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Recovering the Siren

Page 22

by Erin R Flynn

  “You know, even the US president RSVP’d and told us he was coming. I invited Apollo. If he brought a friend or council invited themselves without even a heads up, they can suck me.”

  “I’ll remember you’re of that opinion,” Sousa said from down the hall.

  I didn’t back down though, going right over to him and standing toe to toe with him, noting the desire I saw in his eyes. “I didn’t say you were unwelcome in Chicago. Just the opposite. Please, visit, we have nothing to hide, and there is no reason you shouldn’t visit as you want.”

  “Your issue is truly that I didn’t warn you I was coming? Are you so childish?” he asked, clearly not getting it.

  My hand shot out before I even realized it, slamming the heel of my hand up into his nose as I snarled.

  “The last time one of you fuckers came here unannounced like you owned the goddamn place and everyone here was how this whole mess with Vlad started and led us to this ending. I get the game better, and I’m saying very clearly that I don’t bend to any of you. Don’t be so full of yourself that you childishly demand attention and don’t have the decency to even say you’re coming.

  “Monroe is section chief of the FBI and a good man who does a lot for vampires and has a lot of work on his desk. And you just arrive and demand entertainment like a baby who has to be watched all the time? Do you need bright colors and stimulation like they do?” His eyes filled with rage I’d turned it around on him. “We come from different schools of thought. One doesn’t make the other childish for not seeing what you do.”

  “Enough,” Apollo cut in, suddenly there and moving his hand to Sousa’s chest. “I did not think about your past trauma with Igor. You were unflinching when I brought Dubois in New York.”

  “That’s not true, I was worried then too,” I muttered, taking a step back to show I wasn’t engaging or trying to fight. “And even if Dubois scared the shit out of me, he had the open-mindedness to listen, hear my thoughts, and saw how things are different. Councilman Sousa just thought you found a new toy and could seduce me because women are cheap and easy like that and it would be fun to tell everyone I screamed for him when you like me.”

  Sousa’s eyes flashed surprise before he schooled it. “You see much more than you let on.”

  “I don’t,” I argued. “I rarely get much from vampires, especially the older you guys are, and only when touching.”

  “That’s true,” Monroe confirmed. “I think she’s only gotten things from me when I’ve been highly agitated and touching her.”

  I nodded, that sounded about right. “You’re a loud broadcaster and so confident in yourself and your beliefs that you switch from excited about the game you’re sure you’ll win, to enraged I don’t move like the mouse through whatever maze you’re plotting.” I looked at Apollo. “But he is planning to make a move when you get back. I don’t understand it, but he wants me declared as something dangerous and to be controlled.

  “Igor died after meeting me. Something happened with Dubois I don’t understand and certainly didn’t do. And you like me and never have been into a lowly wolf. He’s planning to use that as a threat to get whatever he wants from me and is laying the groundwork the moment you get back. I’ve taken council ancients, and I need to be leashed.”

  “You asshole,” Apollo seethed, moving protectively in front of me. “You fucking asshole. She did nothing to Dubois but show him the truth on something personal. He is fine. Sometimes learning a harsh truth after so many years is humbling, as you should be feeling now that a brand new wolf you want to control like one of your shifter pets just outplayed you.

  “I brought you to see what is being accomplished, and you look upon it all and think to seize it. Are you insane? How would that even work? You saw all of her backing. We have all made the move so no one party could even think of what you are.”

  “I realize that now,” Sousa snapped before looking at me. “You made a mistake calling me out like that in your moment with Bijan, striking me now. I could have been a good friend to you, but now I will not be.”

  “You mean pawn. You want pawns as everyone else is beneath you,” I sneered. “Good luck meeting Eva tomorrow. I think it will take her two seconds to knock you on your ass and show you a woman is absolutely able to be more powerful.” I gave him a look like he was shit. “And if you had real balls or more than a bullying ego, you would have come at me when I was at full strength.”

