Infinite Stars

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Infinite Stars Page 22

by Bryan Thomas Schmidt

  Suegar’s left arm, lashing out for a backhand blow, was caught and locked. Miles winced in sympathetic anticipation of the familiar muffled crack of breaking bones, but instead the man stripped off the rag rope bracelet from Suegar’s wrist.

  “Hey, Suegar!” the man taunted, dancing backward. “Look what I got!”

  Suegar’s head swiveled, his attention wrenched from his determined defense of Miles. The man peeled the wrinkled, tattered piece of paper from its cloth covering and waved it in the air. Suegar cried out in dismay and started to plunge toward him, but found himself blocked by two other bodies. The man tore the paper in half twice, then paused, as if momentarily puzzled how to dispose of it—then, with a sudden grin, stuffed the pieces in his mouth and started chewing. Suegar screamed.

  “Dammit,” cried Miles furiously, “it was me you wanted! You didn’t have to do that—” He jammed his fist with all his strength into the smirking face of the nearest attacker, whose attention had been temporarily distracted by Suegar’s show.

  He could feel his bones shatter all the way back through his wrist. He was so damned tired of the bones, tired of being hurt again and again…

  Suegar was screaming and sobbing and trying to gain on the paper chewer, who stood and chewed on through his grin. Suegar had lost all science in his attack, flailing like a windmill. Miles saw him go down, then had no attention left for anything but the anaconda coil of the strangling cord, settling over his own neck. He managed to get one hand between the cord and his throat, but it was the broken one. Cables of pain shuddered up his arm, seeming to burrow under his skin all the way to his shoulder. The pressure in his head mounted to bursting, closing down his vision. Dark purple and yellow moiré-patterned clouds boiled up in his eyes like thunderheads. A flashing brush of red hair sizzled past his tunneling vision…

  He was on the ground then, with blood, wonderful blood, thudding back into his oxygen-starved brain. It hurt good, hot and pulsing. He lay for a moment not caring about anything else. It would be so good not to have to get up again…

  The damned dome, cold and white and featureless, mocked his returning vision. Miles jerked onto his knees, staring around wildly. Beatrice, some Enforcers, and some of Oliver’s commando buddies were chasing Miles’s would-be assassins across the camp. Miles had probably only passed out for a few seconds. Suegar lay on the ground a couple of meters off.

  Miles crawled over to Suegar. The thin man lay curled up around his stomach, his face pale green and clammy, involuntary shivers coursing through his body. Not good. Shocky. Keep patient warm and administer synergine. No synergine. Miles peeled clumsily out of his tunic and laid it over Suegar. “Suegar? You all right? Beatrice chased off the barbarians…”

  Suegar looked up and smiled briefly, but the smile was reabsorbed almost immediately by distancing pain.

  Beatrice came back eventually, mussed and breathing heavily. “You loonies,” she greeted them dispassionately. “You don’t need a bodyguard, you need a bloody keeper.” She flopped onto her knees beside Miles to stare at Suegar. Her lips thinned to a pale slit. She glanced at Miles, her eyes darkening, the creases between her brows deepening.

  I’ve changed my mind, Miles thought. Don’t start caring for me, Beatrice, don’t start caring for anybody. You’ll only get hurt. Over and over and over…

  “You better come back to my group,” said Beatrice.

  “I don’t think Suegar can walk.”

  Beatrice rounded up some muscle, and the thin man was rolled onto a sleeping mat and carried, too much like Colonel Tremont’s corpse for Miles’s taste, back to their now-usual sleeping place.

  “Find a doctor for him,” Miles demanded.

  Beatrice came back, strong-arming an angry, older woman.

  “He’s probably got a busted belly,” snarled the doctor. “If I had a diagnostic viewer, I could tell you just what was busted. You got a diagnostic viewer? He needs synergine and plasma. You got any? I could cut him, and glue him back together, and speed his healing with electra-stim, if I had an operating theatre. Put him back on his feet in three days, no sweat. You got an operating theatre? I thought not.

  “Stop looking at me like that. I used to think I was a healer. It took this place to teach me I was nothing but an interface between the technology and the patient. Now the technology is gone, and I’m just nothing.”

