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Page 5

by Nan Comargue

  Hesitating on the threshold, Mallory was too keenly aware of her nearly naked breasts to take that final step outside but Jamie’s hand was an irresistible pull.

  The view from the balcony was of the lake. Below the land gave way rapidly to a steep decline. What few houses must have taken up residence below were lost among the treetops.

  They were alone, high up at the top of the world.

  The surface of the water was silken and dark, studded here and there with the reflections from the first stars to peep out from the night sky.

  Jamie was behind her. Then his arms were around her and the breath she’d been unaware of holding was slowly released from her lungs as she leaned back against his solid strength.

  He provided all the warmth she needed. All the heat. All the fire. Yet he was so cold tonight. As if he were freezing her out.

  Mallory sighed when she felt his hands reach up to cup her breasts. He started to lightly chafe her nipples with his thumbs, drawing out her own fire. Each touch of his fingers against the turgid points was a gentle caress, his fingertips carefully pulling and tugging at her responsive flesh until that tiny connection was all that existed in her senses.

  He was making her so hot. It was a slow burn. Perfect. Patient. Just like him.

  Mallory could feel his cock pressing against her back and she marveled at his control. Paul would have had her down on her back as soon as he was hard enough to take her.

  But there was no real comparison between Jamie and her ex-husband. They might as well have been two different species.

  Thinking about them both, she realized how little she’d genuinely cared for Paul and how much she’d tried to make herself love him. With Jamie it was the exact opposite. She’d cared for him too much, even from the very start of their sexual relationship, so much so that she’d done everything in her power to convince herself that he’d meant nothing to her.

  Foolish Mallory. In fact, Jamie meant far too much to her.

  All along she’d been concerned with his feelings for his aunt if their secret ever came out. Now she wondered just how much it would damage his feelings for her. Assuming he had any. And that was rather a big assumption.

  This was about revenge, she told herself firmly.

  But his fingers on her breasts didn’t feel like vengeance. They felt like the sweetest reward.

  Whatever else had gone on between them, physically they were good together. That had to be enough for her. For now and forever.

  When Jamie’s hands fell away from her, she braced herself for another rejection. But all he did was turn her toward him and dip his head once more to search out her lips. She gave them to him as she gave everything else that night, freely and completely.

  As his lips devoured hers, his hands moved restlessly down her body. His touch was no longer careful and measured but rough and hungry, kneading her small breasts and slim curves as if trying to absorb them into his own body.

  She sensed the tension in him, the need. When she opened her mouth to draw in his tongue, his entire form went stiff as if flash frozen. Then he groaned, hauling her into his arms and off the ground, and carried her over to the bed.

  At first, he just laid her down before retreating to the side of the mattress. The white netting that draped the bed from ceiling to floor separated them for a moment and between the thin material Mallory could see him pulling off his clothes as if they were on fire. She already was. Her breasts peaked almost painfully against the transparent blouse. Her pussy throbbed for him.

  But lurking under the pleasure of seeing him hastily stripping was the fear that he would once again pull away from her before she was able to touch him as she wanted. Before they were able to make love.

  Make love. Those were Jamie’s words, not hers. Never hers.

  As long as the secret she carried stood between them, they would never be true lovers.

  Mallory breathed a sigh of relief when Jamie lay down in the bed next to her, stretching out to his full length. He was warm again, his body pumping out heat like a furnace. When he moved his hands over her still-clothed body, she could feel the heat of his fingers straight through the material.

  “I need to feel all of you, Mal.”

  He unzipped the suede skirt and slid it down her legs along with her panties, leaving her trimmed mound bare. He showed the same care in removing the high-heeled booties, his fingers sliding afterward across each sensitive instep. She shuddered as he undid her blouse and slipped it off her shoulders, finally freeing her breasts to the pleasure of his hands. When he bent his head to take her nipple into his mouth, she moaned with long-held back impatience, wanting more than the gentle laving motions he was making.

  “Sweet Mal,” he whispered against her breast, soothing her with his hands. He suckled her taut nipple deeper into his mouth, giving her stronger suction as she arched against him demandingly.

  Mallory twined her hands in his thick hair, holding him close as he moved to the other breast and gave it the same treatment of lingering teasing with the final drawn-out suction. When she looked down she saw his cheeks hollow as he fed on her tit, his entire face intent in concentration. Dampness pooled in her pussy as she watched him satisfy his hunger, the image eliciting her own desire.

  A tug on his hair made him lift his head to stare down at her. Balanced on his knees and elbows, which were planted on either side of her supine form, he was half lying on top of her but she didn’t feel the weight of him at all.

  All she saw was Jamie’s flushed face and his dark-blue eyes. She reached up to smooth a lock of blond hair away from his face.

  He was so beautiful. And tonight at last he was hers.

  Their eyes still locked, Jamie pulled her hand down so that he could kiss the vulnerable curve of her palm, making her hand automatically close as if to keep the kiss inside.

  Then he settled his body over hers and she forgot the kiss and everything else as she felt his shaft rearing against her mound, demanding entrance. After what felt like an eternity, she wanted only to spread her legs and invite him inside—and to keep him there for as long as she could.

