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Bound By Heat - Dragon Shifter

Page 13

by M. K Eidem et all

“Praise Kur!” Dacke hissed.

  “Who did this to her?!!” Talfrin demanded, taking in her damaged back.

  “General Terron,” Kirall spat out, covering her back.

  “Terron!” Both males looked at him in shock.

  “Yes. When she was ten, he and two of his soldiers attacked her family, killing all but her. They savaged her because she tried to protect her brother.”

  “She survived…with all this damage…at ten?” Talfrin asked disbelievingly.

  “She is not damaged!” Kirall roared at Talfrin. “Never say that again!”

  “I meant no offense, Prime Kirall,” Talfrin bowed his head to him. “I only meant to express my respect and awe. I have never heard of a Dragoon so young being able to survive a direct attack by the Varana. They usually remain until they are sure the Dragoon is dead.” Talfrin’s fingers began to fly over the controls of the healing unit again.

  “They only left because Autumn severely injured Terron,” Kirall told them.

  “What?!!” the shocked word came from both men.

  “The scars Terron now carries on his face were caused by my Autumn. She was able to partially shift when she tried to protect her brother.”

  “She is the one who took his eye?” Dacke asked. “At only ten?”


  “Then we owe her a great deal, and will make sure she fully recovers.”

  “Her scars?” Kirall had to ask.

  “No.” Talfrin looked at Kirall, true regret filling his gaze. “I’m sorry. Too much time has passed since she was injured. Maybe as she and her Dragon grow the scars might fade, but they will never completely disappear. I’m sorry.”

  “I am not.” Kirall slipped his arms under his mate when the healing unit indicated her leg was healed. “They are a part of my mate. A part of what has made her so strong. I do not want that to ever fade or for us to forget her family.

  Autumn floated in the white nothingness that now surrounded her. She felt so strange. There was no pain, no nightmares, no screams, and no blood. She liked it here, wherever here was.

  Was this heaven?

  If so, then where was her family?

  “This is not heaven,” a voice spoke, and the whiteness began to swirl and shift revealing a man, a very tall man who had red hair with silver tips.

  “Then where am I?” Autumn asked finding she was standing instead of floating.

  “Someplace else. A world between worlds.” Brilliant green eyes assessed her. “You truly are very small and young to have achieved so much.”

  “I have achieved nothing,” Autumn argued back.

  “You have fought and won against the Varana. You have shifted into your Dragon form, and you have found your mate. There are Dragoons that live their entire existence that never achieve any of those things. You are a true Supreme.”

  “The Varana won! They killed my family!” she argued back.

  “Yes, but not you. They died because they were not able to call their Dragon. You could, so you lived.”

  “I didn’t…”

  “You did. You know you did. How else do you think you were able to injure a Varana? With those puny things?” He pointed to her hand, making her look at her short nails. “No. You did what only a female Supreme can do. You partially shifted. You do me proud, young one.”

  “Do you ‘proud’? What do you mean?”

  “You descend from me. From the offspring my mate and I had together eons ago. I feared the power we imbued in them had faded with the passing of time, but I see it is still there.”

  “If I descend from you then so did the rest of my family.”


  “So if I shifted like you said then why couldn’t they, especially Mom and Dad?”

  “Because they didn’t feel the power, not as you and your brother did. It is why the Varana didn’t find them sooner.”

  “You’re saying it’s our fault? Jack’s and mine that we were attacked?”

  “No!” the man denied. “It is the Varana’s. You and Jack were doing nothing more than what was natural for you, as it is for any Dragoon. Had the Varana not threatened you, you may never have shifted. Would have never realized what you truly were. But now you have, and you can never go back to being what you were.”

  “Which is?”

  “Human. You are now a Supreme Dragoon, a very young, but very powerful Supreme Dragoon. Who has taken an inferior mate.”

  “What do you mean ‘inferior’?!! Kirall is the most powerful of all the Primes! He is a Black.”

