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Stone Heir (The Kahlian Series Book 1)

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by Aimee Hunter

  "Then I should give you my thanks. If you need anything, just ask and it is yours. I will never be able to repay you for saving my fiancé’s life." He said keeping his eyes locked with Mason's. He hadn't missed their exchange, and he wanted to squash any infatuation quickly; and judging by the look on the woman's face, she was none too pleased by that bit of news.

  "Indeed. How long do you plan on staying in Culville?" Alexander asked. Mason tore her gaze from Devon's hated face, to address the King.

  "At least until my sister is healed, Your Majesty. Though I would like to stay and help. I want to know who supplied those mutants with guns and taught them how to use them." Alexander's gaze sharpened at that and swung to Captain Grimes.

  "It's true, Majesty." Jonathan confirmed. Alexander looked back at the sisters.

  "You may stay at the Palace if you wish. I will have my personal physician look after your sister. The rest of you people will be given free room and board where ever they chose to stay. We owe you a great debt, Ms. Stone." He said matter-of-factly.

  "Thank you, Majesty. Your physician is unnecessary, as I am a healer. I just need supplies to treat her wound, but a hot meal and a soft bed would settle any debt with me." Diana laughed, causing the King to laugh as well.

  "Then you shall have it, My Lady!"

  Chapter Five

  Mason reclined in a tub of steaming water, a soft sigh escaping her lips. The heat seeping into tired muscles relaxing and soothing after a day filled with tension. She closed her eyes, clenching her teeth. She had been so close. She could have killed him before anyone realized she had moved. But suddenly, things had become complicated.

  If she was honest with herself, things became complicated the moment she laid eyes on Princess Rena McKinnon. She sighed in frustration. There was just something about her that pulled at Mason. She shook her head and set to getting clean, trying not to think about the way Rena had smiled at her this morning. So deep in thought was she, that she didn't hear the door open.

  Rena stood frozen in the doorway, staring at her in the tub. She hadn't known Mason would be bathing, she had come to thank her for all she had done. Her traitorous eyes drank in the sight before them, making her pulse quicken. She wrenched her eyes away and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly.

  Mason suddenly became aware that she wasn't alone anymore and surged to her feet, water cascading down her sculpted body. Rena's eyes widened and she spun around quickly.

  "Forgive me, Mason. I didn't know you were bathing." She apologized a bit breathlessly. Mason stared at her stiff back for a moment, calming herself.

  "It's alright, Your Highness. Could you hand me a robe, please?" She requested. Rena nodded and grabbed the robe from its hook, handing it to Mason while keeping her eyes safely fixed to the floor.

  "My name is Rena." She said with a smile. Mason paused while tying the sash of her robe around her waist. A slow smile working its way across her face. Reaching down, she pulled the plug, watching the water circle down the drain for a moment, collecting her thoughts. She turned back to Rena, slightly startled to find herself staring into those beautiful golden brown eyes.

  "Uh," she cleared her throat, "Are you really going to marry Prince Devon?" she wanted to know. At Rena's slight nod, Mason arched an eyebrow. "Why?" she pressed. Rena sighed and leaned against the door jam.

  "Not that it's any of your business," she teased, then continued. "Because I must." Mason frowned, picking up a towel to dry her hair.

  "Do you love him?" she asked gently. Rena snorted and shook her head.

  "I only just met him." She replied, "I'm only marrying him because our fathers wish an alliance. Marriage seemed to be the best solution." She explained watching Mason towel dry her hair. "What about you? Are you married?" Mason peeked out from under her towel and grinned before answering.

  "No. There hasn't been anyone special in my life for a long time." She answered quietly. She tossed the towel aside and ran her hand through her hair.

  "I came by to thank you for all your help today." Rena said after a moment of comfortable silence.

  "You're welcome. Hey, you saved Lana's life. I think we're even." She grinned at her. Rena laughed and straightened from where she was leaning.

  "I guess I'll see you at dinner then." She said as she turned to go.

  "Rena." Mason said coming up behind her to rest her hand on her shoulder gently. " careful around Devon." she warned. Rena turned her head to look back at her and saw something she couldn't identify in Mason's eyes, and nodded. The sound of someone clearing their throat made both women jump.