  “But what can we do?” asked Miles.

  “Cover him up. In a few days he’ll either get better or die, depending on what got busted. That’s all.” She paused, standing with folded arms and regarding Suegar with rancor, as if his injury was a personal affront. And so it was, for her: another load of grief and failure, grinding her hard-won healer’s pride into the dirt. “I think he’s going to die,” she added.

  “I think so, too,” said Miles.

  “Then what did you want me for?” She stomped off.

  Later she came back with a sleeping mat and a couple of extra rags, and helped put them around and over Suegar for added insulation, then stomped off again.

  Tris reported to Miles. “We got those guys who tried to kill you rounded up. What do you want done with ’em?”

  “Let them go,” said Miles wearily. “They’re not the enemy.”

  “The hell they’re not!”

  “They’re not my enemies, anyway. It was just a case of mistaken identity. I’m just a hapless traveler, passing through.”

  “Wake up, little man. I don’t happen to share Oliver’s belief in your ‘miracle.’ You’re not passing through here. This is the last stop.”

  Miles sighed. “I’m beginning to think you’re right.” He glanced at Suegar, breathing shallowly and too fast, beside whom he crouched in watch. “You’re almost certainly right, by this time. Nevertheless—let them go.”

  “Why?” she wailed, outraged.

  “Because I said to. Because I asked you to. Would you have me beg for them?”

  “Aargh! No. All right!” She wheeled away, running her hands through her clipped hair and muttering under her breath.

  * * *

  A timeless time passed. Suegar lay on his side not speaking, though his eyes flicked open now and then to stare unseeing. Miles moistened his lips with water periodically. A chow call came and went without incident or Miles’s participation; Beatrice passed by and dropped two rat bars beside them, stared at them with a carefully hardened gaze of general disapproval, and stalked off.

  Miles cradled his injured hand and sat cross-legged, mentally reviewing the catalogue of errors that had brought him to this pass. He contemplated his seeming genius for getting his friends killed. He had a sick premonition that Suegar’s death was going to be almost as bad as Sergeant Bothari’s, six years ago, and he had known Suegar only weeks, not years. Repeated pain, as he had reason to know, made one more afraid of injury, not less, a growing, gut-wrenching dread. Not again, never again…

  He lay back and stared at the dome, the white, unblinking eye of a dead god. And had more friends than he knew already been killed by this megalomanic escapade? It would be just like the Cetagandans, to leave him in here all unknowing, and let the growing doubt and fear gradually drive him crazy.

  Swiftly drive him crazy—the god’s eye blinked.

  * * *

  Miles blinked in sympathetic nervous recoil, opened his eyes wide, stared at the dome as if his eyes could bore right through it. Had it blinked? Had the flicker been hallucinatory? Was he losing it?

  It flickered again. Miles shot to his feet, inhaling, inhaling, inhaling.

  The dome blinked out. For a brief instant, planetary night swept in, fog and drizzle and the kiss of a cold wet wind. This planet’s unfiltered air smelled like rotten eggs. The unaccustomed dark was blinding.

  “CHOW CALL!” Miles screamed at the top of his lungs.

  Then limbo transmuted to chaos in the brilliant flash of a smart bomb going off beyond a cluster of buildings. Red light glared off the underside of an enormous billowing cloud of deb
ris, blasting upward.

  A racketing string of similar hits encircled the camp, peeled back the night, deafened the unprotected. Miles, still screaming, could not hear his own voice. A returning fire from the ground clawed the clouds with lines of colored light.

  Tris, her eyes stunned, rocketed past him. Miles grabbed her by the arm with his good hand and dug in his heels to brake her, yanking her down so he could scream in her ear.

  “This is it! Get the fourteen group leaders organized, make ’em get their first blocks of two hundred lined up and waiting all around the perimeter. Find Oliver, we’ve got to get the Enforcers moving to get the rest waiting their turn under control. If this goes exactly as we drilled it, we’ll all get off.” I hope. “But if they mob the shuttles like they used to mob the rat bar pile, none of us will. You copy?”

  “I never believed—I didn’t think—shuttles?”

  “You don’t have to think. We’ve drilled this fifty times. Just follow the chow drill. The drill!”

