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Bound By Heat - Dragon Shifter

Page 11

by M. K Eidem et all

  It was Kirall’s words, the passion behind them, the demand, and the promise that finally sent her over the edge, even while her channel protested that it had nothing inside it.

  Autumn’s head fell between her arms as she tried to catch her breath. Her body was still trembling from her orgasm, but she wanted more. She felt this deep, burning need, and knew the only thing that would satisfy it was Kirall’s cock filling her.

  “Kirall…” she pleaded.

  “Soon, little one,” he promised. “Soon we will give you everything.”

  “But…Oh!” she gasped. Kirall’s finger had moved away from her clit, but now his Dragon was sliding along it, curling around it, coating himself with her slickness.

  “Do you like that, little Aud-um?” Kirall whispered. “Do you like how my Dragon touches you? How he wants to absorb your essence so that when he flies high in the sky, every Dragon will scent that you are ours.”

  “Yes,” she said breathlessly.

  Kirall pushed back from her hips, leaving a space between them. “You have accepted us, Autumn, and we are going to claim you the way a Dragoon claims an Other.”

  “What does that…” her words trailed off as she felt Kirall’s Dragon move around the outside of her hip before sliding down to where Kirall’s cock had just been pressing against the tight rosebud of her ass. “Kirall…”

  “Let him in, Autumn,” Kirall palmed her cheeks when he felt her tense. “Let him love you.”

  Autumn remembered how fascinated she had been when she’d found one of Kristy’s ‘toys’ that had been left in the bathroom. It had a tapered tip with ribs that got larger as they got closer to the base. When she finally got up the nerve to ask Kristy what it was, Kristy had laughed, and said it was a butt plug. She’d then gone into great detail about its use, and how amazing it felt.

  It made Autumn curious, but not curious enough to get one when Kristy had offered to take her to her favorite ‘toy’ store, and help her pick one out. Now Autumn was about to experience it for real with Kirall. She found she wanted to, and that she was excited by the thought. Forcing herself to relax, she pushed back slightly and was surprised when the tapered end, slick with her juices, entered her without the pain Kristy had told her to expect.

  Slowly he pressed deeper. The tip became wider and thicker, more like the head of a cock. She remembered it had happened when he had been in her mouth too. It felt strange, but was also amazing. She began to move, wanting more…needing more.

  “No, little one,” Kirall’s hands tightened on her hips holding her still. “That is for us to do, to show you how well we can pleasure you. All you need to do is enjoy.”

  Autumn was about to demand that he do it then when Kirall’s grip shifted to her waist. He lifted her up until her back was pressed high against his chest, and the head of his cock nudged her entrance. Her legs swung back, bracing herself against the hard muscles of his upper thighs the best she could. She reached up, her hands clutching the back of his neck.

  Slowly, Kirall lowered her onto his cock. Even though she was slick and wet from her release, he had to work to fit his engorged head inside her tight little channel.

  “Kirall!” she cried out as he slowly filled her to the hilt. Never could she have imagined something like this. The bands of his Dragon tightened around her, holding her securely in place as Kirall’s hands moved, capturing her uplifted breasts, his fingers rolling her nipples.

  “We have you, little one,” he growled into her hair then slowly began to move his hips, thrusting in and out of her channel as his Dragon did the same in her ass. Never had Kirall felt anything as amazing as his mate clamping around both of them. Accepting them. He felt the claws in his hands extending, and knew his Beast was loving her as much as they were.

  Autumn’s head fell back to rest on his shoulder as her system was swamped with never before felt sensations, and they weren’t all physical.

  Yes, she was being physically loved in a way she never had before, but she could also feel the depth of that love coming from every part of him.

  It was in the way his Dragon held her so securely, yet so carefully in his embrace.

  It was in the way his Beast captured her breasts, letting her feel his deadly claws, but making sure she knew they would never be used against her.

  Then there was Kirall himself. Looking up, she saw everything he felt for her in his eyes. His need. His desire. His love.

  “Autumn…” he growled softly then lowering his head, he captured her lips giving her something he’d never given another and never would again.

  His kiss.

  His life’s breath.

  Autumn’s back arched away from his chest, her nails digging into the back of his neck as wave after wave of Kirall’s Heat burned through her like a forest fire, stirring up something deep inside her.

  Her hips, despite being securely held by his Dragon, tried to pump furiously. She was being consumed by need and desire, and she wanted more. More from all of them.

  “Kirall!” she cried out, ripping her mouth from his. “More! Please! Harder! I need you! All of you!” She heard his Beast growl, and felt his cock expand her channel to its very limits as he thrust harder and deeper, giving her what she demanded.

  She watched as Kirall’s features began to shift. First, his Beast appeared, and with his shorter snout nudged her head to the side. She kept her gaze on him, her channel clenching with need as his tongue bathed the juncture of her neck and shoulder.

  Then his Dragon took over, watching her with his crystalline eyes as his lips slowly pulled back to reveal his razor-sharp teeth. Before she could feel even a hint of fear, he struck, his teeth sinking deep into the giving flesh and forever marking her as theirs.

