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On My Knees

Page 6

by Stone, Ciana

  I want to hold onto the dreams. It started out a bit frightening, being abducted and waking in a strange place and I still want to go home, but there are parts that are the fodder of fantasy. Augustus Thurinus. Dear god, a single thought of that man sends me spinning into a well of longing I didn't know possible.

  I need to hold onto that because the nightmare is eclipsing everything else. It's claimed my conscious and unconscious life and I'm afraid I'm not going to wake up from this one.

  Reality had become more horrifying than any nightmare. Madeline was worse than any demon she could have created in her mind, the way she smiled just before she jabbed Layla with the Taser. Layla saw the pleasure it gave Madeline and realized that inflicting pain was, for Madeline, the ultimate pleasure.

  Her body ached in every joint and the points where the Taser had met her skin felt like she'd been knifed. She'd never been so cold. There was no way to stop the quaking of her body.

  Madeline had set the pitcher aside and towered over her, the cell phone in one hand and Taser in the other.

  "Make the call."

  "I don't know his number!"

  Madeline's eyes narrowed and for a few moment Layla was sure she was going to be electrocuted again. Then Madeline dialed a number. Layla knew the phone was on speaker when she heard Augustus answer.


  "You have until nightfall and then she dies."

  "How do I know she is alive?"

  Madeline smiled and grabbed Layla by the hair of her head, jerking her so viciously that the shackle around her wrist bit into her skin and she felt the warmth of blood on her arm.


  "Augustus, don't. She's going to kill—"

  Another blast from the Taser had her careening into pain and blackness.


  Augustus almost regretting not taking Layla's blood. Had he done so he would have a connection with her, one that would allow him to ascertain her state of mind and body. As it stood, all he could do was hope that Madeline had not done serious harm to her.

  He and his people had formulated a simple but effective plan. As he now drove his truck down the long drive of Madeline's estate, his people were moving into place from multiple points of attack, neutralizing any security or opposition. Hopefully, without loss of life.

  Augustus was wired, a tiny device inserted into his left ear that enabled him to communicate with the other leaders of The Seven who were participating in the rescue.

  "At the house."

  He parked and got out of his truck, casting a look of disdain at the six armed men who guarded the front entrance.

  "Tell your mistress I'm here."

  One of them lifted a radio from his belt, spoke into it, and then replaced it in its belt holder. Augustus ignored the men, keeping his focus on the door. A minute passed before it opened.

  Madeline stepped outside.

  Augustus felt the malevolence rolling off the woman like stench from a corpse. He had no doubt that she intended to renege on her end of the bargain. If she had her way, she'd kill him and Layla as well.

  "I'm here." It was the code to his people to move.

  "Indeed. I have your whore."

  "She's no whore."

  "Any woman who would spread her legs for the likes of you is worse than a whore. She deserves worse than death for betraying her race."

  "If you've harmed her I promise you neither you nor anyone on this estate will live to see dawn."

  Madeline laughed and it was an evil sound if ever he'd heard one. "Big words from a monster who will soon meet the fires of hell."

  "Bring Layla out. Put her in the truck. When she's safely away then you can give killing me your best shot."

  Madeline snapped her fingers in the direction of the man closest to her. "Have the whore brought out."

  The man pulled out his radio and relayed her command. Augustus was pleased. In the time it was taking for her to have Layla brought to him, his people were already in position. They were just waiting his word.

  He leaned back against the side of the truck, knowing his pose presented the image of a man who had no fear or unease. He'd perfected that look over countless centuries, but today it was only a thin façade. Inside he was in turmoil.

  Minutes passed before the door opened again. Layla was shoved out, her wrists and ankles shackled. Naked and dirty, her hair was wet and it was clear from the blue tint to her lips that she was cold. Very cold.

  There were numerous Taser burns on her body and she appeared to be barely functional. The sight released a rage in him that he could taste.

  "Augustus." Her gaze found him. "Run."

  The rage exploded like a nova within him. "Now."

  A split second later, the first scream sounded from the side of the mansion. It was quickly joined by others. Before Madeline had time to do more than look in the direction of the sound, he acted.

  Vampires were, by nature, faster and stronger than humans. Many times over. Being one of the royal family and possessed of the strongest blood, his strength was magnified even more.

  He'd rendered her men unconscious before she realized what had happened. By the time she did, he was before her with his hand wrapped around her neck.

  "Layla, can you walk?"

  Despite the rage, his tone was gentle.


  "Then get in the truck, sweetheart. I'll join you in a moment."

  He could tell it took effort for her to move. The shackles made her movements jerky and uneven. That sight fueled his wrath.

  "Your reign ends today, bitch."

  Madeline struggled in his grasp, her fingers digging at his hand as she gasped for breath. Augustus felt no sympathy, no compassion, and no remorse. She was evil and because of her lives had been lost. Because of her, other human minds had been poisoned and the chance for peace between them and his kind was damaged.

  Despite his admonishment to the others about the taking of lives, this life was not one to spare. He smiled, displaying his fangs and saw the fear in Madeline's eyes. Then he squeezed.

