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Amy Sumida - Out of the Darkness (The Godhunter Book 11)

Page 9

by Unknown

  “Sounds about right for Faerie,” I nodded and ventured closer to the water.

  It was murky beneath the glassy surface and that surprised me a little. The ocean of the Kingdom of Water was so clear, I'd expected the Tine to be just as pure. Maybe the churning Arach had mentioned wouldn't allow for that pureness. Chaos often didn't.

  Far across the lake the sky met the water and I knew that it was completely unlike the horizon on Earth. It wouldn't move endlessly onward as you approached it. If you wanted to, you could reach the boundaries of Faerie and possibly the dark that lay beyond. You couldn't actually see the dark, the atmosphere that enclosed us made it all appear very normal, but I knew it was there, knew where the end of the realm was and that if you could pass through it, you'd wind up in the darkness that surrounded us. Arach had told me once that the Faerie Realm was in a pocket of existence and beyond it was only the dark material of that pocket. I didn't like thinking about it too much though, it kind of made my head spin.

  “It's best not to focus on the end of things,” Arach said as if he knew what I was thinking. “Much warmer water is waiting.”

  “Yeah, you're right,” I turned back with him. “I just wanted to take a look.”

  He took my hand and led me to the nearest hot spring. Steam wafted out from it and the other nearby pools, turning the surrounding area into a dream world of echoing sounds and wet heat. Moisture was gathering on my skin even before we reached the spring, relaxing my muscles and setting me into a hazy state that had me sighing as the hot water closed over me.

  Arach slid in beside me and before I could relax against the stone edge, his hands found my shoulders and started working out the tension I hadn't even realized I'd been holding there. My head fell forward as his fingers worked their magic but he eased me gently onto the mossy bank.

  “Have I told you what a wonderful queen you've become?” He whispered into my ear as his hands worked down my back. “I've watched you struggle through unfamiliar customs and against years of ingrained behavior with bravery and determination that broke through all barriers. You've worked hard at connecting with our people and learning our traditions even as you altered those that needed to be changed. You've nurtured our kingdom into unity and strength beyond the physical, fortifying us from within and making our kingdom great again. And you've may have improved me a little as well.”

  “It's been difficult at times,” I turned so I could face him. “I admit there were moments when I thought of giving up and remaining in the other realms but as much as you say I've changed this kingdom and possibly you,” I smirked at him, “it's changed me too. I think you're right, I think we have become more unified and that unity goes with me no matter if I'm in this realm or another. I feel the support of the entire kingdom wherever I go and it gives me the strength to persevere at times when things seem hopeless.”

  “I'm glad you didn't give up on me,” Arach pulled me into the center of the pool with him. “I thought you had once and the anguish of it shocked me. I didn't know it could be like this.”

  “Like what?” My eyes searched his as he lowered his face till his lips were just a breath away from mine.

  “Consuming, frightening, empowering, and so very wonderful,” he kissed me, hands running over my wet skin and pulling me closer. “Every morning I look at you and think; there she is, the woman I've needed for so long. If only she weren't so damn aggravating.”

  “What a coincidence,” I laughed and pulled back a little. “I think something very similar when I look at you.”

  “Then we are well suited,” he grinned and slid something around my neck.

  “What's this?” I held up the little stone set in silver on a silver chain. “Is this an air stone?”

  “I asked King Fionn for a couple more,” Arach slid one over his head. “I thought they might come in handy.”

  “Handy?” I chuckled. “Like making sex in water less uncomfortable?”

  “Admit it was a good idea,” he smirked and pulled me up against the hard planes of his chest.

  “Possibly,” I grinned. “Let's see what you intend to do with it.”

  Those were the magic words, unleashing a storm of passion from Arach that surprised me just a little. He pulled me back with him into the hot water and immediately, a thin coat of air encased us both. I felt the cushion between us for a moment but then I pushed a little and broke through, turning the two coatings into one.