  "Sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt." Diana apologized, shooting a questioning glance at Mason, who shook her head.

  "That's alright, Diana. I was just leaving." Rena stepped away from Mason's warm hand and tried not to miss the contact. Diana moved to the side to allow the Princess to exit the room. After the door closed behind her, Mason groaned and went back to the bathroom.

  "Where the hell is my damn brush?" she muttered to herself.

  "What are you doing?" Diana demanded, following her and crossing her arms.

  "Looking for a brush?"

  "Don't be stupid, Mason. You know what I mean." Diana snapped.

  "I’m not doing anything." she muttered.

  "Uh huh. You know who she's marrying right?"

  "Yes! Damn it." Mason ground out. Diana gazed at her sister for a long moment.

  "You'll only get hurt." she warned

  "No I won't, because nothing is going to happen." she said glaring at her. Diana shrugged and handed her the brush.

  "We'll see." was all she said before leaving to get ready for dinner.

  Mason walked through the massive oak doors that led to the dining hall and stopped. Dressed in burgundy suede breeches and an untucked white peasant shirt, she felt a little underdressed. The dining hall itself was huge, and had ornate decor in gold, black and red, the Corlando colors. She had to bite the inside of her cheek when she saw the crest on the banners hanging over the long table that dominated the center of the hall. It was the black silhouette of a wolf running at top speed.

  She tore her gaze away and swept the room looking for her sisters. She was relieved to see them dressed as casually as she was. Looking around the room once more, she tensed when she spotted Damian. Sneaky little bastard, she thought. She moved over to her sisters, taking in Lana's sling.

  "Glad to see you up and about little sis." she said, arching an eyebrow at the fake sling. Lana offered a sheepish grin. She didn't need the sling; her wound was already healed. Shape shifters healed quickly, but the sling was for appearances. The people who had seen her injury wouldn't understand its absence.

  All heads turned towards the door as the King and Prince entered with Rena trailing just behind. The people already gathered around the table bowed respectfully to the Royal Family. Mason caught Rena's somber gaze and winked, flashing her an amused smile, causing the Princess to smile and shake her head in amusement at Mason. Diana and Lana stared between Mason and Rena. Lana leaned over and hissed in Mason's ear.

  "Are you crazy? Her Prince is right there. My God, Mason! If looks could kill, you'd be six feet under." Mason turned her head and found herself nose to nose with Lana.

  "The only one that's going to be six feet under, is him. Rena is my friend, dear sister, one who looked like she could use a little cheering up." She whispered back, giving Lana a look that made her back up quickly. Mason turned that same gaze on Devon, meeting his glare with one of her own, holding it long enough to make him considerably uncomfortable before looking away. Nudging up against but not quite crossing the line into disrespecting their hosts son.

  Alexander noticed the silent exchange between Mason and Devon and wondered at the cause as he took his seat at the head of the table, with Devon sitting on his right and Damian claiming the seat next to him. Captain's Dumas and Grimes sat on his left while Rena took a seat next to Grimes with Mason sitting across from her, keepin
g an empty chair between herself and Damian, throwing a heated glare at his smug smirk. Diana took the empty seat but pointedly scooted closer to Mason.

  Devon picked up on the hostile under currents between Damian and the Stone women, as did Alexander.

  "Damian. Do you know Ms. Stone and her sisters?" he asked. Damian turned cold green eyes on Mason, before answering him.

  "Yes, Sire. We're from the same Kingdom." he replied, looking back at Alexander before continuing. "Their father was our King. Mason is his heir." he informed him. Surprised eyes turned to look at Mason from all directions.

  "Why, that means you're a Princess! All three of you!" Grimes yelped, mortification sweeping through him over his own behavior. Lana laughed softly before saying,

  "No, Captain. Only Diana and myself. Mason is our leader." she explained, shooting a glare at Diana when she elbowed her. Mason groaned inwardly, having not wanted that particular bit of information to be revealed.

  "Then, you're a Queen." Alexander commented in the shocked silence that followed. Mason could see where this was headed.

