Recovering the Siren

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Recovering the Siren Page 17

by Erin R Flynn

  Especially because he was the most protected one in the very corner. I’d lined up Galvin behind me, then the president, then Brian so he was in the safest spot. Yes, I’d put the president of the United States to block him as I’d moved us.

  “Well, clearly I don’t work for the Secret Service,” I drawled, glancing at Axel. “Are you going to tackle me next if I try and check on Bijan’s people?”

  “Yes,” he grumbled.

  “Sorry, okay? We didn’t cover Brian and—”

  “Yeah, they did, Sera,” Brian corrected. “Carter is head of security now and covered it. Emilio was on me.”

  “Fine, fine, sorry, I’m a total brat,” I grumbled.

  “Well, I appreciate you, Thomas,” the president joked. “That was some fast moving, and I appreciate it.”

  “Thank you, Mr. President.”

  “Even if I’m in second spot,” he added.

  “I’m never going to live that down.”

  “Got the shooter,” someone said over a radio. “All clear.”

  Axel let me go, and I went over to Bijan’s group, noting that they’d already gotten the bullet out of the guy. I knelt down and checked he was okay. “We’ve got blood inside. You gonna make it that far, or you want us to get some?”

  “I can make it inside, thank you, Mistress Sera.”

  I nodded, glancing over at Laila who was behind a wall of fairy warriors dressed in court garb. “Have you ever been here when someone hasn’t been shot or almost blown up?”

  “Not funny, Sera,” she muttered under her breath so the humans wouldn’t hear.

  No, but I did my best to keep everyone amused.

  “They need to work on their security,” one the Secret Service said, meaning Bijan’s people. “They didn’t even try to duck him, just block him.”

  “One, we can all hear you,” I chastised the guy, nodding to the unhappy vampires. “Two, they did it on purpose.” I gestured to the glass behind where we were and all the people. “They dodge the bullet and it still keeps going and hits one of the people behind them. They can survive a long range rifle shot. Who is behind them may not.” He seemed to doubt it, so I decided to make my point in the visual way I loved to. “Anyone got a taser?”

  “Oh crap,” Emilio sighed.

  One of CPD working security tossed me one, and I aimed it at Emilio, noting the tension from the Secret Service and those around us.

  “Did you take the last of the green Gatorade from the clubhouse and not replace it?” I knew it was him, so I didn’t wait for an answer, shooting him with the taser, watching the reactions of the humans as Emilio burst out giggling. “They’re ancient. President Nuri has vampires thousands of years old guarding him. Bullets hurt, but lots doesn’t affect them like you’re thinking.”

  “I’m sorry, Sera, I’m sorry,” Emilio giggled loudly as he twitched like a tickling fit. “I’ll get cases and cases and stock it. I’m sorry I drank your Gatorade.”

  I let go of the trigger and noted the president’s amusement, locking gazes with him. “It’s also why I would suggest having one on your detail always. People who survive bullets pretty well are more likely to block someone from them when there’s a problem, plus they move faster than I just did and have been for a long time.”

  “Meaning they make less mistakes,” he surmised, nodding when I did.

  Carter appeared in front of me faster than the humans could track, scaring the crap out of the Secret Service who were seconds from shooting him. “I apologize. I forgot the rule of moving human slow around the president and his detail.” He waited until they eased down. “The human shooter is dead. Not by us. He took something.”

  “There has been much communication outside of Iran with any Iranian humans to try for President Nuri when he travels so they may have their country back,” one of Bijan’s guys told us in Farsi, and I translated.

  “Thank you for the information, and if you have any names or persons you know of here, I would be able to pass it to the right people,” I told him, Galvin nodding as he understood as well. We headed inside, and I glanced at Galvin. “Do I get any credit for blocking you? I could have not included you, sir.”

  He snorted. “It would never cross your mind not to protect me. If you could have, you would have tucked all the Secret Service somewhere safe, but even you have limits.”

