Recovering the Siren

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Recovering the Siren Page 18

by Erin R Flynn

  “Sir, you are more than welcome to stay with us, but your security would have to stand down and defer to us,” I answered, smirking at the Secret Service guys who had a range of expressions but most said no way in hell. “Yeah, when people stay with us, if there’s a problem, we eat them. You guys just have guns, so we could trip over you afterwards.”

  “And us?” the shifter councilman asked, raising an eyebrow at me. I sniffed the air, but I couldn’t place what type of animal he was. Reptilian but I didn’t know beyond that.

  “With all due respect, I don’t know you, I don’t trust you, and I won’t risk my pack letting in someone through the door I know might be up to no good,” I said evenly, not backing down at the challenge. “I invited Councilwoman Haton, as she has put in the blood, sweat, and tears to help make this possible along with a meeting of this magnitude. You didn’t even check with me that you were coming.”

  “I don’t need to,” he threw right back.

  “Then you can make your own accommodations.” I turned away from him and asked the servers to bring over blood for Apollo and whoever, checking that Bijan’s guard was recovered. I sat down as everyone else got plates and joined us, rubbing my forehead at the tension around me.

  “Who has her migraine pills?” Laila asked quietly.

  Brian shocked most of us by handing over a bottle, shrugging when he felt the looks. “You seem to get them more now as a wolf than you ever did as a human.”

  “Yes and no, but I could hide them better when there wasn’t so much going on always,” I replied, thanking him for the bottle. “They don’t last as long as when I was human, but I could catch them faster then too so everything is a tradeoff.” I sighed as I took the pills. “Plus, I’m the pissant here and everyone is hoping I lead into something here or bring up the right whatever to make this go better.”

  “You are not a pissant,” Laila chastised.

  I gestured to the president and Galvin. “On this hierarchy I am. I’m just one division chief of one agency the country has. I’m a small fish. Everything gets murky past that, and it makes me head hurt on its own.” I glanced over at several of the Secret Service guys. “Yes, you can have as much lobster and whatever as you want.” I shrugged when I got several looks. “A few are very loud broadcasters, and everyone is louder when agitated.”

  Haton introduced the other guy as Councilman Alvaro Martin, and Apollo introduced Councilman Luis Sousa, which clued me in on a lot. There had to be a reason two councilmen from different councils with very Hispanic or South American names were crashing the party.

  The conversation was still stalling with polite this and bullshit that, so I blew out a harsh breath, unable to take it all.

  “You called it. She’d crack in under ten minutes,” one of the vampires said to Jason.

  “Sera has an uncanny knack to remind people they are just people and that is what is most important instead of all the labels and bluster,” he muttered under his breath, clearly meaning it as a compliment.

  That and I hated the tension and I was hostess, so I told them what had happened at the BBQ and Ben immediately going for cake. “I swear he ate three pieces, saying that if girls would only want him to get naked because he was a rabbit shifter, then he was going to get fat and the joke would be on them.”

  “He doesn’t say much, but what he does is always incredibly insightful or ridiculously amusing,” Brian said with a chuckle. “They’re all such softies, which is amazing after everything they’ve been through. And now they have your addiction to cake and dessert.”

  “You act like that’s a rare addiction,” I drawled. “Because you don’t have any ever.”

  “Yes, well, I can’t have it like you guys can, as I also can’t work off all the calories like you do.”

  “I’ve seen the posts that you’re working out at the new eco gym the coven opened,” Laila said, her eyes full of curiosity. “How is it going?”

  “Better now that Vlad’s gone,” I admitted. “He was so busy making it a vampire thing that it had that stuffy, tense air, which was so the opposite of his clubs when I went. The council guys couldn’t work out there because they weren’t local. Or this rule and that thing. Enough with that crap.”

  “I believe you understand the need for some of that better from how often your pack ran into problems,” Councilman Martin interjected.

