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Nothing Less Than Love

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by Lilly LaRue

  Happily Ever After Romances reserves all rights granted by the author. No part of this book may be copied or shared without written permission from the publisher. All characters are creations of the author, and resemblances to any real person are coincidental.

  Copyright 2011, Lilly LaRue

  Smashwords Edition

  Cover Image Courtesy of:

  Chapter One

  “Oh, Andrew,” Gwyneth gasped when the house came into site. “The roses are in bloom.” She was awed by their beauty as the limousine continued up the curving drive. “I can’t believe how long it’s been since I’ve seen them.”

  “Miss Gwyneth, they do bloom every year,” his eyes twinkled as he gently reproved, “If you come home once in a while.”

  Gwyneth laughed. “I know. I’ve just been so busy this last year. But I’m home now for three whole months.” Gwyneth was practically bouncing up and down by the time Andrew stopped the car at the front door and let her out. “Thank you for picking me up from the airport.”

  His white teeth flashed brilliantly against his dark skin. “It’s always a pleasure, Miss Gwyneth. I know Tasha is looking forward to seeing you.” Andrew waved then continued on to the garage hidden behind the house.

  Gwyneth hadn’t even made it inside when her aunt Beth came rushing out to greet her. The two women had the same shade of hair albeit a bit more gray in Beth’s. She kept her hair in a smooth bob while Gwyneth’s was long and straight. Beth shared the same eye color with Gwyneth’s mother, but Gwyneth had her father’s big brown eyes. Beth gathered her into a big hug that nearly swallowed the diminutive Gwyneth. “My darling, I’ve missed you so. It’s wonderful to have you home—if only for three months.” Beth had a husky voice that was deeper than Gwyneth’s lilting tones.

  “Beth, it is so good to be home,” she answered as soon as her aunt released her. “Sorry I’ve stayed away so long.”

  Beth shrugged and gently reminded her. “you couldn’t pass up the internship in New York for goodness sake.” She hugged Gwyneth again. “Well, sweetie, I hate to cut the reunion short but Howard and Lilly have guests coming tonight and Jordan is extremely sick, but still insists on attending. To make matters worse, the upstairs maid walked out last night with the gardener to elope so we’re desperately shorthanded.”

  Gwyneth smiled as her aunt started to walk away distractedly. “Let me change clothes then I’ll be down to help you out,” she called.

  Beth’s mind was already elsewhere and she half-heartedly responded. “no dear, it’s your homecoming. I can’t let you…” as she walked back into the kitchen.

  Shaking her head in amusement, Gwyneth ran up to the third floor where her old bedroom was. The minute she walked in, Gwyneth began to feel at home again. For her fourteenth birthday Lilly had allowed her to redecorate the room any way she chose, so Gwyneth had free reign. She’d picked a maroon velvet spread for the bed and French provincial furniture in white. Gwyneth tossed her suitcase on the bed but didn’t bother to unpack any clothes. All of her comfortable things were still in the closet and dresser, awaiting her latest visit. She tore off the skirt and blazer before getting on a pair of short denim shorts and a yellow t-shirt. She braided her hair and changed into old sneakers before going downstairs to pitch in.


  Beth was nowhere to be found so Gwyneth consulted with Tasha, the downstairs maid, and Andrew’s daughter. Andrew and his wife had been in the employ of the Del Royce’s even before Tasha was born. Martha died three years ago, and Tasha took over her position. Between the two girls they made a list of things to do then each took half. Gwyneth studied her list and went on her way to get things done.

  A couple of hours later, Gwyneth was perched precariously on the rim of the huge tub in the downstairs guest room when someone grabbed her from behind. She whirled around to confront her mysterious grabber then threw herself into his arms. “You jerk,” she said affectionately then reached up to ruffle Marcus’s hair. He was Howard and Lilly’s youngest son. They were fourteen months apart, and raised like siblings.

  “Baby doll, you’re home,” Marcus said exuberantly. “How’s your college?”

  Gwyneth shrugged. “Well, fifteen hundred girls, no boys, and it’s catholic. What else is there to say?” The university sounded like a drag, but it was truly a beautiful campus and had one of the best business programs in California. It wasn’t her first choice but they’d offered a scholarship.

