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Black Friday: Exposed

Page 7

by Ashley;JaQuavis

  His thoughts were driving him to his breaking point; he couldn’t contain himself any longer. He had to find out why he was still sitting behind the thick brick wall. He walked out of his cell and stood in line for the phone. His mind was playing games with him, causing him to become enraged. He tried to control his temper; he didn’t want his rage to get him into any complications with the other prisoners. He was well aware of his own strength and ruthlessness, so if any of the inmates ever stepped to him he would surely gain another murder charge. He had to remain cool and distance himself until he got out. He desperately needed to get out. Twenty minutes later, the line to the phone finally decreased and he picked up the receiver and dialed the operator.

  “You’d like to make a collect call?” the operator asked.

  “Yes,” he replied.

  “To what telephone number and to whom?”

  “516-845-9812 to Norelle Gibson,” he said.

  “Hold please.”

  The line went silent for thirty seconds. The operator came back on the line and said, “The collect call was not accepted.”

  “What?” he yelled into the phone. “Nah, that ain’t right. Maybe you dialed the wrong numbers. I’d like to place the call again.”

  The operator repeated the same procedure, placing another collect call. Kasheef waited impatiently until the operator finally said, “I’m sorry sir, the collect call was not accepted.”

  Kasheef slammed down the phone. “I see how this bitch trying to play me,” he said to himself as he returned to his cell. He was more than livid. He was ready to kill Norelle and it was then that he knew she was not to be trusted.

  “I have a collect call from Rikers Island Correctional Facility for Norelle Gibson. Will you accept the call?”

  “Hell no!” Norelle said as she hung up the phone for a second time. She grabbed three fat stacks of hundred dollar bills and put them into her purse as she headed out. “I think it’s time I got myself a new whip,” she said as she hopped into her ‘04 Cadillac Escalade truck and drove to the dealership. By the end of the day she copped an ’08 Lexus convertible coupe. She had also linked up with a realtor who was helping her shop for a brand new condominium. She already had the home furnished in her head. She had put deposits down on furniture all over the city, so that once she found a place all she had to do was have her furniture delivered. Norelle had her eyes on a specific place. It was taking her no time to blow through Kasheef’s money. By the end of the day she had spent an easy seventy grand. She had never had that type of money in her possession in her life and now that she did, she didn’t know what to do with it. She was on a shopping spree and for a woman as materialistic as Norelle, having that much paper to burn was like heaven. She couldn’t remember a time when she’d been happier. Clothes, shoes, and cosmetics gave her confidence. Cars and jewelry made her feel important. There was nothing better to her than rolling through the streets having everyone notice her. Money distinguished her. It put her on an entirely different level than other women. It’s bum bitches at the bottom and Norelle at the top, she thought arrogantly to herself as she made her way back to her apartment. She was enjoying her newfound wealth and once she spent the first dollar, all thoughts of it ever belonging to Kasheef were erased from her mind.

  Norelle struggled with the many bags that she carried as she tried to find her keys to unlock her apartment door. Her phone began to ring on the inside and her frustration caused her to drop her bags. “Damn it!” she screamed. She decided to leave the bags where they were for the time being and sprinted to the cordless telephone.

  “Hello?” she answered as she looked back at her front door to make sure her bags were still in the hallway. An old woman passing by stopped and eyed the bags curiously.

  “I have a collect call from ...”

  Norelle stopped listening when the old woman reached into one of the bags. “Are these bags yours?” the elderly woman asked.

  “Yes!” Norelle yelled as she shooed the woman away.

  “Okay, I’ll connect your call,” she heard the operator say once she’d refocused on the telephone.

  “Wait no! I didn’t accept—” she tried to detest the call, but was interrupted by Kasheef’s voice.

  “Why you ain’t taking my calls Norelle?”

  “Baby I am. What are you talking about? You haven’t called me since the other day,” she said, trying to play off her deception.

  “I called your ass two times earlier and both times you didn’t take the calls,” he said. “Bitch you trying to leave me in here on stuck? Where’s my fucking bail money Norelle?”

  “Kasheef, what are you talking about?” she asked as she tried her hardest to muster fake tears. “Nobody called me earlier! I would’ve accepted the charges, you know that. The operator must have dialed the wrong number. And I don’t have the money to bail you out. The police came in here with a warrant and they took all of the money out of the safe!” She sobbed uncontrollably and put on a genius performance, one that might’ve gotten her an Academy Award if she had chosen to be an actress instead of a gold digger. “I’m out here trying to hustle up bail money for you and you’re calling me on this bullshit.”

  “When did they run in the house Norelle?” Kasheef asked.

  “Yesterday. I’ve been waiting on you to call so I could tell you. That’s how I know the operator got the number wrong earlier because I would have accepted the call. I’m out here all by myself scared and worried everyday about you,” she cried, adding a loud sniffle for dramatic effect while rolling her eyes in the mirror.

  “A’ight ma,” he said with a sigh. “Stop crying.”

  “I can’t believe you would think I’d turn my back on you,” she whispered.

  “I don’t think that Norelle. These walls are just fucking with my head. Look yo I’ve got to get off this phone. I’ll call you tomorrow, a’ight?” he asked.

