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The 2nd Cycle of the Darc Murders Omnibus (the acclaimed series from #1 Police Procedural and Hard Boiled authors Carolyn McCray and Ben Hopkin)

Page 74

by Carolyn McCray

  “Something’s off here.”

  “What do you mean?” Sariah asked. Had’s words echoed her own earlier thoughts.

  “Not sure. Hold on.” Had went back to his focused study of the nurse behind the table.

  Salazar leaned in closer to the woman. “Here’s what I think. I think you took their meds from them. They didn’t really need them, right? You did. You had big plans for those drugs.”

  “What are you talking about? Big plans?” The nurse hunched over in her seat, groaning a bit as she clutched at her stomach. “Can I go to the restroom?”

  Salazar got an irritated look on his face that he covered almost as soon as it appeared. He waved for the other agent in the room to take her. “Agent Marshall will show you the way.” The nurse walked out of the room, using the arm of the stocky agent for support as she moved.

  Strolling into the observation room, Salazar graced them with a smile that screamed smug. “Well, we’ve got that one just about wrapped up. A few loose ends and she’ll be begging to cut a deal.”

  “I don’t think it was her,” Hadderly stepped in, his tone apologetic.

  His head whipping around in an exaggerated double take, Salazar stared at the officer in disbelief. “Were you watching the same interview as me?” To be honest, Sariah was on Salazar’s side on this one. There was something off about the whole thing that she couldn’t identify, but the nurse looked good for it. Hadderly folded his arms across his chest.

  “Ah. Bottle blonde with the wrinkled skin? Yup. Same interview. I’m telling you, I don’t think she did it.”

  “Are you nuts? She was sweating she was so nervous. She couldn’t sit still.” Salazar appeared to be one step away from dismissing Officer Hadderly as a nut job.

  “That’s what I thought at first, too. But listen…” Had returned the death glare Agent Salazar was giving him with an intent expression. “I had a cousin who was addicted to OxyContin. He stayed with me for a week or two after his parents finally kicked him out of the house. It was a new area for him, so I guess he didn’t have a dealer, and he started to detox.” He pointed down the hall to the bathrooms where Ms. Engstrom had gone. “Looked just like that.”

  “Wait. What?”

  “The shaking, the sweats, the cramping… It all adds up to addict, not killer.” Had’s expression intensified even further. “Not that I think she’s innocent, not by a long shot.”

  Sariah stepped into the fray, looking to make sense of what Had was saying. “Addict? If that’s the case, there’s no way she’d ever use her precious meds on poisoning someone.”

  “That’s what I’m thinking.” The officer nodded his head, clearly relieved that someone was taking him seriously.

  Salazar, however, was not. He looked back and forth from Sariah to Hadderly. “This is ridiculous. She was your lead, and now you’re fighting me on it? She’s good for this, and I’m gonna nail her to the wall.” He stalked off, muttering to himself.

  Watching him go, Sariah realized that in Salazar’s mind, she and Had were inextricably linked. Sighing, Sariah punched Had on the shoulder. “You know what this means, right?”

  Wincing from the blow, Had raised an eyebrow. “What? That I’m going to get a nasty bruise where you just hit me?”

  “Please. I didn’t hit you that hard. And what it means is that we’re back at square one.”

  “Yeah.” Had blew out his cheeks, making a raspberry sound. “Sucks. Salazar wasn’t wrong, you know. She seemed so good for it.”

  But for Sariah, this more than just sucked. It was now turning into another battle between her and Salazar, and she was junior enough that she didn’t have much of a limb to go out on here.

  But even with that, there was one thing that was sure. Sariah had no intention of losing this time.

  * * *

  Kyle followed Coop back to his desk. Truthfully, they should probably be going back to the space that had been designated for the BAU team, but neither one of them wanted to deal with the other members of the team. At least not at the moment.

  “So, where do we go from here?” Kyle asked the retreating back of the shapely agent. The skimming angle had seemed like such an excellent lead. It was more than a little discouraging to have it amount to nothing. And it wasn’t like he had a whole lot of experience on homicides to compare this to. He’d asked for the BAU to get involved precisely because he had no clue of how to move forward.

