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When It Feels So Right

Page 13

by Celeste O. Norfleet

  With her hands braced on the rail, she stood completely consumed by the stilled panoramic beauty of the moment. Across the Gastineau Channel she could see the lights of Juneau as evening descended. Eclipsed by the mountainous terrain behind it, the city seemed to glow even as it sparkled in the water between the two land masses. Jo’s thoughts began to wander. How could anything be so perfectly mesmerizing? The placid calm she felt lulled her to a peaceful place she hadn’t been in a long time.

  Lately her days were rushed and tedious as she balanced moments of sanity and craziness. She wrote steadily and her clients were mostly egotistical snobs wanting the world to praise them for their absurdity. Thankfully Jacob wasn’t like that.

  She smiled, daydreaming wistfully about what it would be like to live here and experience this every day, to wait for Andre to come home to her and then to make love to him all night long. She closed her eyes remembering the feel of his body, the scent of his cologne, the taste of his mouth. Everything about him made her want him. But she knew the danger of mixing business with pleasure. She’d weakened once, and nearly weakened last night, but she had no intention of doing it again. So, for as long as this moment lasted, she’d enjoy it just as it was.

  Andre watched her knowing the effect the view would have. The awesome beauty had a way of weakening senses and exaggerating the feeling of euphoria. “Tell me about sign language,” he asked.

  Jo turned, slightly startled by the deep voice breaking her peaceful trance. “What do you want to know?” she asked and signed the question to him.

  He smiled and walked over to the rail to stand beside her. “When did you learn how to do it?”

  She moved one hand into the other then finger spelled the letters H and S. She closed and drew her fingers across the front of her body then continued by clapping her hands softly while moving the upper hand in circular motion then raising it up higher. “In high school and college,” she said, signing at the same time. “I had a close friend who was hearing impaired and he taught me some basic signs. I became interested and took classes.”

  “Are you fluent?”

  “I can easily hold a conversation, so I’d say I was proficient. I’m not sure I’m ready to translate at the United Nations.”

  He watched her hands as they quickly communicated her words as she spoke. “That’s very impressive.”

  “Thank you,” she signed without speaking by touching her hand to her lips then lowering it and nodding.

  “Thank you,” he translated easily. She nodded. “How do you sign you’re welcome?” She showed him. He repeated her action exactly.

  “Very good,” she said. “You catch on quickly.”

  “You’re a good teacher,” he said turning to look out at the view. “So tell me, how do you like my world?”

  “I love it, the view is breathtaking.”

  He nodded. “This is my favorite time of day.”

  “I can see why. It’s so beautiful.”

  “You are,” he said, leaning back against the rail and gazing at her. She looked away quickly. “Did I offend you?”

  “No, I just don’t want…”

  “Actually,” he cut her off quickly, “there’s another view that’s even more awesome. Would you like to see it?” She looked at him skeptically. He saw her hesitation. “I’m not talking about the view from my bedroom if that’s what you think. Come on.” He turned and walked down the deck steps, she followed. They came to a garage. He opened it and went inside.

  “A dune buggy,” she said, “are you kidding?”

  “It’s the only way to get there. We need to hurry or we’ll miss it.” He climbed in and turned to her waiting with a smile on his face.

  “What’s with you and these half vehicles? Can’t you guys afford a whole car or truck or something?”

  He laughed. “Come on, get in. Trust me. You don’t want to miss this.”

  Jo climbed in and buckled up as Andre backed up and sped away. She held on tight as the jumping jarring ride knocked her around like a rag doll. “Are you okay?” Andre yelled over the loud motor.

  “Hardly,” she yelled her response while still laughing.

  “Hold on, we’re almost there.” He floored the accelerator, splashing water up all around them. A few minutes later they came to the edge of a sandy beach. He continued driving until he got to a place just where the water met the land. He sped through, causing another huge splash of cold water to spray around them. Soaked, she screamed and laughed all at the same time. Seconds later he spun the vehicle around and stopped. Breathless she looked at him wondering what to expect. Then she saw it. Amazement gripped her.

