A Distant Heart: A Contemporary Western

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A Distant Heart: A Contemporary Western Page 14

by Steedly, Arabella

  “What are we going to do?”

  “Hydrographic surveying and charting. Sound familiar?” James looked down and peered at her over his polarized shades. His brown eyes alive, even teasing.


  “Yes. I always loved listening to your father’s stories, and the training he gave Junior and me.”

  “I was there too, remember?” She flashed him a big grin.

  “How could I forget. You busted your ass to try to out-do us.” He laughed.

  “Yeah, and sometimes I did.”

  “I don’t remember that.”

  She swatted his arm. Then looking down, ashamed, she said, “Excuse me, sir.”

  “This conversation is off the record Sarah. Your father’s training is one of the reasons I’m still around here too. Funny how the Almighty puts us where we are supposed to be, isn’t it.”

  She looked back over at him. Their eyes locked when she said, “Yes.”


  The next morning Sarah fell in line. She couldn’t help but notice Thomas was still not moving with his usual swagger. The day before bruises were visible on his arms and his left eye was swollen. She felt sorry for him, and a bit guilty for what the others had done until he passed her on his way to the back of the line. He squinted his eyes and glared at her. If looks could kill, she would be dead on the spot. It was obvious he still blamed her for his predicament and was more than likely planning to get even.

  They had run six miles or so, the sun hotter than hell, and stopped for a water break. Sarah was standing alone noticing how some of the men were sweating profusely. Of course, she was perspiring, but not to the point of dehydration like many of the others. Not only was she well conditioned, but she knew the secrets of eating properly—avoiding sweets and alcohol—unlike many of the others. Jackson sauntered over and leaned forward. Using the side of his hand, he swiped it across his brow. “Now I can see you,” he said.

  “You need a sweatband. I have a spare I’ll give ya when we get back.” She smiled up at him, sipping her water, careful not to gulp it down.

  “How’s the wrist this morning?”

  “It’s feeling a lot better, thanks.” She looked around to see who was standing close by. Satisfied no one who cared was within earshot, she lowered her voice, and asked, “Hey, I never heard. What did you do to Thomas the other night? What happened?”

  “Nothing much. Just gave him a nice little pillow party, and—beat the hell out of him.”

  “Did he say anything about me?”

  “Sure. We figured out his hot button.”


  “Jealousy. Thomas can’t believe you’re so athletic.”

  Sarah shrugged. “He seems pretty buff to me.”

  By that time Williams had come up and was listening. Then he chimed it, “Can’t you tell by all that muscle? He’s a gear head.”

  “What the hell is a gear head?” Sarah asked.

  “Where I’m from, that’s what we call folks, men or women, who bulk up on steroids.” Then seeing Thomas walking toward them Williams spoke louder. “The fucking drugs mess with their brains until they can’t think straight. To be honest, I’m surprised he had the test scores to get in.” Williams pointed to his head. “He ain’t too bright upstairs.”

  “I don’t do drugs, asshole.” Thomas hollered at Williams.

  Jackson turned to her, and asked, “Hey Connors, did you notice how small his wiener is?”

  She could feel the heat rising to her cheeks. “Actually, I didn’t pay Thomas any mind.” She hoped someone would change the subject. She didn’t want any more of his animosity pointed toward her. But that’s not what happen.

  Williams laughed. “You didn’t miss anything. Hell, you can barely see it!”

  Finally, Simms came over and put an end to it saying, “Okay people, time for small boat maneuvering.”

  When Simms walked away, Thomas brushed by Sarah and whispered, “I’m gonna show you how small my wiener is bitch…gonna pay your boyfriend Jackson back. After he sees you can barely walk the next day, he’ll have a more accurate idea of the size of my cock.”


  A week later, it was Sarah’s turn on dorm duty. After lights out, it was her job to wander quietly between the racks to make sure all rules were obeyed—no reading or writing with flashlights, no talking, no eating or drinking. Everyone needed their rest. She had made her third pass between the racks and was headed down the hall toward the latrine when she heard a slight squeak from behind. It was the sound of bare feet moving quickly over a polished floor. Wheeling around, she came face to face with Thomas.

  He grabbed hold of her wounded wrist with one hand and pressed his other over her mouth. Pinning her up against the wall, he twisted her wrist causing her to writhe in pain making it hard for her to get leverage enough to knock him away. Lowering her to the hall floor, he whispered into her ear, “I’m gonna show you what you’ve been missing, honey. I bet you secretly want my big cock, don’t you?” Sarah bucked against him and tried to shake her head ‘no.’ “Once I’m done with you, your days here will be over, darlin and I’ll get my rocks off!” She could smell his sweat and the alcohol on his breath. It registered in her mind that alcohol was forbidden and wondered where he had it stashed.

