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Her Lawful Master (Pleasure Island Book 4)

Page 6

by Anya Summers

  But the mere thought of his hands thrusting inside her again made her sex walls clench and her body throb, begging for a release that only he could provide her. Why him? Of all the Doms in the world to turn her head, why that one? He was a stickler for rules and was far too uptight for her tastes. It didn’t matter that his dominant control turned her insides into a melted marshmallow. Or that she craved his brand of dominance with a yearning she didn’t fully comprehend. Frankly, it pissed her off. She didn’t want to desire him. It was a wrinkle she didn’t need in her life.

  Piper arrived back at her villa late that afternoon, covered in grime and sweat from trampling through the forest. After she had showered, she immersed herself in her work for the next few hours. It was the one place that always made sense to her and where she was comfortable. There were days when it was like snuggling into a warm, comfortable blanket. It was familiar and safe. She used it to forget about Theo and his magnetic eyes that drew her into their cinnamon depths with merely a stern glance. The work she accomplished wasn’t fruitless, and yielded better results than she would have guessed when she started. The photos she’d taken of Theo on the deck had been spot on and were fabulous. But seeing them, studying the lines of each image and making notes on how she wanted to expose the print to develop, which method she thought would be best, wasn’t a cake walk. Her body responded to his image and it was difficult to ignore her craving for him. Today, she wasn’t able to submerge herself in the job like normal.

  That was her typical pattern when she was confronted with anything resembling drama. Her therapist always commented that Piper was highly skilled at hiding herself in her work. And she couldn’t deny that fact. Piper did it all the time, using her job as an escape from reality. Especially when she was in emotional turmoil and upheaval.

  Theo was the king of monkey wrenches, disrupting her existence. Just because the man captivated her with his essence and dark good looks, made her insides quake and turn to jelly with a sinful glance, didn’t mean she should lose her head over him. Theo was the epitome of the stiff-necked, traditional Dom. He would require submission in all areas, and all the accoutrements of convention that went with it. It was unfortunate because that was something Piper couldn’t do. In another life, perhaps, but long ago she had let go of what might have been, of who she might have been, for the reality of what she had become through circumstance. Granting anyone her full submission wasn’t possible for her. Piper wasn’t built that way. She’d be lying if she tried.

  Maybe if her attack had never happened, she’d be able to submit more freely. A part of her wanted it, wanted to give her worry, her fears, and everything that she was, over to the right Dom. But deep in her heart, anytime she contemplated handing her control over to another, inside she would seize up and freeze with a fear so deep and dark as to be the antithesis of light. Too much had been ripped from her soul that day fourteen years ago.

  She’d spent a lifetime reclaiming her sense of self. If she gave herself fully, submitted to another completely, what would be left of her? The pieces of herself she had fought so hard to repossess belonged to her alone. Even the parts of herself that had died that day, as those men held her down and raped her one by one, laughing and grunting the whole time, those belonged to her.

  There had been days initially following her gang rape when she had contemplated ending her own life. Days when she hadn’t known whether she would make it to the next hour or minute, let alone the next day. But she’d persevered, and found the strength within to carry on. It had been her art that had saved her in the end. Not the thousands of hours of therapy, or the love of her family and friends, but her ability to sink herself into her creation. To just exist within it, look at life through camera lenses distantly and allow the inspiration to dominate her being.

  So, in a way, Piper did surrender and submit, every day of her working life, but the difference was that it was her choice. The camera took nothing from her, expected nothing from her, didn’t turn on her or cause her pain. It was safe. She had no problem trusting that it wouldn’t hurt her. If it stopped functioning, she bought a new one. Plain, simple, and drama free, just as she liked it. Her art had been her salvation and what had brought her back from the brink of madness.

  But Theo, that sexy as sin, inscrutable Dom, she feared wouldn’t settle until he had claimed pieces of her soul. While she prized herself on holding true to her word, in this instance, she doubted her capitulation to their agreement would be wise.