  “A paltry being.” The man waved a hand dismissively.

  “Paltry!” Autumn felt her anger rising, and claws began extending from her fingers. “Who are you to claim that?!!”

  “Why I am Razeth. Do you not recognize me?” He gave her a confused look.

  A gentle laugh swirled through the mist. It had Autumn’s Beast retreating as a beautiful woman stepped from it. She had long, black hair with silver tips.

  “You have always been an arrogant one, my love,” she said as she smiled, then laughed again seeing his putout look.

  “It is not arrogance if it is true,” he grumbled at her.

  “That is also true, but there is no reason for Autumn to recognize you.”

  “Blood should always recognize blood.”

  “True, but have you given her the chance to? How did you think she’d react to your slur against her mate? How would you react if it were against me?”

  “I would destroy anyone that spoke against you!” The words were instantaneous and trembled with power.

  “Yet you expect less from one of your own?” The woman raised an eyebrow at him.

  “No,” Razeth huffed out heavily before leaning down to kiss the woman. “As usual, you are right, my love.”

  “Of course I am.”

  “And that’s not arrogance?” Autumn asked, and found herself the recipient of Razeth’s ferocious frown, while the woman only laughed.

  “And one of mine. She reminds me a great deal of Adalinda, don’t you think?”

  “Perhaps,” Razeth said, still frowning at Autumn.”

  “Ignore him, he frowned at our first female that way too.”

  “First female…” Autumn frowned. “I’m sorry, but just who are you?”

  The woman put a hand on Razeth’s arm, and he immediately stopped growling. “I’m sorry, Autumn, it seems I’ve become as arrogant as my mate. I am Jaclyn, Razeth’s mate.”

  “How do you know who I am?” Autumn asked.

  “Because you are one of ours.” Jaclyn looked up at Razeth. “Blood recognizes blood, at least in the Dragoon world, and it has been a long time since we have heard its call.”

  “I don’t understand,” Autumn said.

  “She doesn’t…” Razeth started in an exasperated tone.

  “Stop, Razeth! How can you expect her to understand? Did I when you first claimed me? She is no different than me, even though your blood runs through her veins. There has been no one there to teach her, and she is still very young; only twenty and two. Not even our own offspring understood everything until they were much, much older.” Her gaze returned to Autumn. “Let me tell you a story…”

  “A long, long time ago, there was a young girl who lived next to a mountain. She was a plain girl.”

  Razeth gave a rumble of displeasure that had Jaclyn smiling.

  “A plain girl,” she stressed, “whose father was about to marry her off to the village blacksmith. The girl didn’t want to marry the blacksmith, for he was a cruel, older man who had already lost two wives during childbirth. She didn’t want to be the third. So she ran away; up into the mountains. She knew it would mean certain death, but she preferred a death of her choosing instead of the one she knew awaited her in the village.”

  “You were very brave,” Autumn told her, and Jaclyn gave her a small smile.

  “I was very desperate. I waited for a winter storm to come because I knew no one would follow me out int
o it. I was half-frozen when Razeth found me.” She looked lovingly up into Razeth’s face.

  “He was so handsome, so strong, so warm. He took me to his lair and made me his.”

  “Just like that?” Autumn questioned.

  “Yes,” Razeth said.

  “No,” Jaclyn said simultaneously.

  “You couldn’t resist me,” Razeth claimed, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her close.

  “Your mind is going because you are so old. I fought you and escaped. More than once.” Jaclyn’s gaze dared him to deny it.

  “True, but I always brought you back.”

  “And I will always be grateful for that.” She rose up on her toes, and he lifted her so they could kiss.

  As the kiss went on and on, Autumn cleared her throat. “I think I’ll just leave you two alone.”

  “No.” Jaclyn pulled her mouth from Razeth’s, who had a self-satisfied expression on his face. “Razeth likes to do that to me. Put me down, you big lug.”

  “Do what?” Autumn asked, watching as Razeth slowly lowered Jaclyn down his body.