  She was spellbound at the sight of tiny lights sparkling on the water all around her. They were on land, but it seemed like they were floating in the center of the water. “What is this?” she asked. “What’s that noise?”

  “Fish. The city lights sparkle and it fools them into thinking it’s food. This whole area is a wildlife refuge. Migrant birds and other animals travel through in search of food and breeding grounds.” He sat up on the back of the seat. She started to get out. “No,” he said, grabbing her arm and holding her back. “We can’t stay long. This island will be under water in about ten minutes.”

  “What do you mean it’ll be under water?” she said with some panic in her voice.

  “Don’t worry, we’re fine,” Andre laughed. “This small patch of land shows up just before dusk and disappears a few minutes later.”

  She sat up on the back of her seat as he did and looked all around her. They were completely surrounded by water and reflecting lights. “This is astonishing. How is it possible?”

  “I could tell you the scientific story of melting glaciers carved a millennia ago, but somehow it’s not as interesting as the locals’ stories about ancestors, spirits and rituals.”

  “This is,” she began then just stopped. “I don’t know what this is. I’ve never seen anything like it,” she said wrapping her arms around her body for warmth. The air was chilled and the cold water had soaked her.

  “My grandfather tells stories about how his father mined gold around here back before the turn of the twentieth century. I’m sure he’ll tell you more about that later. Right now we need to leave.” He sat down, she did too. He started the engine and they quickly sped away.

  By the time they got back to the house, Jo was completely frozen. “That was unbelievable,” she said as she shivered and her teeth chattered nonstop.

  “Come on,” he said, guiding her through the house then upstairs to the master bedroom. “You gotta get warm. I’ll run a hot bath.” She followed him into his bathroom and he immediately began running water into a huge tub. “Take your clothes off,” he said offering her a towel. “I’ll be right back.” He left the room.

  She nodded, shaking involuntarily as she looked over at the filling tub. It was huge and she couldn’t wait to get in. She peeled her clothes off and stood with a towel wrapped around her body.

  Andre knocked and returned moments later with a basket of bath supplies. He placed them on the counter then sat on the side of the sunken tub testing the temperature of the water, careful to keep his back to her. She walked over and stood by his side as he waved his hand through the hot water. “Is this okay?” he asked. She dipped her hand in and nodded. “Good, get in,” he said as he turned on the massaging jets. The water instantly agitated. He got up and walked to the bathroom door, keeping his back to her.

  She smiled at his politeness, removed the towel and got into the tub. The hot water felt wonderful. “You know the whole modesty thing is a moot point after the other night, don’t you think? We have seen each other naked.”

  “That was a mutual arrangement. Taking advantage of a half frozen woman isn’t exactly my style.” He turned around, certain by now that she was in the tub beneath the steaming water and foaming jets. She was. “Take your time. The knobs on the side work the jets. I’m not sure what’s in the basket. I think it might be lo
tion and other toiletries you might need. I’ll leave it here on the counter. I’m gonna change and get us something to eat before we head back to my grandfather’s cabin.”

  Jo nodded and sunk down deeper into the soothing hot water. The heat and massaging jets on her cold stiff body felt like heaven. She closed her eyes and dipped her head back, wetting her hair. She stayed like that a while, letting the water soothe and relax her tired body. When she sat up she was feeling like herself again, rejuvenated. She adjusted the jets and stayed in the tub for over a half an hour. As she lay there naked in the cooling water, she began to think about Andre.

  The tub was huge. She wondered what it would be like to have him in there with her, to feel the jets massaging their bodies as they made love. She took the large sea sponge and rubbed it over her breasts stimulating her areola and nipples much like he he’d done two nights before. She closed her eyes and thought about him being in there with her. How his hands would touch her and how his mouth would taste her everywhere.