  One of Thomas’ huge hands kept pressing against her mouth, mashing the back of her skull into the floor. He yanked up her T-shirt and was massaging her breast, pinching and squeezing, licking at her nipples. Sarah bit his hand, and he yelped out and let go just enough for her to throw her hip into his body knocking him off balance. Unfortunately, Thomas landed on top of her hard. Pinning her down, again he began to try and pull down her shorts, ripping and yanking. Then thrusting his hand down inside, he fumbled for her pussy. Sarah tried to scream, but he mashed his forearm against her throat, cutting off her air. She saw stars but found the strength to pull her knee up hard, connecting with his groin just enough to make him yell out in pain and anger. Thomas slapped her so hard across the jaw blackness began to descent.

  Sarah came to when she heard James’ voice and felt Thomas’ weight vanish off of her. She rolled over to see James beating Thomas’ unmercifully. Jackson was there too and gave her a blanket to cover herself. While Jackson helped her up, Simms came around the corner, “What the hell is going on?” James had Thomas in a headlock and was twisting it to one side. Simms tried to wrangle James off yelling, “Break it up. Break it up.” It took four men to pull James back. Sarah had no doubt; James would have killed Thomas if the guys had not stopped him. She heard Simms call security and he told them to call the ambulance.

  When the MP’s showed up so did Cmdr. Jones. Four of the recruits kept James restrained while security placed cuffs on Thomas. James’ kept yelling, “Lock him up and through away the key. He tried to rape a female recruit. ”

  Cmdr. Jones finally stepped in and put an end to things when he ordered, “Stand down Conway, stand down.” The commander followed the MP’s and the medical team outside. Sarah hoped she would never have to lay her eyes on Thomas again and she wondered what kind of questions she would be asked eventually about the incident. Then Simms came over and checked on her. But it was James who insisted Sarah be taken to the base hospital for a full examination.


  Sarah forced herself to take another bite of scrambled eggs then laid her fork back down on her tray. She wasn’t hungry, and the hospital food tasted like cardboard spiced up with salt and pepper. Her head still ached, and the humming of the fluorescent light above her bed was annoying. The doctor had kept her overnight for observation until he was sure she didn’t have a concussion. Sarah tried to tell him there was no need for a rape kit because there were eyewitnesses, and she wasn’t raped, but he ran the tests on her anyway. Just as she swung her legs to the side of the bed to stand and stretch, someone knocked on her door, but before she could answer, James cracked it open and peeked inside.

  “How are you feeling?” James w
alked over and patted her on the back.

  “Ouch, that hurts.” Sarah pulled away. “Don’t be so rough!”

  “Ugh…I’m sorry. You must be really sore.” He scowled.

  “Thank you for getting the bastard off me,” she said, leaning back on her pillow.

  “Has the detective been by to interview you yet?” James pulled a chair up next to her bed.

  “No. Why do I have to talk to him? Let’s just drop this and get on with training.” Sarah shook her head.

  “We can’t do that, Sarah. Thomas will be formally charged with attempted rape. He’s already been booted from the program.” He tried to pat her hand, but she moved it away. “You seem upset with me, why?”

  “I don’t what to talk to the detective or anyone about this.” She turned away and looked out the window.

  Leaning closer, he asked, “Do you want him to get off scot-free?”

  Sarah snapped her head back around to face him, and said, “How dare you! Of course, I don’t. Thomas was going to rape me as long and hard as he could. He could have killed me!”

  “Hold on now. How do you think it made me feel when I saw him on top of you with his hand in your pants?” James clenched his fists.

  Sarah winced as she turned and grabbed hold of the bed rail to steady herself. “Look, I know I never said, but I was against you and Simms letting the men give Thomas a pillow party. What did you think was going to happen? I know what you said about peer pressure, but your idea blew up in your face, James!”

  “Sarah, that man was dead set on doing what he did. I could see it in his eyes. Put yourself in my shoes. How do you think I felt watching someone I care about being targeted, knowing I had to let it play out! I was hoping Thomas had learned his lesson and would focus on his training.”

  She felt her heart skip a beat when James admitted he cared for her and rested back on her pillow. “So you do care?” Sarah asked, looking down at her hands, a coy smile on her lips.

  James cleared his throat. “I care about you as a sister. I don’t want you to get any ideas of anything more than that.” She looked up at him and cocked her head to one side. “Don’t give me those puppy dog eyes, girl,” he said.

  Flashing him a smug grin, Sarah said, “Oh, I’m sorry James. I will try and control my looks from now on. I guess I was just hoping for more.”

  James leaned forward and looked down. With his forearms on his thighs, he laced his fingers together, and said, “Look, girl, we are in the danger zone, so to speak. The regulations are clear about fraternizing. You can not lose sight of that fact. Your emotions must be kept in check at all times. Your training and my job depend on it.”


  The next day was Sunday, one more week of Indoc training before Hell Week. The recruits used the day to rest, and Sarah was due to be released from the hospital that afternoon. James decided he needed some time to think; he felt confused and conflicted. Their current class of recruits had been unique, demanding more time and energy from Simms and him than an ordinary one. James needed to take some time to clear his head, so he decided to go for a spin on his Harley. He dug out his black leather jacket and boots from the back of his closet and headed toward his small home in San Diego where he kept it. Just as the sun was rising orange over the desert, he parked his jeep under a clump of acacia trees, jumped on his bike and headed east on Hwy. 94 toward San Diego National Wildlife Refuge.

