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Forbidden Love: A BBW, BWWM Paranormal Romance

Page 5

by Mary T Williams

  “And what if that doesn’t work?” another of the elders asked. “Who do you plan to take?”

  “If that doesn’t work, if they can’t produce my daughter unharmed, we’ll attack. We need to plan that out tonight so we can go first thing in the morning,” Cammie told them. Several nodded their agreement. Like the werewolves, werebears protected their own, with violence if necessary.

  “Who will you take?” the elder asked again.

  “The warriors.”

  “We haven’t had a battle in so long, I can’t even remember who the warriors are,” the hairy man said among laughs. One of the older members slapped his back.

  “It has been peaceful since the werebears and werewolves claimed their own territories and stayed in them,” the elderly man sagely commented.

  “Yes it has been, and I’d like to keep it that way,” Cammie affirmed, nodding her head. “How do we make our approach, Freddy?”

  Freddy, the oldest member of the group, had been their strategist for decades. His body was incapable of fighting anymore, but his mind was still brilliant. All eyes turned to him.

  “I suggest the warriors surround the camp at strategic points. Riley and Susan will have to point those out,” he added, looking at the two, who nodded their acquiescence. “Cammie and Riley should enter the camp with only two werebears so as not to seem threatening. We don’t want them on the defensive right away.”

  “Perfect plan,” Cammie praised. She turned to Riley and said, “Riley, can you draw a plan of the camp so we can place every one tonight and show it to them first thing in the morning?”

  Riley stepped forward with a stick and drew a sketch of the camp into the dirt. It was rough, but the general idea was there. “I couldn’t see the entire camp. I was more intent on the smell of Alice and searching for her, but I have a pretty good idea.”

  Susan interrupted, “Between the two of us, we should be able to get it pretty close.”

  Riley looked at her and nodded. Of them all, Susan was the most observant, although most of the time she didn’t care enough to pay attention to her surroundings.

  He pointed out the main entrance of the camp, the cooking area, and the amphitheater. He drew an additional set of squares in rows and explained these were the tents. He marked X’s around the perimeter of the camp and told them he’d assign everyone their spots in the morning.

  After the plan was complete, every one said their good nights and went to their tents. Cammie, Riley, and Susan waited for them all to depart so they could have a private family discussion.

  “Tell me the truth. How much blood was there?” Cammie questioned her children. She’d held her panic at bay while the others were near, but now it was threatening to rear its ugly head.

  Riley and Susan exchanged looks, debating on whether to tell the truth. Cammie saw the movement. She lifted an eyebrow at them in the mom look that frightens children even after they’re adults.

  “Ok, ok,” Riley conceded. “There was a lot of blood. It had pooled near a fallen tree and soaked into the ground.”

  “How big was the pool of blood?”

  Susan held her hands out, fingers curled in to create a circle about six inches around. Cammie stared at her hands for so long that Riley finally reached over and pushed Susan’s hands down.

  “Mom, she has to be alive. I could smell her.” He put his arm around his mother to comfort her, though he knew it wouldn’t be much comfort.

  “I could smell her too, Mom. You know once we die, our smells change, and I smelled the Alice I smell every day,” Susan emphasized.

  Cammie nodded and swiped at her eyes. Tears had fallen, but now it was time for sleep. “Thank you, my loves. Tomorrow we save our girl. Let’s get some sleep or we won’t be much use.”

  She turned toward her tent and walked away. Riley nudged Susan, indicating that she should go with her. She nodded and ran after her, chattering in her ear about who knows what.

  Riley looked at the sketch he’d made and adjusted a few positions as different scenarios crossed his brain. Like his mother, he knew he wouldn’t sleep much, but he walked to his tent anyway. He’d try. But first, also like his mother, he’d pray to the gods of their clan for the safe return of his sister.


  Alice and Alex lay content in each other’s arms. Alice shifted, and Alex looked down at her with concern.

  “Did we hurt your leg?” he asked, putting his hand over the area gently.