  “That’s tough,” Marcus patted her shoulder. “So what are you doing?”

  Sighing, Gwyneth pushed some loose hair off her forehead. “Cleaning. My aunt needs help getting this place in shape for your guests tonight.”

  Marcus wiggled his eyebrows. “Want to be my date?” His seductive toned elicited a laugh for all his efforts. “I promise everyone will adore you.”

  Gwyneth snorted. “Especially your parents and Jordan.”

  “Speaking of…have you seen Jordan?” Marcus inquired curiously.

  “No, I’ve been busy,” Gwyneth said as she went back to scrubbing. “I need to get this done,” she said pointedly.

  Shrugging Marcus stood up. “I just thought you might be avoiding him.”

  Gwyneth whirled around. “Why would I do that?”

  Reminding her, Marcus responded. “After that argument you had last year.” He scratched his head. “Let me see if I can remember…Oh, yes, he accused you of taking advantage of our parent’s generosity and you told him he was a stuffy old man stuck in the body of a little tin god. It only escalated from there, and everyone in the house could hear you screaming.”

  Gwyneth’s face turned red as Marcus recounted the argument, but not for the reason he thought. It wasn’t anger but embarrassment that heated her flesh. She still had not forgotten the way the argument ended—the sudden descent of Jordan’s head as he took fierce possession of her mouth. The rushing fire in her blood, and then the rise of shame as he tore himself away from her and stalked out of the room. To this day she could still feel his body and mouth against her. “That was a year ago. I’m sure we’ve both forgotten by now.” After a few more minutes of small talk, Marcus finally left her to finish her chores.


  When Gwyneth was done she went upstairs and soaked in a hot bath full of bubbles. She was still in there an hour later when the intercom on the wall buzzed. Gwyneth rose from the cooling water and went to the wall without bothering to put on a robe. “Yes?”

  “Gwenny, dear, it’s Lilly. How are you?” Gwyneth tried to answer but Lilly pressed on. “I hate to bother you on your first night home, but I need a favor. It seems Jordan is determined to join us tonight, but he’s nearly delirious. Could you please keep him in his room for the duration?”

  Gwyneth swallowed hard. “Of course,” she answered with false cheer. Gwyneth put on a flowing gold caftan and grabbed a book before going down a flight to Jordan’s room. She forced herself to disregard the butterflies in her stomach as she knocked on Jordan’s door and slipped into his room. The place was definitely masculine. There was deep sand carpeting on the floor and a navy spread on the bed. Accent colors were brown with specks of gold. “Good evening, Jordan.”

  Jordan frowned at her. “If it isn’t poor little orphan girl. Come home to rob the folks, did you?”

  Gwyneth tried not to be offended as she noticed how hard he was struggling to stand as he fought with the buttons on his pleated shirt.

  “What do you want?” he demanded.

  Shrugging, Gwyneth approached him. “Your mother sent me here to take care of you. I’m not looking forward to it, but if you cooperate, things will go
more smoothly. Why don’t you lie down while I get you something to eat?”

  “Sorry, Florence, but I have a house full of guests who—”

  “Have your father to take care of them.” Gwyneth struggled to get Jordan into bed. “He may have had a stroke but he hasn’t lost his faculties. He’ll cope beautifully while you recover.” As she spoke she unbuttoned his shirt and pulled the blanket over him. When she finished there was a knock at the door. Tasha entered with a tray of soup, orange juice, and unbuttered toast, which Gwyneth tried to interest Jordan in but he was already asleep. She opened her book and started to read.


  It was a few hours later when Jordan woke with a burning fever. For a long time, Gwyneth bathed his face and chest until his body cooled and his thrashing stopped. He seemed more alert, and she was able to feed him a little soup before he protested he couldn’t eat another bite. “I want to get up.” He struggled to throw off the covers.

  Gwyneth tried to push him back down gently. “You really should sleep some more,.” As he tried to rise they were both unbalanced, and she fell, sprawling on top of him.

  Jordan’s tone deepened. “I’ve changed my mind. I’m going to make love to you.”

