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A Claw-some Affair (MEOW FOR MURDER Book 3)

Page 9

by Addison Moore

  Regina quickly snags Sophia and navigates her over to the counter for a little comfort, while I head over to Kiera in an attempt to comfort her with words rather than hard liquor.

  “Are you okay?” I ask as the room roars back to life at a far more intense volume than it had been.

  “Oh, I’m fine.” The sassy blonde averts her eyes. “Sophia is just bitter because she thinks I’m getting it on with Maddie’s ex.” She rolls her eyes at the thought. “Sophia never did appreciate a little competition.”

  “Oh? So have you, you know? Offered to console him?”

  “Lucas?” She shrugs as if she were indifferent to the idea. “I don’t think he needs consoling.” She shoots a sharp look to Sophia. “She’s got that handled. But I wouldn’t call what they share love.” She grunts at the thought because that’s exactly what Sophia referred to it as a few angry minutes ago.

  “Hey, Kiera, can I ask you something?” I step in close and she nods for me to continue. “I heard a rumor that Madeline stole a serum that Parker Goldman was working on.”

  Her eyes enlarge twice their size.

  “I didn’t realize that.” She takes a breath as she looks to Sophia. “That’s unfortunate Maddie had to stoop so low. She was Parker’s biggest supporter.” She gives a little laugh as if breathing a sigh of relief. “I guess I could use a shot of whiskey after all. Excuse me.” She takes off, and I keep an eye on both her and Sophia for the rest of the night.

  But something about that conversation doesn’t sit well with me. Kiera looked a little too relieved to hear Maddie was being pinned with the beauty-based crime, and it makes me wonder.

  The night winds down and Jackson helps Tilly and me haul the tea sets back to the café to be washed in the morning. It’s almost ten o’clock at night and Opal doesn’t pay me near enough to keep me here another second.

  Once we’re through, Jackson picks up Tilly’s hand, and for a second I think he’s admiring her alternating black and purple fingernail polish, but he leans in and gazes right into her starstruck eyes.

  “You ready?” He winks her way.

  “You bet, rocket man.” She winks right back.

  “Good.” He gives a seductive growl. “Because I’m going to give you a night to remember.”

  “The vision!” Tilly gasps and squeals as she jumps up and down. “It was for me!” She jumps over and gives my shoulders a rattle before yanking Jackson out the door so fast I don’t get a chance to say goodbye or wish them well, or tell Jackson that I hope he survives whatever Tilly has planned for him. I’m pretty sure it concerns a meat hook that’s been underused in her bedroom since Christmas.

  I guess I’m not the one getting lucky tonight.

  Not that I would have taken Jackson up on his indecent proposition.

  I lock up and head home, passing Shep’s cabin slowly because I’m tempted to make an indecent proposition myself.

  But instead, I head on into my cabin and curl up with Pixie on the couch while thinking about Kiera and that vision I had of her and Lucas a few weeks back.

  “Nobody needs to know,” he said to her as he gave her a slight rattle.

  “Nobody tells me what to do,” she snipped right back. “I should have done this the very first night and saved myself the trouble.”

  “What trouble could they have been talking about?” No sooner do I pose the question to Pixie than a knock erupts at my door and my heart seizes. “Why does that sound like trouble?” I whisper as I squeeze the tiny kitten close.

  “It’s me, Bowie.” Shep’s voice comes through the other side, muffled.

  “Oh, thank God.” I carry Pixie over with me in hopes Shep is here to offer up an indecent proposition of his own.

  “Shep!” I beam a greedy grin his way in the event he’s got a few naughty intentions up his sleeve. Nothing wrong with giving him all the green lights. A man needs to know when he’s got the all clear in the dirty department. “What brings you a knockin’ at this indecent hour?” I do my best to flirt, ala Tilly.

  I wouldn’t knock it. It happens to be working for her.

  Shep’s hair is slicked back, his eyes shine like stars, and he’s far too comely for his own good at this late hour. Someone is liable to take a bite right out of him if he’s not careful, and that someone is me.