  Slick skin sliding against each other, bodies rolling in the bubbling water, I soon lost track of which way was up or that we were even in water. With the shield of air around us, we had no contact with the water except for its lovely heat. The only moisture on us was a small amount that had been absorbed by our skin and hair. It was the oddest sensation, held by the water but not bound by it, a weightless wonderland that encapsulated us so that all we had was each other.

  His mouth was everywhere, wetter and hotter than the memory of the water. His hands skimmed and then sank past the barrier of air, creating levels of sensation from the gentle push to the true pressure of touch. He glided against me, turning in the water so that it felt like he was everywhere at once. Mouth at my breast, hands kneading my hips, then lower, my belly, my thighs. I rolled back, arching in the water as his mouth found my core, and then I felt his thighs above me.

  I slid my hands over those powerful legs and pulled him down to me. My mouth found him, sinking through the air that separated us and latching onto his hot skin with satisfaction. I felt him shudder against me and pulled him closer, deeper. Rolling through the water, mouths working deliciously on each other, we came together in a shaking, violent release that had us clinging with claw tipped hands, denying each other any possible escape from the pleasure.

  I drank him down and when the shaking faded, I licked at the wounds I left on his thighs before blowing a thin stream of fire over them to heal him as he'd taught me. I felt him doing the same to the wounds he'd left on my thighs and the heat of his flame called the passion back into my body. I sighed as he turned so we were face to face once more. He lifted us up, out of the water.

  “I think I like these stones,” I admitted.

  “I knew we could find a good use for them,” he kissed me and I felt him grow hard against me again.

  My legs slid around his waist and he lifted me so that I could take him inside. I was so wet already and with the help of the air stone, the water didn't wash it away. So his entrance was slick and leg-clenchingly pleasurable. His muscles flexed against my skin as he continued to lift me and release me back down upon himself, and I clung to his shoulders as ecstasy overtook us. The water churned around us as steam rose in a mysterious veil off the water, and when we shouted together with our release, the sound of it echoed through the thick air and became a part of the mist as Arach had become a part of me.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Ten thousand hot stones were in a metal box strapped to the roof of our carriage. We were headed for the Kingdom of Water, the phooka hooves thudding dully on the packed dirt of the Road of Neutrality. Arach and I were lost to our thoughts for most of the journey. He sat staring at the bare trees, no doubt enthralled and terrified by the sight of his home changing so drastically in such a short time. I stared at the scenery as well and thoughts of its alteration did pass through my mind but mainly I was concerned with the consciousness of the land more than the land itself. How was I going to help Faerie cope with this? She'd asked me for help and I had no idea what to do, it was as if I'd swallowed one of those hot stones and now it sat in my stomach burning a hole through me.

  “Vervain,” Arach's hand was on my arm, “we're here.”

  “Okay,” I blinked away my trepidation and let him help me from the carriage. Some of our redcaps were already bringing down the metal box filled of hot stones.

  “King Arach!” King Guirmean came out to greet us. He shook Arach's hand and then turned to me. “Queen Vervain, thank you so much for coming,” he kissed me on the cheek
and then led us inside. “Please,” he waved a hand to the red caps and the phookas who had come in after changing back into their human forms(they'd pulled the carriage in their horse forms), “you can put that right here.” He indicated a spot on the marble floor. “And then there's a meal waiting for you up those stairs,” another hand wave to indicate the stairs across the river from us.

  Guirmean's face changed then, his mouth went slack as his eyes focused on one of the phookas. I knew that look, my love magic was already tingling in response to it, so it was with great interest that I sorted through the crowd to see who had caught his interest.

  “Nora,” I called and the phooka woman gave a little start. She had been staring as well. “Have you met King Guirmean?”

  “No, my Queen,” she said with a little confused look.

  “What are you doing?” Arach frowned at me.

  “Shhh,” I admonished him. “You can come closer, Nora, King Guirmean won't bite.”

