Legally Bound 4: Allegations of Love
Page 6
“I..I,” Marie pauses as she watches the anger on Jas’s face. She knew he would be upset, but she hadn’t expected him to get upset this fast. “I know Olivia.”
Jasper lifts to his feet and towers over Marie. He runs a hand through his hair as if to regain control. He narrows his eyes at Marie. Jas knew he had to be hearing things. How the hell could she know Olivia? Why would Olivia send him a gift for him and Marie without telling him she knows Marie?
Jasper opened the gift that sat on his dining room table. He had let it sit there for a day after seeing who it was from. He wasn’t sure he wanted to open it. It had been what…three years or more since she walked out on him.
Marie was in his life now. He didn’t need the complications of his past showing up now. Marie was still holding back, but he knew it wouldn’t be long before things came to a head. He could see Marie still loves him.
Jasper tightened his fists and decided to go for it. Pulling a blade from his boot he tore into the box. He removed the tissue paper that smelled of Olivia’s perfume and gave a small smile at the memory of his friend. The smile faded when the contents of the box came into view.
“What the hell,” Jasper whispered to no one.
Curiously he reached into the box and pulled the small velvet box out. Popping the box open his breathing stopped. Had Olivia lost her mind, Jasper’s fingers bit into the box. He couldn’t understand why she was sending him any of this. Looking into the box, he noticed the letter resting on the other items.
He opened the letter and started to read, hoping it would shed some light on what was going on in the woman’s mind. His body started to relax as he scanned the words and once again a smile came to his face.
Relax Lover,
I am not going back on my word. I have no plans to break into your life or to strap you to my bed. Although I think of you often, I only want your happiness. This is my final gift to you. I remember the look on your face when you saw this ring. I knew then the girl you were in love with was very special to you and that this ring was the one.
I sent you off as I doubled back that same day to purchase it. At the time, I didn’t know when I planned to give it to you. There was a time I thought I never would. I have put my own demons to rest and I think it is time you do the same. Please take this gift. I won’t hear any of that macho beating of your chest. Think of this ring as the gift I should have given you first.
Who am I kidding? The receipt is in the envelope if you must, you can wire me the funds. I just knew then and now that this is the one. Everything else is just my way of giving you the best of both worlds.
Remember that the evidence of our love is in our actions. Someone willing to learn to be what you desire and want is someone that has unconditional love that should be cherished. Be well my love and be you.
Love Always,
Jasper smiled at the letter thinking of returning the ring. However, as he looked down into the box, it felt like it did the day he first saw it. It felt like it belonged to his Marie.
There was a lot in Olivia’s letter that left Jasper wondering what she meant and if she was truly okay. Again he thought she was wrong about him having the best of both worlds. Jasper knew one thing. He did love Marie unconditionally and he would learn to be what she wanted and desired. No matter his own preferences.
Jasper’s jaw works as things start to click into place. Only it could not be what was running through his mind. His sweet Marie was too innocent for what would make sense right now.
“Start talking,” Jasper bites out when his thoughts start to drive him mad.
“Will you sit down at least,” Marie huffs.
“No,” Jas replies sharply.
“Fine,” Marie sighs.
Chapter 10
“It was a few months before you showed up for the wedding. I was modeling for a private showing, or, at least, I thought I was. I had been requested specifically for the job.”
“Hello beautiful,” a beautiful woman walked into the dressing room where Marie was waiting for makeup and wardrobe. Marie had been a little curious when she didn’t see any other models.
The woman sat next to her on the little sofa she had been perched on. She looked so familiar. Marie was uneasy about something, but she couldn’t put her finger on it right away. It was something in the woman’s smile… despite the uneasy feeling, her smile had made Marie push the other thoughts aside.
“You recognize me from somewhere,” the woman said with that easy smile. She looked as if she laughed a lot and enjoyed life.
“I think so,” Marie replied nervously.
“My name is Olivia,” the woman said still in a friendly tone. “I am sorry I asked you here under false pretenses. You and I have a mutual acquaintance I would like to talk to you about.”
