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Bound By Heat - Dragon Shifter

Page 4

by M. K Eidem et all

  “First of all,” she raised a finger, “if you’re going to come into someone’s shower uninvited, you should at least know her name. It’s Autumn! Not Aud-um.” She raised a second finger. “Second, I get that you’re not pleased with me, but guess what? I’m not pleased with you either. No one asked me if I wanted to be the sex toy for some frigging alien in heat. Third.” There were now three fingers in Kirall’s stunned face as she took a step toward him. “My ‘sounds’ are mine. To be given to whom I choose, when I choose. They can never be demanded! When I find a male that’s worthy of them, then he’ll get them, every…single…one. And guess what, Kirall…when that happens, we will both remember it. You’ve taken enough. Now get out of my way so I can dry off. I’m sure you’re anxious to get to a female that will please you!” Shoving him aside, she stormed out of the stall.

  Kirall couldn’t move. He was stunned. No one stood up to a Prime Dragoon like that, not even a Prime female. Yet this little Earth female wasn’t intimidated by him or by his Beast. She even dared to challenge them, claiming they weren’t worthy to hear her sounds of pleasure. She dared to suggest, to his face, that another male would be. All three parts of him growled in anger. He would show her just what happened when you challenged a Prime Dragoon!

  Turning, he stormed out of the stall only to have his breath stolen yet again. She stood with her back to him, a towel wrapped around her hair, lifting it, while another wrapped around her body, concealing her curves. But it was what the towels didn’t conceal that stunned him. Scars. Rows and rows of scars crisscrossed her shoulder blades before disappearing under the towel. Growling, he took two steps toward her and ripped the towel from her body, revealing that the scars traveled all the way down to her hips, as if some crazed Beast had savaged her.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” she demanded.

  “You’ve been damaged!” His gaze flew to hers in the mirror, capturing it. He saw the shock and pain that filled her eyes before it was replaced by anger.

  Shit, she’d forgotten about the scars. Whipping around, she grabbed for the towel. “Give me that!” she demanded not realizing that the mirror continued to reveal her back.

  “Who damaged you?!!” he demanded. “Why were you never properly treated?” All three parts of him were equally enraged! She was one that never should have been harmed. She was one who should have been protected at all costs.

  Autumn stiffened at his words. She knew just how damaged she was, and not all of the scars were external. She’d been this way since she was ten, but that didn’t mean she needed some big, overgrown alien telling her she was.

  “That’s none of your damn business!” she exclaimed.

  “You will tell me!” Kirall demanded.

  “No,” she said between gritted teeth. “I...will...not! And just so you know, they were properly repaired.”

  “If they were, you wouldn’t still have them!” Kirall all but roared, getting nose-to-nose with her.

  “Well, sorry to displease you, yet again,” she snapped back. “Now give me that towel! I want out of here!”

  “You will go nowhere!” he roared.

  “Oh yes, I will.” When he still refused to release her towel, she grabbed the one from her hair and wrapped it around her body. “I’m sure my replacement is damage free, and more than willing to scream on demand. I, on the other hand, am going to go find me a male who will not only give me his sounds, but will give me all of him, and that’s something you will never do, will you, Kirall?” With that, she stormed out of the room.

  Kirall just stood there for a moment, stunned by her challenge. No female could accept all three parts of a Prime Dragoon, especially one as tiny as her. Only his mate would be able to do this, for his Dragon would rip apart any other female.

  Yet just the thought of her wanting to try had his Heat rising, along with his anger. He may not be able to give her all of him, but by Kur, he’d make sure he gave her something no other male could!

  Autumn released an angry shriek when she found herself suddenly flying through the air before landing on a huge, soft bed.

  “What the fuck!” she demanded.

  “Oh, we will, little Aud-um, that I promise you,” Kirall growled, his large body instantly on top of her, pressing her face down into the bed as he growled in her ear. “I told you before not to run.”