  There was a chuckle from the other phookas at that and I rolled my eyes. If phookas were anything like werewolves, biting was probably an erotic experience for them. Nora shot them all a quelling look and they cast their eyes away immediately. I was a little surprised by that. It was a show of submission, an act of respect given to a leader, and Nora looked like anything but a leader.

  She had a sweet face actually, it was a little round with a pointed chin and a small mouth. She had huge eyes, the fiery eyes shared by all phookas, and a pert nose. She looked like a doll really, standing just a little shy of my five-foot-three(and a half) height. Her hair was black, sleek, and straight, a shining curtain down her back, and she flicked it out of the way with a delicate hand before she walked forward with a determined step.

  “I'm Nora,” she held her hand out to Guirmean. “A pleasure to meet you, Water King.”

  “The pleasure is mine,” Guirmean took her hand and kissed it, shaking her confidence just a touch.

  I grinned at Arach and gave him a secret look that he failed to comprehend. Instead, his eyes went from me to Nora to Guirmean and back again in a continuous circle of confusion.

  “You're not the phooka who's been blessed with children, are you?” Guirmean hadn't let go of Nora's hand yet.

  “No, that's Neala,” Nora shot another narrow-eyed look over her shoulder when both the red caps and phookas started snickering.

  “Well color me impressed,” I interrupted their moment. “You even shut the red caps up.”

  “Well, she is our captain,” Righ, stepped forward. “I'm actually the proud father of the pups, King Guirmean,” he held a hand out to Guirmean.

  “Oh congratulations,” Guirmean finally let go of Nora so he could shake Righ's hand but his eyes kept straying back to her. “They're lovely children.”

  “They're a pack of rabid dogs,” Righ laughed, “but thank you. I love them anyway.”

  “I would think so,” Guirmean nodded. “You're a very lucky fey.”

  “I thought you hadn't met Neala yet,” Righ joked with a big grin. “No, really, I am very blessed.”

  “So you're a captain?” Guirmean went back to staring at Nora.

  “Captain of the Calvary,” she nodded briskly.

  “I've heard that horses are good swimmers,” Guirmean observed.

  Nora gave a loud burst of laughter, hands on her hips and head thrown back. She looked like a pirate queen and I had the sudden thought that someone like Nora would be perfect for Guirmean. She would shake him up a bit. When I glanced at Guirmean, he seemed to be having the same thoughts. He was completely entranced.

  “We can swim alright,” Nora finally answered. “But ask me if I want to.”

  “Do you want to?” Guirmean's voice had gone soft and the whole room heard the invitation in it. Including Nora.

  “As much as you want to be tossed into a fire,” her voice lowered to match his.

  “I think the heat might be worth the risk,” Guirmean observed and I knew we had to stop this before they started making out right in front of us.

  “So,” I cleared my throat. “You said you have a meal prepared for the phookas and red caps? Guirmean?” I tapped him on the shoulder and he flinched.

  “What? Oh yes,” Guirmean's cheeks flushed and with his blue skin, it turned him a lovely shade of lavender. “I hope you enjoy it,” he said to Nora.

  “I'm sure we will,” she smiled and it was a luscious smile full of promise. It turned her little doll mouth into a sex kitten pout. She nodded to us and turned to rejoin her pack, uh, cavalry. How did I not know we had a cavalry?

  The phookas and red caps tromped across the little bridge that spanned the river running through the center of Castle Deuraich. They went up the stairs along the opposite wall and disappeared into the hallway on the second floor but right before she left our sight, Nora gave Guirmean one more look over her shoulder. Oh yeah, she was hooked.

  “So let me show you the stones,” Arach had finally figured out what was going on and with the knowledge came a return to normalcy for him. I guess Guirmean's interest in one of our fey didn't faze him in the least but then why would it? Arach had dated Guirmean's ex-girlfriend, the fey obviously didn't have a problem with inter-elemental dating.

  “Yes, that would be fantastic,” Guirmean said, forcing his attention back to Arach.

  “They're inactive until you ask them to heat,” Arach opened one of the metal boxes and pulled out a hot stone. “So they are safe to handle but put them in a fireproof container before you activate them.”

