by Bruce Perry
189 physical abuse and neglect and other trauma: Dansky, B. S., Byrne, C. A., & Brady, K. T. (1999, May). Intimate violence and post-traumatic stress disorder among individuals with cocaine dependence. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 25(2), 257-268; Palacios, W. R., Urmann, C. F., Newel, R., & Hamilton, N. (1999, July-September). Developing a sociological framework for dually diagnosed women. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 17(1-2), 91-102.
189 show changes during addiction: Daglish, M. R., Weinstein, A., Malizia, A. L., Wilson, S., Melichar, J. K., Lingford-Hughes, A., Myles, J. S., Grasby, P., & Nutt, D. J. (2003, December). Functional connectivity analysis of the neural circuits of opiate craving: “more” rather than “different”? Neuroimage, 20(4); Carey, P. D., Warwick, J., Niehaus, D. J., van der Linden, G., van Heerden, B. B., Harvey, B. H., Seedat, S., Stein, D. J. (2004, October 14). Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of anxiety disorders before and after treatment with citalopram. BMC Psychiatry, 4, 30; Carlezon, W. A. Jr., Duman, R. S., & Nestler, E. J. (2005, August). The many faces of CREB. Trends in Neuroscience, 28(8), 436-445; Astur, R. S., St. Germain, S. A., Tolin, D., Ford, J., Russell, D., & Stevens, M. (2006, April). Hippocampus function predicts severity of post-traumatic stress disorder. Cyberpsychology and Behavior, 9(2), 234-240.
189 found relief in dissociation: Winchel, R. M. & Stanley, M. (1991, March). Self-injurious behavior: a review of the behavior and biology of self-mutilation. American Journal of Psychiatry, 148(3), 306-317.
190 do not find them overwhelmingly blissful: Conley, K. M., Toledano, A. Y., Apfelbaum, J. L., & Zacny, J. P. (1997). The modulating effects of a cold water stimulus on opioid effects in volunteers. Psychopharmacology, 131, 313-320.
208 Please call the police: Hanson, E. (2000, April 14). Jurors are asked to terminate parental rights in abuse case. Houston Chronicle.
211 be affected by the environment: Read, J., Perry, B. D., Moskowitz, A., & Connolly, J. (2001). The contribution of early traumatic events to schizophrenia in some patients: a traumagenic neurodevelopmental model. Psychiatry, 64(4), 319-345; Anda, R. F., Felitti, R. F., Walker, J., Whitfield, C., Bremner, D. J., Perry, B. D., Dube, S. R., & Giles, W. G. (2006). The enduring effects of childhood abuse and related experiences: a convergence of evidence from neurobiology and epidemiology. European Archives of Psychiatric and Clinical Neuroscience, 256(3), 174-186.
212 ultimately convicted of the murders: Talan, J. & Firstman, R. (1998). The death of innocents: a true story of murder, medicine, and high-stake science. New York: Bantam.
212 killed eight of the babies: Southall, D. P., Plunkett, M. C., Banks, M. W., Falkov, A. F., & Samuels, M. P. (1997, November). Covert video recordings of life-threatening child abuse: lessons for child protection. Pediatrics, 100(5), 735-760.
213 murder until proved otherwise: Dyer, O. (2004, January 3). Meadow faces GMC over evidence given in child death cases. British Medical Journal, 328(7430), 9.
213 convictions have already been overturned: UK Health Minister orders review of 285 cot death murders. (2004, January 20). Medical News Today; Sally Clark Doctor wins GMC Case. (2006, February 17). BBC News.
213 unneeded and painful medical procedures: Schreier, H. (1993). Hurting for love: munchausen by proxy syndrome (p. 25). New York: Guilford Press.
217 brain-related functional problems: Perry, B. D. (2002). Childhood experience and the expression of genetic potential: what childhood neglect tells us about nature and nurture. Brain and Mind, 3, 79-100; Perry, B. D. & Pollard, D. (1997). Altered brain development following global neglect in early childhood. Society For Neuroscience, [Proceedings from Annual Meeting] New Orleans.
