Sunset: Pact Arcanum: Book One
Page 45
“I love you.” Jeremy’s voice was husky, earnest.
“I will never let you go,” Nick replied.
“Remember me,” they said to each other. “And I will never leave you.”
The double bridge faded as Jeremy withdrew from Nick’s mind.
“How?” asked Nick, after he healed the incisions in Jeremy’s neck and retracted his fangs
“Blood magic is a lot stronger than a Third Order link,” Jeremy explained. “But Jacob of Glastonbury believed a Fourth Order link could be just as powerful. All I needed to do was simulate that connection, and the bridge realigned itself to its most optimum configuration.” He smiled and held out his hands. “Now, would you like to dance?”
Taking his hands, Nick began to lead them in a few simple steps. “Have you been practicing?” he asked, shocked that Jeremy was keeping up effortlessly.
“No.” Jeremy grinned. “You taught me everything I needed to know just now, when I absorbed a few of your skills.”
Skeptically, Nick increased the complexity of his movements and then laughed in disbelief as Jeremy improved upon his steps to lead them into a fast tango. They swirled smoothly around the room, ignoring the cheers and claps of friends and family. Finally, in the center of the floor, they paused, gazing into each other’s eyes.
“Okay, everybody!” yelled Toby, entering the ballroom discreetly ahead of Layla, just in time to take his duties as Jeremy’s Best Man seriously. “I would like to make a toast.
“This has been a long time coming, and we have all walked a difficult road to get here,” Toby said, as everyone else refilled their glasses and listened. “After everything we’ve been through, it is my great honor and pleasure to welcome Jeremy Kenneth Harkness Jameson into my family. Jer, although you have always been an incredible pain in the ass, and my brother was such a clueless moron to push you away, I am truly ecstatic to see you have both finally cleared away all the bullshit that stood between you. I hope you and Nick make each other disgustingly happy for the rest of your lives, and I plan to watch you guys like a hawk to make sure everything works out exactly as you deserve.
“It’s a whole new world out there, full of hope and change, and you’re both going to be part of it.” He raised his glass of champagne high over his head. “My Lords and Ladies, please join me in congratulating President and Agent Jameson on their union and wishing them the best as they set out on together on the journey ahead.”
Everyone cheered as Nick and Jeremy blushed and thanked him. Scott, Nick’s Best Man, stepped forward. “In the last seven years, we have all seen our share of victories and setbacks. I have often wondered if I’d have been happier had I never opened my eyes, never seen the half of the world that had been hidden from me. But I have come to realize I was living in an illusion and that I much prefer the world as it truly is.
“We have come so far from the people we were when we were human. Yes, there has been blood and pain and horror. But there has also been joy and wonder. Most of all, there has been love. Nick opened the door that led me into this world, and I have no regrets. Nor do I regret that I helped open that same door for Jeremy. If I have played some small role in contributing to their happiness, I am content. The two of them have walked separate, lonely roads through a long trial of fire and darkness; finally, they have emerged together on the other side, into the light.” Scott raised his glass. “Nicholas Lawrence Jameson and Jeremy Kenneth Harkness Jameson, may your common path forward be filled with delight and grace. May God shelter you and keep you safe in His mercy, forever and ever. Amen.”
“Amen,” Nick and Jeremy repeated in unison, and the guests drank once more, solemnly this time, to the happy couple.
Setting his drink down on a table next to him, Toby raised his hands. “To mark this joyous occasion, Scott and I have been asked to allow one of the guests to make a special presentation. Takeshi, the floor is yours.”
From his position directly across from Nick and Jeremy at the edge of the dance floor, Take said, “My Lords and Ladies, I wish to inform you of the details of a new project the Spacer Guild has embarked upon. It is an achievement that honors the Archangel’s friendship with their fallen brother in the last moments of his life.”
Reaching into his pocket, Take removed a small metal cube that was topped with crystal. He stroked the crystal, which lit up and projected a large, angular image of an arrowhead with swept-back wings into the air before him. “This is the structural schematic for the prototype of a new class of vessel that has been modified from existing Guild templates. It incorporates the most advanced design elements we can construct at our current level of technology, using everything we learned from the construction of the Odyssey.
“The basic design was slated for manufacture much later in our space program timeline, but due to recent events, the Guild chose to advance the project. The initial concept was simple: a passenger vessel optimized for solo operation, although it features quarters for eight. The Navigation AI has been specifically designed to adapt to the skill level of the pilot, from novice to advanced, with training subroutines for in-flight instruction. The power cores have been adapted to allow for long-term operation, and it has intermediate cargo capacity to carry sufficient supplies for an extended voyage.”
Nick stepped forward, gazing silently at the clean lines of the ship projected before him. Finally, he met Takeshi’s gaze and smiled. “Take, it’s beautiful. Michael would have been proud. I can’t think of a more fitting tribute to him than a new class of jumpvessel.”
