, Hunter moved. Slowly, as to not disturb the low-lying bushes and underbrush, Hunter crept toward the vehicles, keeping inside the tree line for cover. Birds scattered overhead, halting his progress. He held his breath as he cased the lot again.
He continued on his trek—heel first, then pad of the foot, picking his steps carefully, avoiding twigs that could snap. The birds sang their happy tunes above his head. His heart thumped wildly.
Guide me, Lord.
The breeze stirred the air. Hunter froze. He sniffed, but only caught the odor of rain, dirt, and river. The distant hum of the raging water registered only in the back of his mind. He worked to reach the edge of the trees closest to the four-wheelers. Two more steps and he could touch one of the vehicles.
Only the glittering of the sun in the water and the leaves being carried in the wind. Could it be this easy? Had Paul lied about having a boss? Hunter remained still, letting reflexes overtake his awareness of self.
God, I need to radio for help. Please, Father… so many are depending on me. I can’t let them down.
Propelling himself forward, Hunter crept over the asphalt, his body on full alert.
He reached the four-wheeler and crouched beside it. What channel had Christian told him to use? Eight? He dialed the channel knob. Static spewed from the radio, a squeak and squall right on its heels. Hunter grabbed the volume knob and twisted. Silence prevailed.
Hunter peered over the vehicle’s seat. The radio’s blast hadn’t brought some evil drug lord running. It hadn’t brought down a hail of bullets.
Drawing in a deep breath, he pressed the speak button and held the microphone close to his mouth. “Help needed. FBI agent requesting medical and law enforcement assistance immediately.”
The radio came alive. “This is Sheriff Towns, who are you, and where are you?”
“This is Special Agent Hunter Malone of the FBI. We’re at the top of the mountain by Meadow River, in the parking lot. I need backup and emergency medical personnel.”
“Is this a joke?”
Hunter tightened his jaw and shifted, holding his weapon in a death grip. “No. My badge number is 3-9-9-8—you can verify it. I have two members of Gauley Guides by Gallagher here, and one of them has been shot—Christian Gallagher. Just send backup and ambulances.”
Rustling from the trees reached Hunter’s ears.
He dropped the microphone and turned, ready to shoot. “Freeze! FBI!”
Chapter 26
He whipped around, gun drawn, as his heart crashed at the sound of Katie’s voice.
Rushing forward, she leaned into his arms. “Where is he?”
“I don’t know.” He pushed her an arm’s length away, even though he wanted nothing more than to hold her forever, and slipped the weapon back into his waistband. He had to make her understand the severity of the situation and the predicament she could’ve put him in. Gripping her shoulders, Hunter peered into her flashing eyes. “You shouldn’t be here. I told you to stay with the others.”
“I couldn’t let you come alone. It’s too dangerous.”
For a split second, he wanted to chuckle. “Katie, it’s what I do.” His eyes drank in the sight of concern in her gaze. “What do you think you could’ve done?”
Her face flushed, red spreading to the tips of her ears.
Hunter ran his knuckles across her chin. The touch sent sparks off in his heart. “I’m touched you came running to my rescue, really I am, but I don’t want you putting yourself in danger.”
She smiled. “I don’t see anyone.”
He sighed. She couldn’t even take orders when it came to her life being at stake. “Me either.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Paul may have been lying about having a boss.” He tweaked her nose. “But you should’ve stayed where I told you to.”
The beginnings of a smile hugged the edge of her mouth. It made his mouth go dry. “Yes, sir,” she said as she executed a snappy salute.
This isn’t a game, Katie. I can’t afford to be distracted.”
“Oh, so I’m a distraction now, am I?” Her eyes turned as cold and deadly as the steel of his Beretta, and she took a step back.
His heart exploded with regret. “That didn’t come out right. I didn’t mean it like it sounded.”
“But that’s what you said.”
He took a step toward her, but she hobbled back.
“I only meant that I have feelings for you, I honestly do, but I have a job to do and it involves protecting you and those you love.” He reached out and took her hand, tugging her to him.
Her eyes blinked, filling with moisture. “I have feelings for you, too, Hunter,” she murmured.
The knot in his chest loosened as he pulled her into an embrace. His lips covered hers, capturing her mouth in a kiss that should’ve singed them both. All the emotion and hopes and daring-to-dream thoughts bottled inside him broke forth in his kiss. Her hand tugged at his hair. Her heart pounded between them, his matching its fervor.
