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Dragon Fever

Page 9

by Donna Grant

  “What side were you on?”

  Asher thought back to his Hunters. Such magnificent creatures his dragons were. “I happened to be returning to a village where my dragons stood guard. I saw the humans attacking and killing them. And I released my dragons from their obligation, which allowed them to shield themselves. I didna join Ulrik, but I thought about it after watching what the mortals did to my dragons.

  “Con proved why he was King of Kings and eventually won back the Kings to his side. But Ulrik wouldna stop killing. No dragon was safe. The humans wanted us gone. They wouldna talk to us of a truce or come to some sort of agreement.”

  She turned more toward him. “I don’t understand. You’re dragons. You could’ve easily wiped them out.”

  “We made a vow the day the first human arrived to protect your kind with our verra lives. We have magic and powers. The majority of mortals doona. That vow extended to us as well. When several of the smaller dragons were hunted to extinction, we did the only thing we could. We sent the dragons away to another realm.”

  “Including Ulrik’s Silvers?” she asked.

  “All but his largest four. They remained with him, refusing to answer to Con. We managed to trap them however. They’ve been sleeping within one of the mountains on Dreagan since then.”

  She blinked, her face filled with concern. “Trapped?”

  “No’ even that stopped Ulrik. It took us banishing him from Dreagan, binding his magic so he had to walk this earth as a human for all eternity.”

  “You banished one of your own?”

  “It was either that or kill him. Con didna want to kill his best friend.”

  Rae gave a snort. “I think I’d rather die than walk around the very beings I sought to exterminate.”

  “Aye. He detests mortals. But no’ even the extremes we went to in order to protect the humans changed their minds about us. We had no choice but to hide on Dreagan, using magic to ensure no mortal would take the land while we slept. We waited hundreds of years before we began to once more venture out. By then, dragons were mere legends and myths.

  “For thousands of years we watched Ulrik as we kept ourselves secret. Recently, he has begun attacking us, and once more setting in motion another dragon and human war. Ulrik found a Druid who could touch dragon magic.”

  “Wait, what?” Rae asked with a bark of laughter. “A Druid?”

  “You didna believe me when I said there were some mortals with magic? The Druids are real and extremely powerful. This Druid was deceived by Ulrik into unbinding his magic.”

  She gawked at him. “If Ulrik’s magic has returned, what’s to stop him from releasing his Silvers?”

  “Nothing. We know he plans on doing just that, and we’re attempting to stop him. It doesna help that he has some humans, as well as Dark Fae, helping him. It was the Dark who took that video of us during the battle at Dreagan.”

  “Dark Fae?” she asked in a tight voice.

  Asher released a breath. “We vowed to protect you from everything, and there is a lot of things out in the universe. The Dark Fae were the ones causing such havoc in the cities around the UK during Halloween. They have black and silver hair with red eyes. You humans are drawn to them, but each time they have sex with you, they drain you of your soul.”

  “Are there Light Fae?”

  “Aye. They joined with us when we fought the Dark during the Fae Wars when the Dark attempted to take over this realm so every human could be a food source.”

  She turned her head away, the truth of it all troubling her. “Fae Wars?”

  “It was a long time ago, and we managed to keep the war from spreading to the mortals. With the way humans cover so much of the planet now, that willna be possible. Besides, Ulrik is already bringing you into the war without you realizing it.”

  “But Ulrik hates us.”

  Asher smiled sadly. “More than you can possibly imagine. Your race is the reason he lost his dragons, his magic, and was banished. But he blames us as well. His goal is to defeat Con and take over as King of Kings.”

  “Which will mean the end of humans.”

  “That it will.”

  She visibly swallowed. “Why did you tell me all of this?”

  “Because you were given half of the information.”

  Her face went slack as it finally dawned on her. “You know.”

  “You mean do I know that Rae and Rachel Marek are the same? Aye. You mean do I know that you’ve been following me around the WWC masking your appearance? Aye. You mean, do I know that you’re a journalist who has made a career out of exposing cover-ups, imposters, cheats, and such to the world? Aye.”

  He had to give her credit, she didn’t bolt to the door. There was fear in her deep brown eyes as she returned his stare, but she kept herself composed.

  She lifted her chin. “I was told that though the Dragon Kings tended to seduce women, they could turn on them.”

  “Did you no’ hear anything I just told you?” he asked, disgusted. “We made a fucking vow. We sacrificed our families in order to protect your species. Why would we kill you? We could’ve done that thousands of years ago and none of this would be happening now.”

  When she didn’t reply, he shoved to his feet and raked a hand through his hair. “The sad part is how you unknowingly picked a side in this war.”

  “The only side I’ve chosen is my own. The world deserves to know you’re here.”

  “What about our rights? Have you thought of that?”

  She refused to respond, which only frustrated him.

  “Did you know that Ulrik has made it his mission to go after every female a King has taken an interest in?” He didn’t wait for her to answer before continuing. “When I say he’s gone after them, I mean he’s either had the Dark kidnap them or attempted to kill them. We were lucky with the Dark. We have a Light friend who risked her life to help us.”