  She was dead in less than a second. He tossed her lifeless body aside, turned on his heel and raced to the truck. Layla had managed to get the passenger door open, but the shackles on her ankles prevented her from climbing into the cab.

  Augustus knelt, snapped the offending metal from her ankles then rose, and did the same with the shackles around her wrists. The moment she was free she reached for him. He stripped off his shirt, helped her into it, then took her in his arms, and held her, feeling her tremble.

  "You're safe. You're safe."

  "I was so scared." Her voice was barely a whisper against his chest.

  "You don't have to be afraid any more. You're safe and I won't ever let anyone hurt you."

  "No." She drew back to look at him. "I was scared for you."

  That slayed him. She'd been held prisoner by a lunatic, obviously tortured and she feared for him?

  In that instant, he knew. Somehow, someway, he would convince her to stay with him because she'd just accomplished a first in his long life. She'd taken his heart.

  Layla staggered as his emotions hit her. He loved her? How was that possible? Even more, how was it that she felt the same? She didn't even know him. He'd kidnapped her, made love to her with an intensity she didn't know existed and then let her go, only to risk his own life to save her.

  Was she in love with the idea of him or did she love him? She honestly didn't know. At the moment, her brain was as scrambled as eggs in a pan. The events of the last couple of days were the stuff of fiction. It was hard to wrap her head around the fact that she'd lived the experience.

  And hard to ignore the pain. The burns from the Taser were like brands on her skin and her entire body ached. Maybe she should ask him to take her to a hospital.

  "I can heal you."

  Layla's eyes moved to meet his. "What?"

  "Your pain. I can take it away. Heal your wounds."


  Augustus raised one hand to his mouth. She saw his fangs when his lips parted and watched as he bit the pad of his thumb. A fat drop of blood appeared. He moved his hand, pressing his thumb to her bottom lip.

  "Take it."

  Her first reaction was to pull away. She wasn't going to taste his blood. That was … she didn't even know what it was. Wrong?

  "It will heal you. You only need a little. Open your mouth sweetheart."

  You're crazy. Her inner voice screamed as her lips parted. Don't do it!

  But she did. She took his thumb into her mouth, letting the taste of his warm blood fill it. Strangely, she wasn't repulsed or sickened.

  It only lasted a few seconds. He removed his thumb from her mouth and smeared his blood over the Taser wounds. At first, it burned like a just extinguished match pressed to her skin but in seconds the burn vanished to be replaced with a cooling sensation that spread out, working its way over her entire body.

  It was such a relief that she sagged, her energy gone. Just before she lost consciousness, she heard his voice. "I've got you."

  She gave in to the darkness, reluctantly agreeing. He did have her. Like it or not, she'd fallen for Augustus Thurinus.

  Chapter Eight

  If I erred in bringing her here, my most egregious error was allowing her to leave on her own. Had I prevented her from leaving, or simply accepted that she did not want to be here and provided her with transportation, this would not have happened.

  My enemies would not have inflicted pain and terror upon her. Twice since I put her in my bed, I've fed her my blood. It was necessary to accelerate the healing process.

  I feel her fear and pain as if it were my own, but I knew that would happen once she took my blood. It is not as strong a connection as it would be if I took hers but it exists. It pains me that I am the cause of her suffering.

  I want to ease that suffering – erase the fear from her mind. By all that is right and holy, I cannot help wanting to torment those who harmed her. Madeline is dead. Our people will make her death look like it came at the hands of her followers. Several will be found dead, shot with Madeline's gun. It will appear that she struggled with one, shooting him as he strangled her.

  The remainder of her followers will be left unharmed, unaware of what transpired thanks to the Vampires in our midst, along with magic and the powers of the Angels and Daemons. Between us, we will create a fiction they will believe and the truth will be forever hidden.

  Except from those of us who were there.

  Madeline's death I will live with. I should feel remorse at the taking of a life and perhaps I will, at a later date. In this moment, I am still consumed with rage at the harm done to Layla. It will take time for that rage to abate, and then I will face whatever remorse arises.

  Layla woke with a scream, fighting the soft sheets that covered her body. In her mind, she was still in the damp cold dungeon, shackled to the wall and waiting for the pain.

  "Shhh." The soft whisper and gentle touch on her shoulder had her jerking.

  "Layla, you're safe."

  Augustus. Recognition sent relief washing through her, helping to calm the racing of her heart. That reaction was followed immediately by a slight cringe. You have to be out of your mind. This is the man who drugged and abducted you. Were it not for him you'd never have gone through this nightmare. How can you trust him? And love? How is that possible?

  "Will that forever stand between us?"

  She pulled the sheet up more securely and rolled over to face him. In the wane light, his eyes seemed to glow and his skin was bathed in a silver light, giving him the appearance of what he was. Vampire.

  Layla forced her gaze to his. "You can see inside me so you know. I…I have feelings for you, Augustus."


  "August. I have feelings but how can I trust them with what has happened?"

  "You make a valid point, therefore I have a proposal."

  "What kind of proposal?"

  "Stay here with me for one month. If at the end of that time you cannot trust what you feel, or you discover that your feelings are not genuine, then you can leave."