  "No, Your Majesty. Maybe someday. I am a leader among my people. Our Mother is Queen, our father King." she said, hoping to clear up any misconceptions. Alexander nodded in understanding.

  "Ah. By what Damian said, I thought your father had passed on from this world." he apologized. Mason turned her icy gaze onto Damian, before answering the unspoken question.

  "So did we all, Majesty." she admitted quietly, "But, fortunately, he has not." At Alexanders frown, Mason sighed heavily. She looked at her sisters, who both nodded. She sneaked a quick glance at Rena, only to find the other woman's eyes already fixed on her. Curiosity and amusement written plainly on her face.

  The Princess offered a small smile when Mason's gaze touched on her for a moment. She was as surprised as everyone else to learn of their royal lineage, and as she thought about it further, she realized she shouldn't be. She had seen from the start that all three women were accustomed to being in a position of authority. Especially Mason. Now she knew why; Diana and Lana were Princess', so therefore must be obeyed, but Mason was a leader, probably of an army, even her sisters obeyed her. Rena blinked and tuned back into the conversation as Mason began explaining.

  "Our father was kidnapped eight months ago. He was drugged and taken from his own bed. Our mother fought the kidnappers, killing several before being seriously injured. She healed quickly, but our father was nowhere to be found. And trust me when I say, it is nearly impossible to hide from our Clan." She told them, anger growing inside of her again, thinking of the betrayal. "We couldn't find him, even though we searched all the lands, even below them in the old cities. He was gone for nearly a year when we finally found him." She continued, her eyes turning to Damian, making it plain to everyone present, what her opinion was when she continued.

  "We found him bound and gagged. He had been tortured and starved. That was two months ago. Our father had been betrayed by a member of his inner circle." She turned her gaze back to Alexander. "That is why I am a leader among my Clan. I took the reins of power when our father disappeared. I still hold them while he recovers from his ordeal." She paused for a moment sipping from a glass of wine that had just been poured. "It is also one of the reasons we are here. I have my suspicions of who the traitor is and have tracked him to this area." She stated quietly, noting the shocked expressions around the table. Alexander cleared his throat and addressed Mason.

  "Well, Lady Mason, if there is anything that I or my people can do, anything to help you find this scoundrel, please let us know." He offered. Mason nodded her thanks and the subject was dropped as the meal was brought in.

  Steaming platters of pork and beef where brought in, along with assorted vegetables. The scent of freshly baked bread wafted through the great hall as baskets of it were placed on the table. The meat had been marinated in some kind of sweet sauce that Mason couldn't identify, the smell making her mouth water as she had servant load her plate.

  Her eyes closed in silent ecstasy as she bit into the beef. She slowly withdrew the fork that had carried the succulent meat, from her mouth. Her eyes opened when she felt someone's eyes on her only to clash gazes with Rena's heated one's. Mason smiled at her as she chewed. Rena blushed and turned her attention to her own meal, having a similar reaction to the delicious meat. The steamy vegetables were just as delicious. The corn, baby potatoes and rice were buttered and seasoned perfectly. There was plenty to go around and the chewy, melt in your mouth bread topped off an altogether excellent meal.

  Mason and Rena stole secret glances at each other throughout the meal. Neither noticing the other looking. One person noticed however, possessive jealousy flared in Devon's chest as he watched the unknowing exchange between the two women. Even though they were not yet married, Devon already saw the beautiful Princess as his, and he saw Mason as a threat.

  Diana noticed the smoldering glare Devon was directing towards Mason and leaned into his line of vision, arching a challenging eyebrow at him, causing him to blink and stare back at her.

  "Is there a problem, Your Highness?" she asked knowing full well what his problem was. Devon cleared his throat nervously as the table grew quiet and everyone turned their attention to the uncomfortable Prince. He shook his head.

  "No, Princess Diana." he responded.

  "Then kindly keep your eyes off my sister." she admonished him bluntly. Devon sucked in an outraged breath.

  "Then your sister shouldn't give me a reason to stare and you should watch your tone." He declared with indignant pride, trying to intimidate her. Accustomed to women backing down from him, he was shocked when Diana remained calm.

