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Peppermint Kisses for the Omega

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by Lacey Daize

  Peppermint Kisses for the Omega

  Mountain Springs Omegas Book 1

  Lacey Daize

  Copyright © 2019 Lacey Daize

  All Rights Reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage or retrieval system without permission in writing.

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  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, places, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Find out more about Lacey at


  This short story is intended for mature audiences only. If you are under 18 or the age of consent for your country, or are offended by adult material please turn back now.

  This story contains explicit sexual content, graphic language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1 - Liam

  Chapter 2 - Alex

  Chapter 3 - Liam

  Chapter 4 - Alex

  Chapter 5 - Liam

  Chapter 6 - Alex

  Chapter 7 - Liam

  Chapter 8 - Alex

  More Books by Lacey

  About Lacey Daize

  Chapter 1 - Liam

  “What do you mean you’re going to Hawaii for Christmas?”

  My mom turned from the sink, crossed her arms and fixed me with a stare. “Just what I said, your father and I are headed to Hawaii for Christmas.”

  “But… Christmas dinner… seeing everyone.”

  She shook her head. “Christian has that big case, and he can’t get away from the city. Philip is spending the holiday with his new girlfriend. It would just be us, and you.”

  My mother sighed, walked over and set her hand on my shoulder. “Your father has always wanted to go to Hawaii, and we were able to get a deal on a travel package. I want to do this for him while we’re still young enough to enjoy it.”

  The tone was soft, but firm, my mom’s alpha stubbornness clear. It had been decided. I was on my own for the holiday.

  I sighed and sank into one of the kitchen chairs.

  She sat across from me. “It’s time for you to spread your wings a bit Liam. Why not plan something fun with your friends?”

  “Like what?” I asked, crossing my arms on the table and dropping my forehead to them.

  “Why don’t you head up to the cabin? It’s a nice drive, and the roads stay pretty clear. You can invite some friends and celebrate your own Christmas. Make it a few days, and you can go skiing as a group.”

  “But the store…” I protested, raising my head again.

  Mom smiled and rested her hand on my arm. “You’re not the only employee sweetie. I think James and the part-timers can handle the last of the Christmas shopping.”

  “What if there’s a rush?”

  Mom laughed. “Maybe that new mall in Mount Sable will see a rush, but most of our holiday season is over. We don’t stock the latest and greatest, so we get the stragglers who are in for a last minute gift.”

  I took a deep breath and released it slowly.

  Mom frowned. “You don’t have to go to the cabin sweetie, but you should at least try to do something fun.”

  “No… I’ll go. It sounds better than moping around here.”

  Mom patted my arm. “Just you wait. You’ll realize that hanging around your friends is much more entertaining than spending the holiday with us old people.”

  I snorted. “You aren’t old. You’re barely fifty.”

  Mom smiled. “Thanks, but you should still spend time with people your own age. It seems you live at the store some days.”

  “Who else is gonna take it over when you retire? Christian is off being a big-shot lawyer, and Philip seems intent on his art.”

  Mom stood and rested her hand on my shoulder. “Just because you’re taking over the store, doesn’t mean you should ignore your life. You have time to learn. Ok? Have fun. Find a mate, or heck, a date. The store isn’t going anywhere.”

  I sighed. I had no intention of finding a mate, or even dating. I’d fallen for my alpha, Alex, years ago, and he showed no interest in me. But a holiday dinner and skiing with him and our other friends did sound fun.

  “There’s gas up there for the stove, and plenty for the generator in case the power goes out?”

  “The propane tank was filled a month or so ago, before your father and I went up for the weekend. We took up gas cans too. There’s plenty of wood for the fireplace. There’s no reason not to go.”


  “Good,” Mom said. “You’ve got your own keys, right?”

  I nodded. “Yeah.”

  “Ok. Just clean up when you’re done.”

  Mom patted my shoulder and wandered off.

  I stood and made my way to the living room, where my dad was busy knitting what looked to be a receiving blanket. I plopped down on the couch.

  “Have a nice chat with your mother?” he asked as he counted the stitches.

  “She told me you two are headed to Hawaii. Then somehow got me to agree to host my own party at the cabin.” I paused, then motioned at the blanket. “Who’s pregnant?”

  “Your cousin Jeffrey. He’s due in a few months, so I need to work fast.”

  “Send my regards.”

  “You know I wouldn’t mind knitting one of these for you one of these days.”

  “Not this again dad. I’ll mate when I’m ready.”

  “I’d just like to enjoy my grandkids before I get old. Besides, you’ll love being pregnant. I always did.”

  “And mom hated it the one time she was pregnant.”

  Dad laughed. “Yeah. Point zero five percent chance of an omega male getting an alpha female pregnant, and we beat those odds in the handful of times I topped. But we got your little brother from it.” He smiled. “Though I don’t know which she hated more, the pregnancy or breastfeeding.”