  “I agree,” Monroe said at the same time as Apollo, but he continued.

  “And Dubois gave his protection to her. He may never see her as an equal, may never understand her, but even he saw the changes for the better her and those who stand with her make. I brought you because she could help with the situation in South America. It’s why Haton brought Martin, and instead you’ve made her an enemy once you saw her beauty and all who desire her.”

  “This has to be an act,” he growled when I flushed at the compliment. “No woman can blush as she does and seduce a world leader as she just did.”

  I shrugged, actually understanding how people could see it as an act. “My siren and even my wolf make me more confident than the woman I was before. I still see the dork with glasses and braces that had no friends and was bullied all her life. I was a shell of myself when Apollo rescued me. It’s… It’s hard not to blush at the praise when the best features people complimented were gone and are now coming back.”

  “I do not understand that,” Sousa admitted, shaking his head.

  I shrugged again. “I’m not sure how else to explain it. I’m socially inept and relationship challenged. There’s not much else to say.” I blew out a harsh breath. “I am sorry I hit you. Yeah, you’re an ass and being a jerk, but I did it because of your thoughts and my past more than anything you’ve acted on. That’s not fair.”

  “You should—” he started to say, but suddenly the hallway was full of people.

  People on my side.

  “No, as she said it quickly and honestly,” Goran said as he stopped hiding his true power, which was more than Sousa’s who was shocked by that so it must not have been so before because Apollo had said the council knew he was powerful. “You will never respect a woman being more powerful than you, but I am and I’m at her side. So is a legendary fairy who is mated to her. You know what that means. You harm her, and there is nowhere you can hide from all fairies.”

  “He was disowned.”

  “She is acknowledged as princess to their monarchy, that elevates his status as so declared by his queen,” Goran shot right back.

  “Really?” I asked, blinking at him.

  “She cannot be this naive,” Sousa seethed. “This has to be an act.”

  “To what purpose?” I asked, seriously wondering. “I look like a twit each time I don’t get all the politics. Granted, I don’t care, as pride is a luxury I don’t put first over other, more important things, but what would be the purpose of acting that way?”

  He blinked at me. “You have no pride?”

  I opened my mouth but then closed it, looking to Dain and Goran, not sure how to answer it.

  “She is proud of her accomplishments, the work she does and the help she gives, but she is not a prideful or boastful person,” Goran explained. “She has no ego, which is why so many like her, stand with her. She would fall to her knees and offer you whatever you wanted to save those she cares for without a second thought or worry for herself or how it looked to others. I have seen her do it. More than once.”

  “That is weakness,” Sousa said, his tone disgusted.

  “No, it’s not being stupid. I’m smarter than giving a shit about that.” I moved the dress aside and knelt on the ground, sitting back on my heels. “Okay, I’m kneeling. Happy? You got the action, but I don’t think you’re better than me. I don’t defer to you. I think you’re a douche and the vampires deserve better from their leader. So what does this really mean if it’s just the action I would do if picking something up?”

He stared at me, seeming at a loss for words. “I see why interacting with you upset Dubois so bad.”

  I shrugged. “People fuck with me and what I think all the time. We all experience it. It’s what truly unites us as people. None of us have all the answers. To think otherwise is stupid. We survive by working together.” I might have had more to say, but my stomach growled so loudly that Apollo snickered, apologizing. “I’m recovering and I’m hungry, and soon I’m going to start to whine and then he’d have reason to smack me.”

  “You truly are this person,” he whispered, seeming to seriously realize it wasn’t an act.

  I nodded, standing. “It has astounded me since I was young that some of the most brilliant minds have asked the toughest questions that might never be answered, but yet people look down on others for not knowing the answers. To me, the person who doesn’t know isn’t stupid, those who speak like they have the answers but truly don’t are.”

  “I can’t even argue that,” he admitted, seeming stumped by that and me.

  “Okay, well, I gotta eat so let’s start again tomorrow.”