233 the number was just five: Burguiere, A. & Klapisch-Zuber, C., et. al. (Eds.) (1996). A history of the family, volume I: distant worlds, ancient worlds and A history of the family, volume II: the impact of modernity. Boston: Harvard University Press.
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234 had an episode of serious depression: Klerman, G. L. & Weissman, M. M. (1989, April 21). Increasing rates of depression. Journal of the American Medical Association. 261(15), 2229-2235.
234 factor of ten in recent decades: Burke, K. C., Burke, J. D. Jr., Rae, D. S., & Regier, D. A. (1991, September). Comparing age at onset of major depression and other psychiatric disorders by birth cohorts in five US community populations. Archives of General Psychiatry, 48(9), 789-795.
237 from a grandparent, can make: Else, L. (2006, April 8). Meet the Alloparents. New Scientist.
241 by the time she turns eighteen: American Psychiatric Association. (1998). Psychiatric effects of media violence. APA Online.
* = (Indicates a pseudonym)
ADD (attention deficit disorder)
brain activity and
and stress
children healing through trust of
response to children’s traumatic events
training those who work with children
Alan* (father of Leon)
Amber (patient)
background of
beginning of therapy with
cognitive therapy for
dissociative response of
fantasy escapes of
Goth social environment of
healing of
self-hatred of
self-hypnosis and
self-mutilation of
sexual abuse of
Amy* (mother of Peter)
parenting challenges of
and Peter’s behavior
as remarkable parent
affect of stress on
runt syndrome
Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD)
Arousal continuum
Arthur* (Justin’s caregiver)
ASPD (antisocial personality disorder)
Asperger’s syndrome
memory creating
sexual abuse in early life, and
trauma-related symptoms and
use-dependent development and
importance for baby
as memory template for human bonds
period for developing
Attachment therapy
Attention deficit disorder (ADD)
Attention problems, and brainstem
indifference to relationships of
massage therapy for
overview of
Bass, Barbara
BATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms)
Blue spot (locus coeruleus)
action of chemicals in
arousal continuum and
catastrophic events and
dissociative response and
environment affecting
fear affecting
growth of physical body and
hierarchy of function in
memory and
neglect affecting
neural systems regulating stress-response and
opposition to using research on
parental effects on
patterns of experience and
protecting from trauma
in PTSD. see PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)
relationships and relational cues in
in resilient children
rhythm-keeping regions of
sensitization and tolerance effects in
sequential development of
stress in infancy impacting
structure of
use-dependent development and
abnormalities of
r /> coordinated walking and
development of
hierarchy of functions in brain
structure of brain with
Branch Davidian compound. see Davidian children
Brian (patient)
background story of
on coerced confessions
sensitivity and morality of
Brown, Sergeant James York
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF)
Burnt out, of brain systems
Butterfly effect
Caregivers. see Parents (caregivers)
Catastrophic events
Child protective services (CPS) systems
Child psychiatry
avoiding preconceptions
distinguishing diseases from neglect
neurosequential treatment in. see Neurosequential treatment
development education for adults
importance of adults in healing
kindness of. see Peter (patient)
misguided theories on stress
statistics on abuse of
statistics on trauma in
ChildTrauma Academy
Clark, Patty,*
Clinton, Hillary
calming stress with
difficult cases using
positive effects of
Coercive methods
harm of
ineffective for victims of trauma
problems with
sexual abuse confessions as a result of
Cognitive therapy
Communities. see Healing communities
Competition, focus on
Compliance, robotic
Connor (patient)
behavior and diagnosis of
determining therapy for
lack of development in
massage therapy for
missing brain stimulation required in early life
neglected as infant
parallel play therapy for
rhythm therapy for
success of therapy
treatment targeting neglected brain areas
coping with trauma by
habituation and
learned helplessness phenomenon and
regaining after coping with trauma
Cooperation, evolution of
Coordination problems
abnormalities in