  “I’ve got a gift for you.” He holds out a diamond tennis bracelet in his hand and I gasp.

  “Wow, Shep.” I pull it forward. “I didn’t think we were at this stage in our relationship,” I tease, admiring the string of jewels as they sparkle in the night.

  “Neither did I,” he says it stern and I get the feeling there’s a lot more behind this tennis bracelet than some simple gift.

  My life has never been simple.

  I don’t see why it should start in that direction now.

  Chapter 11

  All morning and well into the afternoon at the Manor Café I think about the nefarious origins of this sparkler on my wrist. Of course, I’m wearing it. Who in their right mind would leave a gem like this locked away for safekeeping? As far as I’m concerned, whoever sent this to me via snail mail already knows exactly where I live.

  I suppose that depressing fact alone should have me tossing my secondhand treasures into Wanda’s trunk and zipping off to Canada where I should have gone to begin with. But not one inch of my fugitive flesh wants to boot scoot to the Great Frozen North. Why would I want to snuggle with a polar bear when I could snuggle with a stud muffin who brings me jewels at midnight?

  Regina struts over with a sour expression on her face.

  “Oh, come on, stop staring at that string of fakes as if it weren’t tacky. I almost feel sorry for you.” She pulls my wrist forward and examines the bauble dripping from it with the expert scrutiny of a jeweler. “My God, I think this is the real deal. Who gave this to you? Was it the old man who sat in the corner yesterday? I gave him thirteen refills and looked the other way when he almost gassed the entire café out onto the patio.”

  “Nope.” I pluck my wrist back. “Shep gave it to me.” I shrug over at her with a mischievous smile. I couldn’t help it. That little nugget not only rings true, but it’s worth the guaranteed rise I’ll get out of her.

  A laugh bucks from her chest.

  “Shep doesn’t give diamonds,” she’s quick to school me. “And if he did, he would have passed a few my way a long time ago. I earned them.”

  “The old-fashioned way, I’m assuming.”

  A shadow darkens the counter, and we turn to find my diamond dealer himself at hand.

  Regina cinches a knowing smile. “Bowie Bologna here thinks you gifted her this tennis bracelet. Newsflash: it’s real and I think it’s hot—as in stolen property.” She shrugs my way. “Sorry, boss, but I have no problem turning you over to the authorities.”

  “Go on, Shep.” I bite down on a naughty grin waiting to take over my face. “Tell Regina where I got this icy bling.”

  His chest expands, and that look in his hooded eyes lets me know I’ll pay for this later. If only he knew the ways I preferred to be punished.

  “I gave it to her.” He glances to Regina. “Does that answer your question?”

  “What?” The word rips from her like an expletive. “Oh no, you didn’t.” She swats him with a dishrag. “You’ve known her for less than five minutes, and I gave you the best six months of my life.”

  He inches back. “Regina, we were never together.”

  “Aaargh!” she roars in his face before taking off to tend to customers. Judging by that scowl and raging look in her eyes, the only tip she garners today might be a foul odor or two.

  “Bowie.” Shep growls.

  “What? I had to tell her it came from you. I don’t like to lie,” I say, petting my new toy. “So what brings you to the café? Ready to pen your next masterpiece?”

  “I was just on my way to question a suspect when I got the heads-up regarding the mystery mail you’ve been receiving.”

  I gasp a
s I make my way around the counter. “Where did it come from?”


  My fingers fly over my lips. “That’s right next door to Hastings.” The words come out whiny, and it makes me hate my ex Johnny Rizzo even more for making me resort to it.

  “I know.” Shep sighs hard as he steps in close. “I’m sorry, Bowie. You might be in very real danger. But don’t worry.”

  “Why? Do you have a way to fix this?”

  His cheek flinches and that dark scruff begs for me to touch it.

  “No,” he says. “I just don’t want you to worry. Take care of the café. I’ll be back in a few hours.”

  “I was just about to leave myself.” I lift a brow his way.

  “Bowie.” He closes his eyes a minute too long. “All right. Let’s have it. Who are you off to see?”

  “You go first,” I say.