  “Okay,” she responded and quickly hung up. She looked in her vanity mirror and quickly wiped away the fake tears. “Sucker, ass nigga.”

  Mickey tore open the letter from the Department of Justice and jumped up and down when she saw the words ‘YOU HAVE BEEN SUMMONED TO JURY DUTY,’ printed in big bold letters. She knew that this could work to her advantage if she wanted it to. She picked up the phone and called Alija.

  “Hello?” Alija answered.

  “You’ll never guess what I’m holding in my hands right now,” Mickey said without even saying hello or stating her name.

  “What Mick?” Alija asked, automatically recognizing her voice.

  “The key to your future, baby sis,” Mickey said matter of factly.

  “If it ain’t a million dollars then it can’t open any doors for me,” Alija joked.

  “I don’t know if it’s worth a million, but it can damn sure get us some money!” Mickey replied. She couldn’t contain the excitement in her voice.

  “Girl what are you talking about?”Alija finally asked.

  “I’ve been summoned,” Mickey said.

  Alija got quiet as she weighed her options. She really didn’t have anything to lose. She was in a lose-lose situation so she figured that she may as well try and get some money to take care of Nahla. She didn’t want to pull Mickey into it however.

  “I’ll do it. I’ll blackmail him under one condition,” Alija said.

  “What is it? Anything,” Mickey replied.

  “You have to let me handle it. I don’t want you involved Mick. If something does happen to me, I need to know that Nahla has someone in this world that will look after her. All I need you to do is sit on that jury and have my back when I need it, okay?”

  “Okay, Alija.”

  “And we probably need to distance ourselves for awhile. We can’t be seen together at all. No talking to each other. We have to act like we don’t even know one another until after this trial is over. I need you to be on that jury Mick. You are my ace in the hole in case something goes bad. If the jury is going to come back with a verd
ict that I don’t like, I’m gonna need you on there to sway their asses in my direction,” Alija explained. “When I get the money from Kasheef, you know I’m going to look out for you.”

  “I already know, sis. I just wish that there was more that I could do,” Mickey complained.

  “You’re doing enough already Mick. Just trust me. Don’t contact me. We have different last names so no one will ever figure out that we are related as long as we are careful. My name isn’t on your lease at the apartment so we should be good. Just keep everything quiet. I’ll be in touch with you, okay?”

  “Okay. I love you girl and be careful.”

  “I will,” Alija answered then hung up the phone. Alija was scared because she knew that she was playing with fire. She kept telling herself that she had nothing to lose and everything to gain, but she knew that was untrue. She had her daughter to lose and the one thing that she didn’t want to leave behind in this world was a motherless child. She hoped that God would see her through this. She had never been the religious type, but she knew that she could not do this alone and He was the only one that she could think of to call on. She grabbed her daughter in her arms, humbly got down on her knees and prayed.

  Dear God,

  I know you don’t hear from me often, but I’m coming to you today. I’m burdened. My heart aches in a way that I have never felt before. My life is out of my hands. I feel like I’m losing everything and I need your help. For me to even be on my knees right now means that I need you. Nahla needs you. Please give me the strength to make it through this trial. I’m just trying to provide a better life for my daughter, the best way that I know how. Give me the courage to go through with this. Please.


  Chapter Eight

  Beep! Beep! Beep!

  Carmen sighed as she removed her sleek Fendi reading glasses and threw them onto her desk in frustration. She was trying to find a loop hole in Kasheef’s case, but she was having a hard time concentrating. Every time she got focused another distraction caused her to slip up. If it wasn’t the ringing of her telephone, then it was a knock at her door. This time it was the beeping of her intercom system.

  “Yes, Dawn?” she asked dryly as she held the intercom button down.

  “I have an Alija Bell here to see you,” Dawn announced.

  “Alija Bell?” Carmen asked as she tried to recall the name. Her eyes widened in surprise as she finally remembered where she had heard it before. “Alija Bell, as in the star witness to the Williams’ case?”

  “I believe so. She says she has some information that you may be interested in hearing,” Dawn stated.

  “Okay send her in,” Carmen said as she closed Kasheef’s case file and stood up to greet her guest. Curiosity was killing her. She could not imagine what the star witness in the biggest case of her life could possibly want, but she could not wait to find out. She walked from around the desk when the girl walked in and she immediately recognized her from the tape that she’d watched of Kasheef’s crime. “I take it you are the woman that the prosecution has found to solidify their case?”

  “That would be me,” Alija responded as she extended her hand toward Carmen. Carmen looked skeptically at her hand and then shook it firmly.

  “I’m not sure what it is I can do for you,” Carmen admitted. “Technically you’re not supposed to be here.”

  “It’s not about what you can do for me, but what I can do for you ... or more like Kasheef.”

  Carmen folded her arms and leaned against the front of her desk. “What could you possibly do for my client, Ms. Bell?”

