by Bruce Perry
family of
IQ of
knowing right from wrong
lacking empathy
learning to mimic appropriate behavior
murders and rape by
previous offenses of
reactions to scoldings or punishments
sociopathy of
Levine, Dr. Seymour
Lie detectors, and sociopaths
Limbic system
abnormalities in
in brain structure
development of
fear response in
hierarchy of function in brain
Locus coeruleus (blue spot)
interdependent human contact and
power of caring relationships
stimulating neural networks
troubled children requiring consistent
Male violence
Mama P.* (foster mother)
helping Laura and her mother
patterned, repetitive experiences of
physical nurturing given by
Maria* (mother of Leon)
Mark* (father of Connor)
Massage therapy
MBPS (Munchausen’s by proxy syndrome)
difficulties in diagnosing
Meadow’s law and
overview of
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and
Meadow, Roy
Meadow’s law
Media, setting boundaries on
calming stress system with
exacerbating other symptoms
hyper-arousal response of stimulant
neurosequential treatment using
sensitization and tolerance effects of
using in right context
coercion affecting
creating associations
developing tolerance to traumatic
easily influenced by therapists
focus on negative
habituation and
nature and malleability of
patterns and
psychic pus theory
recovery movement from sexual abuse and
sensitization and tolerance in
as template for human bonds
Merle* (mother of James)
attempts to kill James
describing James’ behavior
doctor shopping of
James removed from custody of
Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy condition of
Mirror neurons
Mommy wars
Mother Nature: Maternal Instincts and How They Shape the Human Species (Hrdy)
Motor control problems
Munchausen’s by proxy syndrome. see MBPS (Munchausen’s by proxy syndrome)
Neural networks, brain
developmental trauma and
memory creating associations through
patterns of experience using
regulating stress-response
sensitivity to novelty and
stimulated by loving care
use-dependent development and
Neurosciences, opposition to
Neurosequential treatment
addressing genetic factors
atmosphere of safety
development of
foundation of
heart-rate monitoring in
mitigating damage of early neglect
research and training focus of
social environment of child
staff meetings to discuss patient’s care
treatment aimed at age in which deprivation was suffered
use of medications
Norepinephrine (noradrenaline)
action in brain of
response to stress and
stimulant drugs releasing
dissociative states releasing
self-mutilation releasing
Oppositional-defiant disorder
Parallel play therapy
Connor and
overview of
Parents (caregivers)
building baby’s capacity to self-soothe
importance of loving care
intuitive style of Mama P.
mirror neurons and
unease about our current way of life
associated with pleasure and comfort
brain development and repetition developing
developing tolerance to trauma
experience affecting neurons
habituation and
memory creating
trauma and
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)
Peer relationships
importance of
schools lack of emphasis on
social development and
Peter (patient)
challenges of parenting
early childhood neglect of
early language deprivation of
healthy relationships and
infantile touching of
peer problems of
peers taught to understand and care for
problems of
splintered development of
strengths of
underdeveloped brain of
Pharmacology. see Medications
Physical body
growth of brain and
schools today not developing
Physical stimulation
babies’ sense of pleasure and
results of being deprived of
victims of abuse needing
PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit)
babies’ sense of
decreased distress resulting in
human interaction and
nurturing touch as
of rewards and praise
Post-traumatic stress disorder. see PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)
Preschool intervention programs, underfunded
escalating bad behavior
negative effects of
Psamtik of Egypt, King
Psychic pus theory
Psychological trauma. see Trauma
PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)
depression and
diagnosis of
harm of pressure to focus on negative memories
prolonged dissociation leading to
stress leaving imprints on brain
in Tina
use of clonidine to calm
veterans with
Punishment, kindness vs.
RAD (Reactive Attachment Disorder)
associated with failure to thrive
coldness and unpleasant behavior in
overview of
Ranch Apocalypse
Recovered memory therapies
Reiner, Rob
allowing more time for in schools
early life experiences and
healing power of
importance of healthy
importance of social support system in recovery
increasing number and quality of children’s
recovery from trauma and neglect through
with therapist
tribalism and
brain development and
essential to recovery
healing power of loving care
Resilient children
Rhythm therapy
Robert (patient)
Robotic compliance
Routine, in recovery
Runt syndrome
allowing children to take risks<
br />
creating atmosphere of
Sandy (patient)
beginning therapy with
clonidine and
control of reenactment
defenses against trauma
dissociation of
progress of
startle response in
witnessing murder of mother
Sally,* Mrs.