  “I wasn’t running,” she stressed the word as she struggled beneath, discovering that while he wasn’t letting her up, he wasn’t crushing her either. “I was leaving. There’s a difference.”

  “Not to my Beast.”

  “That’s your Beast’s problem, not mine. Now get off me.” Pressing her hands into the bed, she shoved up with all her might, ignoring the wave of disappointment that filled her when Kirall allowed it, willing to let her go.

  Of course he would, she thought, she was damaged. She quickly discovered he only let her up far enough to rip away her towel.

  “Now, little Aud-um, we fuck!” he told her as he rose to his knees, lifting her hips so her legs were on either side of his hips and his cock could slide up between the beautiful globes of her ass. When the mounds immediately tightened around his cock, he groaned.

  “No way in hell!” Autumn exclaimed, pushing up off the bed, trying to jerk away.

  “But I thought you wanted all of me, little Aud-um,” he growled, pulling on her hips so she fell back onto her elbows.

  “Not up my ass! Are you crazy?!! You’re huge!” she shouted, still struggling only to find she couldn’t move unless she wanted to face-plant in the bed again.

  “Then maybe you should be more careful what you ask for. You just might get it,” he whispered darkly before pulling back so his cock slid downward between the silky folds concealing the entrance of her nest. Already he could smell her arousal, could feel her slickness coating his cock. His little Aud-um did want to fuck, which was good because so did he.

  Positioning his cock at her entrance, he thrust into her then instantly froze hearing her gasp. Kur! This heat and his anger were making him forget that she was an innocent, that she would be sore from their first joining.

  “Aud-um?” he asked gruffly, his body trembling as he resisted the overpowering urge of his Heat that demanded he think only of himself, and plunge ruthlessly into her swollen folds. He had done that during their first joining, and had hurt her. He refused to do that again. He was a Prime Dragoon. He would not be ruled by his Heat.

  “Just...just give me a minute,” she gasped out, panting.

  Slowly he felt her start to relax beneath him, and knew he had proven that he was stronger than his Heat. At least until she moved, taking him even deeper, then the Heat blasted through him annihilating his control.

  “Kur!” he cursed. Tightening his grip on her hips, he began thrusting rapidly into her nest, finding it was even hotter and tighter than before.

  “Oh!” Autumn cried out, her fingers digging into the sheets as she pressed her face deeper into the bed. The pleasure of what he was doing overwhelming her.

  “Yes!” Kirall called out driving even deeper into her. “Give me your sounds!” Already he could feel his balls tightening, pulling up close against his body as his release drew near, but he needed more. He needed her to find pleasure too. Reaching around her, he found her clit and began working it furiously. Her muffled sounds telling him she liked what he was doing, but it was her channel that told him the most. It was nearly strangling his cock with its tight hot grip as it tried to keep him inside her.

  Kur! It was the most incredible thing he’d ever felt. Never had a nest felt so good. So right.

  “Kirall!” she cried out into the bed.

  With her channel convulsing around him, Kirall could hold back no longer. With one final thrust that embedded him deep inside her, he reared back holding her so tightly against the base of his cock, that it was as if they were one being. With a roar, his seed flooded her womb.

  Rattler entered the ‘selection room’, a
s he and Bonn had come to call it. It was where all the women invited to the gatherings were brought after being tested and drugged. They would walk from table to table, thinking they were taking drink orders when in reality the aliens were assessing them, and choosing which one they would fuck first.

  It wasn’t uncommon for a woman to end up with five or six different aliens over the course of the weekend. This Kristy was the only one he knew of that hadn’t been shared among the aliens. She was also the only one he’d ever heard of being asked to return.

  If what he’d overheard was true, she’d had someone take her place. Someone who had been a virgin, and the aliens knew about it. He needed to find Bonn and tell him. Seeing him at the bar, he quickly made his way over.

  “We have a problem,” he told Bonn.