  He raised an eyebrow at me. “Just like that? You would just wipe the slate clean of all you saw and reboot our meeting?”

  I shrugged. “Sure because the other option is you’re stupid and you fuck with what’s mine, and I wouldn’t even flinch if you ended up like Igor.” I smiled dangerously at him, letting my power flash in my eyes. “Because if you come at what’s mine, you will end up like him. I don’t care if I had to take your whole council on. To protect the people I love, I would do it. Just so we’re clear.”

  He glanced around, feeling Haton and Laila just outside of the hallway as I did if I had to guess, then slowly nodded. “A clean slate tomorrow then. Today was a bit rushed, but I would like a chance to speak with Levi Sosa among others.”

  I nodded, saying goodnight to everyone and giving Monroe a look that I needed him to send that text. I actually gave Haton and Laila a kiss on the cheek each as I went by them and said to let me know if they needed anything.

  I wasn’t surprised when my now regular security detail had a few more people to it. Yeah, yeah, I was always pissing people off wherever I went. In my defense, I didn’t normally start it.

  Okay, fine, I totally did with work and all of the time.


  We showed up to the president’s suite with a ton of food someone had called in and had even asked Galvin and everyone what they wanted. The Secret Service checked the bags like they should, not wanting Axel to come in with us.

  “He’s FBI officially and has been cleared,” I argued, pissed beyond words for how stupid they were being. “And I want to talk to your boss.”

  “Uh-huh, sure,” one muttered, barely giving me a look.

  Yeah, that didn’t help. “Do you know how many times I’ve gotten my bad guy because men were stupid and didn’t take a woman as a valid threat?”

  He glanced at me then. “I know you’re a werewolf and a powerful one, Chief Thomas. I’m not doubting your lethalness, I know your loyalty. I’ve read your file. I watched you jump in front of the president earlier today.”

  “Fair enough, but you’re still being stupid, and I want to talk to your boss.”

  “I’m lead on this detail,” someone said from behind me. “What’s the problem?”

  “You guys haven’t read the updates we’ve put out, and I specifically made sure you were sent them as you protect the president,” I answered, noting the president and Galvin were behind him and were watching. “Do not shoot Dain. I want you to see why you’re focused on the big bad tiger shifter, but he is not the most lethal one here.”

  “Stand down,” the guy agreed, giving me a curious look.

  In a flash Dain had his sword out and held to the guy’s throat who was checking Axel. “Fairies can make items appear, and I am of a noble bloodline who passed as a warrior of our people, so that includes my sword that is always part of me, gifted by the magic of our ruler. Now that my wife has made her point, stop lusting after her and jealous the tiger will touch her, as that is not your purpose here.”

  “Understood,” he replied. “Ease down though because you still have a weapon by the president, and that makes us all twitchy.”

  I locked eyes with the team leader. “Read the fucking updates we put out. It’s also why you should have a fairy and ancient on your teams. A non-infectious shifter if one is willing. There are many types. It’s in the guidelines along with a full report suggesting that.”

  “It never reached me,” he answered and wasn’t lying.

  “Give me your email and I will send it directly to you,” Dain told him as the sword disappeared. “You need to eat.”

  I nodded and walked into the other room, leaving them to sort the food. “I apologize for interrupting your night, Mr. President, but I learned several things that I think important to discuss.” I sat down, careful of the dress, and let out a nervous breath before looking at the president. “But is there a way I can just tell you, sir? You won’t always be the president, and for all we know, the guy who comes after you could be a complete fucktard I wouldn’t trust with my car keys.”

  His lips twitched. “Yes, Thomas, you can tell only me. There are too many who hate supes in our government even, so I’m careful with what I share as I’m sure you are.”

  Monroe showed up just as food started being brought in along with Axel and Dain. I gave him a curious look, and he just shook his head. “You completely dumbfounded Sousa. He muttered something about having work to attend to as well, and he looked forward to the tour tomorrow but he’d had enough excitement for the night.”