  “Distract me.” Jaclyn gave her mate an exasperated look. “He likes to see how long it takes.”

  “Does it ever take long?” Autumn asked.

  “No.” Jaclyn gave her a knowing grin. “And it won’t for you with your mate either. Which brings us back to my story. I willingly stayed with my Dragoon. Willingly mated with him. We had many offspring and a wonderful life for more years than I can remember.”

  “What happened?” Autumn wasn’t sure she wanted to know.

  “Varana…” Jaclyn whispered, and felt Razeth’s arms tighten around her. “They attacked while Razeth was out teaching our young. They had never appeared on Earth before, and while Razeth had prepared protections, I had wandered out past them. There was no chance for Razeth to get to me in time. I am not like you, Autumn, even with Razeth’s blood running through me. I am unable to shift, so I was unable to defend myself.”

  “I didn’t either,” Autumn denied.

  “You did,” Jaclyn argued back. “You wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t been able to. You may not have won, but you survived to fight another day, and that is more than I was able to do.”

  “You died?” Autumn asked quietly.

  “Yes, and because I did, so did my mate.” She looked sadly up at Razeth. “Our offspring were left to fend for themselves, and for many centuries they were able to. But over time, fewer and fewer of their offspring were able to call their Dragon form, forgetting where they came from until now, only you remain.”

  “Only me?” Autumn whispered.

  “Yes. You, Autumn, are the last of our line on Earth.”

  “That’s why…”

  “You were attacked so viciously, yes,” Jaclyn told her. “With your death, the Varana would have finally been able to eradicate the Supremes. Instead, you survived.”


  “That matters not. What matters is that you did, and now you have a mate who can protect you while you grow. He will teach you what you need to know, the way mine taught me.”

  “Not if he can’t protect her!” Razeth argued.

  “Kirall does protect me!” Autumn took an angry step toward Razeth.

  “Not very well,” Razeth told her even though he was secretly proud she would challenge him. She truly was one of theirs, “and not if he remains a Prime.”

  “What are you talking about?” Autumn demanded.

  “Your mate has bonded with you. It is your choice whether to bond with him...or not,” Razeth told her.

  “What are you talking about? And his name is Kirall!”

  “Autumn,” Jaclyn said, quietly pulling her attention back to her. “You are a Supreme. The very last one. Kirall is a Prime. For him to truly become your mate, you must give him your kiss and your blood. He will then become the first male Supreme on Mondu since Razeth left. Together, you will rebuild the Dragoon world, and have the chance to finally defeat the Varana.”


  “He is a…worthy Dragoon,” Razeth grudgingly told her. “Maybe not worthy enough for one of mine…”

  “Ours,” Jaclyn reminded him, “and if he is her choice, then you must accept and support it.”

  “If I must,” he agreed reluctantly looking from his mate to Autumn. “My power will recognize you once you arrive on Mondu. It would please me greatly if you and your mate…Kirall…were to reside in Kruba.”

  Autumn’s eyes widened, “Kirall said it is in the highest and most coveted mountain range on the entire planet. That no one has been able to live there since you left.”

  Razeth’s chest seemed to puff up at her words. “This is true, but you will be able to. Because you are ours. Now it is time for us to return to our world, and for you to return to yours.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Autumn opened her eyes, and found she was in a dimly lit room staring up at a ceiling she’d never seen before. Where was she? Slowly, her senses began to kick in. She could hear a low hum. It sounded mechanical, but it wasn’t from any machine she recognized. She was lying on something flat, but it was comfortable. There was something soft covering her body, and something warm was wrapped around her waist. She felt safe and protected. Taking a cautious breath, she smelled…Kirall.

  Turning her head to the side, she found his face inches from hers, and while he was asleep, there were still lines of stress and fatigue on his face. They didn’t belong there. Glancing down, she realized it was his arm around her waist that was making her feel so warm and protected. Looking up, she found his eyes were open, his gaze piercing hers.