  "What if I want to leave before the time is up?"

  "Then leave. I won't hold you prisoner, Layla, but I will ask that you give this time. You have suffered traumatic experiences and it will take time for you to recover from them, emotionally and physically."

  That's when she realized that she didn't hurt. Not anywhere. Layla ripped the sheet away, searching her side and chest for evidence of the Taser burns. They were gone.

  "How's this possible?"

  "I told you my blood would heal you."

  "That's … that's impossible. Isn't it?"

  "By human's current understanding, yes. To my kind, no."

  "But…" Her latest thought had excitement coursing through her. "Oh my god, Augustus – sorry August – no that doesn't sound right. Augustus. Anyway, do you realize what this means? Your kind could be the answer to – to everything. Disease I mean. Traumatic injury, cancer, you name it. Your people could be the answer to saving millions of lives.

  "Oh my god, you have to let the people in power know. If our leaders understood what your people can do for humanity they'd—"

  "Never offer peace."

  "What?" His statement stuck a pin in her bubble of excitement.

  "Layla, you are an amazing woman, but naïve."

  "Well gee thanks, you sure know how to flatter a girl."

  "I meant no disparagement—"

  "You know, it just dawned on me. Aside from your first words to me, you haven't sounded one bit like a cowboy or rancher or whatever you call yourself. Do you even know anything about ranching or is this all just a front? I mean if you're—what – a thousand years old then who are you really? You probably weren't born here so where did you—"

  His chuckle caused a spike of annoyance that had her pushing herself into a sitting position, securing the sheet snuggly over her breasts and under her arms.

  "I apologize, sweetheart. You simply delight me."

  "Yeah, I can tell. Look, I get that you're like a million years older than me and have seen things that I can't even imagine but—"

  "Layla, I was not making fun of you. I promise. I adore the way your mind works, the questions that pour from you and the fact that you aren't afraid to ask."

  She would not have been mollified by his answer had he not lowered his mental barriers. She didn't even have to reach out to touch his mind. It was simply there. Layla marveled at what it revealed.

  "You really don't think I'm some ditzy romance writer."

  "Not at all."

  That made her a bit ashamed of her behavior. "I'm sorry. I just… hey wait— what did you mean there wouldn't be peace if humans knew?"

  "You already know the answer to that."

  She did. What an idiot she could be at times. If anyone knew the power of Vampire blood, humanity would round up every Vampire on earth and turn them into a cure factory – experiment on them in the name of the general welfare and pretty much turn them into lab rats.

  "Okay, so maybe we humans aren't exactly perfect, but in time you could help Augustus."

  "Yes, in time."

  She thought about it. "So, can I ask you something?"


  "How did you become a Vampire?"

  "I was born Vampire."

  "Really? Vampires can have children? But I thought you said you could make a Vampire? I mean, are you alive as in alive like me or are you…"

  "Part of the undead?"

  "Well, yeah."

  "No Vampires are not undead. Even when we make a Vampire it does not require true death."

  "So the stories of the undead are just that? Stories?"


  "This is … this is incredible. You know my book was about a Vampire, right?"

  "Yes, I read it."

  "You did?"


  "Okay, I'm almo
st afraid to ask but what did you think?"

  "I like the love that develops between the Vampire and the human woman, the depth of emotion they share and the risks they are willing to take to be together."

  Layla felt a bit flattered and a lot surprised. "So, that means that at heart you're a romantic."



  "No. I wanted to be but until now I was not."

  "Until now?"

  "Until you."

  All of the questions assailing her mind vanished at his words. He smiled and pulled her down into his arms. When their lips met, all other thought fled. Right or wrong, real or fantasy, she wanted him more than she'd ever wanted anything and she didn't have the strength to fight the desire.

  This was the stuff of dreams, her dreams, and there was nothing in the world that could stop her from making love with him.


  Augustus watched her sleeping. They'd made love half the night and it had taken the remainder of the night for him to ease the torment in her mind over what she'd suffered at Madeline's hand.

  Layla didn't realize that he'd used his abilities to heal her in more than a physical way. He suspected she would view that as a type of control and one thing he'd learned about her was that she balked at any type of control.

  She had a great need to be in charge of her own life and he respected that. Despite her youth, she was quite remarkable. He'd never known a woman capable of the level of passion that came naturally to her.

  Even now he could taste her, feel the lingering tingle of her touch on his skin and echoes of her orgasms in his mind. He felt a bit foolish. After having lived so long to have just now discovered this type of passion and desire made him feel like a young man just starting a journey.

  Perhaps he was. A Vampire's lifespan was measured in centuries rather than years. He'd known Vampires who'd died, killed by humans or catastrophic events, but it was a rarity.

  Could that be the reason there were so few of his kind? Nature was far superior to man in many ways. Through Nature, a balance was achieved. There might be moments of imbalance but left to Nature, the world righted itself. Were there too many of his kind, there would not be sustenance enough to sustain them. Perhaps Nature's wisdom kept that from happening. It was humans and perhaps his kind as well that disrupted the delicate balance.


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