A Distant Heart: A Contemporary Western

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A Distant Heart: A Contemporary Western Page 13

by Steedly, Arabella

  “I hope you know. I’m not a hooker.” She looked at him and grinned. Then she squinted her eyes and continued, “and I’m not here to find a husband or a boyfriend, either. I’m here to become a Navy SEAL.” She turned toward the barracks. “May I be excused, sir?”

  “I’m serious as hell, Connors. You let me know if there’re problems. Better to nip it in the bud before it blooms into something out of my control. You may be excused.”


  As James’ footfalls diminished behind her, Sarah could not help but feel a small thrill settle down low. It was obvious he was trying to protect her as Junior would have. She wished she had a window into James’ mind so she could see what his predictions were for her future. Whether or not she would succeed, and if not, why not. That spot inside that moments before had been cold was warming knowing he appreciated her in a way she desired.

  After pulling open the barracks door, Sarah knew something was amiss. Before she got to her tiny private room, she was met by Jackson. His eyes were wide when he asked, “Did you hear the news?”

  “What news?” He had stepped in front, blocking her from proceeding further inside.

  “They’re putting you in with the rest of us. Your belongings have already been transferred.”

  “Hmmm, I wonder who moved my stuff?” she asked, with her hand on her hip.

  “You’re right next door to the trainer’s room,” Jackson informed her. She already figured out that Simms and James took turns staying overnight in the barracks. She wondered if they lived off base the rest of the time, but she dared not ask James. At least not yet.

  As soon as Jackson moved aside, and she made her way toward her rack the ruckus started when one of the men hollered, “What the fuck? I never agreed to rack with a female.” Others agreed either verbally, or by nodding their heads or pumping their fists.

  Over the mayhem, she heard Simms’ deep voice. “Consider it a part of the training. If you don’t like it, you can check out right now. I’ll have your papers processed within the hour. Most of you are going to fail anyway.” Simms stalked toward the middle aisle, between the racks, and held up his clipboard. “So who’s staying and who’s going?” She was not surprised none of the men came forward or acknowledged they intended to leave.

  Seeing all the leers and hearing the groans, Sarah said, “I’m not leaving so you may as well get used to me.”

  She jumped a bit when she heard James chime in. She though he was elsewhere. “Just as a reminder you as gentlemen should be respectful of a lady in your presence.”

  This time Sarah recognized Barnes voice when he said,” Hell. I’ll change in from of her. I ain’t got nothing to hide. But don’t be shocked if she tries to jump my meat after she sees it swinging low between my thighs!” A swell of laughter rose up like a wave, even she thought about it but figured she better not agitate the situation. She wanted to tell him no matter what he had down there she wouldn’t be interested. But she had to admit; she wouldn’t mind seeing James stripped naked in front of her. She sat down and rubbed her fuzzy head, tamping down her emotions and reigned in her desire. Opening the door of the metal cabinet that sat next to her rack, she dug out fresh panties and sport’s bra. Grabbing a towel off the shelf, she made her way to the showers.


  Sarah’s pulse was swishing in her temples as she peeled off her olive drab T-shirt and unzipping her camo fatigue pants, dropping them both in a heap beside her. She kept her eyes to herself but did not expect the men to do the same. As she skinned out of her bra and briefs, she was careful not to bend over in a way that would make her business their business. Coming from the corner of the showers, someone whistled, and said, “Not too bad there Connors!” She wondered what they might think or do if they knew she was a virgin. Once again she chanted to herself, “Show no weakness…Show no weakness.” She figured by the time training was over that chant would become her mantra.

  The shower gel smelled like Dial soap, even though it was clear. Within a few moments the room was filled with steam, so she imagined she was in a protective cloud floating above just like her father had taught her. “Use visualization Sarah, visualize your success.”

  She twisted the nozzle and grabbed her towel. Warping it around her, she picked up her clothes and headed back toward her rack and others were doing the same. She could not help but notice a few seemed quite excited as they had snuck peeps at her, so she was mindful not to push their limits of control. The last thing any of them needed was for one of them to try and force themselves on her. For a fleeting moment, she wondered if she would make it through. She knew she would never quit, but something out of her control might happen. Right then, she understood with clarity what James had meant when he had warned her earlier and encouraged her to tell him if she ran into inappropriate circumstances.

  After checking the corner of the towel to ensure it was secure, she slid up her panties. At the same time, she felt a presence behind her, not close enough for alarm, just a presence. When she turned around, from across the room, James had been watching. By that time, the majority of the men had finished showering and were parading with stupid grins in front of her, uncovered of course. Sarah did her best to ignore the array of penises on display, some of which were more erect than others. “Do you men walk in front of your sisters naked?” James shouted.

  “My sister isn’t here, sir. She knows better than to try to do a man’s job!” Someone hollered back.

  James’ moved forward and turned toward the mouthy one saying, “You just earned the unit an extra mile and a half tomorrow, congratulations! Anyone else want to be a wise ass?”

  “Thanks a lot, knucklehead. Next time cover-up,” another yelled out.