  Perhaps the best course of action would be if she circumvented their relationship, cutting it off at the knees before anything had a chance to develop. That way no one would be disappointed. She’d had enough of that rather fun emotion in her lifetime. And yes, she was playing it safe, but she knew firsthand the staggeringly steep cost when you didn’t.

  Besides, if that man thought she would appear on his doorstep at six like a little puppy dog he had trained, he had another thing coming. Piper was not in any way, shape, or form the obedient, simpering, wait-by-the-phone-for-your-command type of submissive female. It defied every ingrained part of her existence. She adored submitting in the bedroom. In fact, she could even do restraints now without freaking out and having an episode. Not to mention, she enjoyed the pain of a good caning or whipping. But as soon as she was outside of the bedroom, that all went away.

  When her stomach growled, she pulled herself away from her computer and notes to cook dinner, forgoing the main hotel and restaurant entirely. Yes, she was avoiding running into Theo—or interaction with other humans for that matter—but she enjoyed a simple life, and the stillness and quiet that came hand in hand with being on her own. One thing Jared had done for her was stock her fridge. When she had mentioned needing to be alone to work for the majority of her time here, he had made sure she had a copiously supplied kitchen with everything she wanted to eat while on the island. Cooking was another joy for Piper, even if she was quite modest when it came to her meals. Tonight, she whipped up a quick chicken stir fry, loaded with veggies and some brown rice. She paired it with a rather large glass of Chardonnay.

  Temperatures had cooled since the afternoon and Piper ventured outside to eat her dinner on the deck. There was a gentle breeze, the sun shining down as it made its descent for the evening. It almost reminded her of home. She ate meals on her patio there frequently. As she reclined on the deck on a chaise longue, munching on a flavorful bite with water chestnuts, she spotted a gorgeous little Woodstar who decided to stop by for a visit and perched itself on the deck rail. The size of a small robin, the bird was unique because of the bright coloring on its neck below the beak that was a vibrant, fuchsia purple. Piper was never far from a camera, and withdrew her small portable digital from her pocket.

  “Well, aren’t you just the prettiest thing,” she murmured sweetly to it. The bird seemed to know she was talking to it and almost preened for her camera. She loved snapping wildlife. Anyone who thought they were dumb animals just didn’t get it. She could see the beauty in the little beast’s soul. And frankly, on most days, she far preferred animals over humans.

  Her half-finished meal was forgotten as she took a series of shots. The bird even had a friend stop by to see what the fuss was about as she set up her tripod and larger Nikon to snap more photos of the two. Their playful antics on the deck railing as they chirped at one another brought a smile to her face. This was why she did what she did. She didn’t pay attention to the time and immersed herself in catching the light as it faded.

  Heavy footsteps clomped up the wooden deck stairs. It alarmed her bird friends and they zipped off, flying into the deepening green of the forest, and disappeared from her sight. Piper sighed to herself as Theo’s powerful form joined her on the deck. She didn’t look at him. She could feel the displeasure radiating off him. Instead of confronting the issue head on, she continued snapping images of nature around them as he invaded her personal space. While she didn’t want to confront him, she wouldn’t run from him either. She
’d learned to stand her ground and face her fears.

  “Forgive me if I’m wrong, but I seem to remember requesting your presence at my villa at six sharp.” His stuffy British accent was thick with disapproval. There was no reason not to be straight with him. She owed him that at least for the photos this morning. The rest, she couldn’t agree to. It was just too damn risky. Maybe if he hadn’t been a sadist and left her in such painful need earlier, she might feel differently. She ignored the warning in his voice. As it was, she was rather peeved herself.

  “I decided to decline your request. This arrangement is not going to work for me,” she said, not bothering to glance in his direction. It really was better this way, for both of them.

  “Did you now?” he replied, his voice deadly silent and rather dispassionate, which should have tipped her off.