  “Don’t go telling people I’m a softie,” I grumbled, worried how to get back on track after that, but Bijan had the answer and one of his guys moving forward and setting a large, ornate basket in front of me.

  “Mistress Seraphine, a gift from President Nuri and our country’s people,” his aide said formally. “Our roses are believed to have many healing and beautifying properties, festivals all over Iran celebrating our rose water, golab. Clearly you need no aid in beauty, but we wish you the best of health and hope these roses along with the golab we have for you help in your recovery, as all of Iran is happy you are home and safe.”

  I moved closer and looked at all the pretty, smaller roses and the gorgeous, large bottle of what I assumed was the golab. I smiled at Bijan. “Thank you very much for your kind and wonderful gift. I was honored you traveled so far and accepted my invitation, and I am truly touched to accept such a thoughtful present.”

  Galvin translated for me, and then I moved closer to greet Bijan, knowing it was okay to do so first because I was the hostess. Next he greeted Laila, and I noted that there was also a small bag of seeds, probably for their roses, which was really nice given they were probably impossible to get in the US.

  I recognized Elvy from when I’d visited Laila at court, and once they were done, he stepped forward with a large package, bowing deeply.

  “Princess Sera, on behalf of our queen and our people, we thank you for your invite to such an inspired event meant to bring all paranormals closer together in such a peaceful way. Our wise and gracious queen commissioned bedding of the finest fairy material to aid in your recovery, as it was woven with the same magic you have experienced at the baths at fairy court. May you heal as you rest, and all of the fae wish for your continued friendship.”

  I thanked him, glad when Freddie came over and accepted it as one of my Betas. I went over to Laila and greeted her with the nod thing before we kissed each other’s cheeks. I was uncomfortable with all the eyes on me and attention, so I was a complete goof and turned to the president next, frowning when he didn’t say anything. “Not even like a presidential pen or like a White House visitor sticker they give kids, sir?”

  “Thomas,” Galvin groaned, but the president burst out laughing, apparently finding me and my awkwardness amusing. Hey, glad someone did because I just felt awkward.

  I introduced Laila to the president first, as she was queen, then Bijan, my nerves about fried by then, but we weren’t done, as we still had more big wigs coming. Except it was lunch, and the president kept a tight schedule, and I knew we weren’t the only thing on his agenda this trip.

  “When the council members arrive, have them meet us at the rooftop garden,” I said to Carter.

  Bijan offered me his arm, which I accepted as the president followed suit and offered his arm to Laila. There was a reason I liked him.

  “How are you feeling, truly?” Bijan asked me. “You look well, but your power is not what I remember it.”

  “I’m better, thank you. The doc came up with some really smart ideas to save me, but since I was knocked back so far, he’s been making sure my progress is slow so as to not shock my system. It’s been humbling to remember what it was like as a human, worse actually.”

  “It has been many thousands of years since I have been, so it is hard to imagine,” he replied. “It was upsetting to hear that Vlad had knowledge of who had you. My understanding is the coven in Memphis has reached out to apologize?”

  I caught the president’s surprise as his heart rate increased slightly. This was news to him. “Yes, they gave information to Vlad about who wanted me in Memphis but didn’t
put together it could be the same person as he did. I believe Councilman Papadopoulos is still chewing into the Memphis Master as his people called every coven asking for any lead or information as to who might have taken me or threats against me to follow up on, and they didn’t answer.”

  We had to break up to get on the elevators to go up, as there would be an argument as to who got security with them. I let Bijan and Laila and their people take the elevators first, knowing we had people waiting to receive them, before turning on another Secret Service guy.

  “We can all hear everything you say,” I seethed. “This whole building is full of paranormals who can hear you, and you’re here as a guest of mine, so act like it or I might drop you off the roof. And the council won’t care you’re Secret Service, they will eat you if you fucking offend them.”

  “What is going on here?” the president demanded, and I realized he didn’t know.

