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A Distant Heart: A Contemporary Western

Page 21

by Steedly, Arabella

  “I’m moving to Montana,” I said, and Michelle’s eyes widened.

  “Montana? What is in Montana?” her voice had turned screechy, and I just realized that neither of us had touched our coffees.

  “Daddy…well, Daddy knows a few people there. Business partners,” I told her and clasped my hands on my lap.

  “What has that got to do with you? Are you going to work with him now?” she asked and leaned forward towards me. I gulped and shook my head. Even though it had been four days since I had made this decision…or agreed to Daddy’s plan rather, it had still not sunk in. I still couldn’t believe it was happening to me and I knew Michelle wouldn’t understand. But she was the only one I could tell.

  “Sort of depends on which way you look at it,” I said and forced myself to pass her a weak smile. Michelle’s eyes were sad; she wasn’t smiling.

  “What does that mean, Jade? Why aren’t you just telling me what’s going on,” Michelle’s voice was strained, and I could feel my heart thudding against my chest.

  “Daddy has arranged a marriage for me,” I blurted the words out before I could change my mind. This had to be said. Out loud.

  Michelle’s first reaction was to remain silent. When our eyes met, I could see her cheeks flushing with rage. Her palms were bunching up into fists.

  “Are you kidding me? This time your daddy has gone too far, Jade. This is ridiculous,” she burst out and I looked around me nervously to make sure that we weren’t making a scene.

  “Keep your voice down, Michelle! Please, just hear me out,” I cried, and I reached over the coffee table to grasp her hands. She was already shaking her head in rage.

  “This is madness. In today’s world, your father has arranged a marriage for you? Like some kind of mail order bride to one of his business partners? This is insane!” Michelle muttered. I could feel the radiating heat from her hands.

  “Don’t look at it like that. It’s just a set-up marriage, something I have to ride through till Daddy signs a deal with the man,” I told her and Michelle slipped her hand away from my grasp and fell back in the chair.

  “I don’t believe this. He’s using you for some kind of business deal! Like who is this guy? What do you even know about him?” she said, and I took in a deep breath.

  “His name is Clyde Pattinson. He’s apparently in his early thirties, owns some kind of ranch…well, that’s all I know,” I told her. Michelle’s lips were quivering; she couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

  “And what about if you don’t get along with him? What if he’s horrible to you?” she said with that tear returning to her voice. She was understandably worried for me, and I was glad that I had at least one person who was, because Daddy had made it very clear that he didn’t care about what happened to me anymore.

  “Daddy said that I have to ride it out till the deal comes through. Just a couple of months, maybe even a few weeks if he signs by then,” I told her and Michelle was rubbing her forehead with her fingers.

  “And how is a fake marriage with you going to make this guy, this Clyde Pattinson…sign a deal with your daddy?” Michelle asked, pretty much the same question I had posed to my father myself. I sighed, recalling the exact words he had told me.

  “Apparently this man is looking for a wife. He leads an isolated life, doesn’t have much of a social life…and he asked Daddy if a girl can be arranged for him,” I told Michelle, who rolled her eyes disgustedly.

  “So basically he wants a housekeeper. Someone he can also…” her words trailed, and I blushed and looked down at my lap. Michelle leaned forward towards me again. “Look, Jade, I already have a pretty good picture of this man. Some lonely weirdo cowboy types…old-fashioned and harsh, wants a wife who will cook and clean for him. Is that really what you want to do? Even if it’s for a few weeks or months, whatever. Do you really want to risk getting stuck in that relationship? What if your daddy isn’t able to secure this deal? What if this Clyde guy has been playing your daddy? He might have no intention of signing that deal, and just wanted to trick your father into finding a girl for him,” Michelle continued, and I allowed her to finish.

  I nodded my head and sucked in my gut.

  “This is a risk I just have to take. It’s the only way that Daddy has agreed to give me my inheritance, otherwise, he’s going to write me out of his will. I need the money, Michelle. I won’t be able to paint, I won’t be able to live the life I want to lead without it,” I said and realized that my lips were quivering. My cheeks had undoubtedly turned to a deep red, and I was on the verge of crying.

  “Your daddy is a horrible man, and I wish your mom were still alive,” she said and leaned over the table to wrap her arms around me and give me a tight hug. We remained like that for a few moments, and then she pulled away from me.

  “Okay, if you think this is going to work, set you up for life…do what you need to do. I’ll get you out of there if he keeps you against your will. What is my law degree for?” she said and finally smiled, and I managed to let out a nervous laugh as well.

  “Yeah, I’m thinking of it as a long vacation. A shotgun wedding with a stranger, a couple of weeks of housekeeping for the man and then I’m outta there!” I said, and Michelle smiled indulgently.

  “It might do you good…the change of pace. You might find new artistic inspiration,” she commented, and I nodded my head.

  “I’m hoping I do…either way, it’ll be over before I know it and if things begin to look bad, I’ll just give you a call,” I said, and Michelle and I hugged again.