  “How about this?” Guirmean took a marble bowl from a nearby side table and emptied it of the seashells it had contained.

  “Perfect,” Arach nodded and put the stone into the bowl. “Now you can ask for either warm, hot, or flame, and then cold to deactivate it. Warm,” he commanded and the stone began to glow and emanate a nice warmth. “Hot,” and it grew warmer, casting heat like a fire. “Flame.” Flames appeared over the stone, making Guirmean jerk back a little. “Cold,” the stone went dormant again. “I can't imagine you'll have much use for the flame setting but you never know,” Arach grinned. “The other two should warm the water for a few feet on Warm and a few hundred feet on Hot.”

  “The Kingdom of Water is indebted to you,” Guirmean said gravely.

  “Not at all,” Arach extended his hand for Guirmean to shake. “We're friends, there is no debt between friends.”

  “Then thank you,” Guirmean smiled as he shook Arach's hand.

  “Thank Vervain,” Arach waved to me. “It was her idea.”

  “Thank you,” Guirmean extended a hand but I brushed it aside and gave him a hug.

  “I hope it helps,” I said as I pulled back. “I'll extend your gratitude to Isleen and the others who helped make the stones.”

  “Please do,” he extended an arm toward the stairs on our side of the castle. “Now, the least I can do is offer you dinner.”

  “An offer we could hardly refuse,” Arach grinned.

  We went up the stairs and to the right, into the dining room that I liked to think of as a successful pirate's idea of Victorian décor. It was beautiful, with a grand table set with white linen, fine china, perfectly placed silverware, and cut crystal goblets. There was also a sparkling crystal chandelier hung above it all but everywhere you looked there were nautical themed items and a careless display of wealth. There were compasses, pieces of coral, and a captain's wheel, along with strands of pearls and handfuls of jewels just thrown about.

  I loved it though and I thought it all very appropriate for the House of Water. Treasure beneath the water would look very much like this, strewn about in the sand, waiting to be admired or even discovered. I picked up a large ruby laying in front of my place setting and turned it around in the light.

  “I'm planning to lay a grid of the stones across the ocean floor,” Guirmean said as the first course arrived. “That way they'll heat the area and all the marine life can swim near the stones if they need to.”

“That's a great idea,” I smiled my thanks to the shy selkie waiter as he laid a plate in front of me. “Do you think ten thousand will be enough?”

  “I'm sure it will,” he nodded. “There should be enough to distribute one to every house in the split cities as well.”

  The cities of Under and Water were set in the center of the sea. Under city was filled with air and accessed by tubes that led from the beach behind the castle directly to them. There were barracks stations along the way for security as well as access tubes for the fey to get into the water. There was another castle set in the center of Under city but only the lower half. The upper part of the castle was open to the water and was in the middle of Water city.

  “Good, have you made preparations for Castle Deuraich?” Arach cut a piece of a lobster-like shellfish with precise movements.

  “We've covered the windows, as recommended,” Guirmean nodded. “I had braziers installed for warmth but now we can use them to house the hot stones instead of an actual fire. It will make a lot of my people more comfortable than having open flames in their homes.”

  “I can imagine,” I saw a little water pixie staring at me around the bottom of a doorway and smiled at her. She giggled and disappeared. “Are all the pixies in the castle?”

  “They always live here,” Guirmean nodded. “You recall they have no underwater breathing ability and must use pearl talismans? That's not the most comfortable way to sleep, so their choice was either Deuraich, the Under castle, or the Under city. They chose Deuraich, though they wander a lot. I think winter might change their wandering predilections.”

  “Indeed,” Arach agreed. “King Guirmean, we have something else we'd like to ask you about.”

  “Oh?” Guirmean's eyes went wide.

  “You have a kelpie named Sean,” Arach shot me a glance. “His name came up in the investigations made by the Spirit knights. He said he was sleeping in his bathtub around the time King Liam was murdered but no one else can verify that.”


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