  Chapter Four

  Autumn lay on her side breathing hard, a leg thrown over one of Kirall’s, while his arm and cock kept them locked together. Before he’d collapsed, he’d rolled them to their sides, and for that Autumn was grateful.

  Her mind wasn’t fully functioning yet, wasn’t processing everything she had just experienced. She’d fully expected to find another woman waiting for Kirall when she’d stormed out of the cleansing room. Instead, she’d been launched across the room and all but ravished by an angry alien.

  It was her own fault. She knew that. Who challenged a guy more than three times her size? One that could change into something even bigger. It wasn’t the smartest thing she’d ever done. She should have just kept her mouth shut and taken it, like she always did, but for some reason she couldn’t.

  She was tired of just surviving. Was tired of always having to back down. Of having to just accept everything that had happened to her. She was ready to fight back, even if it hurt, and experience everything life had to offer.

  Her parents had always told her she was a fighter, that she had a great inner strength. She lost it that night so many years ago. It seemed to just curl up somewhere deep inside her and disappear. Now…here…it seemed to be returning, and Autumn was going to do whatever it took to keep it.

  She had to be honest with herself and admit that when she’d gotten over the shock of it all, she’d enjoyed what Kirall had done to her. If this was what sex was normally like, then she understood why Kristy screamed. The feel of Kirall’s cock moving inside her, of him pounding into her as his fingers played with her clit… it had been amazing. No, more than had been life changing. She would never be the same girl that had arrived just hours ago.

  She had tried to play with her clit before, had tried to masturbate the way all the books said you could, but she’d never been able to. All she’d been able to accomplish was to make herself feel achy and frustrated.

  That wasn’t the case with Kirall.

  Oh, she was achy alright, but in a totally pleasurable way. Shifting slightly, she felt all those sensitive nerve endings spark back to life.

  “Cease,” Kirall ordered, the arm around her waist tightening, stilling her movements. “I am still too swollen.”

  “Is it always like this?” she asked quietly.

  “No, it is a condition of the Heat. In a normal joining, I would not swell at all.”

  “So why do you when you are in Heat?”

  “It is nature’s way of giving my seed the best chance to take root.”

  “Take root…” she twisted her upper body around giving him a horrified look. “You mean you could get me pregnant?!!” Autumn tried to pull off his cock, but he easily held her in place.

  Kirall’s eyes narrowed at her expression. He found he did not like the thought that she would be repelled at conceiving his young. “It is a great honor to carry the young of a Prime Dragoon,” he told her. “Especially a Black.”

  “Honor,” she snorted. “Right.”

  Kirall’s eyes narrowed even further. “The honor of carrying my young will only be given to my mate,” he bit out. “Once I find her, she will be the only female that I will ever join with.”

  “Oh,” Autumn stopped struggling. “So if you can’t get me pregnant, why do you swell?”

  “As I said, it is a condition of the Joining Heat. It gives a male just the slightest glimpse of the pleasure he will be able to experience with his mate. It is nature’s way of hastening his quest to find her.”

  “I see.” She relaxed in his arms. “Do you go into heat a lot?”

  “No. A Dragoon only goes into his Joining Heat every hundred years or so.”

  “Every hundred…” Autumn’s eyes widened.

  “Yes,” he nodded. “This is my fifth heat.”

  “You’re five hundred years old?” She didn’t even try to hide her shock.

  “No!” he instantly denied. “I am four hundred and forty-six years old.”

  “But you just said…”

  “I know what I said! Somehow your moon triggered my heat. I don’t know how, and I don’t know why.”

  “Oh, well, you’re still pretty old.”

  “Not for a Dragoon,” he told her.

  “Really…How long can you live?”

  “A Dragoon has an unlimited life span. Its length is decided by his mate.”

  “By his mate?” Autumn gave him a confused look. “I don’t understand.”

  “Do you need to?” Kirall asked impatiently, not liking all these questions. “They are unnecessary and irrelevant because…

  “I won’t be allowed to remember anything anyway. Right?” she finished for him.