  “We could pursue the drug dealer angle, but again, I don’t know how helpful it would be. We can set a couple of your guys on it, but I think we should look for other options.” Agent Cooper sank into a chair on the side of Kyle’s desk, slipped off her shoes, and massaged her instep.

  “Yeah. I can talk to Lopez and Ritchie, see if they can make the round with the usual suspects. But I’m pretty sure that’s not what this woman’s been doing. She seems too calculated to be buying off the streets.” Kyle slumped down next to Coop. “That was part of the reason the nurse didn’t quite fit. She was a bit… sloppy, if you know what I mean.”

  The agent perked up at that. “Say that again.”

  “Uh. What part? The killer seems too calculated—”

  “No, no.” Coop waved her hands, dismissing Kyle’s words. “After that. The last thing you said.”

  “That the nurse was sloppy?”

  “Yes. She was sloppy.” The agent stood up, her movement sudden enough that it took Kyle off guard. “We’re looking at this all wrong. Nurses are too closely watched when it comes to pain meds. Even this one was already being investigated.”

  Kyle shook his head. “Yeah, but there’s no one else who would have that kind of access—”

  Coop held up her hand, cutting him off. “Pharmaceutical companies.”

  Snapping his fingers, Kyle moved over to his computer. “That’s right. There would be plenty of product around. Could be one of the chemists, one of the quality control people… there’s all kinds of avenues there.” He punched a search into the browser, looking for the company responsible for OxyContin.

  “I’m sure they have their own internal protocols,” Coop added. “But they may be less vigilant than the hospitals.”

  The search for OxyContin yielded some results, but not the ones Kyle had been hoping for. “The company that makes the drug is Purdue Pharma.”

  “Great. Let’s check out their operation.”

  “Yeah,” Had sighed. “Already done. Their base of operations is in Connecticut, with labs and plants in New Jersey and North Carolina. Nothing around here.”

  Coop slumped back into her seat. “Well, it was a good idea.”

  “Yeah, it was.” Kyle kept reading the drug company’s website, looking for more information. “Maybe it still is.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, just because they don’t have a plant nearby doesn’t mean they don’t have local offices.”

  Agent Cooper looked over his shoulder and pointed at the screen. “Looks like the nearest field office is in Detroit. That’s about, what, a forty-five minute drive?”

  “Closer to an hour with traffic,” Kyle agreed. “Still a ways away.”

  “Wait a minute. I’m an idiot.” Coop pushed Kyle out of the way and started typing away on the computer. “Drug sales.”

  His mouth rounding into an “O” of comprehension, Kyle grabbed for the phone. “There can only be like one or two reps in the area that deal in OxyContin.” He cradled the phone between his cheek and shoulder. “And you are far from being an idiot.”

  In fact, Coop might just be the smartest person Kyle had ever met. He sighed, lamenting that brains and beauty this concentrated always had to be off limits for one reason or another. At least this one didn’t have a daddy with a shotgun. That had been the worst day of his teenage life. For a moment or two there, he had thought he’d never make it to full manhood. Emphasis on full.

  Coop waved her hands back and forth in front of Kyle’s face. “Hey there, space cadet. Feel like joini
ng me here back on planet Earth?” She pointed to a website she had pulled up for the Purdue Pharma sales office. “They have one drug rep that covers this area. Oh, and one other thing…”

  Kyle waited as the agent pulled up the profile of the Ann Arbor rep. After it loaded, Coop spun around in her chair and locked gazes with him.

  “It’s a woman.”


  No amount of whining would make the facts any different. So far, Had and Sariah had been the only ones to come up with any solid leads in the case. So far, Had and Sariah had been treated as less than the sludge coming out of a sewer.

  When it was just Sariah, she managed to deal with it okay. But to see Officer Hadderly reaping the rewards of befriending her, it made her sick to her stomach. He was just a nice guy trying to help. He didn’t deserve the cold shoulder her teammates were giving him.