in brain structure
development of
fear response and
hierarchy of function in brain
CPS (child protective services) systems
Cuteness, in children
Cutters. see Self-mutilation
Davidian children
ages of
belief that siege would end in death
catastrophic raid and
creating new environments for
decision-making in
dissociative response in
fear in
healing power of relationship and
maladaptive responses of
readied for end of world
rituals of
sense of family
sense of self
stress response in
structure and nurturing for
Daydreaming, as dissociation
brain development and
Davidian children and
cognitive therapy for
as problem of modern society
as response to extreme stressors
ruminating on past events increasing
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)
Davidian children and
hyper-arousal response and
as response to extreme stressors
as response to trauma
self-hypnosis for
self-mutilation as
story of Ted
Dissociative continuum
Drugs. see Medications
DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual)
Duane* (boyfriend of Jill)
Dyrud, Dr. Jarl
child development
need for infant and child
autistic children and
development of
holding therapy failing to evoke
inability to feel
lacking in Reactive Detachment Disorder
schools undermining development of
sociopathy and
underdeveloped capacity for
Endogenous opioids
affecting brain development
building relationships in school
complex conditions affected by
Evangelical Christianity
cooperation and
extended families and
infant sleeping patterns and
living in small groups and
Extended families
Failure to thrive
arousal continuum and
as dissociative disorder
creating respectful home environment
importance of extended
supporting/educating after trauma
Fashion sense
Fear response
brain activity in
Davidians and
holding therapy evoking. see holding therapy
ostracism from
Satanic Ritual Abuse allegations from
Fetal rocking
Fight or flight response
First impressions
Frank* (brother of Leon)
explaining behavior by
recovery from early neglect and
role in schizophrenia
Goth youth culture
Growth hormone
Healing communities
allowing children to take risks
breakdown of
building in modern world
cooperation and survival in
depression in modern society vs.
education about child development in
extended families and
fears about unhealthy touch
focus on competition vs.
infant sleep patterns and
new policies for
power of loving relationships in
respectful home environment in
school shootings vs.
troubled children requiring loving/consistent care
violence vs.
Hearst, Patty
Heart-rate monitoring
Hill, Helen Karr,*
Holding therapy
Annie Vernon’s experience with
Brian’s experience with
encouraging children to lie
inflicting children with
pressure to focus on negative memories
Home visits
Hrdy, Sarah Blaffer
Hyperactivity, trauma-related
Hyper-arousal response
brain response to threat and
dissociation during trauma leading to
heart-rate monitoring giving cues of
stimulant drugs replicating
Hypnotic trances, as dissociation
I am Your Child Foundation
affecting children
children at risk for RAD
children developing own language in
failure to thrive in
ller head sizes and brains in
Intelligence, recovery and
“It Takes A Village,”
James (patient)
courage and determination of
likable personality of
mother trying to kill
mother with Munchausen’s by proxy syndrome
RAD symptoms of
trying to get help
Jane* (mother of Connor)
support for therapy and
massage therapy and
neglectful babysitter hired by
Jason (father of Peter)
challenges of parenting and
Peter’s behavior and
as remarkable parent
Jill* (mother of Amber)
telling of Amber’s sexual abuse
Justin (patient)
affects of neglect on
caged early life of
caged hospitalization of
recovery of
structuring experience for
Koresh, David
death of
prophecies to children
ruling by fear
cortex and
cortex development and
use-dependent development and
Lappe, James and Marie
child beating of
holding therapy of
suicides of
Laura (patient)
early childhood of
emotional neglect by mother
failure to thrive
lasting effects of disrupted nurturing
living with Mama P.’s nurturing
medical tests/procedures on
psychological diagnosis of
underdeveloped empathy of
Learned helplessness
Leon (patient)
butterfly vs. snowball effects and
diagnosed with conduct disorder
early childhood aggression in
early childhood neglect of
early childhood neglect leading to malice
explaining to court
factors determining path of