  “No, no. I heal very quickly. In a few days it will be nothing but a scar.”

  “Same here,” Alex replied. “That’s just one more thing werewolves and werebears have in common.”

  Alice smiled at him. For a brief moment, she thought of regret, but it disappeared quickly. She had wanted this, wanted it again, wanted it forever.

  She reached up to caress his cheek. “I’m glad I decided to ignore my responsible brain.”

  Alex touched her breast and replied, “Me too.” He put his mouth on her and suckled until she writhed beneath him. He looked up and asked, “Again?”

  Alice laughed loudly. “Yes, please!”


  Bud and Mike had asked two of their pals to join them in the collection of the pelts. They’d also created a sketch like Riley’s trying to find spots where they could put on their gilley suits and hide in the brush.

  “Bud, won’t they catch our scents. We’re four big men,” one of the newcomers asked.

  Mike answered, “They’ll be too busy worrying about each other to bother smelling for any other scents.”

  “I’ve bought some deer urine to spray around. That will confuse them and hopefully hide our scents some,” Bud explained. The three of them nodded their heads.

  Bud gestured to the sketch he’d created and said, “This is the main entrance, but back here we can sneak in behind the tents and ambush them.”

  “I kinda thought a couple of us would be in the trees nearby for a higher ground perspective. We can take some of them out sniper style,” Mike commented gleefully.

  “That’s not a bad idea, Mike,” Bud answered, smiling. “You’re a good shot, so you can be up in the tree. But only you. I’ll need the others on the ground with me.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Mike said. The other two were suspiciously silent. “What do you guys think?”

  “I’m thinking the plan is good,” said the one who’d already spoken once.

  The other, a calculating man who kept his opinions to himself for the most part, commented, “I’m just wondering how safe we’ll be on the ground. And what our percentage of the take is.”

  Bud stared at him for a moment before replying, debating with himself about the man. Mike had brought him in, and he’d brought the other guy. Bud didn’t know either of them, didn’t trust them, and didn’t want to get screwed over.

  “There are four of us, so we’ll do twenty-five percent each,” Bud commented with no intention of giving them that much. Mike maybe, but not the other two. He’d be selling the pelts to his guy, so they’d never know the true amount.

  The big guy, Jason, nodded his head in agreement.

  “All right, let’s finish the plan and get ready to go. I want to be there before the werebears arrive.”

  Chapter 5

  Alice woke up alone, stretching her arms high above her, completely satiated and happy. She raised up to look around for Alex, but he was not in the tent. She lay back down, and the doubt poured into her brain like rain during a deluge.

  What have I done? she questioned herself. Not only had she had sex with a man she’d just met, she had also fallen in love with him. How is that even possible? her mind screeched. But she knew the answer wasn’t simple. The answer was complicated and filled with possibilities and fears and triumphs and doubts. In her heart, she wanted to discover all those things with Alex.

  What about my family? HIS family? She looked up at the ceiling of the tent, noticing a small rip where the sun shimmied through. Well, what ab
out them? She’d never followed the rules, had always gone her own way. Yes, her way always led her back to her clan, but she’d always known one day she’d leave it, either when she married or was just ready to find adventures on her own. The alone time she sought had grown more frequent of late, as if she’d been looking for something.

  I think I’ve found it, she mused. And he’s a damn werewolf! She giggled at the absolute hilarity of the situation. She pictured her mother’s face when she told her. She’d be shocked at first, of course, but her mother had always let her make her own decisions. This wouldn’t be any different. Riley, though, would be the one to convince. As the future leader of the clan, he could toss her out for this breach of clan protocol. Loving a werewolf, the mortal enemy of the clan? He’d never forgive her.

  Alice’s thoughts continued down this path, and she was so lost on the path of her thoughts that she did not hear Alex open the tent flat. Nor did she notice him until he spoke.

  “Come back to the world, Alice,” he murmured gently, sitting next to her and touching her cheeks.