  "Then please, enlighten us to your reason." Devon's back stiffened.

  "Insolent bitch!" He ground out, as he rose to his feet gripping the knife on the table in front of him. Mason and Lana moved quickly to their feet.

  "Devon! That is enough boy!" Alexander bellowed. He took a long look at his son, seeing the stubborn pride of one who is accustomed to getting what he wants, regardless of the consequences. "How dare you speak to a guest in my home in such a manner!"

  "Father?" he questioned uncertainly, looking between Diana and his father, not quite sure how to take his father's reaction to the impudent woman’s disrespectful remarks. As far as he was concerned, the one who needed a lesson in manners was her. She needed to be taught her place!

  "Since your mother died, I've given you everything your heart desired. Let you get away with things my father would have beaten me for. You never had to deal with the consequences of your actions. Not until recently. Yes, boy, what happened was your fault. You should have left those wolves alone." he informed his shell shocked son.

  Mason turned at that to glare at the Prince, the only one to notice her hate-filled gaze was Rena, and she was curious to know what caused it.

  "Your Majesty," she said, drawing attention away from the angry Prince. "What do you mean? What wolves?" She wanted to know. Alexander let his head drop into his hand for a long moment before taking a deep breath then relating the tale.

  "My son, his three best friends and a regiment of six guards went hunting last month. They came across a pack of wolves, and killed them all for their pelts. All but one, a white female. That wolf hunted them down and killed all but Devon." He explained. Rena gasped in horror and turned disgusted eyes on Devon before looking back at the King as he continued. "He was warned against it, but as usual, he disregarded the warning and did as he pleased. Your men’s blood is on your hands, Son." The King said finally, facing his son.

  "No, Father! That wolf killed those men! Not me!" Devon exclaimed, slamming his hands on the table in rage. Alexander rose slowly, anger written in every line of his body.

  "Mind your tone, Devon." He warned in a low voice, leaning into his son's space. "If you had listened to reason, those men would be alive!" his voice raising to a shout. Devon's eyes widened and he stumbled back shaking his head in denial. "No." he bel
lowed, "NO!" he ran from the hall.

  Alexander seemed to be frozen in place after his son's departure. A great sigh escaped him and he collapsed back into his chair, resting his head in his palm.

  "Forgive us." He said, finally looking up to address his guests. "I think it would be best if we all said good night." He suggested. The guests rose and began filing out, as Mason, Lana and Diana began to leave Alexander called them back.

  "Ladies, a moment?" They turned back and retook they seats. Rena, who had been quiet since her initial inquiry, rose gracefully.

  "Your Majesty, if you'll excuse me. I think I'll retire." She said moving to exit the hall as well. The King waved her back into her seat.

  "This concerns you as well, Princess Rena." She sat back down uncertainly, glancing at the three women across from her. Alexander sighed for what felt like the hundredth time that evening, staring at the four women and two Captains sitting at the table with him. Finally, his attention centered on Diana.

  "I want to know what caused your argument with Devon." he demanded. Diana shrugged and looked him square in the eye.

  "He was staring at Mason. I don't know why. He thinks people are blind to what he does. I am not. Tonight, I let him know that." She told him plainly. Alexander nodded.

  "I see," he turned his gaze to Mason. "Lady Mason, do you have any idea why my son show's such hostility towards you?" he questioned. She also shrugged and responded.

  "I don't know, Sire. Maybe because Rena and I are friends. Maybe he sees me as competition." She mused, not knowing that she had guessed right. Rena's snort drew startled looks her way, and she grinned sheepishly.

  "That's ridiculous. I haven't even decided if I will marry him yet." She announced.

  "What?" Alexander said, frowning. "I was under the impression that it had been decided." He mumbled, confused.

  "So was I, until I heard what he did, and saw for myself his blatant disregard, not only for other people's opinions but for their feelings as well." She informed him. "I will not marry someone who has no compassion in his heart, or one who is so careless with life, be it human, animal or mutant." She added quietly. Alexander started to stutter a response but she held up her hand to silence him. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a slow grin work its way across Mason's face.


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