  Laughing uncertainly, Gwyneth tried to free her wrists from his tight grasp. “Very funny, Jordan. Please let me up now. I’m tired and I want to go to bed.” She spoke firmly but her insides quivered.

  “Good, I want you in my bed as well.” Jordan finally relented and loosened his hold. “Okay, kiss me goodnight, and I’ll let you go to bed.”

  Gwyneth rolled her eyes and bent her head to place a chaste kiss on his cheek but he turned his head and her mouth connected with his. The kiss caught her by surprise, as did the intense wave of desire that overtook her. She looked into his icy eyes that burned hotly for her and was lost. She failed to notice they were blurry as she sank against him.

  Their clothes disappeared and Jordan seemed to be touching her everywhere at once. She was soon as ready for him as he was for her. He hesitated at the threshold before entering her. Gwyneth gasped when he tore through the barrier of her innocence, but the pain faded quickly and was replaced by intense pleasure as they fell into silken rhythms. She came powerfully as Jordan surged inside her. They collapsed together on the bed and Jordan was asleep before he hit the pillow.

  Drowsily, Gwyneth drifted into sleep, then suddenly jerked awake. The full impact of what she had done hit her. She’d had sex with Jordan. Jordan! He hated her and was suspicious of her affection for his family. My god, what would he do to her tomorrow? She threw on her clothes and ran to her bedroom, where she stood in the shower for a long time before going to her bed where she cried herself to sleep.

  Chapter Two

  The previous night’s ordeal made Gwyneth late in rising. She put on clothes in a daze and drew the brush through her hair lethargically. Gwyneth headed straight for the kitchen when she got to the bottom of the stairs, where she found Beth busily preparing lunch. “Good morning, darling. Did you sleep well?” Beth asked off-handedly.

  “Fine,” Gwyneth answered softly. “Can I help you in some way?”

  Beth shook her head so Gwyneth sat at the table and reached for an apple. “I heard you took care of our favorite patient last night?” Beth commented as she whipped a creamy confection. “How did that go?”

  Clearing her throat, Gwyneth said thickly. “It was fine. Er, where is Jordan anyway?”

  Beth shrugged and joined her niece at the table. “You know Jordan—he was gone this morning by seven-thirty. Howard couldn’t keep him home short of tying him down.” Beth shook her head and clicked her tongue. “That boy is such a workaholic.”

  Gwyneth was saved having to make any further conversation of Jordan because Beth changed the subject to other things. They discussed Gwyneth’s school, her plans for the summer, and men in her life. At eleven, Beth jumped up from the table. “My god, I have to finish lunch. I’ll see you this evening, Gwyneth.”


  Feeling wrung out, Gwyneth stayed close to the house all day. She took a swim in the afternoon and spent the remainder of the day in the library rereading one of her favorite books. She went upstairs to shower before dinner with the servants in the kitchen. All day long, her stomach had filled with butterflies at the thought of her coming confrontation with Jordan. She knew the worst he could do was throw her out—and Beth along with her. That thought was the most horrible to endure. How could she stand it if her stupidity led to Beth’s dismissal from the position she’d held from her eighteenth year? It was with a heavy heart that Gwyneth sought Jordan after her meal.

  She found him in the study and she knocked timidly. “Yes?” He sounded terse. Gwyneth poked her head around the door and asked if this was a bad time. “No, please come in. I always have time for the maid’s niece,” he said mockingly.

  Gwyneth sank into the chair across the massive desk from Jordan’s. “How are you feeling?” she asked cautiously.

  With a bark of laughter, Jordan leaned forward. “Like you care? I know it was a matter of my mother just asking you for a favor. Of course, with the amount of money they’re shelling out, it’s the least you can do.”

  She nodded. “For your mother.”

  “Well, my mother assures me you were a saint and I was well taken care of. How much is it going to cost me?” He sneered.

  Gwyneth had trouble following his rapid change of topic. “You don’t remember last night?” she asked, feeling numb. She hadn’t even processed the insulting question about her fee.