  Alice realized that she hadn’t even jumped when he’d spoken. Already she was accustomed to his presence. She smiled at him and sat up, drawing the sheets with her for modesty’s sake. “Good morning, Alex.”

  He stared at her for a moment, then grinned like a child looking at a beloved pet. “My God, Alice. You’re even more beautiful in the morning.”

  Her eyes widened at the unexpected compliment, and she reached up to pat her hair. “Come on, Alex, no need to tell little lies. I know I’m a complete mess in the mornings.”


  She shook her head at him and giggled. He reached up and tugged on the sheet, eyebrows wiggling at her. She laughed again and pulled it back up, shaking her head at him.

  Alex grinned and leaned in close, kissing her. He moved down her throat, kissing her until she positively purred. “You see, Alice. You don’t mind a little loving in the morning, do you?”

  Alice rolled her eyes and chuckled. She pulled his face away from her throat and kissed him heartily on the lips. After a lengthy kiss that almost changed her mind, she told him, “Alex, I’ve got to get back soon. My family is probably worried to death.”

  Alex sat up quickly. “Oh wow, you’re right. I hadn’t even thought of that.” He looked away from her, a frown on his face.

  “I’d like to come back, though, to see you,” she murmured quietly, touching his cheek gently and pulling him to face her. “I really like you.”

  Alex’s smile brightened his eyes. He kissed her hard and replied, “I’m so glad to hear you say that, Alice. I kinda didn’t want you to leave.”

  “I wish I didn’t have to,” she replied. “But don’t worry. I’m not running away from you, and you better not try and run from me!”

  “Oh really? What are you going to do, gimpy?” Alex teased. She scoffed and tapped his shoulder. He rose and extended his hand to her. “Come on. I can smell breakfast. I’m starving after all the exercise we got last night.”

  Alice giggle and shook her head at him. “I’m still naked! I mean, we’re pretty easy going in my clan, but I don’t know any of these people!”

  He laughed loudly. “I’ll run and get you something to put on.” He left shaking his head at himself.

  She watched him leave, staring at that ass encased in jeans, and sighed longingly. She really had wanted to stay and make love with him again. But she had to get going. Her mother was probably terrified.


  Cammie was beside herself with worry. Luckily, Susan had chattered about nothing for awhile after they’d entered her tent, and she’d insisted on sleeping with her mother. Cammie had been comforted by her youngest being near her throughout the night, but she hadn’t slept. Before dawn, she’d been up and moving, making a hearty breakfast for the warriors who would help her find her daughter.

  Horrible thoughts crossed her mind as she cooked, something so easy for her she didn’t have to think about it. She’d heard the stories of cruelty in the werewolf camps, although she didn’t actually believe them. In her lifetime, she’d met her share of werewolves, and just like werebears, werecats, and humans, some were evil and did evil things, while others were good and encouraged good in others.

  But her daughter was with this werewolf pack, and hard feelings surfaced again and again each time the groups met. For decades, her clan had hated that particular pack. She’d asked her father, who couldn’t remember the reason for the feud. She’d asked her husband, the clan leader whose place she’d taken, but he couldn’t remember either. He’d told her the cause probably died with the generation before her grandfather’s.

  If she’s been injured by them in any way, I’ll have them all slaughtered. But, if they’ve helped her, cared for her while she was wounded, maybe this could be the opening that closes the gap between the clan and the pack.

  She put thought to that idea. A truce would make everyone’s life so much easier, after all. The territories were already marked and legally owned by members of the clan. She assumed the pack also legally owned their territory. So the dispute wasn’t over land, or not anymore. Werebears didn’t cross onto pack land, and werewolves also followed the boundaries set long ago.

  But what if? she mused. What if we could end this and become allies, if not outright companions. It made sense. Join forces, protect their own as well as each other from poachers, from werecats, from the ogres that occasionally came down the mountains.

  Cammie pushed those thoughts out of her mind. None of that mattered if her Alice had been hurt by a single member of that pack.

  But still, a truce would be nice.


