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Recovering the Siren

Page 10

by Erin R Flynn

  “Okay, but what about like the panthers that have two groups. Can’t there be two bear groups?” I checked, wincing when they all very clearly and quickly said no.

  “Hey, we’d all take this over the way things were before,” Simone said gently when she saw I was getting upset. “Without a doubt this is better. This is part of being a shifter, Sera. There are either problems, and no one wants to get involved or be there because of it.”

  “Or the area is great and people want to take it over and be boss in that area too, not realizing it’s normally because of who’s in charge that made it great in the first place,” Noe finished for her, gesturing to me. “Hagan said you’ve gotten people who asked to come back to the pack after they saw how you taking over went instead of racing out of here when Engle was gone. Now you’re Alpha of six packs.”

  “Don’t remind me,” I drawled, rubbing my forehead. “How bad is it really?”

  “It got bad when it seemed you weren’t coming right back,” Gerald confessed, the others nodding. “A few whispers have reached my ears that now was the time to come take me over and then you because you’re weak and of course would just bend to whoever has a penis. We whispered right back that they should meet you before saying stupid things.”

  “So the faster I get stronger the better it would be?” I checked, nodding when they did. “What about having a tiger as a ‘Beta’ like Dain was named?”

  They shot Axel a range of surprised looks, Simone finding her voice first. “You’re leaving the council for Sera? Officially?”

  He glanced at me as if unsure how much to tell, waiting until I nodded to tell them the truth. “The council learned she is infertile, officially, not just Haton. They made it clear they were planning my engagement to who they want one of theirs mated to and popping out tigers and called me back to duty.”

  Amusement danced in Gerald’s eyes, the bear having gotten along with Axel from the start. “And you responded with?”

  “That I quit and I wasn’t their pawn and they can go fuck themselves and I had other options basically,” he answered with a shrug. “And now that Noah needs to resign to take over the coven, there won’t even be any waiting for approval to get a trainer spot with the non-human FBI.”

  I rubbed my forehead again, and Reagan put my migraine pills in my hand and refilled my drink. I gave him a grateful look, and he leaned in, rubbing his cheek against mine in comfort. That made me feel better too now that I was more used to such wolfish gestures instead of scared by them.

  “As long as everyone’s here, we should discuss why Vlad lost it and what you did,” Reagan suggested. “They can help.”

  I nodded and gestured for Carter to fill them in as I took my pills. He had just finished when a very pissed off Eugene came into the room with steam about coming out of his ears.

  He glanced around and locked gazes with me. “You were serious in your offer, right? Work for the FBI and fight to be an alternate Beta of the pack or whatever so it wasn’t my full time gig but I was one of yours?”

  “Is my head going to explode at whatever you’re about to tell me?”

  “Yes, and Havers is going to put the same restrictions on me that Axel has or had or maybe more than him once I tell you.”

  “Did you just quit the council too?” Simone asked, none of the leaders hiding their shock when he nodded. “Why?”

  “The wolf elder who was promoted to councilman while you were gone just gave me a lecture that they were disappointed in me that I hadn’t claimed you now that you’re back and solidified my status as your mate, and it wouldn’t be too hard for me to bite your nape given you’re beaten, and especially after I filled in for you and he’s been making it clear I took over.” He said it so fast and in one long blurt it took me a second to process that.

  “Since when did they just ignore that it’s illegal to force someone into a mating?” Simone whispered in horror. “Is that not a thing when the council wants it?”

  “Yes, the offer was real,” I told Eugene firmly, hating this was happening to him because of me and power. “And if you don’t want it or to be around this crazy, call Alena and tell her what you just said, and she’ll welcome you in Greece.”

  His anger melted away, and faster than most could track he was suddenly in front of me, leaning over and cupping my face. He gave me time to stop him before he gently kissed me.

  “I don’t want away from you. This isn’t your fault or just about you. It’s my bloodline too. It’s people being assholes and trying to control what they shouldn’t. The wolves and the council took a hit with that last elder, and now they’re being stupid and pushing to act like it was no big and they have all the power.”

  “They should learn from Vlad since that move did not work well for him in the end,” I grumbled, pulling Eugene back down for another kiss. “We’ve had some very nice workout dates and lunches, and when I’m better I will absolutely accept that night out, but I think we’re on the same page on how far off mating or naming you my consort or whatever is, right?”

  He snorted. “Yeah, like I’d want to learn your middle name and a few other things before considering even an engagement.”

  “I don’t have a middle name, but I agree.” I glanced at Axel. “That’s your answer too, right?”

  “Yes,” he said firmly. “You’re my Alpha, and I’ve acknowledged that, but we’re not even dating. I don’t want to just settle down and knock up women for cubs. There should be more to life, and just because we’re known now doesn’t mean it’s safe to have cubs. I’m tired of them pressuring me.”

  I wasn’t surprised when my phone rang from Haton’s cell. “Can you fill everyone in now and start plotting how to fix this mess that’s around the corner?”

  I said it more to Carter, but honestly, I didn’t care. I just needed people caught up and to fix it especially now that Vlad was gone. I walked out of the party room and out onto the pool deck, glad that at least Vlad’s body was removed and taken to the coven for storage.