“How very touching.”
Instinctively, Hunter released Katie, withdrew the gun from the back of his waistband, and spun to face the man who’d spoken.
And stared into the black barrel of a .357 Magnum.
The air left Katie’s lungs in one big whoosh. Her knees went weak. “S-S-Steve? But … but why?”
“First things first.” He pointed his weapon at Hunter’s head. “I suggest you drop that gun. Now.”
Hunter inched up the end of his pistol, pointing it at Steve’s chest, and shook his head. “You first.”
The .357’s muzzle shifted, drawing Katie into the sights. “Then I’ll shoot Ms. Gallagher here.” Steve shrugged. “Should have known that moron Jerry couldn’t follow orders.”
She gasped. Oh, God, not now. Please, not yet.
Hunter’s body went rigid. His knees locked and his shoulders adjusted. He dropped his gun. It clattered against the gravel. “That moron Jerry is dead.”
Steve hitched an eyebrow as he kicked the gun. It skidded to a stop about two feet to Hunter’s right. “You’re better than I gave you credit for, Master Sleuth.”
Hunter crossed his arms over his chest, looking relaxed. “I didn’t kill him. Paul did.”
“Now I am impressed. Didn’t think the weasel had it in him.” His eyes narrowed at Katie. “He was too sweet on you, and obviously it was a mistake. Where is Paul?”
“In custody, of course.” Hunter jutted out his jaw. “Just as you will be soon.”
Steve laughed, the sound dry and callous. “I don’t think so. I’ve been waiting nine years to kill you, Malone. You won’t get away.” He bobbed his head, motioning Katie to move beside Hunter.
Hobbling forward, Katie grasped Hunter’s arm for balance. Just touching him gave her strength. “I don’t understand.”
The man she’d perceived as weak and skittish transformed. Even his manner of speaking, his pronunciation, the method he articulated his words came out differently. “Poor woman, of course you don’t.” His eyes slid to Hunter. “Then again, you don’t know Super Agent here very well, do you?”
Hunter massaged the bridge of his nose. “What’s your beef with me, Steve? I’ve never been anything but nice to you.”
“Nice?” Steve pushed the gun farther, pointing it back at Hunter. His expression of cold amusement shifted to something dark. Sinister.
Katie shivered. How could she have been so wrong about two people?
“And, by the way, my name’s not Steve.” His voice took on a nasally octave. “Look at me carefully, Agent-Man. I’ve had some minor alterations made to my facial features, but surely you can recognize me.”
Hunter’s forehead wrinkled, etching deep lines across his face. He stared hard at Steve, scrutinizing the man’s face. No spark of recognition popped into his eyes.
“Look into my eyes,” Steve almost shouted.
Hunter still showed no signs of recognition.
Katie let out a pent-up breath. So much for the mystery being solved any time soon. God please, help us out here.
Steve chuckled, the sound echoing hauntingly over the space between them. “Not as smart as you thought, huh, Mr. Rocket Scientist? I’ve been working two cubicles down from you for six months, and you never figured it out. You’re not the brightest crayon in the box, are you?” His laughter deepened, prickling the warning hairs on the back of Katie’s neck. “But since I’m such a sporting guy, I’ll help out by giving you a couple of clues.”
Hunter’s eyes held that dark, dangerous look. The one he’d worn when fighting with Jerry and Paul. Her breathing hitched and she grasped his forearm tightly. Looking back at Steve, she forced her voice to be firm, steady. “What kind of clues?”
Steve’s eyes narrowed before he gave her a crooked smile. “You know what? An ironic opportunity has just dropped into my lap. We’ll make it a game. A payback, if you will. A lost love for losing love.”
His sneer made her confidence waver. “What kind of game?”
“I’ll give Agent-Man here a clue. If he guesses who I am, I’ll shoot you, my dear, in the heart, killing you instantly.”
Katie’s hope deflated like a lead balloon.
“However, for each incorrect guess he delivers, I’ll shoot you once. Not enough to kill, mind you, just enough to hurt really bad.”
Even the wind stilled as the tension tightened over Hunter like the cranking of a vise.