  She turned the jets back up and reveled in her vivid imagination. But the pulsating jets did little to ease her wayward thoughts. She wanted Andre and nothing else would do. The sex with him was incredible, but it wasn’t just that. She really enjoyed being with him the last few days. His humor, his intelligence and the fact that they could talk about anything was so different. She opened her eyes quickly realizing that she was beginning to feel too deeply for him.

  She was a realist. There was no way she could have a lasting relationship with Andre. That just didn’t happen to people like her. They were from two different worlds, his situated halfway up a mountain that he actually owned. When he offered his body to her, she wanted him out of wanton lust. But they’d made a connection and that connection had been growing ever since. Everything he did, everything he said, merely added to her growing feelings.

  All her life she made it a point to never get attached to anyone and to never feel what she was feeling now. If she didn’t feel, then she didn’t get hurt when that person left or turned on her. But now she was worried that it was already too late to pull back. She had opened up to Andre to get him to trust her and she got caught in her own trap.

  Realizing that the hot water had cooled and her body had heated, it was time to get out. She released the water, dried herself off with the thick gray towel and went into his bedroom. Half hoping to see Andre in bed waiting for her, she was surprised at how disappointed she was when he wasn’t there. Her reaction showed just how much she’d opened to him.

  Her thoughts had become single-focused on Andre, the way he touched her and made her body burn. Banishing thoughts obviously wasn’t working. She decided to go full speed ahead. She knew he wanted her physically and she wanted him and if that’s all she could have of him, then she decided that she’d take it. Since Jacob would probably be back in the next few days, tonight was the perfect time to be with him.

  She went back into the bathroom and towel dried her hair. Needing lotion and a comb, she peeked through the cellophane wrap around the basket on the counter. The tag stated that it was a his and hers bath basket. She untied the ribbon and pulled out lotion, a comb and brush. Looking through, she noted a few other things including candles, incense, bubble bath, massage gel and condoms. When she’d finished applying lotion she went back in the bedroom and saw a T-shirt and sweatpants laid out for her on the bed. The clothes were extra large on her and the sweatpants kept slipping down her hips. She looked at herself in the mirror. She wasn’t exactly a seductress in this outfit, but she didn’t think that mattered. He wanted her, she wanted him. The decision was made. She went downstairs looking for him.

  “Why did she have to be so trusting,” Andre muttered aloud to himself as he stood beneath a fierce punishing blast of water. He looked up into the stream letting cool water pour down over his face and down his body. The shower started off hot, but he turned up the cold water soon after he began thinking about the woman down the hall lying naked in his tub. As wet and cold as his body had been from being outside, there was no way he could stand a hot shower without exploding.

  “Why did you have to be so sexy?” He leaned back against the black tile wall and closed his eyes. His imagination was running wild with the things he could do to her at that moment. He’d bring her into the shower stall. He’d pick her up and have her legs wrap around his waist. With her back against the wall, he would thunder into her as his mouth held firm to her tender orbs of delight. Breathing hard and feeling his body react, he had no choice but to turn the hot water completely off. The shocking result nearly numbed him, but it did the trick.

  He got out of the shower much as he got in, nearly frozen. He dried off and dressed quickly. He went down to the kitchen, gathered a cold platter of meats, fruit, cheeses and crackers and made a pot of hot chocolate. He took the platter, chocolate and cups into the living room, turned on the gas fireplace and hoped he was doing the right thing. He sat on the sofa and began re-reading her file sent to him on his BlackBerry earlier. He needed more and it seemed Rhames wasn’t working quickly enough.

  He was having second thoughts as guilt began to nag at him. What if he was wrong about her? What if she was telling the truth and she was just going to write his grandfather’s biography and leave it at that? What if her secrets had nothing to do with the Buchanan family past? Anything was possible. Still, his main concern was protecting his family, even as far back at Louis.

  No one knew the truth, it was too far back and records had been lost, burned or just plain destroyed. But rumors and accusations had little to do with the truth. There was no proof either way and that’s what concerned him. How do you spin and control ghosts of the past?