  Kirall realized he had spoken aloud, and didn’t like the flash of pain he saw in her eyes before she twisted away.

  “No, you won’t,” he softly agreed.

  “I’m just here to fuck, right? To relieve your heat.” This time when she tried to move, his cock easily slid out of her, and she immediately put some space between them. “So there’s really no reason for you to talk to me. When will it hit you again?”

  “I do not know,” Kirall watched her carefully as he spoke.

  “Then I’m going to take a nap. I’m sure you’ll wake me when you need to.”

  Kirall didn’t like how it felt for Aud-um to turn her back on him, even though in reality it had been that way the whole time. This was different though. This was her withdrawing into herself, pulling away from him without moving an inch, and somehow putting a wall up between them.

  He silently watched as the stiffness gradually left her body as she relaxed into sleep. He’d hurt her again, this time with his words, and that hadn’t been his intention.

  He let his gaze travel over the scars that riddled her back. Releasing the claws from his fingers and thumb, he carefully placed them just above her scars and frowned. These scars had been created by a species with only three claws.

  If she were Dragoon, his first thought would have been that a Varana had attacked her. But she wasn’t Dragoon. So she posed no threat to them. They would have no reason to harm her. Also, her fragile body would never have survived such an attack. Varanian claws would have ripped her apart as they did Dragoon young who were yet unable to shift into their Dragon form.

  No, the Varanians couldn’t have caused this, but if not them, then what had? And could it happen to her again? He felt his Beast brushing against his skin, rumbling his displeasure at the thought. It wanted to protect Aud-um.

  Worried he would disturb the rest she so obviously needed, he slowly rose and began to pace.

  Why was his Beast acting this way? It had never happened before. Especially not when Kirall was in a Joining Heat. During his heat, his Beast usually stayed in the background, knowing his appearance could harm the female. And his Dragon…well his Dragon wouldn’t be interested in any female that wasn’t his mate. If his Dragon were to emerge while Kirall was joining with any other female, he would destroy her.

  But with this Heat, his Battle Beast had already made his appearance. He had been enraged when Aud-um had tried to run, and then again when Dacke had interrupted them. The Beast should have rampaged. Shou
ld have been uncontrollable. Yet with just a gentle touch and a soft word, Aud-um had been able to calm him.

  How had such a little female been able to accomplish this when even a full-grown female Dragoon would have fled when confronted by an enraged Battle Beast.

  Not his Aud-um.

  And his Dragon?

  Why would he be interested in a female so obviously not his mate?

  Kirall needed to find out, and if talking to her, and telling her about him and his world achieved that, then he would do it. She wouldn’t remember any of it anyway.

  Would she?

  Kirall came to an abrupt halt, suddenly remembering what she had said. She hadn’t taken the bolus. Would the Healer still be able to erase her memories? Without harming her? He didn’t know why he never considered it before, that the memory altering might be harmful to a female.

  Bonn would have made them aware of it if the females were harmed...wouldn’t he? After all, they were human females. Yet the male hadn’t even checked Aud-um’s paperwork.

  Moving to sit in the chair, he continued to think as he watched Aud-um sleep. His chin propped up in his hands, his elbows rested on his knees.

  What would happen to his little Aud-um if her memories couldn’t be altered?

  His little Aud-um? She wasn’t his!

  The sound of a terrified cry, stifled behind tightly sealed lips, had his gaze flying to her sleeping form. Seeing her twitch and jerk, he knew she was having a nightmare. But of what?

  Of what had scarred her?

  Or was it because of her time spent with him?

  Autumn was instantly awake, but she forced her body to remain absolutely still while her eyes scanned the room, searching for any threat. Finding only Kirall sitting there, watching her, she relaxed slightly. She hadn’t meant to fall asleep. She hated sleeping. Sleep brought dreams that were always dark and terrifying, filled with remembered pain and loss. For so many years, she’d been helplessly trapped in those dreams that she would never willingly return.


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