  “And yet you think I’ll love it?”

  He glanced up and smirked. “It’s an alpha thing. Alphas love being in control, and the baby is in control while pregnant. It’s different for us omegas, and beta women. The instincts don’t fight it.”

  Dad finished the row and set the blanket aside. “What’s bothering you kiddo? Are you really that upset that we’re going to Hawaii?”

  I sighed. “It’s not that… sorta. I want you two to enjoy yourselves. I was just looking forward to seeing everybody.”

  “Can’t do anything about Christian and Philip though. They’re not going to be here.”

  I slumped. “I know.”

  “You said you’re going to the cabin?”

  “Yeah, mom seemed to think spending the holiday up there with friends was the right solution.”

  “It’s not the worst idea.”

  “It’s just… different.”

  “Nothing bad about different. One day you’ll be the host, so might as well get a taste of it now.”

  “Gee dad… thanks.”

  Dad chuckled and picked up his knitting again. “You’ll see Liam. This is gonna be a good thing.”

  I stood. “I’m gonna head home. If I’m hosting a party, I’d better in
vite some people.”

  Dad laughed as I walked to the door. “I swear you’re the only person I know who’s not excited to get together with friends.”

  I rested my hand on my coat. “It’s not that. I’m just going to miss you guys.”

  Dad met my eyes with a smile. “We’ll do something when we get back. Ok?”

  I smiled. “Ok.”

  I pulled my coat on and strode out into the cold. I had a party to plan.

  Chapter 2 - Alex

  I grinned as I looked at the caller ID. My omega, Liam, was calling.

  Not that he knew he was my omega, I’d been careful around him to keep my attraction to myself. We’d been friends before either of us presented, and the thought of a Liam-shaped hole in my life was far worse than the thought of never being with him romantically.

  But I didn’t see myself ever being interested in anybody but him. No other omega had his soft brown hair and gentle blue eyes, nor his sweet yet playful temperament.

  “Hey Li,” I said as I answered. “What’s up?”

  My beautiful omega sighed. “I just got home from the weekly brunch with my parents.”


  “They’re headed to Hawaii for Christmas.”

  I frowned. When we were kids Liam always looked forward to the family Christmas feast, sometimes even more than the presents. It had come to mean even more with his brothers away.

  “I’m sorry Li. Wanna come to my family’s dinner? It’s not the same, but you won’t be alone.”

  “About that…”

  I knew that tone. Liam’s mother had obviously talked him into something.

  “Spit it out. I know your mom twisted your arm.”

  Another sigh. “Mom wants me to host a get together for friends up at the cabin. Apparently playing host to a dinner myself, and spending some time skiing will be good for me.”

  I let the idea settle into my head for a minute. The thought of helping my omega prepare dinner for friends sounded interesting, though spending some time with him at the cabin, even with others around, sounded even better.

  “I’m in.”


  I could almost hear him blinking in confusion at me.

  “I said I’m in. That’s why you called, right? To invite me?”

  “Y… yes.”

  “I’m coming. I’ll help too. I know your family tends to keep the cabin neat, but you’ll still need to spend a day or so up there tidying it up and doing any prep cooking. I’ll come along so you’re not alone.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Positive. Pops doesn’t have many cars scheduled in the days before Christmas, so he and Mandy can handle them. He’s been wanting her to take on more anyway, so it’s a good chance.”

  Liam breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m glad you’re coming.”

  I smiled. As if I’d ever refuse an invitation from him. “Who else are you thinking?”

  There was a pause. “Oh… um… well… I hadn’t much thought about it. I was gonna cancel if you said no.”

  My smile widened. “I got a text from Carlos the other day. He’ll be back in town, and wanted to go skiing. Jasmine was already complaining about some aunt coming, who’s always on her to settle down. Ethan and Evan’s parents retired down to Florida a few months ago, so they’re probably free.”

  “That makes six, if everybody agrees.”

  I thought about the cabin and nodded. “I think that’s good, don’t you? The cabin maxes at twelve if people double up and some sleep in the living room. Right?”

  There was a pause. “Yeah. There are five bedrooms.”

  “Perfect then. If the twins don’t wanna double up then I’ll volunteer to sleep on the couch.”

  “Oh, you don’t need to… I mean… I can put a cot in one room and let you take a bed.”

  I laughed. “We’ll figure it out. Want me to send out the invites?”

  “Help me plan the menu first, so we can see who’s willing to bring what, and which dishes we’ll need to make?”

  I smiled. “You got it.”

  Half an hour later I hung up with a smile on my face, and a plan jotted down.

  My family was probably going to be slightly disappointed, but I didn’t care. I was going to spend several days with my omega at his family’s cabin.