  “No, because even with all that regulation, someone wormed their way around it. Someone always finds the loophole, and their ego of a female wolf Alpha and all that crap is their downfall. I could have taken several of the wolves I’ve gone up against when I was human because of good training and using my head, nothing to do with my breasts. Enough with the bluster that makes people look weak.”

  “Then putting the male bluster aside, I want to know more about this event Vlad almost ruined,” Laila said, lots dancing in her eyes including excitement. “Every time I tried to get more information, someone had another call coming in to schedule this or confirm that.”

  “And most thought it was incredibly imprudent for you to allow so many visiting parties or upper leadership of groups into your territory,” Haton added, her tone implying several in her party.

  I bit back the need to roll my eyes. “You would have to be stupid to screw with us when there are this many Alphas around after a pack tried to invade and is now mine while I was gone. My ancients have been greeting people, or legendary fairy warriors. My Betas are stronger than a lot of Alphas. This vying for territory or power has to stop. If we are to survive and live, it has to stop. We are more than animals.”

  “We have a map of all booths, and our Alpha has already flagged a few for you to look at, Your Majesty,” Freddie said as he brought over more plates for anyone who wanted more.

  We started talking about what we had and who might be a good fit for refugees. I noted the president taking it all in with interest but not saying much.

  “No, please, go ahead and don’t mind me,” he said when I glanced at him again.

  “Sir, that sounds a bit like you want to watch the animals in their natural habitat,” I warned when I felt the tension coming from the others.

  “Not how I meant it at all, Thomas,” he promised. “Besides, I think reality TV has the market on that and it’s geared towards humans.” He smiled when I did. “I mean most people aren’t this normal around me. It’s a nice change for everyone to be relaxed instead of on edge.”

  “You weren’t kidding that she would absolutely make this meeting work and she did,” Councilman Sousa said. “And you let her act this familiar with you.”

  I shot him a nasty look. “He lets me? This is how we roll in Chicago, and if you don’t like it, there’s the door, but I’m not Apollo’s dog that he lets me do anything. We are friends, and I respect his position, and he is man enough to respect what others do because he’s secure enough in his power. He’s strong enough to know he’s the shit without needing the airs of it.”

  “Bold words from someone who is nowhere near as powerful as us.”

  “Currently,” I purred, smirking at him. “But if you came to show power and me my place when I’m not at full strength, you are pulling shit with the wrong woman because all of that leaves me bored. If you’re so insecure that you had to come when my power wouldn’t drown yours, I’d remind you Eva lands tomorrow and she would drown us all out. There’s always a bigger fish, Councilman.”

  “And her kindness and ability to look past what others would focus on is how we all sit here at a meeting no one ever thought possible,” President Nuri added. “She gives everyone an equal chance, and for that people love her. That love garners her more loyalty than fear ever would. She has ancients, and council, and leaders all over protecting her and coming to her. And none of that changes her. She doesn’t want the power, only to help.”

  “It’s the least I can do as a good hostess since everyone flew to me, as I don’t think I’ll be getting on a plane anytime soon,” I muttered, nervous
ly clearing my throat. I glanced over to Apollo. “I know Eva’s bringing you a gift from our family for saving me. That’s why I don’t have one ready for you.”

  “Seeing you worlds better than that day is gift enough, Seraphine,” he said gently. “You are a treasure, and I am forever grateful that you survived, as we need you.”


  “You just want to laugh at how the ancients are having fun with social media and everything else you thought so uncouth,” I teased him, my face flushing at what he said.

  “I think people sharing photos of their lunches to be a waste of time,” he defended. “I do like when it is from restaurants to show items or how meals look as they promote. I like it for the marketing aspect, but I do not need to see every idiot pursing their lips while taking pictures in the mirror and not figuring out how to look at the shot instead of looking down at their phone.”

