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A Distant Heart: A Contemporary Western

Page 18

by Steedly, Arabella

  “What do you recommend I do, sir?” James’ heart was doing double-time in his chest.

  “We already talked about this once today. You’ll be reassigned to a new class tomorrow. As you know, class 233 is still in week one. There’ve already been too many injuries—two heat strokes and one broken collar bone. Those new instructors don’t know their head from their ass. They need someone with experience to take the lead. Tomorrow those dummies with have to answer to you! I will inform them as soon as you get your ass out of my office. Go ahead and move your gear tonight! And one more thing. I expect a call from General Connors at any time. I am going to direct him to his daughter. She can tell her father what she believes is appropriate. No disciplinary action will be taken. You’re dismissed, Conway.”


  Sarah waited outside Tony’s Bar. She had dried her eyes and stood, watching the approaching cars for the illuminated “Taxi” sign on the top. While waiting, she spotted a public phone across the street at a convenient store. Sarah knew she would have to call her father sooner or later, and the privacy around the phone booth on base was limited. The receiver felt cold and odd in her hand. Sarah couldn’t remember the last time she had used a public phone. Recruits were allowed to have phones, but just before Hell Week Simms collected them, promising they would be returned at the end. After scanning her credit card, she mashed the numbers on the pad.

  Sarah held her breath and muttered a silent prayer seconds before her mother answered. “Hello?” Sarah could tell by the sound of her voice she was unsure who was calling. After all, a strange number had appeared on the screen of their home phone—her father had insisted they keep their land line.

  “Hi, Mom. I’m calling from a pay phone. We got R and R, so I’m off base. We aren’t allowed to use our personal phones right now.”

  “Oh, my God, Sarah. Are you alright?”

  “Yes, I’m fine.” For a moment Sarah thought maybe she was wrong, and her parents had not seen the latest news.

  “Hold on a moment, here’s your father.” Sarah heard muffled sounds. The ones when someone covers up the mouthpiece so the person on the other end can’t hear them.”

  “Sarah…What the hell is going on? Looks like you and James have run into some trouble.” Her daddy’s voice was so loud she had to hold the phone away from her ear.

  “It’s all a mistake. You know how the press is? They haven’t even interviewed anyone, but—”

  “Are you alright? I just got off the phone with Cmdr. Jones. He assured me the story was the usual media BS—trying to improve their ratings. He called me yesterday when you and your team were rescued. I was grateful to him for the good news.” As he spoke his voice became less tense, and she could tell he was glad to hear from her.

  “Daddy, I have a confession to make, and I want you to hear it from me and not some confused version of the story from a reporter.”

  The General’s voice got softer, gentler, when he said, “What’s that, sweetie.”

  “James and I have fallen in love,” Sarah whispered.

  “Oh, aah…” Sarah thought her heart had stopped while she waited for him to finish his sentence. “That must be putting you two in a precarious position since he is your instructor.”

  “Yes, sir it has, but we’re—”

  “Look, Sarah; I’m not surprised. When your mother and I heard James was your instructor we wondered how things would play out between you two. She reminded me how you were all starry-eyed over him as a kid and well, we think he’s great.”

  Sarah blotted away the tears with her sleeve. “Thank you, Daddy. I was so afraid you would be disappointed and embarrassed about his.”

  “Sarah. We’re very proud of you. Cmdr. Jones says you’re doing great, and before you know it, you will be a full-fledged Navy SEAL. The best advice I can give you is this. Keep your chin up and don’t even glance at James. I know it will be hard. I’m not that old. I remember how it was between your mother and time will fly by. You two can get together after training is over.”

  “I know you’re right. James and I have already come to that conclusion. Oh, here’s my cab. I have to get back to the base….Love you, Daddy….Mom too!”


  James took his time stuffing what he could into his duffle bag and draped his hanging clothes across the passenger’s seat of his jeep. It was well past midnight when he made the last trip. He had taken a few moments to tell the guys he was being transferred to lead instructor of the new class and wished them good luck. Simms told James he agreed with Cmdr. Jones and that his transfer would quiet the rumor mill. James was worried, though, Sarah had not yet returned from the bar. Just as he pulled away with his last load headed across the base, he noticed a cone of light swinging around the corner then the taxi came into view. James pulled his jeep up to the curb and parked.

  As the taxi drove away and Sarah turned to go inside, he tried to get her attention. “Psst…psst…Hey, Sarah.” She stopped and looked around. Then not seeing anyone, she continued toward the barracks door. This time he stepped under the street light and cupped his hands around his mouth. James tried to yell only loud enough for her to hear. “ Sarah, over here.” She whirled around. He could see a grin on her face as he motioned for her to join him in the shadows of the nearby empty guard shack.

  First, she stopped and did a three-sixty to make sure they were alone. Satisfied, she scurried off toward him. “What are you doing out here?”

  He grabbed her arm and pulled her close. With his back against the outside wall of the shack, he wrapped his arms around her neck and locked his fingers behind her head, and said, “Got good and bad news for you.”