  Chapter 3 - Liam

  I glanced over at Alex as he navigated his old four-by-four up the mountain pass. As expected the main roads were clear, but we’d only know how the cabin’s driveway looked once we arrived, and with the recent snows we’d decided that the larger vehicle was the best bet until we could get out the small snowplow my parents kept up there and clear the drive.

  He was so handsome, with black hair and a sprinkling of a beard. Traces of oil around his fingernails from his work as a mechanic.

  Any omega would be lucky to have him.



  “It’s the next turnoff, right?”

  I looked forward again as we passed a mile marker. “Yeah. Next road on the right. Then we’ll be on that one for about five minutes before the driveway.”

  “Got it.”

  Alex and I were arriving three days before everybody else. It would give us plenty of time to make sure the cabin was clean enough, and prep whatever we could for dinner.

  Also to get a tree. There was something romantic to the notion of hiking through the woods to find a small tree, and decorate it with Alex. Even if we weren’t a couple, I would be able to pretend for a little while.

  Alex slowed and turned onto the smaller road that went up further into the mountains. It twisted and curved, icy in spots, but still fairly clear.

  “Next on the left,” I finally said.

  “Got it.”

  The driveway was snow packed, as expected, with easily eight inches of powder. Alex took it slowly, and soon we were parked in front of the cabin.

  “Got the keys to the shed?” Alex asked as he turned off the SUV.

  I handed him a small keyring.

  “Thanks. I’m gonna get the plow going before we end up parked on a patch of ice.”

  I nodded. “I’ll start taking things in.”

  Alex set his hand near my leg, close enough that I wished it were on me instead. “Lemme clear a spot for the car, then I’ll go shovel the porch and steps. I don’t want you slipping.”


  He smiled. “Let me do this, ok? Nothing is going to defrost in the few minutes that it’ll take, especially since it’s below freezing outside. I’ll feel better knowing the steps are clear at least.”

  I smiled softly. He was such a good alpha, looking out for me, even though I wasn’t his omega. “Ok. I’ll start building a fire.”

  Alex returned my smile. “Good plan. Then we can have hot cocoa by the fire once I’m done plowing the snow.”

  I laughed, he always had a sweet tooth.

  “That’s making a big assumption isn’t it?” I asked.


  “Have you ever seen me make hot cocoa that wasn’t out of a box? My version of hot cocoa is heat some water and pour over powder, and I don’t dare turn on the water until the cabin is at least warm enough to not worry about the pipes freezing.”

  Alex laughed. “I’ll make the cocoa then, my own recipe. It’s got a touch of peppermint in it.”

  I almost moaned at the thought of a good peppermint hot chocolate.

  “Your expression says everything,” Alex laughed. “Go on. Get the fire started and I’ll get to work on the snow.”


  I opened the door and dropped into snow that came halfway up my calves. I wobbled for a moment, waiting for it to slip from under me before finally closing the car door and trekking up to the stairs. I used my foot to knock snow to the side with each step until I was on the porch. Behind me I could head Alex struggling with the shed door, the hinges creaking from the cold.

  I fumbled with the keys and man
aged to open the door. I pulled off my snow boots and set them next to the door, then shivered in the cold air. I shuffled in my socks to the fireplace and grabbed handfuls of newspaper and small pieces of wood. I shoved them in and fumbled with the stick lighter until one of the papers finally caught. I rearranged it so that the rest of the kindling was close, then reached over and grabbed a couple smaller logs to toss in until the fire was strong enough to take bigger pieces of wood.

  Once I was happy that a gust of wind wouldn’t put the fire out I opened the flue and tossed another log on. I rubbed my hands together near the bit of warmth, then moved to start pulling dust cloths from the furniture.

  I heard the snowplow outside, and walked over to the window. I pushed the curtain aside and looked out to see Alex pushing piles of snow toward the tree line.

  I wished this could be our future, coming up as mates for a romantic weekend. Him clearing snow while I prepped the inside of the cabin. Or coming up with our kids in the summer, watching them run and play in the trees while we drank lemonade on the porch.

  I sighed and allowed the curtain to drop.

  I wandered to the kitchen and made sure the fridge was plugged in. Then I checked the fire again before pulling my boots and coat back on, wrapping a scarf around my face, and grabbing a shovel from near the door.

  I started shoveling the snow from the porch, which mostly consisted of pushing it off the non-stair edge. It was mindless work, peaceful in the near quiet of the mountain woods. It reminded me of my childhood, before I’d presented, when I’d be expected to help in the outdoor chores with my brothers.

  After though… after I presented as omega I’d been expected to help inside instead.

  I learned my father’s tomato soup recipe while mom and my brothers cleared snow. Or I helped put the sheets on beds. Or a million other things that were for omegas to handle.

  I grinned. I never did learn a proper hot chocolate though.

  I looked up to see Alex on a return trip with the snowplow. He noticed me looking and pointed at the cabin.

  I pulled my scarf down and stuck my tongue out at him.


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