It was at that moment that it clicked. The small smile that Marie had tried to fake fell from her face. It had been so long since those pictures appeared on her phone. How could she forget this woman’s beautiful face? It had haunted her dreams for months. This was the woman that took her Jas from her.
Marie stood abruptly. Olivia’s smile faltered and she lifted her hand to stay Marie. Marie forced her tears to remain where they were.
“Wait, I see you fully recognize me now. Please, hear me out and if you wish to leave then, I will not stop you. I am a friend. Or at least, I wish to be,” Olivia said with her smile back in place.
Marie sat gingerly on the sofa. This time, she let her eyes roam over Olivia. She noticed that Olivia was older, although she wasn’t sure how much older. Marie could only guess at the woman being older than both herself and Jas. She wondered had that been what drew Jas to her.
“It has come to my attention that someone wanted to hurt Jasper because of me. I have no idea how they found out about you and Jasper. He is so buttoned up when it comes to you. Nevertheless, you were sent some photos of Jasper and I. Am I right,” Olivia asked.
“Yes,” Marie replied through pinched lips.
Olivia tilted her head as she examined Marie. “I see why he is so fond of you. You are very beautiful,” Olivia said with sad eyes. “Jasper once told me what you made him promise. He felt guilty about our relationship and wanted me to understand why he wanted to call things off.
“When I first decided to reach out to you to find out why you broke his heart those pictures came to my attention. Once I had them in my possession I believed I understood what happened. You believed Jasper had given his heart away. Am I right again,” Olivia watched Marie closely with her brown eyes.
Marie’s lips started to tremble as she nodded her head. Olivia slowly reached for Marie’s hand. When Marie didn’t pull away, she gave her hand a gentle squeeze.
“I never had Jasper’s heart. That has always belonged to you. I was his friend, I was a source of comfort to him, and I was his teacher, nothing more,” Olivia said as she watched Marie’s face.
“I don’t understand,” Marie whispered.
“Jasper came into my life at a time when I needed someone to help me heal. I was lonely and confused about where I was in life. Jasper had filled that void without even knowing it. When my late husband, the Baron, died I didn’t know what I wanted to do. He had left me with a fresh start.
“I saw how sad Jasper was, so I thought we could help each other. I would teach him the art of true pleasure and in return, I wouldn’t have to make decisions based on my baser needs. I had money and Jasper would satisfy my other needs. Therefore, I could focus on what I needed not what I wanted.
“It made sense to me at the time. I know it was selfish of me. I knew from the beginning that Jasper was in love with someone. I just couldn’t help myself. His innocence was a thing of beauty and I wanted…no, I needed that,” Olivia said as her eyes lost focus.
Marie furrowed her brows. “What do you want with me now? You said you wanted to know why I broke his heart. You found out
about the pictures. Why not tell Jasper about them?”
Olivia nodded her head. “I could have told him, but I think you and I have both done some damage when it comes to Jasper. I’m not sure just telling him about the pictures would be enough. In time, we can reveal that truth to him,” Olivia paused and watched Marie once again.
She continues, rubbing her fingertips over her forehead. It was the first sign of her nerves that Marie noticed. Just as it came, it went. Seeming to find her resolve Olivia gave a sage nod.
“What I taught Jasper. What I did to him, what we did to him, changed him. I do regret it now, but I want to make it right. Jasper believes you are, for lack of better words, too innocent for his new tastes,” Olivia bit her lip. “I think I can give you the gift I gave to Jasper and you will be able to show him that you are exactly what he needs.”
Marie frowns as her eyes bounce over Olivia’s face. She was starting to think this woman was crazy. What could she teach her that would make Jasper want her again? He had so much hate and hurt in his voice during that call that now seemed so long ago. Marie started to bite her own lip as she considered what all this woman was saying to her.
“What exactly is this gift,” Marie asked cautiously.