The acid in Hunter’s stomach churned. He stiffened as Katie struggled for breath. Fury lined his muscles. “What kind of sick game is that?”
“The kind of eye-for-an-eye game. You took my love, now I’ll take yours. How much she suffers depends entirely on you.” Steve’s eyes were as cold and lifeless as those of a dead fish.
“This is stupid.” Hunter moved to take a step.
Steve lifted the gun, pointing the muzzle at Katie.
Hunter froze.
“That’s better.” Steve nodded at Katie. “You move about three feet away from him.”
Katie hesitated.
Steve waved the weapon at her. “Now!”
Katie hobbled a few feet to the right of Hunter.
“That’s better.”
“I’m not going to play any game with the likes of you.” Hunter sucked in air, hoping all the psychological lectures he’d endured were right. Refuse to stoop to the criminal’s level, that’s what the instructors drilled into every agent’s head.
Steve shifted the gun’s barrel to Hunter’s leg, and pulled the trigger.
Hot pain sliced through Hunter’s thigh before the ripples of the boom ended.
Katie screamed, her sobbing louder than the gunshot.
His knees gave out—Hunter crashed to the ground. Colored dots converged before his eyes. He blinked, working to focus through the blinding pain. So much for the psychological training.
Crying out again, Katie made a move to limp to Hunter.
“No, ma’am. You stay right where you are.”
Hunter forced himself to look at Katie and gave a slight shake of his head. Even that subtle movement caused the blood rushing to his brain to pound harder.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Malone, have I been unclear? Did you think you had a choice?” Steve’s condescending tone salted Hunter’s wound. “Stand up, or I shoot her.”
Struggling to his feet, Hunter balanced on one leg. The hammering of his heart reverberated against his chest. He took a second to study Steve carefully, taking note of his bone structure and build. Hunter’s mind shifted through his mental databank of every criminal he’d put away. His search came up empty.
“Your only option is to guess correctly, and quickly. If you refuse, I’ll shoot her in the kneecaps, drawing out her suffering as long as I can. Much like the suffering you caused me. Got it?” Steve’s aim never wavered from Katie.
“Why?” Katie cried, her sobs tearing Hunter apart.
“Why?” Steve stomped the ground like a petulant child. Mud sh
ot up the leg of his jeans. “Because he took the woman I loved. Ripped her away from me. Just like that.” He snapped his fingers. His face twisted into a frown. “We never had a chance. Just like you two will never have a chance.”
Hunter gauged the distance between him and Steve. If he rushed him, would he be able to stop Steve before he got a shot off? He spied his faithful Beretta lying on the pavement, between him and Katie. Could he make it to his firearm in time?
“So, here we go. Okay, hotshot, here’s your first clue. Nine years ago you were a rookie agent, fresh into the field. You made a bad call and missed catching your man. I’m that man. Who am I?” Steve glanced at his watch. “You have one minute, starting … now!”
Nine years ago. First year in the field. The battery of cases flipped through the Rolodex of Hunter’s mind. Drug dealers … no, they were busted by DEA. The bombings in New York? No, all the culprits were caught. Kidnappings? Hunter recalled every missing person’s case he’d ever worked. Nothing.
“Thirty seconds.”
Katie whimpered. Hunter’s heart twisted in response. He continued his race down memory lane. Rookie agent, working with Danny. Case he worked with Danny. Hunter stared into Steve’s eyes. The man truly enjoyed his game. Oh, God, help me out. Help me remember.
“Time’s up. Take a guess.”
Hunter’s mouth went as dry as the Arizona desert, while his mind went blank.
“If you don’t take a guess, I’ll shoot her anyway.”
“Bobby Miller.” Hunter studied Steve’s expression, which twisted into a wry grin.
“Nope. You cost this Bobby guy his love too? Shame on you, Agent Malone.” Steve lifted the .357 and shut an eye. “Wrong guess. That’ll cost you. I mean, her.”
Please, God, no!
The bullet whipped through the air and landed in Katie’s thigh with a nauseating pop. She screamed as she fell.
Instinctively, Hunter moved toward her.
“No, sir. You stay put. We’re just getting started with our game.”
“You sick, lousy excuse of a human being.” His heart thumped erratically. Sweat trickled between his shoulder blades as rage threatened to overtake him. He clenched his jaw, forcing his emotions to still.