Takeshi raised his eyebrows theatrically. “Oh, this isn’t a jumpvessel, Nicholas. They took out the inertialess drive and used the empty space to increase cargo capacity and the size of the power cores. This ship has no Recursion capability whatsoever.”
Nick frowned. “I don’t understand.”
The Earth Sentinel’s face crinkled into a grin. “This is the first vessel in the fleet that has been specifically modified to accommodate interplanetary travel using only conventional Gravity Drive.”
Nick’s gaze swung from the image hanging in the air before him to Take’s beaming face. “Wait, Take, be serious. Are you saying the Guild is offering to build me my own ship?”
Take shook his head. “No, Nick. I’m not saying that at all.”
Nick flushed. “Oh. I’m sorry. I thought—”
“I’m saying that it’s waiting for you outside if you’d like to take it for a spin.”
Above and behind Takeshi, a great arrowhead of white metal appeared in the holographic projection.
Nick’s jaw dropped.
“Surprise, Nicholas.” Jeremy wrapped his arms around his husband’s waist.
Dragging his eyes away from the ship, Nick said, “You knew about this?”
“They asked me to help refine the living quarters to be more in line with your tastes.” Jeremy smiled. “They’ve been building it under highly accelerated time at the Odyssey Shipyards for the past month. Everyone at Arcadia colony has been chipping in with supplies and manpower to get it done in time. They wanted to honor you and Michael for what you did together and for what it cost you both.” He leaned in to kiss Nick on the cheek. “Where would you like to go for our honeymoon?”
Twisting out of Jeremy’s embrace, Nick took Jeremy’s hand. “I want to see it.” He led Jeremy out of the banquet hall, passing Rory and Lorcan, who had been watching from the doorway. The elegant lines of the vessel filled the street in front of the building. As Nick and Jeremy walked to the ramp extending from the belly of the ship, Nick was shocked to see the person standing at the base of the entryway. “Raf?”
“Hello, Nick.” The other vampire, dressed in Spacer Green for the first time since they had met, smiled warmly. “I heard you might need a pilot.”
Nick gave him a half-smile in return. “I guess this explains why you declined the wedding invitation.”
Rafael nodded. “Of course. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for the ceremony, but there’s no w
ay I would have missed your wedding entirely.”
“You’re here now, Raf. That’s everything.” Turning to Jeremy, Nick said, “Leshir, may I introduce my friend Rafael Tervilant?”
Jeremy reached out to shake the Nightwalker’s hand. “A pleasure to finally meet you, Rafael, but I thought Nick said you hardly ever leave Icehaven.”
“I didn’t believe I would ever want to walk beneath the stars again, Sentinel.” He looked at Nick in gratitude. “But your husband has made it possible for me to travel the sky as I’ve always dreamt; for that, I will gladly chauffeur the two of you anywhere in the Solar System.” He gazed up at the ship affectionately. “The Starlight is fully operational and supplied. Just tell me where you want to go, and I can take you there.”
Nick turned, grinning back at the delighted faces of his family and friends, who waved from the steps of the embassy. Then he reached out to take Jeremy’s hand and turned to Rafael. “Second to the right, and straight on ’til morning.”
Rafael smiled at him. “All aboard.”
Nick and Jeremy walked up the ramp into the belly of the ship, followed by Rafael. The rest watched as the ramp retracted, and the ship rose gracefully into the air before smoothly accelerating away into the night sky until it was lost from sight.
To the Lord of Daybreak, for giving me inspiration and a modicum of talent. To my family and friends, without whom I would not be here. To Jerry, for his constant criticism and support as I wrote it all down, and for badgering me into making the attempt to get the story published.
