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Ride for Two: A Biker Erotic Romance (Black Death MC)

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by A. L. Summers

  Lina woke up suddenly with a slap to the face.

  “Where does he keep the files?” Lina let out a heartfelt sigh and tried to play it cool.

  “He will find you. You’re not that smart. He is. I don’t know what files you’re looking for and I wouldn’t tell you if I did.”

  Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say. The man retrieved a knife from his pocket. It was a large fish-gutting type, she thought. She’d never seen someone carry one around, but she supposed it served its purpose. She was definitely terrified.

  He unsheathed it and held it against her bare arm. He twisted around her restraints so that the underside of her arm faced up.

  “I’m going to ask you once more today. Each time I ask, the pain is going to get worse. I won’t stop until you tell me what I want to know.”

  “Then, ask your stupid ass question. Let’s get this over with,” she retorted.

  “Where are the files your husband keeps?”

  “In the fucking file cabinet. Why would I know?” She barely got the question out before the knife sliced into her skin. She let out a hiss.

  It hurt. In fact, it hurt much more than she thought it would. She told herself it would be like a big paper cut, but this was not like that. The knife was sharp. It cut cleanly. She watched her arm open up and start to bleed right before her eyes. Such red, red blood.

  She started to feel nauseous. It was something she hadn’t felt in a while and definitely not of this magnitude.

  The man rose and walked out the door. He locked it with an audible snick. She couldn’t stop staring at her wound. She felt herself start to tremble and tried to get ahold of herself.

  About an hour or two later, he came back. She tried to be brave, but inside she was quivering. What would he do now?

  He pulled something out from a shoulder bag. This was the first time she’d seen him wear it. He dropped it on her lap. She realized it was a tablet of some sort. It powered up and she waited for his instructions.

  “What? Did you want to play Words with Friends or something?” She joked bitterly. He didn’t respond. Clearly, he wasn’t the joking type.

  “Your phone is now destroyed, so we can’t use it. Email your husband. Explain to him what you need and what will happen if you don’t get it.” After that, the man clearly identified to her what body parts would be missing. Then, he proceeded to tell her what would happen to her if she didn’t get him what he was asking for. She gulped. More waves of nausea rolled through her.

  She started writing the email. The man told her he would be back. He said the message wouldn’t send until he typed in the password for internet access.

  After a few minutes, she realized that this might be the only chance she had to convey a message to Logan. She thought back on their secret language. She hoped that he would understand what she was doing.

  Other than a few oddly placed capital letters and an unusual amount of colors, she was ready. After a little while, the man came back. He read over what she typed. It was short and to the point, but then, it mentioned a couple work items. He apparently didn’t seem to think it was out of the ordinary. She watched him send the message.

  If she could have, she would have crossed her fingers and her toes. She hoped that Logan would realize what she tried to do. She prayed he would find her.

  Logan opened up his email with a sinking feeling. He heard the notification sound. He knew that he would see a message from Lina or her kidnappers. He wasn’t mistaken. He opened the email from her with the police behind him. Why? He didn’t know. What could they possibly do? It wasn’t a phone call, just an email. No way to track or trace it. No way to get her back just by looking at it.

  He read and reread the email at least a hundred times over the next hour. He knew there was something off. He just couldn’t quite place it. As he looked back at old emails between them, he finally figured it out. I married a brilliant woman, he thought to himself. For the first time in a day, he took a deep breath. He showed the police the code they had created. Then, he pointed out how she used the word “red” and left him a couple other bread crumbs as to her location. He was also able to figure out what the man wanted from her, as well.

  She indicated she was fine and that she loved him. Other than that, there were no real clues as to her safety or well-being. Reading the actual subject line, they were demanding some files that he had of some drug deals gone bad. He guessed that this person wasn’t one the good guys. That meant they were either the bad guys or worked for the bad guys. Either way, it didn’t matter to him. He only cared that Lina was safe and the police would take out the bad guys.

  In the message, she had given him clues about where she was being held captive. She could hear church bells twice a day. She also indicated that there must be a railroad crossing overhead. She didn’t know what direction her abductors drove to get to their hiding place, but she could tell Logan approximately how long they drove for.

  In the first day, he received three more emails. These emails communicated what they wanted and what they needed. He also got a chance to converse a little bit more with Lina. While they had to be discreet and couldn’t say what they felt, he knew that she was scared. When he thought about what she was going through, he started second guess himself on whether it was right to wait for the police to make their move. As it turned out, Lina knew him better than he knew himself. When he became overly aggressive, she hid a line about being patient. She also hinted that she trusted him and she didn’t want him to turn into the person used to be.