  Before ‘lights out’ Sarah laid on her rack and almost fell into dreamland where everything was right in the world. Except for one nagging problem that kept her awake. All the men had finally covered up when James stepped in, with one exception. Sarah had a feeling her nemesis had been identified and wondered what his next move would be.


  Simms had walked outside to call his wife, and after the mayhem had calmed, James was confident the recruits were too tired to start another scene. So he flopped down on his rack and punched his pillow to fluff it up. The events of the day were turning in is mind, and he was not the least bit sleepy. His fears and frustrations about the female recruit—Sarah—had culminated into a dangerous show of emotion even before the first full day of training was over. He had advised Cmdr. Jones that assigning a female recruit in the same dorm with the men was a receipt for trouble, but was reminded, “No favoritism will be tolerated.”

  He sat up, switched on his lamp and opened his nightstand drawer, pulling out the nail clippers. While he trimmed his nails, his mind replayed the turn of events from an hour before. He was surprised how quickly his temper flared when the men paraded in front of Sarah with their junk up for her to see. In retrospect, he had felt a twinge of jealousy as well. Why would he be jealous of a bunch of green recruits displaying their dicks in front of a woman who seemed unintimidated and unimpressed? He figured, in the long run, Sarah handled the situation better than he had. At least it seemed that way.

  After scooping off the clippings, he stood up and headed toward the waste can next to the door to throw them out. Before turning back, he was struck by a thought. He wished he could sleep out beside Sarah. With that notion in mind, he opened the door and was surprised by Simms coming back in. Simms look up as he brushed by, and said, “Thought you hit the hay already?”

  “Couldn’t sleep. I think I’ll get some fresh air to clear my mind.” As soon as Simms closed the door, James crept into the dorm. All lights were out, as they should be. Sarah lay in her rack covered by a thin sheet. A finger of moonlight beamed through the jealousies and fell across her, like a protective lover. He could not help but notice the form of her perfectly proportioned legs, strong and able; her feminine hips, ample, and buff.

  He moseyed
back toward his rack and latched the door behind him. Simms was settled in and beginning to snore. After he had laid down, he gazed up at the ceiling fan and listened to its hushed rhythm—a soft clicking. James felt a stirring down below. For a few moments, he fantasized about Sarah, like he had as a horny teenager and wondered what temptations lie ahead.


  Sarah jolted awake at the sound of reveille and, moments later, by Simms when he hollered, “Today we will be doing a four-mile run—in your boots. Lace ‘em up and get outside now! Oh, correction, thanks to recruit Thomas’ big mouth last night, make that a five and a half mile run.”

  Sarah was pleased when the groans and moans were directed at Thomas instead of her and was surprised when Thomas barked back, “What do you expect when a female racks with men?”

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw James turn around and glare at him, but it was Simms who spoke up saying, “I told you last night. If you don’t like it—leave. One more incident and I’ll boot you out. Do you understand, Thomas? Perhaps a quick obstacle course run will help get this through your thick skull.”

  Moments later, their trek began much has it had the day before, but this time for more than twice the distance. The column trudged along without incident as the hot southern California sun beat down on them. There was not a dry stitch anywhere on her by the time they finished the normal run and started the extended mile and a half. It was not until they finished that simmering tempers began to boil over. It started at the water cooler when William’s walked over to Thomas, got in his face and said, “Look, man, you need to learn to shut the fuck up. I don’t want to be punished for your shit!”

  Thomas pointed to Sarah. “I’m not to blame. It’s that bitch over there.”

  Coming from behind, she heard another recruit say, “If you’d been more respectable and covered your dick when told…but no, you had to run your stupid, fucking pie-hole, didn’t ya?”

  “A lot of you did the same thing. Why am I the one to get singled out?”

  Jackson poked his finger in Thomas’ chest. “Because you’re the only fucking idiot that can’t follow orders!”

  “Don’t you dare put your hands on me again!” Thomas shoved back.

  Sarah backed away, shocked that Simms and James were allowing the confrontation to continue as long as it had, and Jackson and Thomas were still staring at one another.

  “So you’re okay with her being here?” Thomas asked, throwing up his hands. “I can’t believe it. You should be picking on her instead of me.”

  “You fool, she didn’t cause us to have to run extra and let’s not forget about the obstacle course!” Jackson jabbed his finger at him without touching his skin. Thomas spat on the ground. For a moment, Sarah was afraid he was going to charge at William’s again, but he dropped it instead. She felt sure another situation would arise since Thomas didn’t seem to have a filter on his mouth. One of the first rules her father had taught her was to, ‘Choose your words wisely.’

  James threw his water cup into the trash, and said, “Let’s go. We will enter the obstacle course over there.” He pointed at station number five; there were twenty in all. She fell back and entered the line toward the end, hoping to avoid the limelight. They started with the inclined wall where she shinnied over and moved on to the confidence climb. By the time she approached the hurdles, she could see a few of the guys bunching up exchanging a few words here and there. It didn’t take a creative imagination to guess the gist of their conversation. At that point, she felt a bit bad for Thomas, but she figured he knew not to dish out more than he could take. After all, it was a common sense rule that he should have learned long before.