The Pact Arcanum: A ritual that allows a being of the material plane to bargain for power with beings from other planes
The Red Wind: A demonic power of the lower planes, creator of the Nightwalkers via the Pact Arcanum
The White Wind: An angelic power of the higher planes, creator of the Sentinels and the Daywalkers via the Pact Arcanum
The Gift: The Sentinel inheritance of supernatural abilities that lies dormant until exposure to Nightwalkers, roughly patterned upon aspects of the four elements: Earth, Water, Air, and Fire
The Grace: An angelic power granted to the Redeemer via the Pact Arcanum, which allows him to raise the dead and restore the souls of Nightwalkers, in exchange for physical invulnerability and eternal service to the White Wind
The Crown of Souls: A spiritual prison created by Luscian Firstborn via the Pact Arcanum that permanently enslaves the souls of beings killed by the artifact sword Reaper in order to augment the wielder’s mystical strength
Humans:The Children of the Day: the most populous race, born with the least magic
Nightwalkers: The Children of Darkness: the vampires, soulless and immortal greater undead
Sentinels:The Children of Twilight: mystical soldiers genetically programmed to defeat the Nightwalkers
Daywalkers:The Children of the Dawn: vampires who have regained their souls through the intervention of the Grace
The Four Winds: Leaders of the Sentinel Race
The Wind of Earth: Weapon-based physical combat, blademaster
The Wind of Water: Adaptive physical combat, shapeshifter
The Wind of Fire: Energy-based combat, magician
The Wind of Air: Psychic combat, tactician
The Triumvirate Council: Leaders of the Free People
Speaker for the Watch: Sentinel Representative
Speaker for the Dawn: Daywalker Representative
Speaker for the Damned: Nightwalker Representative
Armistice Security:
Director: Principal enforcer of the Armistice Declaration of 2021
Special Agents: Reserved for the Winds, acting as regional military commanders
Agents: Law enforcement officers given powers of summary judgment
The Hidden Cities:
Anchorpoint (Colorado, United States): Armistice Security Headquarters
Icehaven (Hudson Bay, Canada): Court of Shadows Embassy
The Citadel (Mare Arcanum, Lunar Farside): Spacer Guild Headquarters
The Court of Shadows: Leaders of the Nightwalker Race
Imperator: Adjudicator between houses, called the Huntmaster
Magister: Leader of a house, called the Prince (gender neutral)
Leshir: Mate to a Magister, called the Prince Consort (gender neutral)
Primogenitor: Second-in-Command of a house
Consul: Senior Councilor
Praetor: Senior Diplomat
Tribunus: Senior Soldier
The Inquisition:
The Night’s Herald: Spymaster; holds direct responsibility for the security of the Court of Shadows Council Chamber Complex
Inquisitors: Court of Shadows intelligence and security service
Notable Houses and Territories:
House Luscian: France (exterminated 2033)
House Jiao-long: Western United States, China (exterminated 2020)
House Daviroquir: United Kingdom, excluding Ireland
House Curallorn: Eastern United States
House Diluthical: Ireland
House Ellestan: Italy
House Tervilant: Spain, Portugal (annexed France 2033)
Nicholas Jameson Magister Luscian(Daywalker/Sentinel hybrid): Soulkiller’s Bane, the Prince of Thunder, Triumvirate Council Ambassador to the Court of Shadows
Scott Phillips Consul Luscian (Water Sentinel): The Wind of Water
Anaba Nizhoni Consul Jiao-long (Fire Sentinel): The Architect, the Wind of Fire
Layla Magister Curallorn (Daywalker): Nemesis, the Prince of Wrath, Triumvirate Council Speaker for the Dawn
Sean Rory Brennigan Magister Jiao-long(Nightwalker/Sentinel hybrid): The Traveler, the Redeemer, the Wind of Air, the Prince of the Dawn, Triumvirate Council Speaker for the Damned
Takeshi Nakamura Leshir Jiao-long (Earth Sentinel): Shadowhunter, the Wind of Earth, Triumvirate Council Speaker for the Watch, Director of Armistice Security
Michael Danvers (Water Sentinel): Lieutenant, Spacer Guild
Rafael Tervilant (Nightwalker): Master Pilot, Spacer Guild (retired)
Lorcan Primogenitor Diluthical (Nightwalker): Court of Shadows Ambassador to the Triumvirate Council
Brion Magister Diluthical (Nightwalker): The Prince of Dread
Jeremy Harkness (Human): terrorist
Medusa (Human): terrorist
Tobias Jameson (Human): brother of Nicholas Jameson
Andrew Kensington (Human): Operative, Central Intelligence Agency
Kevin Daniels (Human): President of the United States
Derek Cochrane (Human): Director, Central Intelligence Agency
1504 Lorcan born
1525 Lorcan turned
1601 Connor dies
1792 Rafael born
1815 Rafael turned
1993 Rory, Takeshi, and Anaba born
2001 Scott born
2003 Nick born
2008 Sentinel assault on Court of Shadows defeated
2015 Rory, Takeshi, and Anaba kindle; Jeremy born
2016 Toby born
2020 Pact Arcanum
2021 Armistice Declaration
2032 Nick and Rory meet at Christmas party
2033 The Burning
2034 Scott kindles, Nick meets Lorcan
2035 Rafael joins the Armistice
2038 Lorcan appointed Court of Shadows ambassador to the Triumvirate Council
2039 Nick appointed Triumvirate Council ambassador to the Court of Shadows
2040 Los Angeles incident
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Thank you to those who helped me improve my skills and made this third edition possible, with criticism and encouragement. I especially want to thank my editors, Greg Ioannou, Karlyn Thayer, Erin Roof, and Karin Cox for their comments, as well as my beta readers, Jerry, Eric, Karul, and Katy. Thank you also to Jason, Juniper, and Jessica for their proofreading skills. I am grateful as well to the fine folks at IWU and II for their friendship and advice. And of course, mad props to Craig Payst for his terrific illustrations.
Arshad Ahsanuddin is a practicing hematopathologist, a physician specializing in the diagnosis of diseases of blood, bone marrow, and lymph nodes using laboratory data and microscopic evaluation of tissue biopsies. Yes, he’s a blood doctor writing a series of vampire novels. The irony isn’t lost on him. If you enjoyed this story, or if you have questions about the Pact Arcanum saga, check out his website at and leave him some feedback.