  She snuggled closer and pressed against him. “What is it, James. Hurry and tell me,” she whispered.

  “I’ve been transferred.” He went on to explain his conversation with Cmdr. Jones and told her about Sargent Knight’s ass chewing. Then he listened while she recounted her conversation with her parents. James was relieved when he heard General Connors had approved of him, and said, “After this, we can’t be caught even looking at each other until your training is over. So far we have been fortunate. The commander has stuck up for us, but let’s not push our luck.” James gently pushed her body away and took her hand, guiding her further into the shadow behind the shack.

  She followed along, and said, “We’ll make it. Time will fly by.”

  Behind the building, it was completely dark except the lights along the runway of the base airfield were illuminated. They reminded James of fireflies frozen in time until like magic the dawn unthawed them. Again he leaned up against the back wall of the shack and spun her around. Pointing over her shoulder, he said, “Look at those lights? Do they remind you of those lightning bugs we used to see in your backyard?”

  She shook her head, and said, “Yeah, they sure do.” Sarah tilted her head to one side while he worked his lips along the nape of her neck. She tried to turn around, but he wouldn’t let her. Sarah moaned and arched her back as much as he allowed, and he moved his hand up under her T-shirt

  “James, what if we get caught? “

  “The barracks is almost empty. The guys on your team were still taking advantage of their R and R, and Simms is asleep. The others are off redoing their navigation maneuver. So, I’m going to give you something to remember me by.”

  “What’s that James?” Sarah asked, smirking.

  James chuckled to himself as he maneuvered his hand under her sports bra. “This time leave your clothes on.” She let out a playful yelp when he took her nipple between his finger and thumb and rolled it. He nipped at the nape of her neck, careful not to leave a mark as he worked her up closer to where he was taking her. She tried again to turn around, but he said, “Nope, you keep your eyes on those lights.”

  “Oh, James you’re making my pussy so wet. All you do is tease me.”

  “Yep, and I’m having fun feeling your ass pressing against my cock. Can you tell how hard it is?”

nbsp; “Aah, yes.” She reached around and tried to force her hand between them. “I want to touch you, Babe,” she said, pleading.

  “Not yet. Not till I’m done with you.” He moved his other hand up and slipped it under her T-shirt too, being careful not to expose her flesh. While he massaged her breast he rolled her nipples until she writhed with desire and maybe a bit of pain—he wasn’t sure. But what he was sure of was she didn’t complain. Still playing with her nipples with one hand, he started moving south with the other. “Unfasten your jeans for me. Okay good, now unzip them. How bad do you want to be fucked, Sarah? Tell me?”

  “Oh, James I need your cock. I can feel it pressing against my ass.”

  “Where would you like my hard cock to be? In your pussy or your mouth?” He stopped moving to wait for her reply.

  “Ahh…my pussy, right now. Or I can play with myself if you want me to suck you?”

  “What are you referring to, Sarah. What are you going to do yourself?”

  “Ugg…You know how I like to play with my clit. I’m so horny James, let me do it!” She moved her hand inside her pants and tried to turn around.

  He whispered to her, “Go ahead, Sarah. Rub your hard clit, and when you get so hot, you want something in your tight hole, finger yourself. I want to taste it.”

  “Uhh…huh…” She slid her hand into her panties and went to work. She shook her hand and vibrated her clit with two fingers while James held her hips. He traced her neck with wet kisses and watched over her shoulder from behind as she swayed and bucked. When she tried in frustration to pull down her jeans, he stopped her, and said, “Go ahead, Sarah. I feel sure this isn’t the first time you have played with yourself fully clothed, is it?”


  “When were the other times?”

  “With Nancy, in high school…and…”

  “Come on Babe tell me the rest.”

  “With a few of the recruits during basic training when I was in my rack. Sometimes in the park.”

  “What did you do in the park?” James asked as he ran his tongue up her spine just under her hairline.

  “Ooooh…I watched the guys play basketball and sat across the way, acting like I was reading the newspaper,” she said. He could tell she was enjoying telling him her secrets. But he was not so sure she would enjoy hearing his.

  “Reading the paper…and?”

  “I would look at their tight asses and how their cocks moved in their shorts. I imagined what they looked like. And tried to guess who had the biggest. Then I would rub my clit and gently finger myself. You know, until I got off. Sometimes up to five or six times.”

  “You’re a horny bitch, aren’t you?”

  “Please James, I need to cum.”

  “Finger yourself. Fill up your tight hole. Then pull it out so I can taste it.” He watched and could tell by the position of her hand she was using her middle finger to heighten her pleasure. She worked her hand in and out rocking her hips while she rubbed his hot package against her ass. Then she moaned and made a humming sound. He body quivered as she responded to her own devices. As soon he figured she was done, he reached down and pulled out her hand. After turning her around, he put that special middle finger into his mouth and sucked it like a cock. “Ummm.” He pulled her closer, and said, “Want to taste yourself?” She nodded and grinned as she stuck her finger into her mouth and finished licking off her juices.