  She moved her hands greedily over his taut buttocks, feeling the strain in them as he held himself in check. Then, unable to resist, she let her fingers delve between their bodies to seek out his dick.

  Jamie groaned low in his throat as her hand closed around his rock-hard cock. Mallory watched the emotions flit across his face as she stroked its length—velvet over steel—and squeezed the smooth head, which spat out a few liquid drops to lubricate her actions.

  Jamie’s hips moved involuntarily against her before he plucked her hand away.

  He bent his forehead to hers. “Fuck, Mal, I can’t take too much of that.”

  Recalling his previous impatience and the eagerness of his youth, she was surprised by how much he could take. But then he’d changed, hadn’t he? He wasn’t a boy any longer.

  “You don’t have to.” She took his hand and drew it down between her thighs.

  His breath caught when he felt her wetness coating his fingers. For a moment they were still. Then he caressed her with the lightest of touches, his fingers tracing her nether lips before moving inside to rub the tight nub of her clit. His touch was careful and measured—and expert. For a fleeting moment she thought of all the young, beautiful women he must have had after they’d first had sex and Mallory quailed.

  With a supreme effort she pushed the thought aside. What did it matter how many women he’d had? Tonight, he wanted her, even if just for his own twisted reasons. That was enough.

  Then she could think no more. Because instead of stroking her more, Jamie slid down her body and covered her pussy with his mouth. Instead of his sure fingers, she was at the mercy of his hot, hungry mouth. And she loved it.

  He licked his way around her cavern, learning it as if for the first time before he settled on her clit with his rapidly moving tongue, bringing her to the edge of control.

  Mallory let her
head fall back and she closed her eyes as she surrendered to his sweet manipulations, her pussy dripping moisture over his lips and down to smear on his chin. She was so close to ecstasy that when he reached up to squeeze her breasts, her entire cunt shuddered. Then, as he latched onto her clit—drawing on it fiercely in time to the tugs he gave her swollen nipples—she spun over the edge of the abyss.

  Pleasure so keen that it was close to agony streaked through her body, rippling out from her core to the very end of her limbs. Joy curled her toes and fingers and brought a hectic rush of blood to her head, making her entire body a source of delight.

  In the midst of the storm, Jamie’s mouth left her cunt and he once more covered her body with his, leaving only his hand to hover over her hot, melting pussy. He still stroked her gently, forcing her to ride out the ecstasy to the very end, somewhere she was sometimes afraid to go with Paul. She was always so scared of letting go, of trusting too much.

  Now she had no such inhibitions. The entire time Jamie touched her she was aware that this could be the last time they were together and she knew she wanted to feel everything he could give her.

  Mallory cried out as he brought her to climax, her sheath shuddering and clenching at his fingers. But he refused to give her any relief, keeping his hands out of her drenched cunt as she continued to hump his fingers.

  “Touch me, baby,” she moaned. She ran her hands over his tanned chest. His skin was hot and his chest tautly muscled and both felt so sexy beneath her fingers. “You feel so good. I want you inside of me.”

  For a second or two he was still and she feared the worst—that he would again leave her hungry and unsatisfied. Then she remembered how he’d made her come, something he’d failed to deliver before in their recent meetings.

  No, this time was different. It had to be.

  Shamelessly Mallory arched against him, letting him feel the tightness of her nipples and the damp heat of her body. She slid her hand down his chest to feel the concave muscle striating his stomach.

  His skin jerked to her touch.

  She moved her hand lower, the back of it brushing the inflamed length of his cock before she turned it and gripped him fully.

  His entire frame shook.

  He wanted her. More than that he was as helpless as she was to resist him. Mallory rejoiced in the revelation.

  Above her Jamie’s face was flushed and sweating. His mouth moved but no sound emerged.

  Again she pushed back a lock of his tumbled blond hair but her other hand was still on his cock and she started to move it slowly in that ancient rhythm that made blood quicken in thrumming veins. “What is it, darling?”

  His body vibrated as if fraught with fever.

  This time, his voice was barely more than a rush of air, nearly insubstantial.

  “Tell me.” He gasped and Mallory’s heart began to pound even harder. What was it that he wanted to hear? He bent his head to hers, their foreheads touching lightly. “Tell me why you did it.”

  His words sent ice water through her limbs. Every nerve in her body stiffened then froze.

  No. Not that. Not now.


  He stared down at her, his midnight-blue eyes like dark pools reflecting not a bit of light.

  He repeated the question, his voice now raw with inarticulate emotion.

  “Tell me why you left me.”

  “Jamie.” Her voice was as hoarse as his, just a scratch of sound. “I can’t.”

  He framed her face in his hands. “Don’t be afraid. Whatever it is, it’s better if you tell me. Whatever it is I swear I will try to understand.”

  Nothing he could say or do would make her divulge the secret—and when he realized that he would leave her just as he had before.

  Desperate, Mallory pulled his face down to hers. His head moved only reluctantly to the force of her grasp, bending slowly as if against his will.

  But when their lips met it was as if for the first time. The electricity was there, sparking between them, threatening to set the bed and their bodies on fire.