  “You sneaky little sonofabitch!” The acknowledging wave of her arm, as she dashed off, was very like a salute.

  A string of flares erupted in the sky above the camp, as if a white strobe of lightning went on and on, casting a ghastly illumination on the scene below. The camp seethed like a termite mound kicked over. Men and women were running every which way in shouting confusion. Not exactly the orderly vision Miles had had in mind—why, for example, had his people chosen a night drop and not a daytime one?—he would grill his staff later on that point, after he was done kissing their feet—

  “Beatrice!” Miles waved her down. “Start passing the word! We’re doing the chow call drill. But instead of a rat bar, each person gets a shuttle seat. Make ’em understand that—don’t let anybody go haring off into the night or they’ll miss their flight. Then come back here and stay by Suegar. I don’t want him getting lost or trampled on. Guard, you copy?”

  “I’m not a damn dog. What shuttles?”

  The sound Miles’s ears had been straining for penetrated the din at last, a high-pitched, multi-faceted whine that grew louder and louder. They loomed down out of the boiling scarlet-tinged clouds like monstrous beetles, carapaced and winged, feet extending even as they watched. Fully armored combat-drop shuttles, two, three, six… seven, eight… Miles’s lips moved as he counted. Thirteen, fourteen, by God. They had managed to get #B-7 out of the shop in time.

  Miles pointed. “My shuttles.”

  Beatrice stood with her mouth open, staring upward. “My God. They’re beautiful.” He could almost see her mind start to ratchet forward. “But they’re not ours. Not Cetagandan either. Who the hell…?”

  Miles bowed. “This is a paid political rescue.”


  “We’re not something wriggling with too many legs that you found in your sleeping bag. The proper tone of voice is Mercenaries!—with a glad cry.”


  “Go, dammit. Argue later.”

  She flung up her hands and ran.

  Miles himself started tackling every person within reach, passing on the order of the day. He captured one of Oliver’s tall commando buddies and demanded a boost on his shoulders. A quick look around showed fourteen coagulating knots of people in the mob scattered around the perimeter in nearly the right positions. The shuttles hovered, engines howling, then thumped to the ground one by one all around the camp.

  “It’ll have to do,” Miles muttered to himself. He slapped the commando’s shoulder. “Down.”

  He forced himself to walk to the nearest shuttle, a run on the shuttles being just the scenario he had poured out blood and bone and pride these last—three, four?—weeks to avoid.

  A quartet of fully armed and half-armored troops were the first down the shuttle ramp, taking up guard positions. Good. They even had their weapons pointed in the right direction, toward the prisoners they were here to rescue. A larger patrol, fully armored, followed to gallop off double time, leapfrogging their own covering-fire range into the dark toward the Cetagandan installations surrounding the dome circle. Hard to judge which direction held the most danger—from the continuing fireworks, his fighter shuttles were providing plenty of external distraction for the Cetagandans.

  At last came the man Miles most wanted to see, the shuttle’s com officer.

  “Lieutenant, uh”—he connected face and name—“Murka! Over here!”

  Murka spotted him. He fumbled excitedly with his equipment and called into his audio pickup, “Commodore Tung! He’s here, I got him!”

  Miles peeled the com set ruthlessly from the lieutenant’s head, who obligingly ducked down to permit the theft, and jammed it on his own head left-handed in time to hear Tung’s voice reply tinnily, “Well, for God’s sake don’t lose him again, Murka. Sit on him if you have to.”

  “I want my staff,” called Miles into the pickup. “Have you retrieved Elli and Elena yet? How much time have we got for this?”

  “Yes, sir, no, and about two hours—if we’re lucky,” Tung’s voice snapped back. “Good to have you back aboard, Admiral Naismith.”

  “You’re telling me… Get Elena and Elli. Priority One.”

  “Working. Tung out.”

  Miles turned to find that the rat bar group leader in this section had actually succeeded in marshaling his first group of two hundred, and was engaged in making the second two hundred sit back down in a block to wait their turns. Excellent. The prisoners were being channeled up the ramp one at a time through a strange gauntlet. A mercenary slit the back of each gray tunic with a swift slice from a vibra-knife. A second mercenary slapped each prisoner across the back with a medical stunner. A third made a pass with a surgical hand-tractor, roughly ripping out the Cetagandan serial numbers encoded beneath the skin. He didn’t bother to waste time on bandaging after. “Go to the front and sit five across, go to the front and sit five across, go to the front…” he chanted, droning in time to his hypnotically moving device.