  “Two of my top ten team leads have quit today, and I’m getting chewed out for ever working with you and letting them near you,” Haton said when I answered.

  “Did one tell you the new wolf elder ripped into him for not claiming me yet because I’m weak and it wouldn’t be hard to bite me when he’s told people Eugene has taken it all over?” I threw right back. “And since they know I’m infertile, they don’t want Axel wasted on my non-baby making body and were giving him options for his upcoming engagement and ordering him to come back to that. So you’re really going to tell me this is my fault?”

  She was quiet several moments but then cussed up a storm. “I so, so want to believe this is some sort of prank or misunderstanding, but none of you are the type. Great, we get one asshole out and another is apparently taking over.”

  “It’s going to get better because Vlad’s dead and my vampire is taking over. He attacked me and knew where I was, or at least that I was in Germany, as it was the guy who tried for me in Memphis, so yeah, it’s been fun. I would remind your colleagues I won’t be weak for long, and if I ever hear of them ordering to mate someone against their will, I will serve a warrant on them in a heartbeat.”

  “You’ll have to serve it to their dead body because I would kill them first,” she muttered and then sighed. “I might have accidentally had a hand in Axel’s situation. I got angry at their reaction to your infertility, reminding them I knew and wanted Axel as my mate, and if I could remain professional about that, they should really shut their faces. For the record, I did not mean it to sound like I could give him more because I can have children.”

  “I get snapping and it coming out wrong in anger,” I forgave. “Look, I like you, you know that, but this shit has to stop. I get a few inches with the vampire council, and I get kidnapped and invaded while I’m gone and people talking that you guys were trying to have your people take over. Come on. We have to do better than this or the bad humans will keep picking us off.�

  “Yes, well, there will be a few to make power plays at Vlad’s APA event now that Alphas have been invited.”

  I growled before filling her in on the truth. Then she started cussing too. Yeah, someone was really going to start shit now that Vlad was dead and it had all originally been my idea.

  “Diandra, this shit has to stop,” I whispered after we settled down. “Off the record, Galvin got that bigger budget approved. We’re getting a non-human team in each FBI office. It’s starting with the class that just graduated. We’ll need more. You guys should be working with us more and getting more of your own teams to help all over the world because you have that reach. We won’t survive if there keep being these power grabs.”

  “I agree, but I am just one of many. Others want it clear that you are under us, not one of the Dorcuses moving out of Greece.”

  “Yeah, well, while they’re busy giving a shit about that, people are still dying. They’re still oppressed, and I’m fighting to end that. Tell them I said to get behind that or the second I’m better I might come tell them myself, and I don’t give a shit about politics like most wolves would. If they act like animals fighting for territory, I will react as one and just go for the throat of the threats. I was clear Axel was my tiger.

  “And I’m sorry if you were interested in him, I am. He said there wasn’t something there and acknowledged my claim. So he’s mine to protect, and they’re trying to mate him off, which he doesn’t want? Now they’re pushing Eugene to bite me? Hey, we’ve not even had sex yet, but now he’s mine too so anyone else they want to push my way by being assholes I will protect and fight back if they come for them.”

  “I’ll pass the message along. I hope you heal quick because we know someone will be stupid.”

  “They always are,” I grumbled. “Are we cool?”

  “Yes, and I’ll try and make sure I’m at this event too so someone is there for the reasons they should be instead of this bullshit.”

  Well, at least that was settled when there was so much up in the air. I took a few minutes to enjoy the skyline before feeling someone join me. Reagan moved behind me but didn’t touch me, clearly saying he was leaving it up to me and didn’t want to push me.

  I didn’t want distance from him anymore though. I reached back and took his hand, sliding it around me, relieved when he hugged me.

  “I don’t want you to think this is about Eugene or Axel or push you, but I wanted to ask if I could stay tonight,” he muttered, kissing my neck.

  “Yes, but I’m scared to be with you and Hagan more than anyone else,” I admitted, wincing when I felt his pain. “I’m sorry, and I know it was months and months ago now, but everything sped up on me. You had me for months when I was… More and I couldn’t keep you happy. I’m scared I really won’t be enough until I fill in and my hair grows out.”

  “My love for you isn’t shallow,” he rasped, burying his face against my neck. “I love you, Sera. I love the person you are, not just your physical side.”

  “I know that, and you’ve proved it. It’s my insecurity and hurt. It’s my never being good enough and kicked out of foster family after foster family. To never having much of anything with anyone before Tristan, and that went to shit, then it did with you guys. Brian wasn’t—we certainly weren’t living together.”

  “Let me stay tonight and show you,” he begged quietly. “Let me make love to you and show you how I feel. Or let me stay and just hold you. I need you, Sera. I need to stay after racing up here and seeing Vlad hurt you. I need to make sure you’re okay tonight.”

  I leaned back against him and nodded, letting out a shaky breath when his other arm came around me. “Can we not have sex yet? Can we just fool around?”

  “Of course.” He kissed along my neck. “Sorry, I got extra needy when I saw you with Noah and I know you’ve been with Brian.”