  Wind rushed across her face and suddenly his muscled shoulder dug into her stomach. The air whooshed from her lungs as he hoisted her in his arms. Stunned at having her world upended, she gasped for air as he carted her into her villa. For a stuffy Brit, he moved with a panther-like grace, and faster than she had time to recover from being turned upside-down. Before Piper could utter a protest, Theo had stripped her and had her wrists fastened into cuffs on the St. Andrew’s Cross in her private dungeon, putting her body on complete lockdown.

  As if waking from her stupor, she struggled against her bonds and snapped at the dark head bent before her as he finished restraining her ankle, “Let me go this instant. My other camera is outside. It will be damaged if it’s left out like that. You can’t do this to me.”

  Theo gave her a succinct glance from his kneeling position, then said, “Wait here.”

  She sputtered and growled at his retreating back. How dare he do this to her? If that man thought she would submit to him now, or ever, he could forget about it. Piper wanted to tear his eyes out for this. Whatever deal he thought they had, was done. It didn’t matter that a part of her yearned for his touch. That she admired his tall form as he retreated from the room, or that his confidence in his movements stirred her. He didn’t waste his energy.

  In less than two minutes, he waltzed back inside, hauling her tripod and Nikon. Piper breathed a deep sigh of relief that her equipment was safe, at least. Although, she didn’t know how she would fare once Theo had finished with her, and she couldn’t stop the tremors of fear riddling her system. Probably more discipline, from the stern look on his face. But would she survive the night with her soul intact?

  “There, your camera is safe. Now we can focus on the fact that you have disobeyed every one of my requests since agreeing to our bargain. I will not accept any more stalling from you. It’s time for you to start submitting,” Theo said after he placed the camera down in the living room. He strode toward her, unbuttoning his dress shirt. And sweet Jesus, but the man was ripped. He wasn’t the body builder type, but had the solid muscle of a man who had taken care of his body his entire life and was athletically inclined. There was a nice pelt of dark hair coating his chest, funneling into a single line over his smooth, six-pack stomach, and disappearing beneath his black trousers.

  She snorted, but her body sang with pulse-pounding desire as he neared. With his outrageous actions, he forced her to confront her desire, the yearning he had ignited with his touch. By all that she was, Piper couldn’t fathom turning away from him or from the way he made her feel. Then again, Theo hadn’t left her much choice in the matter. As much as she tried to make herself not desire him, she couldn’t lie, she did—and what’s more, he knew it. The heady, dark expression on his face would brook no further delay on her part.

  She inhaled a shaky breath. He would make her stick with her commitment and the bargain they had struck. That knowledge, that he would make her capitulate and succumb to his passionate demands, bend her will until she no longer desired to turn him away, made her bones all but liquefy and her blood simmer in expectation. Maybe she would finally have that orgasm she’d been denied.

  “Fine. Have it your way,” she conceded, cursing how breathy her voice sounded.

  Theo flashed her a sensual grin and it was as if the sun finally shone on her for the first time. He twisted her insides into gooey mush. “Relax, I’m not going to hurt you, much, but I do plan to take you.”

  They were only words but combined with his potent erotic charisma, they made her sex flutter and lava enter her veins. Theo invaded her space on the cross until every masculine inch of him was pressing against her, leaving her no doubt as to his carnal intent. He cupped her chin, rubbing his thumb over her bottom lip. With his blatant hunger, his cinnamon gaze shifted to a dark molten bronze that she found herself drowning within. Piper didn’t know what he was waiting for as he stared at her. Now that the decision was out of her hands, she craved his touch.

  He asked, “What’s your safeword?”


  “Good call,” he murmured. Then his lips finally claimed hers, but it wasn’t the invasion she assumed it would be. And it was that much more devastating in its simplicity. He explored her mouth like he was committing its shape and feel to his memory. And he was in complete, utter control. She moaned in the back of her throat as his tongue slid along hers, curling around hers, teasing her with delicate, playful thrusts. It was only when Piper surrendered, stopped trying to maneuver him and control the tenor of their exchange, that he changed the temperament of their kiss and ravaged her with torrid, deep caresses. Going deeper, he slid his hands into her hair, gripping her head to hold her steady as he plundered her mouth.