  Frowning as he counted bills from his wallet, Jordan said. “Should I? Was it particularly memorable?” He tossed five hundred across the desk. “Florence, that should cover the price of your services.”

  Her mouth tightened as Gwyneth’s brown eyes burned gold with anger. “I don’t want or need your money. I’m not the avaricious bitch you’ve made me out to be.” Back straight, she marched out of his study. Once outside the door, painful cramps nearly bent her over. It hadn’t gone badly, she thought sickly. He didn’t even remember their illicit night together. She was relieved, but also enraged. How could he have forgotten something so important?

  The next few weeks passed surprisingly quickly for Gwyneth, largely due to Marcus. He filled her days with a variety of activities, including museums, plays, picnics, and walks along the bay. They often drove to San Francisco for lunch and shopping. Once, they even went to the liberal arts university Marcus attended to watch a performance. Afterwards, he introduced Gwyneth to his girlfriend Victoria, who was small and shy, but very attractive.

  The attention Marcus lavished on her didn’t go unnoticed by Jordan, who called her into his study one night. “What game are you playing with my little brother?” he asked as soon as she sat down.

  “I’d love to know what you’re babbling about?” Gwyneth arched a brow, striving for cool she didn’t feel.

  Jordan settled into his chair and leaned forward. “You’ve spent a lot of time with Marcus lately. So much that he’s even stopped seeing his girlfriend, who is a nice young woman.”

  Lashing out, Gwyneth bit out. “I suppose by nice you mean she isn’t the maid’s niece?”

  Jordan shrugged. “Yes, you could say that. Her father is on the custodial staff of the university though.” His eyes chilled and his face grew hard. “I want you to terminate any further unnecessary contact with Marcus. I won’t see him ruin a relationship with a sweet girl over some viper like you.”

  Gwyneth leaned forward. “Did you know Victoria is in Europe? I’ve met her, and she is a nice young girl. She was accepted for an intensive course of study in ballet and won’t be back from Rome for six more weeks. I’ve been keeping Marcus company because he’s lonely and misses his girlfriend.” She got to her feet and started for the door.

  Jordan grabbed her arm and spun her around. “Don’t walk away from me. We’re not through yet. I’ve been going over your bills for the year and have a few questio
ns about your expenditures.”

  Gwyneth tried to jerk free, but he was holding her too tightly. “You don’t want to hear my answers. You’ll just interpret your own explanations anyway—casting me in the worse possible light.” She averted her face from his gaze. “Release me or I’ll scream. I find your touch repulsive.” She swallowed the lump in her throat when Jordan’s eyes blazed with fury and knew she’d gone too far, but refused to call back the words. Jordan yanked her into his arms and ground his lips on hers. To her humiliation, her body responded immediately and they were soon in a passionate embrace.

  Gwyneth moaned when his lips found the sensitive spot behind her ear and Jordan suddenly realized what he was doing. He shoved her away from him. “Get out. Get out of here, and don’t ever come back!” She recoiled from his rage and ran out of the office as fast as she could. In the nearest bathroom, she lost her dinner, then huddled weakly on the floor, weeping. She was sick again before finally finding the strength to drag herself upstairs and into bed. It was a long night as she tossed and turned.

  Chapter Three

  Gwyneth awoke the next morning still feeling sick to her stomach and washed out. After being sick in the bathroom she plodded downstairs and collapsed on the love seat in the library. She was still lying there an hour later when Marcus found her.

  “Are you sick?” he asked as he felt Gwyneth’s forehead. “No fever.”

  Shaking her head, she pulled herself up. “Just nauseated. I’ll be fine.”

  Marcus reached down to help her stand up. “Come on—we’re going to the doctor.”

  “I don’t need a doctor,” Gwyneth insisted as she leaned against him, still protesting when he led her to his car. She drowsed through the half-hour drive into the city, where he took her to an urgency clinic. Gwyneth filed out the paperwork and rose when the nurse called. “Gwyneth Barbary.”

  She followed the nurse into the exam room, where she changed into a paper gown and waited for the doctor. He appeared a few minutes later and silently examined her. Afterwards he frowned at her, but she’d never seen him smile yet. “You provided a urine specimen?” he verified.


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