  “Hi, I’m back,” she said.

  He turned, switched off his PDA and looked up as she stepped down into the living room. “Hey, how are you feeling?”

  “Much better, thanks,” she said, sitting down on the sofa beside him. The room was toasty warm from the fireplace and the lighting was dim and romantic. There was one light on in the corner, but it was far enough away and low enough not to brighten the whole room.

  He placed his phone on the coffee table beside the food platter. “I guess I shouldn’t have taken you out there this evening. I forgot you weren’t used to the cold weather.”

  “No, I loved it. I had a great time.”

  “Hot chocolate?” he offered, pouring some into a second cup.

  “Yes, thanks,” she said, taking the cup and sipping the hot drink. The chocolate warmth filled her mouth and eased down her throat. She licked her lips slowly wondering how or if she should go through with what she planned.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked as he turned to her.

  “Not exactly, are you?”

  “No, not really.”

  “Thanks for the dry clothes. I like the T-shirt, but the sweatpants are a little big. They keep falling down.” He smiled, obviously imagining the imagery. She smiled seeing her opening. “Or was that the whole idea?” she asked wilily.

  “Not at all. Believe me, I’m not that restrained with my intentions. You should know by now that I find subtlety wastes too much time,” Andre said, holding her gaze in a penetrating stare.

  She had no intention of looking away. “I totally agree, so let’s cut to the chase, shall we?” she said boldly. She placed her cup on the table, stood up and looked down at him. He smiled and that was all she needed. She sat down on his lap, straddling his thighs. His hands came up instinctively to hold her waist. She looked into his eyes, and leaned in intending to kiss him tenderly. But instead, when their lips touched, there was an explosion of passion.

  Jo parted her lips and Andre’s tongue instantly slipped into her mouth and hers into his. She moaned, feeling her body react to his perfect intrusion. Both forceful and hard, the kiss took complete control of them. Wanting even more she inched closer as his strong arms wrapped tight, holding her in place. She trembled inside as the kiss deepened. Her body shook with desire as his
hands squeezed her rear, kneading, massaging, pulsating and pressing her closer and closer to his erection. She rocked her hips to his rhythm. The excitement of the instant seduction had her already teetering on the edge.

  She broke the kiss and leaned back breathless staring at him. “Maybe this is going too far, maybe we need to…” she began, and was cut off when he pulled her back to his mouth. This kiss was even more dynamic. She was dizzy with pleasure, her mind swam in delight, drowning, falling helplessly into the swell of passion. She’d never felt so completely in and out of control at the same time.

  She grabbed the hem of his T-shirt and pulled it up over his head as he relaxed his hold on her. Ending the kiss, she leaned back again. The sight of his bare chest seemed to always excite her. She spread her hands wide over him, feeling him. Also breathless, he closed his eyes and licked his lips. She tweaked his nipples. From past experience she knew his were just as sensitive as hers. He groaned, and the reaction prompted her further. She nibbled his earlobe and trailed tiny licking kisses down his neck and across his chest. She licked his nipple and felt his body lurch. “You like that?” she muttered playfully. He groaned again. “You want more?” she asked.

  In an instant he grabbed the bottom of her shirt and pulled it up and tossed it. She watched his reaction with a smile. It was obvious that the sight of her full breasts and pebbled nipples stiffened his already hard erection. She felt his penis harden even more if that was even possible. He was ready, but still he held back. He cupped her breasts, her head rolled back and her body arched, thrusting her chest out to him. The action made her pants slip down to her hips now held up solely because her legs were spread open straddling him.

  She held on to his shoulders as his hands gathered her breasts together and his mouth connected. She gasped seeing his luscious appetite as he devoured her so completely. The instant sensation of seeing and feeling took her breath away. Ravenous at first, then he was slow and methodical, torturing her with his mouth, driving her to near madness. “Andre, upstairs?” she muttered.


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