  “He just told the other guy that the ‘big bats’ have arrived. Vampires don’t turn into bats, and it’s seriously insulting to call members of the International Vampire Council that.” I looked back at the Secret Service guy. “You’re not even all that clever. Ha ha, heavy hitters, you get to make a vampire bat joke. Seriously? They could snap you like a twig. Have some self-preservation if you won’t be decent and smart.”

  “Yes, Chief Thomas,” he muttered, wincing at whatever look his boss and the president was giving him.

  “Warn your guys on coms that we can hear them too,” Emilio suggested.

  I shook my head when they didn’t seem to get it. I glanced at the president. “Are you picking up Lou’s or Giordano’s frozen pizzas for your wife since you told her you’d bring some home?” I nodded when they all flinched. “We heard you as you pulled up. Our hearing is that good, sir. Please trust me on this.”

  “I do, Thomas, thank you,” he muttered, nodding for the Secret Service to do it as well.

  We took the next elevators up, and Laila gave me an amused look when we joined them, speaking at a level the humans wouldn’t hear. “Did you have fun spanking them?”

  “As much as I can without getting in trouble for tasing stupid men.”

  “You’ve gotten better at hiding when you talk at a level we can’t hear, Thomas,” Galvin praised.

  “Not good enough if you still caught it, sir,” I drawled, trying to change the topic again and focusing on Bijan. “How are the greenhouses that were set up in Iran? I admit I haven’t had a chance to fully catch up on everything.”

  “They are doing very well, thank you,” Bijan answered. “Your family was rather generous in gifting us the supplies and lending us the people to set them up while we kept order. Also helping to find some of Queen Laila’s people to make it all happen.”

  “I didn’t realize it was the Dorcuses who did that,” I said so the president could keep up.

  He nodded. “Your grandmother is a very generous woman. Many assumed she was focused on my country’s oil and that commerce with Greece, but I saw myself that it was truly out of concern for the children and those in poverty. She is a very loving woman who would give away her vast wealth if it meant no child would ever go hungry again.”

  “Yeah, that does sound like her,” I agreed. “She has lived to see too much pain and oppression that I think every day she just needs to see something get better to feel like we’re progressing.”

  “That sounds like you just described yourself, my friend,” Laila teased me. “I heard about the party you threw this weekend to apologize to everyone for what they suffered while you were held captive.”

  “That wasn’t exactly what I said,” I defended. “I missed a bunch of birthdays, and this event won’t be easy on everyone. People are going to flip when they hear officially Vlad’s gone. I just wanted to have one day of fun and food and something as pure as a summer BBQ.”

  “And how did that go?” She chuckled when several people’s heart rates picked up. “Oh dear, that well?”

  “It was great. There were a few snags like always, but it was fun and everyone enjoyed it.” I nodded towards the first grill when she gave me a look like she might poke at me. “We’re having grilled lobster and shrimp from the fish farm your elves started here. They’ve expanded and keep selling out from preorders they’re working so hard.” I gave the slightest shake of my head when she looked to the president.

  “What secrets are you keeping, Thomas?” he asked.

  “Nothing I wouldn’t tell you, sir, but I don’t know everyone in your camp, and people like to leak things.” I wasn’t the only one who focused on one guy in particular when his heart started racing. “Oh, I think I’m going to interview your security while you’re here.” I went right over to the guy. “Are you leaking to the media?” I nodded for the others when his heart confirmed it. “Are you a traitor?” I shook my head. “Not a traitor, just a leaker.”

  “He doesn’t need to be privy to any of this then, sir,” Galvin advised.

  The president agreed, and the guy was sent back to the vehicles, someone taking off his earpiece and even going so far as to disarm him. Good. They should take things that seriously when they were next to someone so powerful.

  “How is your wife?” I asked Galvin as people started loading up plates. I winced at his reaction. “Sorry, I’m not all caught up.”

  He cleared his throat. “I understand. Most know, though it’s not like we sent out notices, but my wife and I are separated.”

  “I’m sorry.” I winced again when several people around me snorted.

  “Even I know you’re not sorry, Thomas.”