  Autumn’s entire body seized as he took her blood, mixed it with his own then injected it back into her. His kiss had burned, but this… this was something else. It was like lava bubbling through her veins, incinerating her as it looked for that special place to erupt. When it reached her womb, it did just that.

  “Kirall!” she screamed out in pleasure as her orgasm exploded through her, awakening all she’d been forced to suppress.

  Kirall roared as Autumn’s body clutched around him, and she screamed out her pleasure for all to hear. He thrust deep one last time, his seed exploding from the very depths of his balls, bathing her womb in its fiery heat. Knowing that this time, there was a chance it could take root.

  Chapter Nine

  The changing room was in shambles as Bonn released his rage on it, throwing chairs and flipping over tables.

  At 6’2”, he was solid muscle, and he was used to intimidating people. He liked being able to, and if his size didn’t do it, his money did.

  Bonn had a lot of money. All from supplying women for a bunch of aliens to have sex with.

  He had accidentally fallen into the job a few years ago when the previous curator had gotten into some trouble at the club that Bonn was the bouncer for. Before Bonn could pound the shit out of him, Neeley had offered him a weekend job that would pay him more than he would make in a year at the club, and all he had to do was check I.D.s.

  Bonn quickly discovered what was really going on, and Neeley had to make him his assistant to keep him quiet. Had he been shocked when he learned their clientele were actually aliens? Maybe for a moment, but then most of the ‘humans’ he worked with were pretty strange too. Now, after Neeley had an unfortunate accident, Bonn was the curator.

  Did he care that they were only here to fuck women?

  That the women would never know what had been done to them?

  Fuck no! Not as long as the money kept coming in.

  Now all that was in jeopardy. All because of one fucking woman!

  His hands shook with rage as he stared down at the paperwork he’d forgotten in this room.

  Kristy Pwff.

  5’ 7” tall.

  Brown hair with red and white highlights.

  Blue eyes.

hat wasn’t anything like the woman he’d escorted to the Dragoon’s room!

  “You didn’t check this?!!” he demanded of Rattler.

  “Why would I? She came in the limo you sent! I asked her name. She said she was Kristy Pwff.”

  “And you didn’t take her through testing?!!”

  “Why would I? She was a repeat and you ordered me to bring her directly to you.”

  If the girl had gone to who she was supposed to, none of this would have happened because Dacke would have immediately known she wasn’t Kristy. Instead, she’d been taken to someone called Kirall, who was apparently an especially horny alien that everyone seemed to fear.

  Bonn didn’t care who fucked the girl as long as he got paid, but if what Rattler had overheard was true then that was now in jeopardy. All because of this one girl.

  Bonn’s hands shredded the paperwork, wishing it was the girl’s neck. Why was she here? How was he going to get rid of her?

  He had to get her out of that room, and the sooner the better! But how? Apparently, the alien liked her. Which was good. So maybe this wasn’t as big a cluster fuck as he thought. He’d just wait until this Kirall was finished with her, let them alter her memories, and that would be it.

  If she met with an unfortunate accident after they were gone…well, they’d never know about it, now would they?

  Bonn took a calming breath and smiled. Yes, that was it. Everything would be fine. Reaching down, he started picking up the destroyed paperwork that had flown everywhere. That was something else the aliens demanded, that the rooms be immaculately clean at all times.

  Moving around the room, his smile disappeared.

  What was that?

  His eyes narrowed as he moved toward the white object on the floor. It wasn’t paper. Reaching down, he picked it up. It was a pill. The bolus he’d given to the girl! When had she spit it out?

  Fuck! What was he going to do now?!!

  The bolus was how the Healer would start altering the woman’s memories. If she didn’t take it…

  What would they do when they found out?

  To him!

  He had to get rid of the girl before they found out!

  Crushing the pill between his finger and thumb, he looked at Rattler. “Gather the men and meet me outside the room the girl is in.”

  Autumn lay on her side, wrapped in Kirall’s arms, his Beast and Dragon having receded. Staring at the wall, she tried to put her shattered mind and body back together. What Kirall had just done to her had been…

  Amazing…no that was too tame of a word.

  Earth shattering…no that was wrong.

  Life altering! That was it, because Autumn knew that even with her memories erased, she would never be the same girl she had been before she’d met Kirall. She was forever altered.

  Kirall had marked her.

  No, wait…he’d bitten her…kissed her…

  “Kirall…” she said hesitantly.

  “Hmm?” he growled softly, a hand making small circles over her stomach.

  “You kissed me.”


  “On the lips,” she clarified.


  “Why?” She twisted around in his arms.

  “Why what?” he asked, grunting his displeasure when his softened cock slid from inside her.

  “Why did you kiss me? Bite me. You said those were things you would do only with your mate.”

  “That is true,” he said. His voice filled with great satisfaction.

  “Then why did you do them with me?”

  “Because you are my mate, Autumn.”

  “What?!!” she demanded, sitting up.

  “I said,” Kirall didn’t move, just reached up to gently caress his mark on her shoulder. He couldn’t explain what it did to him to see it on her. “That you are my mate.”