  She watched him slowly blink, his gaze quickly moving over her face as if he couldn’t believe she was there.

  “You’re finally awake,” he said, his voice a little ragged.

  “I am.” Autumn frowned at his words. “How long have I been out?”

  “Three days.” Kirall rose up on an elbow, his eyes full of concern. “How are you feeling?”

  Autumn didn’t immediately answer, taking time to really think about how she felt. The ache she’d always felt in her damaged arm and leg was no longer there. And the feeling she’d always had that there was something deep inside her, trying to get out, was gone too.

  “That is because you have finally accepted me,” the voice she recognized as her Dragon said.

  “I’m sorry it has taken me so long,” she answered.

  “It is how it needed to be, so we could survive and find our mate.”

  “Autumn?” Kirall’s question brought her back from her internal conversation.

  “Good. I feel good,” she told him.

  “You’re sure?”

  “Yes, I haven’t felt this good since before the Varana attacked me.” She raised a hand to gently cup his cheek. “Why do you look so tired? So worried?”

  Kirall frowned, “You don’t remember what happened?”

  “I remember someone bursting into our room, and you went out to confront them. Alone.” She gave him a look that told him she wasn’t happy about that. “I wasn’t going to let you do that. I wasn’t going to fail someone else I loved, so I…shifted.” Her eyes widened. She’d actually shifted.

  “You did.” He smiled, running a gentle finger along her jaw. “Into the most beautiful Dragon I have ever seen.”

  “Really?” she asked, looking up at him uncertainly.

  “You were beautiful, Autumn. Are beautiful, never doubt that.” Leaning down, he rested his forehead against hers. “I am so sorry, Autumn.”

  “For what?” she asked, caressing the back of his neck, not understanding.

  “For not truly listening to you.” He pulled back slightly and forced himself to meet her gaze. “You told me how the Varana had injured you. What the Earth Healers had done to repair the damage, and still I called you from your Dragon form.”


  “So when you shifted into your Dragon, your Dragon expelled the foreign substances fro
m your body. It is how a Dragon repairs any injuries you might receive in your Other form.”

  “I still don’t understand what you are sorry about.” She lifted her arm. Looking at it, the scar was still there, but the ache was gone. “It feels wonderful. She did a good job.”

  “Your Dragon didn’t repair you, Autumn.” He looked down at her, his eyes full of regret. “As I said, I called you from your Dragon form too soon.”

  “Then how?”

  “You collapsed in my arms screaming.” Kirall shuddered slightly, remembering. He never wanted to hear her scream like that again. “I tried to call your Dragon back, but I couldn’t, so I rushed you to the healing unit.”

  “I…something happened there…” Her delicate eyebrows drew closer together, then she whispered. “Bonn…”

  “Yes,” Kirall gave her a guilt-ridden look. “After I laid you on the healing unit, I turned to confront Dacke. Bonn entered without me noticing, and was able to inject you with multiple doses of the drug used to relax the females, before I could stop him.”

  “He had this look on his face, of enjoyment,” she whispered. “It reminded me of the Varana. He knew what he was doing was going to hurt me, and it did…so much,” she whispered. “It was like the drug they gave me in the hospital. It pulled me back into that dark world of pain and immobility.”

  “I would have willingly given my entire hoard if I could have prevented you from going through that, Autumn.”

  “I know.” She gently cupped his cheek. “What did you do…to Bonn?”

  “I killed him,” he told her bluntly.

  Autumn was shocked to discover she was nodding understandingly, then realized it was what she would have done if someone had harmed Kirall.

  “But Talfrin couldn’t heal you while the drug was still in your system.”

  “Then how?” she asked.

  “I had to call on your Dragon. She was weakened, but able to burn the drug out of your system.”

  “I heard you…” she whispered. “In my head, you were pleading with me to not give up. That you would join me in death if that was where I was going.”

  “I would follow you anywhere, for I will never be separated from you now that I have found you.”


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