  “And the attempted murder?”

  He raked a hand through his hair again as he thought of the women. “There were two. Ulrik turned Lily’s brother against her. He killed her. I stood watching as Rhys held her in his arms as her life drained away.”

  “I…I don’t understand. You said attempted.”

  “For reasons we can no’ understand, Ulrik brought her back.”

  “Excuse me?” she asked in disbelief.

  He shrugged. “We each have a power. Con can heal anything. Ulrik can bring a person back from the dead.”

  “So he brought Lily back? Seems like he’s not so bad.”

  “There’s a reason he did it. We’ve no’ figured it out yet.”

  She glanced out the window and grudgingly asked, “And the second?”

  “The Druid I told you about––Darcy. He stabbed her. It was only the quick actions of Druids who saved her.”

  “It seems since I have a connection to you that I should know what this Ulrik looks like.”

  Asher smiled ruefully. “You already do. You know him as Sam MacDonald.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Rachel couldn’t have been more shocked if Asher had told her Ms. Engel was a dragon. She could only stare at him as she fought to drag air into her lungs. The room tilted and she grabbed hold of the sofa to keep herself righted. Sam was Ulrik. Sam. Was Ulrik.

  No. That couldn’t be possible.

  But it explained why he knew so much about the Dragon Kings. It explained how he’d gotten the information and drawn Asher to such detail.

  Oh God. She was going to be sick.

  Something was placed in her hand, and then Asher’s voice ordered, “Drink, Rae. Drink now.”

  She lifted the glass to her lips and took a big swallow. Then promptly coughed as the whisky burned down her throat before spreading its warmth when it hit her stomach.

  Her eyes watered from the coughing, or at least that’s what she told herself. All her life she’d made it her mission to expose the wrong kinds of people, but she’d been used and duped as she swore she’d never let
happen again.

  It felt horrible, and the anger that bubbled within her was powerful. What an utter fool she must look like in Asher’s eyes. All that time being so confident that she had been able to be both places without him knowing it was her.

  “Finish it,” he urged and pushed the glass to her mouth once more.

  This time she took a much smaller sip. She then put the back of her hand over her mouth and squeezed her eyes shut. All it had taken was Ulrik’s words and the video to convince her to look into the Dragon Kings––that is, after her initial freaked out reaction to knowing there was another species on the earth.

  Then she turned everything she had on exposing them.

  Now she learned there were Druids and Fae as well. Dark Fae who killed by sex. She coughed, gagging a little as she realized she had chosen a side, just as Asher said.

  The sofa dipped as he sat beside her. “Look at me.”

  She inhaled deeply, dropping her arm as she opened her eyes while turning her head to him. A lock of black hair had fallen over his forehead ever since he ran his hand through his hair. In his green gaze she saw concern.

  How could he care for her after what she had been about to do? Then she recalled his words. Everything she’d learned about Asher in the days following him, talking to him, and even making love to him, pointed to him being a good man.

  It had killed her to admit it before, but now that she heard his story and knew who Sam was, she was glad of it.

  “How long have you known?” she asked.

  He twisted his lips. “Today. I noticed your thumb ring as well as someone I kept seeing at the WWC with the same ring, just on a different hand.”

  She twisted the ring. “What happens now?”

  He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “That depends on you. Ulrik normally waits until a King has shown interest in a woman before he tries to either turn her against the King or kill her in some way.”

  “Now it makes sense,” she said, shaking her head wryly.

  He frowned. “What does?”

  “Sam asked me if I would fall for you. I told him that wouldn’t be a problem since I didn’t feel desire.”

  “At all?” Asher asked, his frown deepening.

  “Never. Until you.”

  The frown was replaced with a grin. But that lasted only a second before worry contorted his features. “Are you still going to write your piece?”

  “I don’t think you should be hiding. I think eventually it’s all going to come out. But I won’t be the one to tell the world.” She didn’t know when she’d come to that conclusion. Perhaps it was during his story. It might have been when he forced her to think of him and the other Dragon Kings and what they wanted.

  “Then I can help you. Have you spoken to Ulrik since you’ve been in Paris?”

  She gave a shake of her head, comforted when Asher’s hand covered hers on her leg. “He told me he was going to be at Dreagan. I’ve never not written a story, so he fully expects me to gather as much information on you as I can and then write my article to be released a week or two later.”

  “If we doona have to worry about you answering to him, that helps. However, I wouldna put it past Ulrik to have you watched.”


  “To make sure you doona fall for me.”

  She couldn’t hold his gaze. She looked at their hands atop her lap and thought of what she wanted. Without a doubt, she wanted Asher.

  That thought brought her up short.

  Did she really want him in her life? She couldn’t believe that she did. Because of her lack of passion, she had never understood relationships or wanting her space invaded by someone else. Now she got it.

  “How do I untangle myself from Sam…I mean Ulrik?”

  He squeezed her hand. “You’re going to have to trust me, lass.”

  Her gaze swung back to him. “I trusted Sam or Ulrik or whoever he is. My judgment is skewed right now.”