  “I could change my testimony,” Alija responded frankly. Carmen tried to hide her shock behind her sophisticated demeanor, but Alija had just thrown her a curveball. Alija was the only person who was standing in her way of a victory and now here she was in the flesh, offering to switch sides. “We both know that I can identify Kasheef. He was there and he killed Ahmad, and unfortunately I’m the only one who saw it. I didn’t ask to be put in this situation. I’m not in the business of ruining lives, I’m just trying to live mine.”

  “Why are you offering to do this now? What changed your mind?” Carmen asked, suspiciously.

  “I was never going to snitch from the beginning. Kasheef started this when he sent his little workers to my house and make sure you tell him that. I’m just trying to come up with the best solution for both of us,” Alija stated.

  “I don’t know anything about Kasheef sending anyone to your home Ms. Bell, but I’ll deliver the message. What if I told you I didn’t need you to change your testimony in order to get Kasheef off?” Carmen stated confidently.

  Alija laughed before replying, “You’re not that good. Let’s be real. We both know that if I testify against Kasheef there is no way he will walk.”

  Carmen hated to admit it, but no matter how well she performed her job she felt like there was a great possibility that she would blow this case. The defense was at a disadvantage and an offer like the one she was being given didn’t come everyday. She needed this win. Her career depended on it. “How much is it going to cost him for your cooperation?”

  “$200,000,” Alija said.

  “As you know, a matter like this is a sticky situation. I’m putting a lot on the line by even considering this. Just this conversation is putting my job in jeopardy. Don’t misunderstand that what you are doing is illegal and if you are caught I will deny any participation in this arrangement,” Carmen stated seriously in a low tone so that no one outside of her office door could pick up on the conversation.

  “I understand,” Alija said.

  Carmen sighed deeply. “Let me discuss some things with my client and I’ll get back with you. Is there a number where I can reach you?”

  Alija shook her head. “No. Like you said this is serious business so let’s not leave a paper trail. I’m staying at Motel 6 out in Long Island, room nine. If you need to speak with me come there and come alone. My offer is only good for forty-eight hours.”

  “I’ll be in touch,” Carmen stated as she finished writing down the information that she was just given. She put the pen down and opened her office door. Alija began to walk out. “Oh yeah ... and Ms. Bell?”

  Alija stopped dead in her tracks and turned around.

  “Don’t come to my office again. If you need to talk call me, I’ll come to you.” With that Carmen closed her office door. She couldn’t believe the turn of events that had just taken placed. A sly smirk crossed her face as she thought of how her new office on the top floor was going to look.

  Carmen walked out of her office and stopped at Dawn’s desk. “Can you forward all calls to my voicemail? I need to make the trip to Rikers today and it’ll probably be an all day trip.”

  “Sure, is there anything you need for me to do?” Dawn asked.

  “Yes, actually there is, but I need you to be discreet. Find out as much information as you can on Ms. Alija Bell,” Carmen said curiously.

  “Sure, what case file would you like for me to put the information into?” Dawn asked.

  “Just put the information in my right desk drawer. It’s not for a case. I just need to know more,” Carmen replied before walking out of the door.

  Kasheef was relieved when his name was called. He knew that it had to be a visit from Carmen. It was the only time that the COs pulled inmates out of their cells without questions. He had been driving himself mad thinking about Norelle. He knew in his heart that the excuses she had given him were lies, but his pride hoped that he was wrong about her. He would be humiliated if his suspicions were confirmed and if she turned out to be a snake. He got up and walked slowly through the tier toward the front of the prison, until he came to a crossroad. To his left was the exit from the facility, to his right was the interview room where Carmen awaited him. He looked left for a second and hoped that he would one day be able to take that route. He walked in and as usual Carmen was stunning in her designer suit. Today she wore glasses which left an image in h
is head of a sexual fantasy he’d once had of a school teacher. He chuckled to himself and shook the image from his mind. He’d definitely been in jail for too long.

  “Why are you still here Kasheef? Why haven’t you posted bail?” Carmen asked in confusion as worry lines creased her forehead.

  “That’s what I’m trying to figure out,” he replied. “Let me ask you something, Carmen and I need you to be honest with me.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “Have the police gotten any new warrants to re-search my home?” he asked. He stared her directly in her pupils so that he could try and detect a lie if one slipped from her pretty lips.

  “No, why would you ask that?” she inquired.

  “So the police haven’t confiscated any new evidence?” he asked.

  “No, they haven’t. Honestly Kasheef, the police have more than enough evidence to make their case,” Carmen said.

  That lying-ass bitch. I would have given her anything but she had to be greedy. She’s trying to go against the grain and play me like I’m stupid ... grimey-ass bitch, he thought.

  “Kasheef I have to talk to you about something. Something private that can’t leave this room you understand?”

  “Yeah, speak your mind Carmen,” he said.

  “Alija Bell stopped into my office today ...”

  “What?” he asked in exasperation.

  Carmen looked around and leaned into the table inconspicuously. She lowered her voice then continued. “She told me to tell you that she would’ve never come forward if you hadn’t sent your hit squad to her house.”

  Kasheef gritted his teeth as he listened to his lawyer speak.

  “She says that she’s willing to change her testimony on the witness stand and say that you are not the man that she saw shoot Ahmad Simmons,” Carmen said.


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