  If he hadn’t already loved her beyond all belief, listening to her calm him down probably would’ve done the trick. It crossed his mind that she could do better than him. Then, he quickly realized that he didn’t care. Even if it was selfish of him, he was never giving her up.

  A few more days went by. Several more emails were exchanged. Finally, they tracked her down to an abandoned warehouse just outside of town. Even though they knew where she was held captive, they arranged for a drop-off spot. They decided to use the lure of the files to draw out the kidnappers.

  Logan had no intention of handing over the files, but he gave every indication that he meant to. He even passed along a few remarks about getting back into the business. He simply wanted to keep them interested.

  At the rendezvous point, Logan dropped the duffle bag, as scheduled. He was told by the police to walk away slowly. Most likely, it would take ten or fifteen minutes until they’d try to pick it up. He had to be out of the area for the kidnappers to feel safe to pick up the files.

  It didn’t take quite that long. About ten minutes in, the abductors made their move. Logan watched from the undercover police van parked a mile away. The abductors picked up the duffle bag from the drop spot and walked back to their vehicle.

  After the bag was picked up, an undercover civilian car and the unmarked van headed for the warehouse where they believed Lina was held captive. The location of the warehouse matched all the clues she gave them. They were confident it was the right place. Although anything was possible, they were sure that they weren’t wasting their time and simply tipping off the criminals.

  The police took over. They fired gas canisters into the main hallways to clear them out. Because they knew that Lina was in the basement, they took certain liberties with the man on the first level. Logan praised God that Lina figured out clues to her whereabouts. The clues helped the police greatly. Without them, they would’ve had to do more to ensure Lina’s safety. He doubted the mission would have been a success, if the police had to take countless precautions.

  They reached the lower level and motioned for Logan to take cover behind a large metal object. He did so. Then, he waited for them to bust in the door. They went inside and found a door with a large padlock. He could hear Lina's voice behind it and sent up a silent prayer that she was alright.

  The door swung open and his eyes found her immediately. She was bound and bloody. He could see where there were open gashes
on her forearms. She had several shallow cuts on her face and legs, too. He rushed to her. He barely heard the warnings the police gave him, but he couldn’t stop himself from running to her. Just after crossing the threshold, he heard something behind him and turned towards the noise. He saw a quick glimpse of a man covered in black. The next instant, a scathing pain reached his face. His world went dark and he collapsed to his knees.

  Lina saw him crumple and screamed. She struggled against her bonds. The man in black took one more step toward him. Before the man reached Logan, the police shot off a warning round into his shoulder. He hit the ground. Quickly, the police tied the man up and lifted him out of the room. They untied Lina and she ran to Logan’s side.

  "Logan?" she whispered, terrified. She pushed on him gently. She heard the police call out for an ambulance. When Logan’s face turned towards her, she couldn't stop the gasp that flew out of her mouth.

  His entire face was covered in blood. A knife butt stuck out of a wound near his temple, above his right eye. She felt for his pulse. It was there, but weak.

  Minutes later, the ambulance technicians came in with the stretcher. They quickly loaded him in the ambulance and took off towards hospital. Lina rode inside the ambulance. She watched as the medics worked on him while they sped onwards. Once they arrived inside the hospital, they immediately proceeded to clean him up and prepare him for surgery.

  Various nurses informed Lina on his status, as they worked to remove the knife. It was a slow process. She knew Logan would likely have optic or brain injuries, if he survived this. A wound near the temple could be deadly.

  It was late before the procedure was complete. Lina was told that Logan was cleaned and stitched. He rested in the hospital bed and Lina immediately went to him. She vowed to stay by his side until he was released from the hospital.

  She held his hand while they patched her up, as well. Most of her cuts were shallow. Only a few deeper ones needed stitches.

  Lina sat and prayed. She thought of all the things she had never said to Logan. Then, she reflected on how empty her life seemed without him. She didn't want any more mornings apart from him, no matter the circumstances. She could give up the fancy house, her car, her job...anything just to bring him from the brink of death.

  He woke up almost twenty-four hours later. She saw him blink his eyes open. She couldn't help herself. She leaped up and hugged him.

  "You're awake!" she shrieked. After she settled down, she said, "If you ever do that to me again, Logan Black, so help me..."

  She waited for him to answer. She saw him open and shut his mouth a couple times, then his jaw pulsed and tensed. His eyes remained unfocused and glassy.

  "Baby? Are you okay?" she asked, concerned. She rubbed his hand for support. "I know you're in a lot of pain but..."

  She trailed off. What else could she say? I'm sorry you ended up injured, again, because of me? She settled with, "I love you. Thank you, for what you did, Logan."

  He said something, but she didn't quite catch it. Then, he repeated it louder with an edge of panic, "Lina, I can't see. I can't see anything."



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