  “So, when are you going to leave?” she asked, and I bit down on my lip.

  “Tomorrow. The wedding is in three days,” I said, and Michelle’s eyes widened again.

  “Will your daddy be there at least?” she asked, and I shook my head.

  “No, because this man doesn’t know that I’m his daughter. He just thinks that Daddy has found him some random girl from Chicago who has agreed to an arranged marriage,” I said, and Michelle covered her face with her hands again.

  “This just keeps getting worse and worse. Take care of yourself, darling,” she said, looking worried again.

  “I’ll be fine, don’t worry. I know how to take care of myself. I just want it to get done so that I can move on with my life and do some serious work,” I said, and Michelle nodded sympathetically at me. She was the only one who could understand why I was going to do it. As messed up as the whole deal sounded, it was the easiest way out for me to keep pursuing my art.


  Mystic Valley Ranch

  The board greeted me at the gate of the ranch, where the cab dropped me off with my two suitcases at my side. Daddy had given me very little instructions, other than that I just had to arrive there and the rest would be taken care of.

  The gate was high, made of wrought iron and seemed too heavy for me to push open. Besides, it seemed like it was locked. Tall white picket fencing bordered the ranch, and I couldn’t even look inside, other than through the gates. What was I supposed to do?

  I stood thinking for a few moments because I didn’t even have a phone number to call and I felt more lost than I ever had in my life. Beyond the ranch, I could see faded blue rolling hills, and there was greenery and desertion all around me. I could be stranded here for hours, days…with no form of communication. Even my cell phone couldn’t get a signal here, for me to call Daddy and find out what was happening. I was already beginning to regret my decision.

  Just when I was about to turn around and see if I could climb over the fencing, I heard the sound of horse hooves approaching, and through the bars of the gate, I finally saw him. He was on a horse, riding down a narrow path that was flanked on either side by shady trees. I wasn’t sure if it was Clyde Pattinson, it could have been a ranch hand or anyone else.

  As he drew closer to me, the more clearly I saw him. He was in a blue plaid shirt, with long sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Dark jeans and tan cowboy boots. He was wearing a ha
t that covered most of his face, which meant that I couldn’t see his eyes. He was riding a brown horse with a shining chocolate colored mane, that flew with every gallop. I could already hear my heart beating against my chest because I couldn’t imagine actually seeing a man like him in real life.

  The man pulled the reins of the horse as he approached the gate and then dismounted. He was tall, at least a foot taller than me and with his hat still dipped over his face, he strode threateningly towards the gate. This couldn’t be Clyde Pattinson!

  He swung the gate open, and now we were face to face, and I didn’t have a clue what to say to introduce myself.

  “I’m Jade,” I said, foolishly and felt my cheeks flush. The man walked closer to me, and as he did, I had to crane my neck to look up at him. He had broad muscular shoulders, a wide chest, and large masculine hands. Someone who labored hard on his ranch. The man fit in well in these surroundings, I thought.

  “I was expecting you an hour ago,” he said, firmly and the sound of his voice sent chills down my spine. He had a velvety smooth voice that was deep and guttural, and if I couldn’t see him, I would have pegged him for a much older man.

  “The cab didn’t know the way. We had to stop and ask for directions a few times, I wasn’t sure…” I was fumbling with my words, and the man stepped forward.

  “I gave very clear directions to Mr. Neely,” he said, and I felt like I had just lost my breath. I saw his eyes, deep glassy blue like a glacier. He had tough looking tanned skin which made his eyes shine even brighter. He looked like a man who had forgotten how to smile. With his pointy nose, chiseled features and a thick neck; if this man lived in Chicago…he’d have no trouble finding a wife.

  “Well, I didn’t receive them,” I said, as he turned from me and walked towards his horse. I had no idea what he wanted me to do so I followed him.

  “Are you Clyde Pattinson?” I asked. He turned his face slowly to look at me, and this time, he really looked. I stood frozen to the spot, blushing to a deep red while he looked me up and down. My face, my ample breasts that made the thin cotton dress stretch, the curves of my hips, my bare legs…and then his gaze fell on my dusty, useless sandals.

  “Those shoes won’t do here,” he said, and I forced myself to smile.

  “I’ve never been to this part of the country before, so I didn’t know what to pack,” I told him and Clyde’s eyes rose up to my breasts again, and then fell to my hips. I felt naked under his gaze. Like he was assessing me inch by inch…making his judgment. I wondered if he was disappointed with me. I knew I didn’t fit the standard beauty stereotype and I was always conscious of the extra pounds I carried, which I had never managed to shake off.

  “Well, you should have come better prepared,” he said, and without any warning, he swung his leg over the saddle and jumped up on his horse. With my pulse quickening, the heat rising in my body, I stared up at him as he stretched out a hand to me. His blue eyes were piercing my soul, he made me feel little and like I had done everything wrong. Nothing about me satisfied this man, and I wondered if he would send me packing right away.