  I sighed. “Fine, I’m not sorry. I think you deserve much better and are young and could find someone nice who appreciates you and not start work trouble for you.”

  “You never pull any punches, Sera,” Jason chuckled, shaking his head.

  “Don’t ask me if you don’t want my opinion, but I do keep my mouth shut until asked,” I shot right back. “Unlike some people.”


  “Is this the first love?” Laila asked, her eyes dancing with mischief. “This is the one who said too much and you slapped in front of Dain?”

  “Does he tell you everything?” I asked instead. “Your Majesty, you’re a bit tuned in on everything even at your level and mischievous with that information.”

  “Immortality gets boring otherwise, Seraphine,” she purred. “But this is him?”

  “Yes,” I sighed. “Queen Laila, this is Lt. Commander Jason Roberson, United States Navy and currently working as the US’s attaché to President Nuri.”

  “Dain wasn’t lying,” she breathed, focusing on him. “He is very much in love with you, my friend. Deeply and truly.” She smiled brightly. “Oh dear, you did promise Chief Havers no other humans but him. This should be an interesting visit indeed. Especially as I heard he mentioned ring shopping.”

  “What?” Jason seethed, looking at Brian like he might punch him. “You’ve got the gall to bring that up after you let her get abducted in New York?”

  “Hey, that wasn’t on him,” I snapped, hating the instant pain the dig caused Brian. “That was paranormal stuff, and neither of you could have stopped it if the ancients I was meeting couldn’t. There’s more to that than you know, Jas. Don’t you dare throw that at Brian unless you want me to throw you off this roof and into the lake.” I turned to Laila next. “I am begging you to not have fun until after our bosses are gone. Brian gets enough crap—”

  “I apologize,” she muttered, moving closer and kissing my cheek. “I apologize, Seraphine. I wanted to tease you a bit, as I find it so amusing that you are so easy to love and yet you never believe it, never understand why anyone would love you. You always had two men who were in love with you before you became one of us. That is what I wanted you to see, not start this trouble. I will behave until the humans leave.”

  “Of course you added that last part,” I sighed, kissing her cheek too.

  “One more?” she asked, smir
king when I rolled my eyes as if I was going to stop her. “Does Lt. Commander Roberson know you bought Chief Havers a three million dollar sports car?” She threw back her head and laughed as the answer was clearly no. “This is more amusing than most of the shows in Vegas.”

  “I’m so glad we’re good entertainment, Your Majesty,” Brian muttered, clearly wanting to say more but remembering if he did, I would be the one on the hook for it since he was mine in the eyes of paranormals.

  Just as we started sitting down, Apollo came out with someone who screamed power and a bunch of vampires with them. “I apologize for being late, but apparently there is a lot of pushback if you’re scheduled the same time as Air Force One to land along with the President of Iran’s plane as well.”

  “We were ahead of schedule and landed right before,” Laila said as if saying she knew the crazy and confusion.

  Haton and another councilman arrived seconds after, and the Secret Service looked about panicked at how many they had with them as well.

  “Freddie, why don’t you show some of the councilmen’s people the layout of the facility and you can speak with Carter about their accommodations while here,” I suggested, the tension making me rub my forehead.

  “It’s fine, we’re at no risk here, and the Secret Service are so panicked it’s going to short a fuse in Seraphine,” Apollo agreed, looking at my hand. “Why are you not wearing that ring?”

  “Because I don’t know everyone here,” I answered honestly. “Someone already took a shot at President Nuri. I think it best we keep on guard even if this is an enclosed area of the garden.”

  “Who is staying where?” one of the vampires asked as Laila also told some of her guards to go as well.

  “President Nuri, Queen Laila, Councilman Papadopoulos, and Councilwoman Haton are staying at the pack apartment building,” I answered, wanting that to absolutely be the answer. “I believe the other two councilmen should have made other accommodations, and I am not privy to where the president will be staying.”

  “Not at your swank apartment building Galvin told me about?” the president teased me.


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