  After dinner, in the cool of the evening, the recruits were given time to make a phone call or write a letter if they had the energy. Some meandered to the BX, but most lay in their bunks and relaxed, doctoring their blistered feet and sunburned heads as was Sarah. James and Simms were sitting on the porch of the barracks keeping an eye on things when James asked, “How much further are we going to let the situation with Thomas go?”

  Simms rocked his chair back on two legs, and said, “The men seem to be handling him in their own way. Why not let them do the disciplining. You know, let nature take its course. Its simple man, all we have to do is stay on top of his mouth. Otherwise, he’ll think it’s acceptable.”

  When James walked inside, he was pleased to see Sarah seated on the couch in the rec room. Several of the men had pulled up their chairs, and from their expressions, he could tell they were engaged in casual conversation. James walked toward them and leaned against the doorframe, listening. He heard Williams ask, “So tell me, who trained you? It’s obvious you’re well prepared. I mean, we all worked out, but—“

  James listened while Sarah told her story. Jackson and Williams were shocked to learn her father, General Connors, was her coach and how well she had followed his advice. They seemed excited to learn the inside scoop and were surprised she had started swimming long distances at age ten. Reassured that Sarah was bonding with some of the men, he turned and headed back to his bunk.

  While unlacing his boots, James heard voices and rushing feet—the telltale sound of a scuffle. Hurrying to the hall, he turned the corner just in time to see Jackson helping Sarah up off the floor. “What’s going on here?” he shouted.

  Jackson shook his head and pointed to Thomas. “He’s at it again.”

  Thomas turned, with a smirk on his face, and said, “She was in my way.”

  “No. You did it on purpose. You could have gone around. The hall here is wide enough for two to pass.” Jackson made a sweeping gesture with his arm pointing out the size of the space, and continued, “I saw the whole thing. You did it on purpose, Thomas.”

  “You want to make something out of it? Thomas puffed out his chest. “You’re only protecting her because you want to see her naked again, don’t you?”

  “Dude. I don’t need a cheap thrill. I can go to town for that.”

  “I won’t leave her alone until the stupid bitch gets the message—Navy SEALs are men—packs up her shit and gets the hell out of here.”

  Jackson stepped closer, and said, “We’ll see about that.”

  “Bring it on cock sucker!” Thomas hollered, charging forward.

  James figured he had let things go long enough. After all, he wanted to protect Sarah, but he had his own ass to worry about too. If word got out he allowed them to fight; Cmdr. Jones would be all over him like wildfire. So he rushed in and broke it up. He peered down at Sarah’s wrist and noticed it was beginning to swell. James looked her in the eyes, knowing she would refuse to admit she was injured and said, “Oooh, you’re going to sick bay to get this checked out. Come with me.”

  By that time Simms had approached. After taking a good look at Sarah’s wrist, he marched into the room and ordered, “ Everyone up. We’re going for a midnight run, thanks to Ensign Thomas!”

  As the men filed out, James loaded Sarah into his jeep and hurried off to sick bay. On the way, he advised her she would be spending the night there no matter what the diagnosis. Happy to have some time alone with her, he leaned forward, and openly admired her. Oblivious, she sat cradling her wrist, tanned legs crossed, exposed—no fatigues—khaki shorts. The Navy logo on her dark blue T-shirt, the anchor and chair the same one he had tattooed high on his deltoid, rested just above her right breast. He shifted in his seat and wrapped both arms around the top of the steering wheel before saying, “Sarah, I think something is going to happen tonight.”

  “What do you mean? Something has already happened,” she said.

  “The men are gonna give Thomas some old school discipline. Simms and I have already heard the noise, so we are pretty sure by tomorrow Thomas will have a change in attitude.”

  “What will they do?”

  “Most likely a pillow party.”

  “And you’re going to let it happen?” She asked, with her mouth ajar.

/>   James smiled a sideways smile, and said, “Why not? For some people, peer pressure is what makes the difference.”


  Before dawn Sarah had rolled out of her bed in sick bay and was watching out the window for someone, hoping it would be James, to pick her up. She was thankful when the medic reported the x-ray showed a sprain—no broken bones. Afraid she might lose her place in the class, she was relieved when he said, “I’m gonna release you for full duty as long as you keep it wrapped with an ace bandage. You need to come back in five days for me to re-examine you. If it is still swollen, things may change.”

  Within moments she heard the sound of a jeep and James appeared out front. After thanking the medic, she hustled out and got it. When James steered around the circular drive and headed back toward the barracks, she could not help but notice how hot he looked. Maybe the shot she was given for pain the night before was still affecting her, or at least allowing her to relax enough to let her true feelings show themselves. His freshly laundered fatigues fit tight around his thighs, exposing the outline of his full package between them. His tanned, muscular arms seemed to roll and bulge under his olive drab T-shirt, and his angular jaw gave him the appearance of a rough, tough bad boy. For a fleeting moment, she wanted to scoot closer to him and snuggle against his shoulder. Finally, she snapped out of her reverie when she heard his voice. “You’re in luck. Today we’re going to work inside. They’re predicting thunderstorms. This time of year lightening can be a real threat.”


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