  The temperature in the San Diego area was one of the most constant in the continental United States. James figured that was one of the reasons the Navy had chosen Coronado as a base, but after traveling twenty miles or so inland, the heat rising from the desert sands was stifling by day, but as soon as the sun slipped under the horizon, the biting cold crept in. That morning, it was still cool when he pulled up at Annie’s, his favorite breakfast spot.

  James nodded to the waitress, in a short denim skirt and form fitting tank top, her cleavage spilling over the top. He would wager she was at least thirty, maybe younger. It was hard to tell with women like her, hard working, single mom’s most of them. It was days like that day he used his good looks just to make’em squirm. Turning the straight chair around with its back toward the table, James threw his leg over like he was mounting his bike, or a horse if that was what turned them on, and sat down. After unzipping his jacket just enough to expose his tattoo, he noticed Polly—it was on her name tag—was sashaying toward him. “Morning darlin, I’ll take a cup of coffee—black,” said James.

  She took the pencil from behind her ear, leaned over just so, and said, “ Morning, Sailor. Black it is.” When she turned to get him a cup, he noticed her long legs and pert ass. He figured it was about a hand’s length between the hem of her skirt to her g-spot. Experience told him that, but not with Polly. He ordered Annie’s Breakfast Special and began to eat. James watched her, and she watched him, and Annie the owner watched both of them. Annie was at least sixty or seventy he calculated. He could tell by her wanton eyes. She was a “Polly” once. Since then she got her thrills just watching.

  Just after Polly had refilled his cup and brushing against him ever so slightly, his iPhone vibrated. He jammed his hands down deep into his jeans, pulling it out he noticed Simms was texting him. “Shit,” he whispered to himself. “What the hell does he want?” Simms texted: Connors has been sedated because the doctor threatened to keep her another day…threw a temper tantrum. Threatening to call her father to intervene. Cmdr. Jones wants you to handle this ASAP.

  James didn’t bother to text him back, he called and told Simms he was on his way. Without looking up at Polly, he threw down a twenty spot, got up and left. In the reflection of the glass in the door, he saw Polly standing with her hand on her hip, shaking her head. Just before the door closed shut he hear her say, “You sailors are all the same—married to your job.”

  On the way back in, with the rumble and the heat of the powerful Harley between his thighs, a notion came to mind—he could tell it was an important one because it gave him cold chills. The whole time James was teasing Polly, in his mind and heart, she was Sarah. Not that Sarah looked like her or, Lord knows, would ever be a waitress like Polly, but during those surreal moments, he was undressing Sarah, fingering Sarah’s g-spot, fucking Sarah, exploding in Sarah. Hell, he was making love to Sarah.

  When James pulled up at the base hospital and locked his helmet in his saddle bags, he knew there would be no more Polly’s. He was ready to open pandora’s box, and if he wasn’t careful what was inside could cost both of them their careers.


  The next morning, Sarah got up with a new mindset. She was proud how she had stood up to her doctor and told him just because she was a woman didn’t mean he had to he coddle her. After making him read the reports back to her—negative on the rape tests, no concussion—all he could find was that her wrist was still sprained. Sarah promised to keep wearing the ace bandage as before, and he finally discharged her. Simms told her later that James had stopped by to check on her, but she had already left. After their conversation on Saturday, Sarah decided to put her feelings for James aside. James was right. He made her realize it was risky for her to show any emotion towards him and with Thomas out of the picture she should get back to the basics—training to be a Navy SEAL.

  Each Monday the stakes were raised on performance levels. They were to take what they had learned in the previous week and built on their strength and knowledge. Her father used to call them steps. Week one started at the bottom. That week was step three. The class was told to fall out in front of the ship’s bell from then on, a symbol for their new milestone. Holding up his megaphone, Simms gave them their instructions. “Today—drownproofing. Fall in behind me.”

  In the east, a sliver of red peeked over the horizon, as the class marched double time through the NAB toward the pool located in building 634. On the way they sang one of their marching songs, “Hooyah hey, run we may…Hooyah hey, another day.” Sarah remember her father warning her about dro
wnproofing, it was tough, and fear was the enemy.

  James was waiting at the pool, in the lifeguard chair. When they filed in, and Sarah walked past, James hollered, “Drownproofing is a lot of fun. Sink or swim my little one.” She could feel the pressure and anxiety starting to build. Williams looked over and winked. Sarah figured it was more a show of determination on his part than a gesture of encouragement for her. She assumed he assumed their exercise was going to be a piece of cake for her. Simms divided the class in half. The first half stood at the edge of the deep end and the second just behind. Sarah was first, and Williams fell in behind her—that made them partners.


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