  Miles’s sometime-adjutant Captain Thorne appeared, hurrying out of the glare and black shadows, flanked by one of the fleet’s ship’s surgeons and—praise be—a soldier carrying some of Miles’s clothes, and boots. Miles dove for the boots, but was captured instead by the surgeon.

  She ran a med stunner between his bare uneven shoulder blades, and zipped a hand-tractor across in its path.

  “Ow!” Miles yelped. “Couldn’t you wait one bleeding second for the stun to cut in?” The pain faded rapidly to numbness as Miles’s left hand patted for the damage. “What’s this all about?”

  “Sorry, sir,” said the surgeon insincerely. “Stop that, your fingers are dirty.” She applied a plastic bandage. Rank hath its privileges. “Captain Bothari-Jesek and Commander Quinn learned something from their fellow Cetagandan prison monitors that we hadn’t known before you went in. These encodes are permeated with drug beads, whose lipid membranes are kept aligned by a low-power magnetic field the Cetagandans were generating in the dome. An hour out of the dome, and the membranes start to break down, releasing a poison. About four hours later the subject dies—very unpleasantly. A little insurance against escapes, I guess.”

  Miles shuddered, and said faintly, “I see.” He cleared his throat, and added more loudly, “Captain Thorne, mark a commendation—with highest honors—to Commander Elli Quinn and Captain Elena Bothari-Jesek. The, ah, our employer’s intelligence service didn’t even have that one. In fact, our employer’s intelligence data lacked on a truly vast number of points. I shall have to speak to them—sharply—when I present the bill for this expanded operation. Before you put that away, doctor, numb my hand, please.” Miles stuck out his right hand for the surgeon’s inspection.

  “Did it again, did you?” muttered the surgeon. “I’d think you’d learn…” A pass with the medical stunner, and Miles’s swollen hand disappeared from his senses entirely, nothing left from the wrist down. Only his eyes assured him it was still attached to his arm.

��Yes, but will they pay for the expanded operation?” asked Captain Thorne anxiously. “This started out as a one-shot lightning strike to hook out one guy, just the sort of thing little outfits like us specialize in—now it’s straining the whole Dendarii fleet. These damned prisoners outnumber us two to one. This wasn’t in the original contract. What if our perennial mystery employer decides to stiff us?”

  “They won’t,” said Miles. “My word. But—there’s no doubt I’ll have to deliver the bill in person.”

  “God help them, then,” muttered the surgeon, and took herself off to continue pulling encodes from the waiting prisoners.

  Commodore Ky Tung, a squat, middle-aged Eurasian in half-armor and a command channel headset, turned up at Miles’s elbow as the first shuttles loaded with prisoners clapped their locks shut and screamed up into the black fog. They took off in first-come first-served positions, no waiting. Knowing Tung’s passion for tight formations, Miles judged time must be their most dangerous limiting factor.

  “What are we loading these guys onto, upstairs?” Miles asked Tung.

  “We gutted a couple of used freighters. We can cram about five thousand in the holds of each. The ride out is going to be fast and nasty. They’ll all have to lie down and breathe as little as possible.”

  “What are the Cetagandans scrambling to catch us?”

  “Right now, barely more than some police shuttles. Most of their local space military contingent just happens to be on the other side of their sun just now, which is why we just happened to pick this moment to drop by… we had to wait for their practice maneuvers again, in case you were starting to wonder what was keeping us. In other words, the same scenario as our original plan to pull Colonel Tremont.”

  “Except expanded by a factor of ten thousand. And we’ve got to get in—what, four lifts? Instead of one,” said Miles.

  “Yeah, but get this.” Tung grinned. “They sited these prison camps on this miserable outpost planet so’s they wouldn’t have to expend troops and equipment guarding them—counted on distance from Marilac, and the downgearing of the war there, to discourage rescue attempts. But in the period since you went in, half of their original guard complement has been pulled to other hot spots. Half!”


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