Sara (mother of Tina)
Satanic cults
Satanic Ritual Abuse. see SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse)
affected by environment
indifference to relationships in
role of genetics and biology in
developing empathy within peer relationships
disrespecting importance of peer relationships
emphasis on cognitive development
shootings in
Self-hatred, and sexual abuse
Amber and
as attempt at self-medication
dissociative state produced by
overview of
relief felt during
Seligman, Martin
effects of
lack of control and
use-dependent development and
Sexual abuse
Amber and
coercive confession methods and
creating twisted associations
Davidian children and
escaping through fantasy
forming healthy relationships to prevent
gaining control over
recovered memory therapies and
self-hatred and
Vernon children and
SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)
Sleep problems
brainstem and
evolution of humans and
Snowball effect
Snyder, Dr. Solomon
Social development. see also Relationships
Connor’s therapy in
limbic system/cortex and
need for theory of mind
parent/child relationships and
peer relationships and
recovery from early neglect and
undermined in schools
empathy and
lacking compassion
as product of environment
stress response systems of
Speech. see Language
SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse)
children apparently victims of
children’s coerced confessions of
panic over
sexual abuse and
story of Brian
tainted investigation of
Vernon children confessions
State-dependent learning
Static encephalopathy
Stephanie (staff)
Stine, Dr. Robert,*
Stockholm Syndrome
Stress. see also PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)
advantages of moderate
heart rate/hormones during
learned helplessness phenomenon
modulated by presence of familiar people
neural systems regulating response to
neurotransmitters involved in
in sociopaths
threat activating systems of
transformative impact of
trauma vs.
Style, and fashion sense
Success by Six, United Way
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
in mental health training
for psychiatric trainees
Surprise, taking children by
Survival, and cooperation
Symbionese Liberation Army
Ted (patient)
dissociation of
learning to handle stress triggers
results of medications on
results of therapy
witnessing domestic violence
Temperament, recovery and
Template, memory
habituation and
overview of
sexual abuse and
trauma and
Theory of mind
Therapy groups
arousal continuum and
brain response to
medications reducing overactive response to
state-dependent learning and
trauma leading to overreaction to
Tina (patient)
brain chemistry problems of
developmental trauma in
distorted sexual behavior of
how to help
improved impulse control of
life and family of
paying home visit to
symptoms of extreme stress in
twisted male associations of
using DSM manual to diagnose
effects of
habituation form of
critical to human development
fears about unhealthy
Trained intuition
associations related to
brain chemistry and
children’s vulnerability to
difficult cases using clonidine
dissociative response to
effective interventions immediately after
extreme stress as
heart-rate monitoring and
misguided theories of inchildren
misunderstood by caretakers
recovery from
relational loss in
relationships vital to healing of
resilience in children and
results of developmental
self-mutilation and
statistics on childhood
vs. stress
Trauma Assessment Team
Trauma bond
U’Pritchard, Dr. David
Use-dependent development
association and
brain and
dissociation/hyper-arousal and
sensitization and tolerance in
at specific times for different functions
Vernon, Annie
Vernon, Betty,*
Vernon, Bobby,*
Vernon, Bobby, Jr.
Vernon, Linda
Vernon, Ward,*
Veterans, PSTD and
Vietnam veterans
children dissociating from domestic
holding therapy and
limiting children’s media exposure to
male gender and
neglect leading to
Virginia* (mother of Laura)
failure to express love to Laura
helped by Mama P.
not interacting with Laura
psychological issues of
Waco, Texas. see Davidian children
Walker, Stan,*
Wilson, Kelly
Witch hunt. see SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse)
of Davidian children
loving caregivers providing
Zaslow, Robert
Zero to Three organization
1 Throughout this book an asterisk (*) after a name indicates that it is a pseudonym.
Copyright © 2006 by Bruce D. Perry and Maia Szalavitz
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eISBN : 978-0-786-72188-7