  I had to agree with him on that so I nodded. “I don’t even have accounts, so I agree with you there. The club has one, and I think the greenhouses do now?” I glanced at Laila who nodded. “And you understand that with all the pretty, pretty and like you said, that you don’t get flowers that look nothing like the website.”

  “It’s smart for the gym,” Apollo praised. “I had some of mine muttering they could outdo this or that as you know the egos of people.”

  “That distance run your dire wolf posted has sparked a flame under many,” Laila agreed. She smiled when I blinked at her, not having a clue what she was talking about. “Your Betas, Hagan and Reagan, came up with an idea that people could pledge in bets how long the dire wolf could run straight, miles or time, and the one who got closest won half the money and the rest was donated to our foundation to help clean the environment.”

  “They are so awesome,” I chuckled, shaking my head. “Nice. How long did he go?”

  She told me, and again I was blinking at her. “Oh, so his stamina is a shock to you?”

  “You had to go there,” I chuckled, hiding my face as I flushed again. “Wow, so, okay, Eugene can run. Glad I snagged him for the FBI.”

  “Yes, we’re thrilled about that,” Councilman Martin drawled.

  I shrugged. “I warned Councilwoman Haton the first time I met Axel that you might not want to let me around any of the team leads, as I would absolutely steal them if I could. It’s not my fault I could offer them better than being treated like a puppet for political crap. It’s not all of them, as I sent Barry back.”

  “Yes, he made it clear he wanted to be on our security to visit you as well,” Haton chuckled.

  I rolled my eyes. “His ego was so big and nothing in his head that seriously, I’d put money on Jason or Brian taking him down because they are both good in a fight and know no matter how good or strong someone is, all it takes is one second, one moment of losing focus to get taken down. Plus, both would fight dirty because he was a jerk to me.”

  “Speaking of your initiative,” Laila led in. “Jonik has spoken with several of his circumstance he knows, and they are interested in joining the next recruitment class. I hear the non-human teams are moving forward at non-human FBI offices and it’s going well.”

  “It is,” I promised. “There’s a lot of crazy at first when there hasn’t been anyone to turn to, as you saw when we were in Vegas, but we’ve already been in two of the spots, so it’s been a smooth transition. Going forward, Chief Monroe and I agree that one of our teams accompany the new one for the first few weeks to help with that initial rush or problems and then leave the newer team with a more seasoned lead.

  “Keep in mind, the human side isn’t newer. Some of those division chiefs have twenty years on the job and have been working with our people because human or not, they want people safe in the area. Deputy Director Galvin and the director have made it crystal clear that we put out the updates to keep everyone safer and if they don’t start learning them, then their ass is grass.”

  “Along with your Chief Havers who made it clear that if there was a problem in the Des Moines office and you had to go out there, he would be too and pound all of the humans,” she told me.

  “How did you find out about that?” Brian murmured, not even denying it. I gave him a shocked look. “Sera, you flinch anytime anyone even mentions flying. It’s understandable. We all feel that way, but you would suck it up and do the job and fly there. I adore that about you. Your drive and work ethic when others slack off is one of your greatest qualities. I can’t deal with the idea of you leaving Chicago for a while.”

  I went to say something and picked up on several images and feelings, many from the president. I looked at one of the Secret Service guys and decided to answer but not embarrass the president.

  “No, I’m not monogamous. There are rules, and it’s not a free for all, but you’ll find even in shifter matings that it’s common to get free passes or what we call moon mates, as that’s your mate for that lunar cycle. Immortality could be boring with one person. The fae believe that the more love their leader feels, experiences, the more love they can give to their people so they push Queen Laila to have as many consorts.

  “The same with the Dorcuses. Not only is there a chance for more alliances when that can be the only thing that helps a pack or pride when leaders and politics change, but it’s to grow bloodlines and all of that. There’s a whole pecking order and greeting system, and if you stand next to the president, you should learn it if nothing else to know when someone might slight him or be a threat.”