  “No it isna. Ulrik gave you information you needed in order to agree to write the piece and have something else besides the video exposing us.”

  “Anyone could write an article. Why did he choose me?”

  “Because your name is synonymous with the truth. Having you linked to it would make it valid and hard for us to disclaim as fake like we do the video.”

  She blew out a breath. “I hate how this makes me feel.”

  “That makes two of us.”

  She ran her thumb of his hand. “You could’ve walked away and never spoken to me again. I wouldn’t have gotten anything more from you.”

  “I could’ve, but I didna want to.”


  There was a pause before he said, “You’re special. To me.”

  Her heart missed a beat. Last night had been extraordinary for her, but she assumed it was one sided. Could he feel the same? She grinned at him and felt her stomach quiver in anticipation when he returned her smile.

  “I doona think you got much from me before tonight, did you?”

  She laughed as she shook her head. “I tried. I kept telling myself to steer the conversation that way, but for some reason I couldn’t.”


  When he leaned back and drew her against his chest, she readily went. It felt nice to be in his arms and know that he would watch over her. Not because of a vow he made to all humans, but because he had told her he would.

  “What if Ulrik is having me watched?” she asked.

  “The only way you’ll be completely safe from him is to write the article.”

  “But I don’t want to now.”

  Asher’s chest expanded as he took a breath. “He’ll no’ accept that you’ve changed your mind.”

  She recalled how he’d gotten into her hotel room in London with the door bolted. “No. That he won’t.”

  “His connections are far and deep. You wouldna ever be able to hide from him.”

  “My options are running out quickly.”

  He rested his chin atop her head. “There is a place where he wouldna be able to hurt you.”

  “Where? Dreagan?” she asked jokingly.


  She leaned back to look at him and saw the seriousness in his expression. “You’re not kidding.”

  “Nay, I’m no’.”

  A thread of exhilaration rushed through her at the thought of exploring Dreagan, seeing how Asher lived, and possibly glimpsing the Silvers. Then she imagined seeing him in his dragon form.

  Suddenly, it was the only thing she wanted.

  “I can keep you safe,” Asher offered.

  “Out of obligation from your vow when we humans first came?”

  He grasped the back of her head and kissed her savagely. She could taste and feel his hunger. Passion roared to life within her as she eagerly returned his kiss. She groaned in frustration when he ended it. Her eyes blinked as she focused on his face.

  “Did that feel like obligation?” he asked, his voice rough with desire.

  She shook her head, unable to talk.

  “I want you with me.”

  She kicked off her shoes and pulled up her dress so she could straddle his hips. “Show me.”

  His gradual smile was so sexy it made her moan. He grasped a handful of her hair and held her head in place as he kissed her slowly, seductively. Between kisses he pledged, “I’ll make you burn again.”

  The fever for him, for everything he was, consumed her as his hand cupped her sex through her panties.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The next morning, Asher met Ms. Engel in the lobby. As they got into the car, he said, “Excellent work on discovering who Rachel really is.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “I need you to keep an eye on her for me.”

  Ms. Engel gave a nod of her dark hair. “Consider it done.”

  “There could be some people after her.”

  Her head snapped to him. “That kind of trouble?”

ately. I must keep to my schedule.”

  “Yes,” she said slowly, her gaze lowering to the floorboard as her mind began to work. “There is a group that can be trusted. But they aren’t cheap.”

  He didn’t want to call in outsiders, but if another Dragon King arrived, it would alert Ulrik, and that was something he wanted to avoid. Enough innocents had already died.

  Not to mention, Dreagan didn’t need any more attention.

  “I’ve worked with them numerous times,” Ms. Engel said. “They’ll keep their mouths shut about anything they might…see.”

  She all but confirmed that she knew they were dragons. Just how, though? It was something he would have to ask Con. But that was for later. Right now, there were more pressing matters.

  “I doona have a choice.” Asher looked out the tinted window and sighed. After a moment, he turned his head to Ms. Engel. “Call them. I want to know who she talks to, who looks at her, and where she goes.”

  Immediately, she pulled out her phone and hit a single number before lifting it to her ear while she flipped the case to her tablet and opened an e-mail. Typing, she said, “I have a Code White. Yes. Right away. I’m sending the specifics as we speak.” She hit the send button on the e-mail and hung up the phone. Her gaze shifted to Asher. “It’s done. They’ll be at the hotel within fifteen minutes. If anything happens, they’ll contact me.”

  “Make sure they know that if a man with long black hair and gold eyes is seen that he is mine.”

  “Of course.”

  They arrived at the exhibition centre. Asher exited the car and made his way inside. He covertly searched for any sign that Ulrik was there. As much as he wanted to believe that Ulrik was in Scotland, Ulrik wasn’t one to leave things to fate. He would want to check on Rachel’s progress. Which meant the bastard was there.

  There was a push against his mind as he sat down for his next meeting. He recognized Con’s voice and opened the link. “Aye?”

  “Ryder told me about Rachel Marek. Is everything under control?”

  “For the moment.”

  There was a sigh loud enough to come through the mental link. “You told her.”


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