  Piper’s head swam. Carried by the tidal wave of his passion, she was drowning in him and his carnal kiss. In the way he drank her startled moans, demanding more from her, and with each stroke of his tongue, she gave it to him without question. Theo invaded the very fabric of her being.

  It was only a kiss.

  Yet every single part of Piper’s body was affected by his caress. It was as if, with only a kiss, he managed to touch the very essence of her being. It was the most intimate and carnal embrace she’d ever experienced. Theo ran his hand from her wrists, restrained up above her head on the cross, down over her forearms and biceps, then on to her shoulders and the slope of her chest. He cupped her breasts in his large hands, rolling the nipples between his fingers and she mewled into his mouth. His caress veered over her ribcage, his hands grazed her abdomen and hips, but he avoided the juncture between her thighs.

  At her whimper of frustration, he chuckled darkly but took the unending kiss even deeper. It made her forget her frustration as she kissed him back with equal ardor. Piper didn’t want him to stop kissing her, ever.

  How had he disarmed her entirely with merely a kiss? And did it really matter, when all she could see, could feel, and all she wanted, was him?

  When her head fell back against her shoulders, only then did Theo pull away.

  “There now, that wasn’t so hard,” he murmured seductively, giving her body a once over.

  She watched him from her hooded gaze as he walked over to the armoire and began pulling items from it. Her belly quivered when she spied the riding crop. The man really was a sadist. But instead of making her squeamish, it aroused her beyond the pale. He fit the crop beneath his left arm as he returned to her.

  “Now, I need you to use your safeword if you must, as this is our first real dalliance together and I don’t know how much pain you can take. I will push your boundaries this week, but I also don’t intend to cause you true and lasting damage. Understood?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He gave her another grin, a white slash of teeth and devilish gleam in his eyes, before he bent forward and surrounded one of her nipples with his mouth. Unexpected pleasure pulsed as he laved the taut bud, pressing a series of sharp bites around it. He played with her nipple, teasing, and fondling the sensitive skin as it swelled at his touch. Pleasure raced along her veins as his tongue swirled and embraced her flesh.

  This wasn’t so bad. At present, with her
body floating on a sea of passion, she couldn’t remember why she’d thought being with Theo was a bad idea. Her eyes almost crossed when he tugged at her breast. The man’s mouth was a little slice of heaven. Her world centered on the attention he lavished on the globe. Then he slid a cool metal ring around the engorged bud and tightened the four screws until the clamp was securely fastened. The four screws with blunt, smooth edges pinched and compressed her nipple. She hissed at the burning pressure.

  “There now, that looks beautiful on you,” Theo said, his voice husky. His passionate regard flicked to her face, as if contemplating his next action, before he switched his attention to her other breast, giving it the same devotion as he had its twin. By the time he had affixed the ring of fire clamp around her second nipple, wetness was dribbling between her thighs. Theo aroused her body to maddening heights and, judging by the erotic countenance on his face, their night had only begun.

  He stood back, admiring his handiwork as he stripped his dress shirt off entirely. She wanted to nibble on his broad shoulders, trace his powerfully built biceps with her tongue and explore his body like he was her own personal playground. Then he removed his black leather belt, and she bit her lip in anticipation of finally seeing the impressive bulge in his trousers. But the blasted man was toying with her and kept his black slacks on. Without the belt, they rode low on his hips, exposing his firm victory lines and the black band of his briefs. Sweet heavens, but Piper wanted to taste his victory lines with a vengeance.

  Theo approached her, no longer looking like a stuffy Brit but every inch a Master, and her belly quivered as he tapped the leather crop against his palm. He said, “I’m going to test you and see how much pain you can take. Again, Piper, and this is important, if at any time something hurts too much, I need you to stop being bloody minded for a minute and use your fucking safeword.”

  She nodded, biting her lower lip. “Yes, Sir.”


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