  “Come along now, Jade, I have to get back to work,” he said, and I gulped, before placing my hand into his rough outstretched palm. His hand was warm and big, and he clutched my hand tightly with an iron grip. I placed my foot in the stirrup and winced as I tried to haul myself up. I was sure I was going to fall back, my body type wasn’t exactly built to climb up on horses with just one jump.

  But surprisingly, I didn’t fall. Clyde had gripped my wrist tight and then hauled me up in one quick swish. Like it was no trouble to him in the least. Like he pulled up women like me on to his horse on a daily basis.

  I sat straddling the saddle, leaving a distance of a few inches between his back and me.

  “There’s no need to be shy, put your arms around my waist,” I heard him command me in that same deep voice. When I looked down at my hands, I realized that they were trembling a little. But, I forced myself to do as I was told and something like electricity went piercing down my spine. I could feel the rugged muscles under his shirt; he didn’t even feel human. I gulped again, as he snapped up the reins and started riding. I had never ridden a horse before.

  We galloped in the opposite direction, towards the house I supposed, and the breeze was in my hair. Clyde sat casually on his horse, while I sat with my heart dropped to the bottom of my belly. My muscles were stiffened, my legs dangled and I clung to him for dear life. As we rode, as my hair flew behind me, I bounced a little with every gallop, and I couldn’t believe what I had gotten myself into.

  This was nothing like what I had expected. Not even my betrothed was the man Michelle or I had pictured him to be. He seemed humorless and maybe even a little arrogant, but he wasn’t ugly or old or disgusting…in fact quite the opposite. I had no idea why he needed to arrange for a mail order bride to find a wife. I thought that all he would have to do was gallop on his horse, down the mountains, and into town and find himself the first woman he set his eyes on. Because there was very little chance that any girl would refuse him, not a man who looked like him.

  Or owned a ranch like this. The place was beautiful, and not the impoverished farm Michelle and I had grudgingly pictured. With sprawling space, the mountains in the background, fenced off cattle running free and wild…everywhere my eye could see was met with greenery, wilderness and untouched natural beauty. And by the looks of it, it all belonged to Clyde Pattinson.

  The house came into view after we had been riding for a few minutes. It was a three-storied wooden lodge, designed in a way which looked modern and had an old-fashioned charm at the same time. The sun shone brilliantly down on it as we rode closer to it, and made the glass windows shine to a glassy green. There were balconies bordering every floor and thick pine trees surrounding the house. I still couldn’t believe that I was going to live here, in this beautiful place…married to this handsome rude stranger.

  When Clyde and I stopped riding, and my hair fell back in place. It was ruffled and messy looking no doubt. He jumped off the horse without any warning and then, stretched his arms towards me. I hesitated, looking down at his icy cold eyes.

  “I won’t bite,” he said, in all seriousness, without a hint of a smile on his face.

  I reached for him and lifted myself and once again, Clyde caught me. I stumbled into his arms, my face knocked against his chest and his strong arms had tightened around me. Gently, with a tenderness that I wouldn’t have imagined existed in a man like him; Clyde set me down. I nearly fell backward because I’d lost my balance.

  “I trust you’ll find your way around the house. FedEx delivered your belongings yesterday. You’ll find them in the foyer,” he said. I stared at him in shock. What kind of a welcome was this for a new wife?

  “Where are you going?” I asked, my voice turning timid and meek.

  “I have to get back to work. You can pick whatever bedroom you want for the next two nights, till we get married,” he said and my lips parted, his words made me gulp. So, he was planning on going ahead with it. He hadn’t changed his mind after he saw me!

  “And…” I didn’t know how to begin. There were so many things I wanted to ask, to say…everything was new and seemed foreign to me.

  “Have dinner ready by eight. I’ll be back by then,” he said and mounted his horse again. I had no response for him. My mind was just not working. Clyde tipped his hat at me, which was something else I wasn’t used to seeing in everyday life and then he was gone. Galloping away again, he was riding his horse tall and strong, his body in silhouette against the sun. This was a complete mess. I needed to stop ogling at this man and start thinking about how I was going to tackle this situation.

  I was going to be married to him in less than two days. What did I know about him other than what met the eye? And there was another important point that Daddy hadn’t mentioned to me, which was also clearly the reason why he was so keen on getting into business with Clyde.

; Clyde Pattinson was rolling in money.


  I took the bedroom closest to the living room. A large room, decorated tastefully in shades of pale yellow and gray. I couldn’t imagine Clyde actually decorating and designing the rooms of the house, so he had to have hired a professional to do it for him. But the house was cold and felt empty. I counted four bedrooms, two separate living rooms, a den, a study, a library and a kitchen. There was too much space in the house and not another living soul. I couldn’t imagine what he did all day, and now I was beginning to understand why he might have gone to such extreme measures to find someone to live with him.

  I floated around the house, trying to memorize the layout as best I could and then a little before seven; I started cooking dinner. The pantry was full of food and ingredients, including fresh vegetables and fruit. Either Clyde had recently stocked up the pantry for my arrival, or he actually spent hours cooking and utilizing all this stuff that was available to him.


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