  “That’s so going to come back and bite me in the ass,” I sighed, trying to eat my burger carefully and not getting anywhere. Dain made a towel appear, and I thanked him, taking it and draping it over myself.

  “You really can make things appear,” the president whispered. “I thought it magic tricks.”

  “No, Mr. President, it’s very real and not something we widely publicize for obvious reasons,” Dain told him quietly. “I would be hesitant to do so normally, but Sera needs to eat.”

  “What happened with Sousa?” Galvin asked.

  “I broke his nose when he was a dickhead,” I grumbled in between bites. The humans blinked at me in shock, and I shrugged. “He healed instantly.”

  “Wait, more importantly, what happened with Bijan?” Monroe asked me. “Everyone was abuzz about it.”

  “Wait, you didn’t get it either? I was hoping you would explain it to me,” I said with a groan.

  “No, I didn’t see it,” he clarified. “I stepped out to take a call from Harris. There was a bit of push back in Vegas, nothing big, just the new division chief sniffing him out and he asked for input on how to handle it. I gave him my answer but told him to call Havers, as he was better with that stuff.” He glanced between Dain, Axel, and me. “So what happened?”

  “Awkward,” Axel muttered, looking like even he didn’t know how to handle this. Galvin chuckled when I flushed so hot I had to fan myself and gulp down my pop.

  “You know, I was embarrassed enough to have to do that with my boss in the room because you’re a master vampire, so it’s not like I want Dain to show you what happened.”

  “We’re all adults here, and I think both men respect you enough to realize you are a wonderful woman and paranormals are a bit freer than they’re used to,” Dain comforted, waiting until I nodded. “You have to understand the dynamic of bonds a bit, and it is a long lecture, so jumping to the end, Noah took over Chicago, but he is Sera’s. As such when he took over, he had to formally ask for her protection for his coven.”

  “Makes sense,” Galvin muttered in between bites of his own food. “Let me guess, it’s not done with a handshake?”

  “No, but the entertainment at those sorts of parties are also of the sexual kind. We see sex as a base instinct like eating, and there is no shame in it,” Axel added easily. “Plus, there�
��s a bond to intimacy stronger and said louder than a signature or handshake.”

  “Okay, I’m with you,” the president told us. “So that was the party?”

  “Yes, basically,” I answered. “It’s a lot of wining and dining, and think of it like families witnessing the consummation of the marriage back in the day. But after there is a moment to…” I glanced at Monroe, never clear on how to explain that part.

  “When you are nominated with a backer, others may step forward and say they’re with you,” Axel offered. “It’s sort of like that. She and Apollo traded bites to show they were friends, he would protect her again as he has before but also saw her as an equal.”

  “Right because an Alpha bite is a good thing,” Galvin muttered, seeming to try and keep up and fill in the president on what most humans missed. “Other bites are bad.”

  “Yes, it’s confusing,” I sighed, reaching for another burger. “It’s really confusing, and everyone expects you to get it, and I just don’t.” I cleared my throat when they all looked at me. “Sorry, I get whiney when I don’t feel well. I’m seriously tired and just starving. I know the doc said I’d eat like a ton, but it’s been like a ton and I swear my jaw is going to hurt from chewing so much.”

  “Havers said you were an adorable mewling kitten when you felt unwell, but I never believed it until this moment,” Dain said with a smile. “Take off your shoes, my love. You hate those things.”

  “I can’t take off my shoes in front of the president,” I argued.

  “Thomas, take off the shoes,” the president chuckled, looking tickled that was what I took issue with when we were talking about my night of having sex. Yeah, it was pretty funny when I thought about it. I shrugged and took off the shoes, my feet about sighing in relief.

  “So Papadopoulos made the gesture of biting,” Galvin said, getting us back on track. “What did Bijan do?”

  “Um, me,” I mumbled, flushing super hot again. “Twice.”


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