  Mallory pressed her mouth hungrily against Jamie’s until his lips parted and she could taste him properly with her tongue. She swept through his mouth, loving the intoxicating flavor of him. He tasted like champagne, sweet and heady. She drank him in, suckling on his tongue with long, slow draws.

  Suddenly Jamie tore himself away and leaned over to rifle through his discarded clothing. His hand came into view, holding a silver packet that he ripped into, sliding the condom it contained on in a practiced movement.

  Jamie’s body was still shuddering convulsively as he spread her thighs and guided his cock toward her entrance.

  This was it, what she’d been waiting for for years. The pressure of his big dick against her clit before it slid down and inside, the stretch of her internal muscles as her pussy took him in, inch by inch.

  It felt so good, so right, like he was filling a hole that was made specifically for him.

  Mallory pressed her head against his shoulder and groaned with the satisfying fullness of the act. They fit together so perfectly.

  “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

  The endearment made her feel warm inside. She nodded blindly, happy to bask in the glow of his concern.

  “I want more,” she murmured against his damp skin, nipping him lightly with her teeth. “I want your cock.”

  He kept moving, burying his dick inside her until their pelvises ground together. He was balls-deep inside her hot sheath and her body reacted to the sensation hungrily, her nerves jumping, making her interior walls clench around him.

  It was Jamie’s turn to groan. “That feels so good, Mal.”

  “Doesn’t it?” She ran her hands over his arms and back, savoring the lean, muscled strength of him.

  For her this was the best part, the most excruciatingly intimate. The moment where they were complete together, penis in vagina, filling and being filled. Afterward, everything became lost in the pleasure and chaos of fucking but this was that one perfect motion where the world was full and it felt like it all belonged to her.

  “I have to move now.” Jamie’s voice was strained.

  She traced the indent of his spine down to his taut buttocks. “Yes, baby.”

  He barely waited for the words to leave her lips before he reached down and scooped her ass up in his hands. He reared back then, separating them as he knelt between her outstretched thighs.

  Loss stabbed through Mallory when she could no longer feel him on top of her. He’d taken a position meant for fucking, not for lovemaking.

  Holding her gaze, Jamie ground his hips against her, making her gasp. Then, as he drew back for his first real thrust, she let her eyes flutter shut, savoring the deliciousness of the moment.

  Jamie’s body went still, his cock barely inside of her. “Open your eyes,” he demanded, making her eyelids snap open. “I want you to see who you’re fucking.”

  The words brought a lump to her throat. What did he think, that she was blocking him out? That she wanted to pretend that he was someone else?

  How could she forget for one second that this was Jamie, her eager young lover turned into a hard, controlled man? How could she ever want anyone else?

  She whispered his name as she reached for him but he eluded her touch by the simple expedient of pushing her hand away. Mallory got the message. He was in charge. She had to let him do it the way he wanted to. She owed him that much.

  She watched as he settled between her thighs and touched her clit, rubbing and stroking it back to hungry excitement before returning it to her ass. Only then, as her juices began to flow around his rod, did he thrust inside with the perfect balance of efficiency and leashed violence.

  Mallory felt the penetration all the way up to her throat. It was beautiful—and so was he. The intent, dark-eyed look he gave her only intensified the force of his fucking, so that the next thrust was even harder and claimed her pussy even deeper. And each one after that tur
ned up the volume, heightening the friction against her clit every time he embedded himself fully inside her cunt, leaving her body twisting in agonized contortions against the sheets.

  Despite his silent order, she furtively crawled her fingers across the bed to splay out against the hard muscle of his thighs. The tension in his face was also vivid in his body. Beneath her grasping fingers Mallory could feel his restraint.

  She watched him from under half-lidded eyes as he drew himself up fully onto his knees, leaning over her to pound his shaft inside her, faster and faster. Each stroke touched the tip of her uterus.

  Her legs wrapped naturally around his hips so she could ride his frenzy and feel it vibrating through her own body. He moved his hands from her buttocks to her knees, securing them around him, before he reached out to touch her breasts.

  As he thrust inside her, his fingers squeezed and tugged at her nipples, making the sensitive nubs into tiny pinpoints of pleasure.

  The combination of his relentless cock and expert fingers made her wild. Mallory’s head rocked from side to side on the bed as she felt her pussy spasm around his pounding shaft.

  “Look at me, Mal.” This time his voice was soft yet it was still a command she couldn’t ignore.

  Her eyes locked on his dark-blue gaze, she let it all go. The secrets, the lies, the misery. It was all drowned beneath the tidal wave of ecstasy as Jamie thrust one last time inside her cunt and she climaxed under his hot stare, holding back nothing. A moment later, he came inside her, his hips jerking strongly against hers as his head went back with a shout. The heat of him branded her through the thin condom.

  Waves of pure joy crashed down over her as she basked in the aftereffects. Mallory couldn’t remember experiencing anything more natural or more perfect.

  It was beautiful, the fulfillment of the exciting promise he’d shown as a young man who was now fully matured.

  Jamie flopped down next to her, their bodies separating from their damp, tangled fusion. He flung one arm over his face, covering most of it from her view. “Sometimes I think I hate you.”


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