Olivia could see in Marie’s eyes now what she saw in the photo from the magazine Jasper had been staring at the last time she saw him. She knew she was right about her. When the time was right, she knew Jasper would see it too.
“I will you teach to be what Jasper wants. I will show you how to please him as he brings you pleasure your mind won’t even comprehend. I will teach you how to be the perfect submissive.”
“Oh shit,” Marie’s eyes widened and her mouth fell open. Olivia just laughed and smiled back at her. Marie would be fun to teach and she would make Jasper the perfect pet.
Chapter 11
“You know what’s really going on with my sister, don’t you,” Marcus asks giving Rita the side eye while changing Hannah’s diaper on their bed.
“I plead the fifth,” Rita chuckles while lying on her side watching him with the baby.
“No, that is not going to work. What is going on with Marie? We can all see how much Jas cares about her and how hard he is trying to be patient. What gives,” Marcus presses his lips.
Rita flops onto her back and tosses an arm over her face. Marcus scoops Hannah into his arms and places her on his bare shoulder. Kissing the top of Hannah’s head, he starts to rock her to sleep. She whimpers a little before settling in.
“What happened to minding our own business? You were all for that when it came to Nate,” Rita groans.
“This is my little sister. I just want to make sure she is not running off trying to get back with that asshole,” Marcus grumbles. Hannah flinches and Marcus sighs rubbing her back. “Sorry princess. Daddy is going to be just as protective of you.”
“You’re not being protective you are being nosey,” Rita scoffs. “Baby, I told you, my father, your dad, and Uncle Earl have it all under control.”
“Meaning you know more than you are letting on,” Marcus lifts a brow.
Rita removes her arm and sits up looking at Marcus pointedly. “Meaning I’m not telling you a freaking thing. I was mortified when Camille repeated something I know came from you. You guys gossip more than us women do,” Rita frowns at Marcus as she points a finger at him.
Marcus throws his head back and laughs startling Hannah back awake. A little smile forms on Hannah’s lips as if she is in on the joke. Her little eyes open and blink then becomes droopy, slowly sliding close again.
“What, what did I say,” Marcus bites back a smile.
Rita nudges his leg with her knee as she turns on her side again. “Really, you told someone what I told you about Marie being a virgin and being afraid of sleeping with Jas. The whole innocent thing and Marie being intimidated, how could you Marcus?” Rita narrowed her eyes at him.
“Shit,” Marcus murmurs. “I may have mentioned that to the guys. I didn’t know they would go back and tell their wives. You should be pissed at Bobby and Paige. Camille is Paige’s friend.”
“Really,” Rita bursts out laughing, but covers her mouth before she can wake Hannah. “I told you, my husband. So I am pissed at you.”
“Hold that thought,” Marcus says as he scoots out of the bed and heads for the nursery to put Hannah in her crib.
Rita shakes her head with a smile on her face as she looks up at the ceiling in a daze. She hoped her father and Uncle really knew what they were doing. It was a shock to them all when they figured out where Marie had been sneaking off to.
Rita had already known what Jas had gotten into while in Greece. They were pretty close and when she had run off to Greece, she and Jas had shared a lot of secrets. Jas had taught Marie well when it came to getting around her detail and sneaking off. She was getting away with more now that she knew about Rita. Not to mention, Rita now had her own family.
Rita yelps when she feels Marcus climb on the bed and nip at her feet. She looks down at him with a smile on her face. She would never stay mad at him for long. It wasn’t the first time one of their husbands shared something they shouldn’t have. She was sure it wouldn’t be the last. Their family was just too close for secrets to lie sleeping for too long.
However, Rita was not giving up Jas and Marie’s little secret so easily. She would let Marcus try to work it out of her. That she would enjoy.
A moan escapes her lips as he works his way to her center with his lips. Each kiss feels like sparks of fire moving up her legs. When Marcus grows closer to her heat, his tongue starts to dart out adding to the pleasurable torture.
“Marcus,” Rita moans out.
“Yes beautiful,” he croons against her folds then flicks his tongue out as he pushes up her silk gown.