  Alex returned quickly with a striped maxi-dress for Alice. He handed it to her and stood there, waiting for her to get up. She stared at him.

  “A little privacy, please.”

  “We made love more than once last night. I know your body, in,” he wiggled his eyebrows at her, “and out. Why the shyness now?”

  She shrugged and dropped the sheet. When she tried to stand, her injured leg gave a little. She gasped in pain, and he immediately grabbed her arms and held her.

  “See why I had to watch. How does it feel?” Alex asked her, brushing his hand across her cheek.

  “It’s sore, but I thought it would be a lot worse.” Alice looked down at her bandaged thigh, thankful once again that Alex had found her.

  He hadn’t released her yet, so she looked up at him. He stared at her. The hand that had been stroking her cheek slowly slid down her body to cup her bare breast. He leaned in for a kiss, kneading her large breast. She lifted her face to accept the kiss, and moaned when he leaned in to her and she felt his hard cock against her thigh.

  Alice pulled away, shaking a finger at him admonishingly. “And that’s why I didn’t want you watching me dress.”

  Alex growled playfully at her and stepped away. “I can’t help it. I want that sexy body again. I may be addicted.”

  Alice laughed as she slipped the maxi dress over her head. It fit snugly over her curvaceous body. “You’re a naughty one, that’s for sure.”

  “Damn, girl! You look good in that dress!” Alex wolf whistled at her, causing her giggle to erupt again. “You keep this, and I’ll replace it for the owner later.”

  “I couldn’t do that. I’ll clean it and return it as soon as I can. But don’t worry, sexy ass, I’ll buy one to wear just for you.” She ran her hand down his chest, a seductive look in her eyes.

  “All right, dammit, stop it or I’ll rip the damn dress off you,” he joked. “It’s already killing me to know that you’ll be sitting across from me at breakfast with nothing on underneath it.”

  “Across from you? We aren’t eating in here?” The prospect of eating surrounded by the werewolf pack worried her.

  “Of course not. I want you to meet some of my cousins and friends,” Alex told her. When he saw her bite her lip in nervousness as she glanced at the tent flap,
he said, “Don’t worry. They’re decent people. Not all of them are like my dad.”

  She looked at him and nodded, still worried. He tilted her head up and gently kissed her lips.

  “Stop worrying. They’ll treat you like they’d treat any other woman I brought here.”

  Alice lifted an eyebrow. “Exactly how many women?” She narrowed her eyes playfully at him and asked, “Are you a slut?”

  “Only for you, now, sweetheart.”

  She wrinkled her nose at him and tapped his nose with her finger. “You charmer.”

  He took her hand and pulled her out of the tent into the bright morning sun. Alice blinked her eyes to clear her vision as Alex led her to the tables. He motioned her to take a seat with his father and mother while he grabbed their plates. She looked at Shara first, then at John. Shara smiled at her knowingly, while John refused to make eye contact.

  “How does your leg feel this morning?” Shara asked politely.

  “It’s sore but not as bad as I expected,” she answered, smiling at her nurse. “Thank you again for taking care of it last night. I wouldn’t have made it home in that condition.”

  “Thanks aren’t necessary, Alice. Despite what you’ve heard, werewolves don’t torture other species for fun,” Share said jokingly.

  Alice smiled at her. “Yes, I’ve heard those rumors. But I’m sure you’ve heard the same about our clan.”

  “Of course! If any of those rumors were true, the pack and the clan would have died out ages ago,” Share claimed, chuckling. John glared at her, unhappy with her discussion. She looked at him, waiting for a comment, but he made none. “We’ll get you back to your clan as soon as you’ve finished eating.”

  Alice opened her mouth to reply, but John beat her to it. “We’ll drop her ass off on the road close by. And good riddance.”

  Shara kicked him under the table, but Alex responded. “Dad, I will take her as far as she’d like me to take her. She’s injured and can’t shift right now, or walk too far.”

  John stared at his son. “You will not take her back. I’ve already asked one of your cousins to do so.”


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