  “I need to feel more solid with you and Hagan,” I admitted. “I want to do this right. I want you both standing next to me always, and we have so much on the line without the history I had with Brian. Even Noah. You guys did so much for the pack, but I worked a lot with Noah. I knew him longer, even if it wasn’t much longer, but we have always been stable besides what happened on New Year’s. I don’t feel that stability with you yet.”

  “Thank you for explaining that.” He hugged me tightly. “Let’s go take a bath and get to bed early. You had too much stress tonight, and nothing is more important than you getting better.”

  I looked up at him. “Thank you for saving me. I was really scared when I saw the darkness in him I didn’t know was there like that. I hate feeling this weak, and it was really, really nice to have you save me from more pain.”

  “Always.” He kissed me gently, but then I turned and so did the heat of the kiss. He ran his tongue over my lips and into my mouth, mapping out every inch of me in his Reagan intense way.

  I moaned and pressed against him, loving the feeling of his familiar hands on me. I felt the desire coming from him and my siren waking from her too often naps and wanting to feed finally. I took a small sip, and he groaned deeply, holding me tighter as she seemed to stretch from the feed and then go back to bed. It was so weird to have my other sides be so docile and dormant. In some ways it was nice.

  In most ways it was terrifying because they were too weak to cause any trouble or want attention.

  “Let’s go finish being adults and then a bath,” I whispered against his lips. “And maybe if you’re good, I’ll let you get some second base.”

  “It is one of my favorite bases,” he chuckled. He moved me away from the railing and then swung me up into his arms.

  I realized something when we went back inside. “Where’s Nina?”

  Simone gave me a worried look. “She said she was in the middle of something that she couldn’t leave.”

  Crap. I didn’t blame her wanting to avoid me after what had happened, and I hadn’t seen her since she’d given me the charm to suppress whatever extras I came out of my adventure with, but right then wasn’t the time for people to think there were problems. I gave Hagan a look, and he nodded.

  “I’ll catch her up on my way home. I’m sure she was working on a potion or whatever that couldn’t be left alone.”

  I filled them in on my conversation with Haton, both Axel and Eugene relieved that at least she wasn’t in on the bullshit. Yeah, it was always nice not to have everyone be dirty or shit.

  “Now that we’re caught up, fill us in on what you want this event to be, or how you saw your idea going,” Gerald said, accepting one of the beers Brian offered, thanking him.

  “Basically like a tradeshow that each pack or group had a booth at,” I said with a shrug. “Virgil gets listed as having the organic cow farm and the chocolate factory. The cotton farms are being bought up by the fairies. The fairies have a booth with their material and whatever, and oh hey, there are some other packs or prides that have wool that they could use buyers for, and yeah, they can take in some refugee elves, sure.

  “Or like Seattle wants to become friends and Virgil’s met him. So there are meeting rooms in the west building of McCormick Place, which is what Vlad rented out for five days, and we set a time for a meet and greet. No showing necks or pecking orders or flexing muscles. Just ‘hi, I’m Sera, nice to meet you. Sure, let’s be friends. Would you like my fruit snacks?’ or whatever basic friend thing kids do and not the adult complications.

  “And we have all our Siren’s Kiss stuff. Stud stops being a dick and starts making friends so shifters have more options for vacations without worrying someone is always going into someone’s territory to spy. Stop with that crap and start being normal people who can go take a vacation in Vegas without a friggin’ song and dance. And the non-human FBI will be recruiting. I was going to say the council, but they can stuff it.”

  Axel snorted. “Let them recruit from the refugees in Greece and help place them in areas you’ve made safe instead of trying for what you have.”
  “Amen, Brother, amen,” I fake cheered, smiling when he did before looking at the others. “So that was the idea. Say Friday I’m recruiting and like a job fair with interested parties in one room, and Thursday and Saturday people can schedule quick meets who want to be friends. A lot of what people hear isn’t always the truth. Some think I clean up an area only to take it over or blah, blah, so let them meet me.

  “Let them see Virgil is still Alpha and I’ve not touched Des Moines but it’s a good deal for us. And we go from there. And we do it across species. Oh, you’re a panther, well, the coven has great hotels and there’s lots to do in Chicago, so yeah, come vacation here because we allow vacationers and we’re so secure here we do that, and why aren’t you because the silliness needs to stop.”

  “The map has a lot of meeting rooms, a huge exhibit room, a ballroom, and rooftop garden, so like what the fuck was Vlad planning with just however many covens?” Simone asked as she looked at a tablet. “I mean, is there even a schedule, or what has been done?”

  Remus cleared his voice nervously and shared a look with Jake. “Um, we don’t know. We kept disagreeing with what he wanted.”

  “Oh, this should be good,” I drawled. “What was he plotting you didn’t want to do?”

  “Use your blood license and act as if you bequeathed it to him,” Jake admitted, wincing at whatever was on my face.

  “That’s our blood license,” I said, gesturing between Simone and me. “Yes, I was the reason we got it, but it’s our name, club, and company on that license. How was he going to get it even if I died? It’s not a cabbie token that can be bought or passed down.” I let out a slow breath and rubbed my hand over my hair. “Wow, he really was plotting for my never returning.”


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