“I’m not telling you anything,” she whimpers as he sucks her swollen lips into his mouth, pushing her thighs further apart.
“Mmmm,” Marcus hums into her core as he starts to slurp at her juices. He loves the taste of his wife. With each inhale of her scent he grows more impatient to have her completely, but he isn’t moving until he has his fill.
“Oh yes,” Rita cries out clenching at the sheets with one hand and fisting his hair with the other. Her hips start to lift as she rides his face and Marcus curls his arms under and over her thighs, pinning her to the bed and making her vulnerable to his assault.
Marcus knows her body so well and can feel the moment he has her right where he wants her. He traps her clit between his lips and sucks it before flicking his tongue across it and sucking it again.
Rita tightens her hold on his hair. She knows exactly what he is doing. She smiles to herself. One of these days her husband will realize who he is married to.
Faster than Marcus can take his next breath Rita flips him on his back with her own body, her pussy straddling his face. While rocking her hips against his mouth, she leans back reaching for his rock hard erection.
Pam is always giving all the girls tips on spicing things up in the bedroom, especially when it comes to giving blowjobs. Rita had a few tricks of her own. Marcus had just started something he may not be able to finish, at least not the way he had intended.
Marcus growls into her pussy as he feels his wife’s lips wrap around him. As she starts to suck and slide up and down on his stiff rod his body shivers and bucks off the bed. In a short moment of clarity his brows furrow. How the fuck is she sucking me in this position?
Marcus removes his face from between her legs to peek around her thigh. Sure enough Rita’s body is contoured so that her center bows up while her head is tucked down facing his cock while she sucks him in deep. Her hands are planted on his sides as she uses her arms to pump her upper body up and down. Just the sight of her bent like a pretzel eagerly sucking him off sends tingles up his spine.
All thoughts of what he was trying to get his wife to tell him go out the window. Grasping her thighs tightly to help support her in her valiant effort, he
dives back into drink in her sweet nectar. To take some of the strain off her muscles, Marcus starts to thrust up into her mouth.
“Oh God, Rita,” Marcus growls into her core. Rita hums around him as her arms and stomach start to quiver. “I feel you about to cum. I’m right with you, Baby. Come on, give it to me.”
Marcus lifts his hips one last time as he erupts into her mouth. Rita swallows around her own whimpers. Once Marcus sags back onto the bed, he takes the last bit of energy he has to lift Rita upright and cradle her in his arm.
“I love you,” he murmurs into her hair before they both pass out from their earth shattering orgasms.
Chapter 12
Jas stood with his mouth hanging open. He couldn’t believe his ears. He didn’t know how he felt at that moment. He was stunned. Jas had no doubt that Olivia had indeed gone to contact Marie. It was totally something she would do.
He wanted to be pissed at Olivia. She had no right to get involved and expose his private life to Marie, but he knew she did it out of love. A love he was not able to return the way she wanted.
He was also confused on why Marie was telling him this now. He just couldn’t see his Marie agreeing to go along with training to be a submissive. People assumed that the life of a Dom and his Sub is something so simple. They assume that a Dom just ties his Sub up and beats on her or forces kinky sex on her.
This is so far from the truth. Being a submissive or a Dom requires so much discipline, attention to detail, restraint, trust, and understanding. Sure you have novice that just saw a movie and think they are diving into the BDSM world with a few whips and chains.
What Olivia offered him was the art of being a Dominant. She taught Jasper the mastery of caring for a sub and unlocking all her pleasure for his own enjoyment as well as the unlimited enjoyment of his sub. Just any sub would not do for him because they had to be willing and ready to follow him to the edge of darkness to free fall into ecstasy.
They had to be willing to let him care for them, to protect them, to always do what is right for them no matter what. Not everyone can give up that type of control. He craved it after the losses in his life. It started with the loss of his aunt, then the loss of control over his life when he was sent to Greece, followed by thinking he had lost Marie forever, and then Olivia bailing out on him.