  “Lucas Lane.”

  “My, my.” A daring smile rides on my lips. “Aren’t we living in a small, rotten world?”

  Shep scowls my way at the thought.

  “Just give me a second, Honey Bunch.” I give a cheeky wink as I collect my purse. “My car or yours?”

  Shep drove. As he should. His truck is just a hair more reliable than Wanda.

  On the way over, we discussed the fact Madeline supposedly sold Parker Goldman’s fishy fountain of youth to one of his competitors, and Shep let me know that not only was he already apprised of that, but he spoke with Eternally Young Cosmetics, the company that bought the formula, and there was no trace of who exactly gave it to them. It was all done in a clandestine manner to protect the guilty serum thief.


  But right now, it’s onward and forward. It’s all investigative systems go for the suspect we’re about to shake down—Lucas Lane. It turns out, Lucas works for his father’s investment strategy company as a consultant, and Shep had the wherewithal to set up an appointment with him.

  Since Nora, aka Detective Grimsley, Shep’s ex, was tasked with doing Lucas’ official interrogation, I convinced Shep that we go in as a couple under the pretense of wanting to find someplace snazzy on Wall Street to park my shiny, new, albeit fictional, inheritance.

  “Who knew this bejeweled bangle would come in handy?” I wiggle the diamonds dripping from my wrist.

  “Not me.” He gives a wistful tick of the head. “Look, Bowie. He’s probably going to recognize me. I’ll have to be honest with him.”

  I make a face. “Fine, but can you save your honesty for all of fifteen minutes?” I ask while adjusting his tie and taking a moment to smooth my hands over his chest in an effort to remove any impending wrinkles, of course—and check for the six-pack I suspect him of withholding. Then, I gently comb his hair with my fingers, and before I know it, I’m dusting my palms over that prickly scuff on his cheeks. “Oh God,” I moan without meaning to. Okay, fine. I meant it.

  “Bowie,” he says it low and deep, and an uncontrollable quiver whips through me. “Kitten,” he says it with a bit more zip, and I slap him over the chest.

  “Have it your way.”

  Shep and I head into the brown stucco building with its smoky glass windows and beige interior. A secretary gives us directions to Lucas Lane’s office and, just as we’re almost there, a familiar blonde heads our way with Lucas striding right beside her. I can’t help but note his hand is touching the lower half of her back.

  “Kiera?” Her name blurts from my lips before I can stop it.

  “Zoey.” Her face brightens at the sight of me. “And this is your boyfriend, right? The one we met the night of Maddie’s unfortunate demise.” She winces before winking over at Shep.

  So much for a cover. Shep and I had already determined we’d play the husband-wife angle with Lucas, but boyfriend-girlfriend works for me, too. Hopefully, she won’t say anything about Shep’s role in the investigation.

  Kiera nods to Lucas. “This is Detective Sexler.” She giggles as she brings her fingers to her lips. “Did I just say that out loud?” She licks her bottom lip as she looks him up and down.

  Wait just a disrespectful minute.

  I glide my arm around Shep’s waist and pull him in.

  “We’re looking forward to the mixer at the Hathaway estate,” I say to the two of them.

  Shep gives me a sideways glance, but I choose to ignore it.

  Keira sighs. “As are we.” She looks to Lucas. “Jackson is putting together one last soiree for Mads.” She purses her lower lip while clutching at her chest as if the idea were adorable.

  Lucas frowns. “Nice of him to let me know. But don’t worry,” he says to her sternly. “I’ll be there.” He tries to brush off his irritation but doesn’t seem to get far as he looks our way. “How can I help you?”

  “Actually”—I glance to Shep and shrug, wondering if our original plan is still in motion, and he gives a slight nod affirming that it is—“I fell into some unexpected money.” I lift my bracelet for the two of them to ogle and Kiera gasps with delight. “My uncle passed away and left me his entire estate,” I tell them.

  Dear God, I hope I didn’t just curse Uncle Vinnie to death.

  I’m moved to sneak in a quick sign of the cross but choose to abstain.