  Kirall’s touch sent a shiver of desire running through her before his words sank in. “No! That’s not possible,” she denied, and would have risen from the bed if he hadn’t pulled her back into his arms.

  “Why is it impossible?” he asked, kissing her lips.

  “Because I can’t be. You must refuse me!”

  “Refuse you?!!” he looked at her in shock.

  She saw something flash in his eyes. It couldn’t have been hurt…could it?

  “Yes!” She wouldn’t let herself back down. “You said taking an Other mate weakens a Dragoon, that you can refuse to take an Other, and still be able to find a better, stronger, Dragoon mate!


  He suddenly began to realize her concern.

  “I’m not a Dragoon. I’m not even an Other, and I am already damaged! You are going to be constantly attacked because of me, and I’ll be just as useless protecting you as I was with my parents and Jack! I won’t go through that again! I won’t let your pity for what happened to me get you killed! You must refuse me!”

  Kirall’s roar caused the walls to shake, and for the first time, Autumn saw him truly enraged.

  At her.

  “You are not damaged!” He flipped her over onto her back, then leaned down so his face was inches from hers. “Never say that again! You are a survivor! Do you think so little of me that I would turn my back on you because you are not Dragoon?!!”

  She watched his face shift as all three of his forms wanted to dominate. She saw the pain it caused him.

  “Stop.” Unable to stand seeing him in pain, she reached up and touched his cheek. “Please, Kirall…calm.”

  “How can you ask that of me!” he demanded, still angry, but her touch was able to calm his Beast and Dragon some.

  “Kirall…” She fought back the tears that wanted to fill her eyes. She was doing this for him. “Your Joining Heat is confusing you.”

  “Mating Heat,” he immediately corrected. “Autumn,” he lowered his forehead to hers as he caught the shimmer of tears in her eyes. “I owe you the deepest of apologies. I should have immediately realized what was happening, but because I did not, you now doubt me.”

  “It can’t be…”

  “It can. It is.” He brushed his lips against hers, reveling in his right to do so. “I’ve been told all my life what to expect when my mate first comes near. About how intense the Heat can be, and how suddenly it can come on. I just never realized…”

  “It wasn’t meant for me, Kirall,” she told him, trying not to let him see how that saddened her. “I was just the one here.”

  “That’s not true! You are the only one it was meant for. I know this is all new and confusing for you, Autumn, but you must believe me. Once a Mating Heat starts, only a mate can touch the Dragoon. He or she will kill any other that tries. It is why you are able to calm my Beast. Why my Dragon was so interested in you and joined with you. It is why I kissed you and joined our lives.”

  “By giving me your life’s breath and blood.”

  “Yes. It will extend your life, and forever tie us together.”

  “Does it harm you?” she asked.

  “No,” he gently cupped her cheek. “It may weaken me for a short time while my body adjusts, but that is all.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Yes, little one.” Looking at her, Kirall was surprised to find he felt stronger, not weaker now. “The finding of your mate is the most precious gift the God, Kur, can give a Dragoon. I thought I understood that, but I didn’t. Not until I met you. You are now my only reason for living. Without you, my life is meaningless.”

  Autumn felt her eyes start to fill, and this time when he lowered his head, she met him halfway. Her fingers sank deep into his hair as she gripped the back of his head to keep him close. Here was the acceptance she’d been looking for since the attack on her family. Here was the love, and she wasn’t going to lose it again.

  Kirall settled between thighs that eagerly opened for him, never breaking the kiss. He was going to show his mate just how much he loved her, and he would keep doing it until she believed him.

he sound of the outer door bursting open had Kirall immediately springing to his feet. His Beast emerged, ready to defend their mate against any who dared enter their lair.

  Charging into the outer room, he found a half-dozen, puny, human males storming in. His Battle Beast, ready to shred and destroy, roared out his intent.

  Dacke had just finished speaking to the males in the lounge and was on his way to discuss what he had discovered with Talfrin, when he heard the roar of Kirall’s Battle Beast. Rounding the corner, he was shocked to find human males storming into Kirall’s lair.

  Did they have a death wish?

  “Get him!” Bonn ordered from behind his men who had skidded to a halt upon what they were seeing. They were all large men, thugs really, and they were used to easily overpowering everyone. But they’d never gone up against a nine-foot Battle Beast, and they instantly knew they could never defeat him.

  Autumn was staring up at the ceiling, not sure what had just happened. One minute she and Kirall were about to make love again, and the next he was gone. What was going on?

  Suddenly, she heard Kirall’s enraged roar and everything within her froze, just as it had when the Varana attacked her parents.

  ‘Kirall!’ Autumn’s mind screamed. ‘Kirall is crying out for help. He is being attacked!’

  This couldn’t be happening again!

  She wouldn’t let it!

  She couldn’t survive being left alone again!

  She had failed her family. She hadn’t been strong enough to protect them. Hadn’t dug deep enough to find that part of her that could.

  She wasn’t going to do that with Kirall. She wasn’t going to fail him too. Wasn’t going to watch him die.

  Breaking through all the barriers that had held her back before, she went to defend her mate.


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