  After Agent Salazar had checked through Marissa Engstrom’s timeline for the dates of the Mary, Mary killings, he had found more than one for which she had a solid alibi. He was still strutting and preening around the offices, claiming that it was probably still her, but he had been much more willing to listen to Had and Sariah’s new theory.

  Not that he would give them any credit for it at all. Talking to the other officers and agents, he called the whole thing an exercise in “leaving no stone unturned.” But if this new lead ended up yielding any results, Sariah was convinced it would quickly turn into Salazar’s brainchild.

  And now, once again, Sariah and Hadderly found themselves stuck in the observation room, watching Salazar dancing around inside the interrogation room. The drug rep sat, quietly composed, in her charcoal suit, watching the agent on the other side of the table with cool hazel eyes.

  “Well, she doesn’t seem to mind being here, does she?” Hadderly muttered.

  He was right. There was a marked difference between their last suspect and the one seated at the table right now.

  Brynn Capson appeared to be unfazed by her visit to the precinct office. It might as well have been another sales appointment. Her dark hair was swept up in a French twist, her makeup was impeccable, and her nails looked professionally done.

  Looking closer, however, Sariah could see that everything about the woman only appeared to be expensive. The shoes, the suit… both knock-offs. The suit lacked the distinctive stitching of a true Coco Chanel. The hem was slightly uneven and the threading was sloppy. The Louboutin red soles looked spot on, but peering intently at the heels, the base was plastic and frayed. There was the illusion of wealth and success, but the reality was more bargain bin shopping.

  This interview was also quite different than the first. To begin with, Salazar was much less aggressive. Whether it was the apparent polish of the suspect or the fact that he was still hoping the nurse was the one, Salazar was serving her up slow pitches right across the plate.

  “How many drug samples would you say you carry at any given time?”

  The rep smiled across the table at the attractive Latino agent. “That all depends. There are so many variables. Which client it is, what their typical orders with us look like, what medications the company is wanting to promote that month.”

  “What about OxyContin?” Salazar pressed.

  “What about it? It’s one of our top sellers as far as pain meds go, so I keep some on me most of the time.” The brunette lifted her shoulders in an elegant shrug. “But not too much. Don’t want any addicts rolling my car for a few spare pills.”

  Sariah nudged Officer Hadderly. “Is it just me, or is the suspect flirting with Salazar?”

  “Ah. You noticed that, did you?” Had grinned.

  “Hard to miss. Might as well open a button on that suit of hers.” Sariah glared through the glass at the scene they were watching. “And is it just me, or does Salazar seem to be going really easy on her?”

  Had shrugged as Salazar placed a piece of paper in front of Brynn Capson. “Can you tell me where you were on these dates?”

  “Well, Agent Salazar, I’ll have to go through my schedule back at my office. I spend so much time travelling around, everything starts to bleed together. I’m sure you understand.” She smiled, her teeth white and even. The drug rep had a slight dimple on the left side of her mouth that gave her a mischievous air. “Can you tell me what this is all about?”

  “We’re tracking down some leads on an open case here.”

  “An open case with the FBI? This is about the Mary, Mary killer, isn’t it?”

  “Oh, she’s a sharp one, she is,” Had whispered to Sariah.

  Salazar shifted around in his seat. “Ma’am—” he began.

  “Miss. Or Ms., if you prefer. I’m unmarried.” Once more, she flashed her dimple.

  “Yes. Right. Ms. Capson. I just need you to answer my questions to the best of your ability.” The agent pulled photos of the victims out of the file and placed them all in front of the drug rep. “Do you know any of these people?”

  The woman picked up the photos one by one, taking her time looking at each one. She placed them down carefully, brushing her fingers across the surface of each photo as if reading something written in Braille.

  “No, Agent Salazar. I don’t know any of these people. Sorry.”

  Sariah stiffened. “Did you see that?”

  “What?” Had asked.

  “She’s lying. She knows them.”

  “Why do you say that?” Had’s forehead creased, a puzzled look crossing his face.

  Peering through the one-way mirror, Sariah tried to pierce into the mind of the sharply dressed woman perched across the table. “She… lingered.”

  “She what?”