  Kiera coos as if that, too, were adorable. “I’m sorry to hear that. What’s the jackpot?”

  Shep stiffens at her word choice, and so do I.

  “Two thousand,” I say before having a chance to crunch some serious numbers.

  “Two thousand?” Kiera stomps her foot as if she were the one my Uncle Vinnie let down.

  “Two hundred thousand,” Shep corrects. “Bowie is still grieving.” He slings his arm around my shoulders and I snuggle against his chest because it’s practically mandatory and deliciously so.

  “Ah, I see.” Lucas nods to Kiera. “We’ll talk soon. Don’t worry about a thing. Everything is going to work out. I promise.”

  She rolls her eyes before saying a quick goodbye to the three of us and taking off.

  Everything is going to be all right? What exactly is going to be all right? More to the point, what do they expect can go wrong?

  Getting caught for murder one is where I have my fictitious money.

  Lucas leads us into his spacious office where there’s a simple desk, a less than stellar looking sofa, an oversized computer monitor, and a rather sparse looking calendar laid out on his desk. Shep and I take a seat in the lush burgundy office chairs across from Lucas while he plops down on what amounts to a towering throne.

  Lucas regales us with talks about leveraging my newfound income by utilizing a strategy intended to land me on easy street once I retire. But about twenty minutes into the conversation, my brain begins to sizzle and fizzle—and not in that fun I’m-about-to-have-a-prognosticating-spell kind of a way. No sooner do I tune out than I spot a picture on his bookshelf of Lucas and Madeline as she sports her unibrow proudly. An exotic locale can be seen behind them, and they look happy, on the surface at least.

  “That’s a great shot of the two of you,” I say, nodding over to it.

  Lucas glances back and sighs. “Those were better times. And I’d like to think Madeline is in a better place. It’s funny, but since she’s passed I can’t help but think of her a bit more fondly than I did while she was here.”

  Shep nods. “I hear that’s common. Death has a way of washing away any disagreements we might have had.”

  Lucas ticks his head to the side. “You two look pretty happy. What’s your secret?”

  My mouth falls open as I look to Shep. “He finishes my sentences.” I give a little shrug. “Like now for instance. Go ahead, Shep. Tell him what you think our secret is.”

  His brows furrow. “She tells me what to do and I do it.”

  Lucas and I belt out a laugh at the thought.

  I lean in toward my faux beau. “Have I told you lately that you are a wise, wise man?”

  He leans in a notch himself. “Only every morning when you wake up by my s
ide, sweetheart.”

  My mouth falls open and Lucas laughs alone this go-round.

  “How I miss having that chemistry with someone.” He taps his pen to the table in spite. “But I’m sure when the time is right, I’ll have someone coming around.”

  A wry smile cinches on my lips.

  I happen to know he thought the time for someone else to come around was while Madeline was still living and breathing.

  “I spoke with Sophia the other night,” I say in an effort to needle him with my knowledge of his two-timing ways, and I wriggle with delight when his eyes spring wide like a kid who just got his hand caught in the cookie jar—or more to the point, the nookie jar. “She mentioned Madeline had some nefarious dealings with a friend of yours.” I snap my fingers as if trying to think of his name. “Parker Bowles?” I shake my head at Shep and catch his wide-eyed glare.

  “Parker Goldman.” Lucas leans back in his seat before shedding a satisfied smile. “I heard the same. Unfortunately, I think it’s true. Maddie was obsessed with getting her hands on that serum of his.”

  “Why is that?” Shep asks, and the words come out a touch too stern.

  Don’t they teach them anything in Detective 101? You have to finesse your suspects. You can’t come across gruff or they’ll clam up and the entire investigation will take two steps back.

  “Beats me.” Lucas shakes his head. “Although, she did mention that once the trial was through, the serum was going into the vault for another year or so. Lucas needed FDA approval, and apparently it’s a lengthy process. Maddie was furious.”

  “And the competitor she supposedly sold the formula to?” I lean in. “Was he trying to release it sooner?”

  Lucas glances to the ceiling. “Not that I know of.”


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