  “Ummm, James do you want me to suck you off? Show me your hard dick. I didn’t get a good look at it on the island.”

  “No ma’am, you’ll have to wait.” He teased.

  “Pleaseeee, James. “ She rubbed her breast on his chest and ground her hips against is hardness.” Reaching down she squeezed gently, and said, “Show me your dick. I want to see what I’m missing.”

  He pushed her back a bit, and said, “I don’t trust myself if I get unzipped. We’ll just leave that until after training. He reached down and fastened her pants. “Feel better now?”

  “Yes, thank you. But what I really want is more.”

  “Sarah, remember the rules.” He took her by the hand and lead her back around into the light.

  “I love you, James,” Sarah said, as she gave him one last kiss before turning away.


  Several weeks later, after Sarah had pulled on her chokers, the official Navy uniform, she sat on her bed and ran her hand over the covers. Glancing around the room at the others, all in different phases of preparing for graduation day, she was caught up in waves of conflicting emotions. One moment, she was saddened to be moving on, saying goodbyes to those with whom she had shared the same struggles. The next, excited to be joining James and enjoying their new life together as a couple. She also wondered what her first assignment as a SEAL might be. Her father had been right again. The time had flown by so fast. She had seen James many times, only to admire him off in the distancing drilling the class behind her, or across the mess-hall trying to avoid her eyes. Once, by accident, they bumped into each other in the BX, and before rushing away, they whispered how much they missed one another. But most of all, when she stood and looked into the mirror to adjust her cap she felt a deep pride. Not only was she about to become the first female SEAL, but she and James had done the right thing, been honest and made sensible choices for their future. Just as she tucked one last wisp of hair under her cap, Williams poked his head around the door, and said, “Typical woman, taking forever to get ready. Hurry up. We’re all waiting outside!”

  “Shut up Williams. I only took one extra minute.” Sarah grinned and punched him in the arm.

  She hustled out and fell in line next to the ship’s bell. Glancing up at it, she thought about the ones who had given up and how disappointed they must be knowing that day was the one set aside for their graduation. Sarah felt a bit sorry for Todd. He had been the one the press interviewed without the knowledge of Cmdr. Jones, mentioning he thought there was a relationship between Sarah and James to the media, and, of course, they had drawn their own conclusions. Since Cmdr. Jones had little patience such things; he washed Todd out. Simms had told her, “Cmdr. Jones reprimanded Todd and sent him back to Fort Bragg. He figured since he was a Ranger, he should stick to jumping out of airplanes and stay out of the water. You know Jones—he’s Navy through and through.”

  Moments later, Sarah hurried outside just as Simms yelled, “Everyone get into formation. Now let me hear three cheers for Class 232.”

  “Hip hip hooray. Hip hip hooray, hip hip.”

  At 10:00 they started marching toward the parade ground. Sarah had a huge smile on her face, and with each step forward her heart beat faster. As they approached the stadium, she peered into the crowd and spotted her parents. Her eyes locked with Daddy’s. He nodded and tried to conceal his grin. Sarah’s mother pointed to her and waved frantically. She saw her father whisper into her mother’s ear. He must have reminded her they were on the reviewing stand with Cmdr. Simms and the other dignitaries, because she quickly lowered her hand and made an effort to look somber. Sarah’s eyes darted into the stands searching for James, but he was nowhere to be seen. She sat down and tried not to slump, and wondered where James might be.

  After the National Anthem, and a prayer by the chaplain, Cmdr. Simms walked to the podium and started the ceremony. “Today we join together to celebrate the graduation of Navy SEAL’s Class 232. The nine recruits you see seated below have successfully completed the rigors of the program. All should be proud of these recruits who have chosen to serve their country in a way few accomplish…” When it came time for the awards ceremony, Sarah wondered if her name was on the list. She swallowed hard and held her breath as one-by-one the winners were called to the podium and given their ribbon. Williams’ name was called off first—winning the award for expert marksmanship. Then two other awards were given. One for ‘no lost training days’ and the other for ‘no injuries.’ When Cmdr. Jones turned and gestured toward Sarah, her heart leaped to her throat when he said, �
�We have a first today. Chief Petty Officer Sarah Connors, please come forward.” Sarah stood and walked around to the steps leading up to the podium. “Not only is Connors the first female to become a Navy SEAL but the first female to be selected as Honor Man. This award is given to the recruit who has demonstrated, honor, courage, and commitment throughout her training. This award will be presented by Instructor, Lieutenant James Conway.” Cmdr. Jones turned and gestured toward the stairs across the reviewing stand from Sarah. As she approached the podium, she burst into tears watching a beaming James meet her in the middle.

  James laid his notes on the podium, turned to her, and said, “I am proud to present to Chief Petty Officer Sarah Connors the Honor Man award. Connors has demonstrated beyond all question to be one of the most qualified… Congratulations Lieut. Connors.” James moved forward and pinned the award to the lapel of your uniform, and winked at her.


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