  “The pictures. It was like she was caressing them or something.”

  Whatever response Had might have made was lost. Salazar had apparently ended the interview and was telling Ms. Capson to call if she thought of anything else. The drug rep was getting up to leave.

  “It’s her, Had. It’s her.”

  “Okay, okay,” the officer responded. “You’re a smarty–pants and I trust you. So, what do you want to do about it? Salazar doesn’t seem to share your take on this.”

  “I know.” Sariah thought for a moment, then started walking. “Time to have a little interview of our own.”

  “Oh, goody! Sounds like fun.”

  Sariah caught up to the woman halfway down the hall. “Ms. Capson?”

  The woman turned on her heel to face Sariah and Hadderly, her face inquisitive. “Yes? What can I do for you…?” Her eyes flicked down to Sariah’s badge. “Agent, is it?”

  Ignoring the question, Sariah spoke directly and to the point. “It’s you.”

  The drug rep’s eyes flickered. “I beg your pardon?”

  “You’re Mary. It was you. You poisoned those people.”

  Her nostrils flaring, the woman fired back, “I’m not sure what you’re talking about, but I am sure that you are making a serious mistake, Agent.”

  “No,” Sariah responded. She was far calmer that she would have suspected she might be in this situation. “I don’t think I am. I saw you with those photos. Maybe it started out as something else. Revenge. Profit. I’m not sure. But you enjoyed it.”

  Brynn Capson’s back stiffened. “I’m not sure exactly who you are or what you think you are doing, but this is insane. I’ve cooperated with you all up to this point. Agent Salazar has released me. And I may be wrong, but I’m pretty sure he would not approve of you talking to me this way.”

  “No, he would not.” A voice rang out behind them. It was Salazar.

  “Agent Salazar,” the rep purred. “I was just leaving when this woman accosted me.”

  “I’m sorry, Ms. Capson. You are free to go, as I told you before. I’ll speak with Agent Cooper.” Salazar glared at Sariah, his jaw muscle tensing and releasing. Not a great sign.

  “Agent Cooper, is it?” The drug rep held her gaze for a long moment. “I think it would be best if you not speak to me again. I feel your behavior is…

  “Don’t worry, Ms. Capson,” Salazar said. “If anyone needs to contact you, I will make certain it is not Agent Cooper.” He moved in behind Sariah, grabbing her by the elbow. His fingers pinched into the flesh of her upper arm.

  In spite of the pain, Sariah held the woman’s gaze, refusing to look down or break the contact. “Just remember, Ms. Capson. I know.”

  As Salazar’s hand clamped down even further around her arm, the drug rep gave one last dimpled smile to the Latino agent, spun around, and stalked toward the exit, her heels clacking out her anger on the tiles of the floor.

  Once Ms. Capson had left, Salazar hissed in Sariah’s ear. “I don’t know what that was all about, but if it happens again, I’ll write you up.” He released her arm abruptly, the blood flowing back into the lower half of her limb.

  “Salazar, I’m telling you, it was her. Her reaction to—”

  Making a chopping motion with his hand, Agent Salazar cut her off before she could go any farther. “This was barely a lead. And there’s no way she’s our killer. We’re working on the nurse.”


  “Look, do what you want, dig your own grave here, but stay away from that drug rep. Anyone talks to her again, it’s gonna be me.” Salazar stormed off in the direction of the BAU operations room.

  Had let out a deep breath and then turned to face Sariah. “I’m just guessing here, but you’re not going to listen to a single thing that idiot just said, right?”

  “Damn straight.”

  “Good,” Had said. “Just wanted to make sure we were on the same page.

  * * *

  Going through older case files was maybe not how Kyle would have chosen to spend a normal workday. But today was anything but a normal workday, and these case files were of homicides that had happened right here in his backyard.

  He was surrounded by the vaguely vanilla scent of paper that had been sitting around for a while. Didn’t seem to matter how long a case file had been tucked away, a week, or years and years, they all smelled the same. It was a comforting scent, somehow. The crimes detailed on the pages were horrific, but the smell was the same as what you’d find in a second-hand bookstore.


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