  “That is wise,” Apollo agreed. “It can be something as slight as a dip of a head, but if you are ignorant to it and cannot feel the tension or emotions around you, you could miss the threat.” He gave me a hesitant look. “Did you really suggest one of ours for his detail?”

  “Yes, and I’ve asked Carter to find someone willing to work for Deputy Director Galvin. He’s doing a lot to help paranormals and not just Americans, and you know how dangerous that is. He’s already been targeted, and he has to be protected.” I sighed when I felt the annoyance and egos, glancing at the head of the Secret Service there. “Tomorrow when we go see the training facility, we’ll go to the gun range.

  “If any of your guys can hit one of my ancients, I’ll give you that blow job you keep thinking of.” I ignored when several people coughed and kept talking. “I’m that confident because I’ve seen it. You undoubtedly know or do something better than they do. They are not better than you. They are not superior beings or whatever bull that you assume we’re meaning. They are faster than you. They can take more damage than you. Accept that and work together to do the best job we can.”

  “She really does cut through the bullshit,” Councilman Martin muttered quietly, shaking his head.

  “Yes, but she’s flushing because she realized she said that in front of the president, which always tickles me as her mouth gets ahead of her social ineptness because she truly cares,” Haton told him at a level the humans couldn’t hear. “That is what we miss as council and from so many Alphas. She cares about everyone so much more than those of us who get burnt out fighting the system. She will revitalize you, I promise that.”

  “I’ll take that bet,” the Secret Service guy told me with a smirk.

  “Idiot,” several people muttered under their breaths.

  “Carter, you up for it?” I checked.

  “Yes, Mistress Sera. It sounds like fun.” He smiled at me when I looked at him. “What do I get when I win?”

  “I’m not answering that with this group,” I grumbled, hiding my face again.

  “I was going to ask why Eva only landed tomorrow when there is so much fun planned tonight…” Laila trailed off, fully knowing the answer.

  “Even I have limits and some pride, thank you, Queen Laila.” I glanced at her and called her a meanie at a level the humans couldn’t hear, and she burst out laughing. We finished lunch and headed downstairs to the convention, Carter and most of my people on the elevator with me. “Just so we’re clear, you fail after I did a
ll that talking you up and sticking my neck out for you, and you’ll be giving that guy a blow job too. Any of our guests who want one.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” he agreed, looking like he was having a hard time not laughing.

  The elevator doors opened, and there were a lot of people who lost that battle. Apollo looked like he was about to fall over he was laughing so hard, and even Bijan had his face covered.

  “Why am I not shocked it’s because of you?” Galvin asked me. “Do I want to know?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Like you won’t make Havers or someone else tell you later.”

  “That good, huh?” he chuckled.

  “Yeah, that good, sir,” Havers promised, giving me a look of love that made me flush.

  When had I become this blushing school girl? Oh, right, always. I was always this socially inept and easy to make blush.

  I accepted Bijan’s arm when we reached the convention, and he led us down the center aisle. We stopped at the first booth, which was an organic pig and turkey farm a pride of lions owned from the south.

  “I love turkey burgers,” I told him when he gave a curious look at the samples. “I mix ground turkey in any burgers I make. It makes them less greasy and not as heavy, but honestly, you can’t taste the difference.” I reached over and tried a sample. “These are really good.”

  “Thank you, Alpha,” the lioness said to me, dipping her head. “My Alpha will be thrilled to hear that. I apologize for his not attending.”

  I smiled. “He sent you, and it was a great first step. Thank you for coming.”

  “Everyone has been very nice and welcoming to us,” she praised.

  I tried the bacon and moaned. “Your Majesty, you’ll want to stop here.” I glanced around and smiled when Ashley was hanging out in the back of our group, looking a bit star struck at who all was there. “If you could, ask Alpha Simone if we need a pork provider and the twins to come try this.”

  “Yes, Alpha,” she replied, hurrying to take notes.


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